A Dragon's World 3 (DragonWorld)

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A Dragon's World 3 (DragonWorld) Page 2

by Serena Rose

  “The black dragon. Dresses in fancy robes a lot.”

  “Oh!” She said with realization. “Why do you need to see him?”

  “It’s… personal.”

  “That’s fine then.” We got maybe a few more feet before she drew in a sharp intake of breath. “By the gods! You’re dallying with him too, aren’t you?”

  “What? Why would you say that?” Now my cheeks were burning.

  It was funny, none of my trysts had seemed that scandalous while they were happening, but looking back, they certainly had a bit of salaciousness to them.

  “Because I’m not an idiot. Sneaking out from the loving care of the dragon golden boy to see the dark dragon that he doesn’t seem too chummy with can only mean one thing. How should I interpret it?”

  “Fine. You have a point. But don’t tell anybody.”

  “Who am I going to tell? I know jack all people here and pissing off the woman I went through such lengths to save would be a terrible choice.”

  “You may have a point.”

  “Ye bet yer damn skirts I have a point. I’m in the habit of makin’ em.”

  As always, it was hard not to laugh at her very frank and assured way of saying things. I had been like that… hadn’t I? Before all the visions and dragon political things and then the human political things. There had been a time where I didn’t mince my words and think three times before saying something I meant, right?

  Being rhetorical in nature, my question didn’t get answered before we arrived at a door in the craggy walls of the mountain that looked remarkably similar to Myrik’s previous residence, just smaller. Carva let out a low whistle as she appraised the architecture.

  “You’ve certainly got a taste for a certain class of man, don’t you?”

  “Shh!” I urged. She held up her hands in mock surrender before closing her mouth into a thin line. Once I was sure she would behave, I knocked on the door.

  I knew there was no physically possible way that the sound of my knock could travel all the way down the hall -assuming it was as long as the one from his old home- and yet a few seconds later, Myrik was opening the door.

  “Lady Mercedes.” He said flatly, his face betraying absolutely no emotion. I admired that ability, even if it was incredibly infuriating given the situation. “Was there something you needed?”

  “Yes. To talk. Now.”

  “I don’t believe-”

  “That wasn’t a question,” I continued, pushing past him and into the house. Unlike his previous shelter, this one did not have the long, unnecessarily creepy tunnel leading into the main part of the house.

  “And what of your friend?”

  “Oh, I’ll be just fine waiting out here.” Carva said.

  Myrik’s gaze shifted from me to her and then back before he signed. “Who am I to refuse a lady?” He intoned before closing the door and gesturing for me to sit in one of the chairs sprawled about.

  Unsurprisingly, his new living arrangements were filled to the brim with books and scrolls. I’m sure that after everything that had happened, his thirst to uncover some miniscule fact about the humans that could put his people on top was greater than ever.

  “What do you need?”

  His expression was so cold, so foreign that it almost intimidated me out of answering entirely, but I forced myself to keep going.

  “I think we should probably talk about whatever happened between us.”

  “What do you mean?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Oh, come on! You know exactly what I mean! We slept together and I need to know where that puts us.”

  “Why does it have to put us anywhere?” He said with a shrug. “We had a roll while your precious prince was missing. He’s back now, so you can run to him without any detriment to whatever moralistic debate is going on inside that insane thought process of yours.”

  Now I was just getting irritated. “So that’s it? I was just a night’s occupation then? Nothing mattered about it?”

  He raised an eyebrow, looking only mildly surprised. “Did it matter to you?”

  “Of course, it did!” I shot back, much more bite in my word than actual syllables. “I have trust issues and don’t just fall into bed with every Tom, Dick and Dragon that falls into my path. Obviously, I was mistaken that you might feel the same.”

  This was not how I had expected this conversation to go. I thought it would be awkward, sure, having to explain how I still wanted both men in my life and felt connections to either of the pair, but I never imagined this stone-cold dismissal of what I thought had been a pretty amazing experience.


  “It’s fine.” I snapped, storming out and throwing open the door. Carva nearly jumped out of her skin, but quickly adapted a softer expression when she saw my red, almost-watering eyes. “Good day, Myrik.”

  I slammed the door shut after me and linked my arm through my friend’s. We didn’t say anything for a moment, and I was caught between sniffling in anger and waffling in embarrassment at my emotional reaction.

  “I take it that it didn’t go well?”

  I shrugged. “I suppose that was the best outcome. Now I don’t have to worry about breaking the heart of two men, but it’s not what I was hoping for.”

  “What were ya planning? Some sort of trio arrangement?”

  “I’m not sure.” I answered honestly. “I feel very strongly for both of them. One is my best friend and confidant, who supports everything I do. The other is a mentor who challenges me and always pushes me to be more. When he looks at me, I can tell that he’s seeing all that I could be, instead of just what I am now.”

  “Oy. And here I’d just like a fellow to not look at me like I’m a piece o’ ass.” That almost made me choke on sudden laughter and the rounder woman patted my hand. “Don’t worry about it, darling. These things solve themselves more often than not.”

  “Really? Because I definitely think that’s the exact opposite of being true.”

  “Probably because it is, but I’m trying to be a comfort here. Why do you have to poke a hole in everything?”

  “I suppose it’s in my nature.”

  “Ay, well I guess I can’t complain. You’re the reason we’re both standing here free instead of in the breeding pens or the castle.”

  I nodded and let her lead me back to where we had started. For once it was nice not to be on the run, or desperately planning some life or death Hail Mary. To rest, relax, and ponder things like ‘did I love him’ or if I even wanted him to love me.

  But despite the smiles, gossip and banter, I couldn’t help but expect that this couldn’t last much longer.


  My feet moved forward slowly, carefully. I wasn’t normally a fan of falling, but I was even less of a one now, considering my condition.

  It had been about two days since Gael had declared he was going to have be added to his people once more, and I was running out of time to drink Dwyllverys’ medicine. But I couldn’t very well put it down the hatch when I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do.

  Whatever was growing inside of me was a rare, almost extinct species. Not only that, it was part of a friend that I cared very deeply about. Then again, it could be a mutant, doomed to a short and painful life, and not to mention that chances of me dying in childbirth were pretty high, considering the time period I was in.

  My mind constantly chased itself around in these same circles, and I was not appeased as we approached the new Court of Champions.

  It was not nearly as ornate or ancient as the previous one, and it was also clear that no one had used it in many a year, but it housed the men just fine.

  It was good to see the Queen again, dressed in her normal finery and her white hair glistening like an angelic beacon.

  “Welcome, my children.” She intoned, as regal as ever. Maybe, when I grew up, I could be like her. “We gather for the first time in our new stronghold under request of Prince Gael.”

  He was dressed
in full regalia, in brilliant colors of silver, purple and blue. He looked like something out of a priceless painting, and I barely remembered to stifle a dreamy sigh in time. “My brothers and sisters,” he began, voice a commanding boom that sent thrills through me. “I have come today to ask you a question that I have before. Many of you agreed with me previously, but many of you did not.

  Much has changed in the time since, and I believe Lady Mercedes of the Shimmering Ilse has proven herself many times over and of being worthy of our name, and of our blood!

  How many times has she saved all of us as a people? Between sacrificing for us to collapse the tunnel of our capital and buying us enough time to escape to freedom since we were too busy squabbling amongst ourselves, to withstanding the tortures of the twisted human royalty, she has risked life and limb for a people who have repaid her with nothing but distrust, and even outright sabotage. Even I am only standing here today because this amazing, gracious woman was willing to give up her freedom for me.

  “And so, I ask once more that we adopt her into our fold with all the glory and recognition her name deserves.”

  For once there was no immediate shouts of disapproval, no men jumping to their feet in disagreement. Instead, there were quiet murmurs, discussions, questions, and of course, all eyes on the Queen.

  “I agree, my Prince,” The Queen said slowly. “I cannot thank the Seer of the Shimmering Ilse enough. My entire people are indebted to you. However-”

  “However!” Gael interrupted, surprising me and most likely everyone else present. “How can there be any more ‘however’s?! What else can she possibly do-”

  The Queen held up a slender, black taloned finger and this time my golden companion was wise enough to cut himself off. “However,” she continued patiently. “There is one thing I request of you.

  “It is not a trial, or a test, or anything else that would be presumptuous enough to think it could deem you worthy. Instead, I ask that you commune with the spirit of this mountain, and the great dragon that lies within it.”

  Another shocked murmur went through the court, and I looked carefully at the faces surrounding me. No one seemed upset, or appalled. Just… confused. Every visage I glanced at seemed utterly baffled.

  “I do not understand.”

  “Of course not, you are not from here. And yet, I think perhaps that might not matter.” She extended her hand, and I look it, her large fingers able to wrap around my palm three times over. “And you have every right to say no, but I have a feeling that you will not begrudge me this last favor.”

  “Your feelings are usually right.” I answered in a small voice, still awed by how large and powerful her form was.

  “Perhaps. But as I am sure one of my children has explained, we did not hollow out these mountains ourselves. It is the spirits of the land that allowed us our refuge in this strange continent.

  It is said that once the great spirits of our ancestors also found a haven here, among the rocks and caves, but we have not been able to speak with them since long before even I was born. Call it a foolish dream, but I was hoping that perhaps, in the heart of our kingdom among the most sacred of stones, you might be able to commune with what was lost to us.”

  Wow. That seemed like an awful lot of responsibility. “What makes you believe that a human would be able to do what your own people cannot?”

  She smiled sweetly, her ageless eyes crinkling at the corners. “Because of all my children, in all my years, you are the most dragon-like that I have ever had the honor of meeting. If there is anyone who can commune with the old spirits, it is the Seer who walks on dreams and risks everything to save a people who dishonor her.”

  I couldn’t help the color that went to my cheeks. Compliments from a Queen were something to be treasured, after all. But I still said nothing for several moments, churning over her request in my mind. I was going to say yes, there was no way I could ever refuse such a simple yet important favor, but I felt like the request carried far too much weight to agree to so flippantly.

  Once I felt like the appropriate time had passed to appear reverent, I nodded dutifully. “Whatever you may wish, your Majesty, I will ensure that is it done.”

  Another murmur of relief rippled through the court and the Queen sat back, looking quite content. “Thank you, my daughter. Tomorrow, the moon shall be at its fullest, and I will take you to our holiest of places within this city. The day after, when you have been bathed in the silver light of the night sky, and blessed by the spirits that guide us, we shall have the celebration of your day of birth.

  For you, Lady Mercedes of the Shimmering Ilse, will be a dragon.” I heard cries of triumph from my few allies, and a polite clapping from those who were less aligned with the idea. “I shall come for you on the morrow. For now, rest well.

  If none of my children have nothing else to ask of me, I shall continue our work on reparations to the humans we enslaved.” Her eyes had a spark to them as she said that, and if I wasn’t mistaken, I was pretty sure the Queen was being passive aggressive.

  But I didn’t have much time to be amused by the tactic, as I was being swept up in Gael’s strong arms and whirled around. He was all laughter and jubilation, and I found myself laughing too. His joy was downright infectious!

  By the time he set me down, and others began to line up to shake my hand, bow, or clap my back, most of the Court had gone. And when I was finally alone with just Gael, Dwyllverys and Jayne, I let out a huge sigh of relief.

  “So, all this time, it was just that easy, ey?”

  “It was just that easy,” the Prince answered. “You can see now why it enraged me that nay-sayers were giving so much trouble.”

  “Yeah. Well I guess I really put their racism into perspective.”

  “Their what?”

  “Nothing.” I let out a whoop and just let myself enjoy the moment. “Alright, it’s my last night as a human! We should do something exciting.”

  “Like what?” Jayne asked, grinning jovially.

  “Well, first of all you should invite Carva.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  I narrowed my gaze at him. “Because she’s one of my only human friends and otherwise the ratio is too skewed in your favor.”

  He shrugged, as affable as ever. “I’ll pretend that makes sense.”

  “Good. So, we’re going to need a room, a table, and a whole lot of food.”


  I let my fingers dance down the gossamer ribbons binding my bodice closed. My night had passed quite merrily, and I had slept through most of the day. It was hard to believe that after so much fighting, and someone collapsing an entire temple on me, that I was about to be accepted as one of the great shapeshifters.

  Gael had spared no efforts in making sure I was “ready” in his opinion. Somehow, he bullied the tailor to show up at the crack of glowstone-dawn, her helpers laden with two large chests. From there it was Dwyllverys who brushed my hair with approximately a million strokes while the seamstress and her helpers whirled around me in a textile frenzy.

  The effort was certainly worthwhile, however. The creation I was in was a pale, iridescent coral with several shimmering layers that caught the light just enough to sparkle like the night sky. The sleeves were long, with little details stitched all along the accent pieces, and I was fitted with dainty golden slippers.

  “Are you sure you are ready?” Gael asked, murmured, coming up from behind me to wrap his arms around my middle.

  “Even if I’m not, the Queen is on her way here with, um…whoever it is she’s bringing. Does she have an entourage or something?”

  “I’m not quite sure I understand what you mean.”

  I waved my hand. “It’s not important.”

  He slowly turned me around and held me gently to his frame. “Nothing about you is ever unimportant.”

  “Careful, you’re going to inflate my ego.” I tapped my finger against his lips. “And this is a very serious night that I have to h
ave a very serious face. Stop trying to butter me up.”

  “Can you begrudge me wanting to see you smile as often as possible?”

  “No, but I can begrudge how cheesy you’re being right now.”

  “Young love, it as beautiful as it is ephemeral.”

  We both jolted and turned to see the Queen approaching, her stride graceful as she walked alone.

  “Your Majesty.” I yelped, completely breaking the magical moment. “You’re here. Alone. Um, should you be traveling alone?”

  “Is there a reason why I shouldn’t?” She laughed quietly.

  “I dunno, like assassination or something?”

  “There is less than a hundred of my people in existence. I do not think any of us would be willing to end the life of another, no matter how badly they wanted to rule. Also, I don’t think any of my children actually want to rule.” Her plush lips curled into a soft smile. “Are you ready, my daughter?”

  “Sure. Nothing like a midnight seance with ancient spirits that no one has had contact with in a few millennia to get the blood pumping.”

  “It is best to remain calm when contacting the spirits that once resided here.”

  “Yes, of course. That makes sense.”

  I was blushing as I tried to recover, but the Queen just seemed endlessly amused by my flustered demeanor. “Come,” she said, offering her hand to me once more. “We have an incredibly journey ahead of us.”

  I took her extended limb, and this time I didn’t gawk like a child as her long, claw-tipped fingers completely encompassed the entirety of my hand. “Oh, is it a far walk?”

  “Physically, no. But potentially in other ways.”

  Great. It seemed I had entered that point of mysticism where the dialogue suddenly turned all cryptic. I hated that part.

  “Worry not. I know the path well.”

  “Well that’s a relief.” I somehow managed to keep about ninety percent of my sarcasm out of my voice and kept up alongside the elegant royal. She was so tall, with such long legs, that I almost had to jog to keep up with her.


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