A Dragon's World 3 (DragonWorld)

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A Dragon's World 3 (DragonWorld) Page 13

by Serena Rose

  The war wasn’t won, not by any means, but it was clear that the entire continent was aware that something had changed drastically. Julian was licking his wounds from losing his sorcerers, one of his advisors, and his greatest spoil of war, and the dragons were celebrating as more and more spawn broke their way out of their shells.

  I spent almost all of my time either at Myrik’s side, or the Queen’s. Once more I was frustrated with how the dragon healing process worked. The advisor laid there, completely unconscious for days.

  Dwyllverys was not happy with the human interference. I reminded her multiple times that the strange medical intervention was what allowed the dark dragon to last long enough to even make it into her care, but she maintained an air of utter annoyance as she pulled out his stitches each time one healed.

  The Queen was no less exasperated, but that was because she found herself suddenly gifted with three children. I would never forget the moment that they had been presented to her, all scales and sharp claws. Her amethyst eyes had filled with tears and she wept openly while pressing her lips to each of their heads. It was then that I learned both that dragons take several years to learn their human form, and that Malakia was going to be an amazing mother.

  I couldn’t help my hand going to my own middle, thinking of the future lined out for me. I still hadn’t told Gael or Myrik, but that was only because I needed the Advisor to be fully conscious for the news. The idea was fairly terrifying, obviously, dropping an unplanned baby bomb was never easy, but I knew that it was what I must do.

  Thankfully, the Queen’s new trio of children gave me plenty of time to practice baby dragon care. They didn’t have a use for milk, and I couldn’t help but wonder if my progeny would be the same. I wished more than anything that Lady Ashlynne was around to advise me, but as far as I knew, she was still in the custody of Prince Julian and quite happy there.

  And so, the days passed by in strange juxtaposition of waiting quietly for Mryik’s body to restore itself, and baby-training with the Queen.

  It was three weeks in my estimate before Myrik first stirred, opening his eyes with a slow certainty. I wanted to throw myself on him with wide arms, but I held myself back. He had only just woken up, after all. I was sure that he wouldn’t appreciate being dive-tackled by a semi-scorned lover.

  “I’m thirsty.” Was the first thing that escaped from his still dry lips.

  “Oh! I can help!” I hopped up from where I was sitting and rushed forward to the tankard and the mulled ale sitting on a table. I assembled the spread every morning for the past week, hoping that day would be the day that Myrik awoke, and now we were finally here.

  “Uh, are you hungry?”

  “No.” Was his short response.

  Apprehension pricked at me. Was he still angry? Had he come off of his drugs to be much less affable about the alternate reality I had dragged him off to?

  I didn’t ask. Because although my questioned burned at me like actual fire, I wasn’t the important one here. Myrik had literally thrown himself into the line of fire to save my life, so if he wanted a drink and only a drink the first thing after his slumber, then I was going to get him a goddamn drink and sit there quietly until he was ready to speak.

  I rushed back to his side and held out the tankard. He sat up carefully, then took it from my hands and chugged it all down.

  “Better.” He said, handing it back to me. “Water.”

  “Right, water. I’ll be right back.”

  I ran out, down to the hatch where I knew one of the cool-streams ran underneath the slab. I filled the tankard up hurriedly, before realizing it probably now tasted like an unwelcome mix of both wine and water. Dumping it out into the waste-stream, I tried again and was much more satisfied with the outcome before rushing right back upstairs.

  “Here you are,” I said, a bit winded as I handed it to the dragon.

  He downed that too in silence before handing the tankard to me once more. “Take me home.”

  “Pardon?” I blurted, a bit side swiped.

  “I want to go home. Take me there.”

  “But shouldn’t Dwyllverys see you before-”

  “She can see me later. I haven’t been here in months. I want to go to my home.”

  “Alright then. I’ll fetch your clothes.”

  Off I was again to the trunk where we had lovingly placed a fresh set of robes for when the ebony dragon was healed, and handed them to him. I didn’t know if I should leave to give him privacy, or act like nothing unusual was going on, so I settled on turning to the wall and looking at a crack in the ceiling until his hand rested at the small of my back and gentle guided me forward.

  We didn’t speak much, and by that, I mean at all, as we walked down streets that had once become so familiar to me. It was the strangest set of de ja vu, but not an unwelcome one. Despite the tense times that I had arrived in, I had good memories of our times training together.

  I wondered, had I become everything that he had thought possible for me? Was I a disappointment? While the hero was defeated and it seemed like his people were indeed on a tenuous rebound, I still didn’t feel like I had saved the day.

  No, in fact there seemed like an impossible list of more things to do.

  “Here we are,” I said, once his stained-glass door came into view, resplendent as it set in the cave wall. “Is there anything else you need me to fetch for you before I get Dwyllverys?”

  “I want a bath,” he said flatly.

  “Alright, that sounds lovely.” I went to step off but his hand gripped my arm.

  “Isn’t it dangerous to leave a patient alone in water?” He said, eyes boring into my own. “Unless you want me to end up face down in the liquid?”

  “Oh no! Sorry, I didn’t even think about that.” I turned back to his house and he relinquished his grip on my limb. “Let’s go in then, shall we?”

  He nodded, and opened the door for me, gesturing in with an uncharacteristic flourish. We were quiet yet again as we traveled down the strangely long tunnel that led to his sitting area. But when we finally did enter into the larger room, I took a moment to breathe in the familiar scents of ink and parchment. There was still so much knowledge to be had here. I hoped it wasn’t lost to me forever because of the action I had taken to save his life.

  “Come,” He said, walking ahead of me to the back of his sprawling abode. It was strange, the last time I was here, Perin had beset me with some pretty pungent visions. But now, there was no more Perin. Did that mean no more visions? Was I really a dream walker or had that all been subterfuge by a very wily opponent?

  The steam hit me in a welcoming kiss, caressing my skin with a reminder that it had been ages since I’d had a proper soak. Was I supposed to just stand here, or would Myrik be alright with me sitting at the edge of the bubbling pool and letting at least my lower legs enjoy the spa treatment.

  “Undress me.”

  I jerked my head back towards the advisor. “What was that now?”

  “Undress me. I’m still a bit stiff. Unless, of course, you don’t want to.” He gestured behind me. “The door is right there.”

  I stood there, staring at him for just a hair past awkward, before nodding slowly. Reaching up, I gripped at the collar of his robe and pulled it from his shoulders. Bit by bit, I revealed him to my hungry gaze. My heart was pounding, but it was a pleasant sort of punch that made my cheeks flush with color. Was this his way of telling me he did have feelings for me? I could certainly use a few more syllables of confirmation.

  I stepped back when his robes finally fell in a dark pile on the floor, revealing all of his perfectly masculine upper body to me. I thought that would be it, but he looked at me expectantly. “Well?” he said, voice barely above a rumble.

  “Well what?”

  “I’m still dressed, aren’t I?”

  “Y-you want me to take your pants off too?”

  “I certainly don’t appreciate the sensation of wet breeches when I’m trying to

  Now I really was flushed as I approached him, and my fingers pulled at the lacing at his waist. I could feel his excitement pressing just at the bottoms of my pinky, and it emboldened me. I sped up, finishing with his lacing and then yanking the fabric downwards.

  He stood there, utterly naked and in all his glory, before leaning slowly towards me. I turned my head up, wanting nothing more than for those lips to press against my own, only to have him turn away at the last moment with a sinful smirk.

  Was… was he toying with me?

  He started to take a step into the water before I decided that two could play that game. “Wait.” Just like I knew he would, he paused. With a slow smiled, I turned my back to him. “Aren’t you going to help me?”

  “Who said you’re coming in?”

  “Well it would be very silly to just sit here in this heavy dress where I could possibly pass out from the heat. It just makes sense, after all.”

  “Yes, of course.” He drew close to me once more, and I felt that exciting fire burning in me once again as he loosened the lacings down my back. And when his lips pressed into the back of my neck as he pried my dress open, I practically melted.

  It was a torturous wait as he slowly pulled the garment from me, kissing and nipping at my exposed neck and shoulders. When the dress eventually pooled at my feet, the dark dragon grumbled at my shift.

  “Women’s fashion has always been ridiculous.”

  “You’re just saying because you have to work a little harder.”


  There was a slight breeze then I was finally free of all the burdensome material. Myrik’s strong hands gripped me, turning me to him, and I finally had that kiss I had been longing for.

  It was crushing, and heated, and everything I needed in that moment. My arms wrapped around him, roving his back, while his found purchase in my hair and on my hip. It was wonderful.

  It pained me terribly, but I had to pull away. As much as I wanted to tumble off into the illicit pleasure I knew he could give me, I needed to know what this meant. “Do you love me, Myrik?”

  “Do we really need to suss that out now?”

  “Yes. I have to know before we take this any further.”

  He stiffened, and I could tell he was searching my face, trying to observe this from every angle he could before admitting anything. “Well, do you love me?”

  “Yes. Absolutely.”

  “But you also love Gael.”


  “How is that possible?”

  I shrugged. “I didn’t really think it was, but now I know it doesn’t really matter. I love both of you. Me choosing one and rejecting the other would result in heartbreak no matter what. We were all meant to be together, like fractured pieces of a puzzle.”

  “You really believe that?”

  “I know it.” I said with absolute conviction. “I’ve seen it.”

  Finally, his eyes grew dark and hooded, and I could see the answer written as clear as day across his face. “Then I trust you. Whatever strange path you have us on, I’ll follow you down it until one or all of us dies.”

  “Morbid, but much appreciated.” I stood up on my tiptoes, although I was still a good head shorter than him. “You can go back to kissing me now.”

  “Not quite yet, I think.” Before I could say something cheeky back, he was lifting me up and carrying me down into the bubbling water. I had completely forgotten about the relaxing pool for a moment, and now the churning waters served more to excite me rather than soothe or lull.

  Myrik was clearly enjoying the safe effect, his manhood pressing against my bottom as he settled down with me in his lap, facing him. Our lips locked once more, battling for dominance in a game we both loved.

  His hands gripped and kneaded at my thighs, egging me on. The pleasure pricking at my brain made me feel deliciously wicked, and I slid along his excitement tantalizingly slow. He hissed at my ministrations, letting his head fall back and break our kiss.

  But I didn’t mind. I liked taking charge just as much as I liked being submissive. And grabbing the power from such an intelligent, powerful man just made my intoxication with the scene that much more powerful.

  My nerves were almost standing on end as I glided along him, my fingers squeezing his arms like a lifeline. His head tipped forward once more, and his mouth attacked my neck and breasts. His lavish attention drove me even higher, and I couldn’t wait. I gripped him with one of my hands, and guided him into me where he belonged.

  We both gasped as he filled me. Gods, this was perfect. I rocked against him at first, my body adjusting to his girth, before his hands returned to my hips and pulled me upwards before pulling me back down.

  It didn’t take long for me to adapt, and soon I was driving myself onto him just as hard as he thrust upwards. We were frantic, panting and utterly loss in each other’s bodies.

  “Myrik,” I gasped, unable to think of much else. “Oh god, Myrik.”

  Water was splashing everywhere, and I was becoming ridiculously warm, but I didn’t care. My middle was coiling tightly, shouting that it was ever so close to the precipice that I longed to topple into with open arms.

  The ebony dragon’s mouth caught my nipple, his sharp teeth just barely nicking past the sensitive bud as his tongue laved decadent affection. I was now moaning in earnest, and Myrik was releasing masculine, throaty sounds that made me feel like the most desirable woman to ever exist.

  Our pace grew frenzied, and my muscles were screaming, and we were sweating, and panting, and I wouldn’t change a thing. That was, until Myrik shifted slightly, causing him to change his angle and hit something inside me that rocked my entire body.

  I let out a keeping wail, my body squeezing so tightly I could barely breathe as I reached my peak.

  My vision went white as I was swallowed by the tidal wave of euphoria. Every single bit of my body was consumed, chewed up and spit out by the mind-numbing pleasure. Somehow, in my blinded torrent of ecstasy, I heard Myrik cry out as well, then fill me with the heat that I had so grown to love.

  Coming down was not a quick affair, we sat in the moment, breathing heavily until we were ready to speak.

  “I love you.” I murmured, knowing there was nothing else to say.

  “And I love you as well, even if you are a terrible, lying world jumping goddess.”

  “I’m not a goddess.” I said, blushing.

  “You are to me.”

  That made me flush even more, and I cuddled into his front. “I could stay like this forever,” I murmured.

  “But eventually Gael would accuse me of trying to cook you and take you away all for himself.”

  “Oh, Gael!” I sat right up and Myrik slipped out from within me. “Get dressed. I need to speak to both of you.”

  “Right now? After we’ve just rutted?”

  “Yes. Right now. It’s important. Send a raven.”

  He grumbled but clambered out of the pool, with me not far behind him. As much as I would like to think of myself as a functional adult, I fumbled with my clothing for several more minutes than the Advisor.

  My heart was pounding as he left to send off the raven and it didn’t stop as I went into the sitting room to wait. In fact, it just kept increasing until I was sure it was about to burst right out of my chest and save me from the awkward conversation I was about to have.

  Sadly, there was no bursting at all, and after about half an hour I was looking into the stern faces of both Myrik and Gael, who were clearly anxious to know what I was going to say.

  “Hello,” I murmured sheepishly, my mind pinwheeling with all the different ways this could pan out. “So, as you know, I am in love with both of you and I have no plans on compromising that.”

  They both made sounds of agreement with varying levels of bitterness, so I soldiered on.

  “I know it’s hard to believe, right now, but we could be really amazing for each other. And if what I’m about to say is too much
, I understand and I will not resent you if you walk out that door right now.”

  “Get on with it,”

  “Right. Of course.” I took a deep breath. “I am pregnant.”

  “What!” That was Gael, of course, who jumped out of his chair and looked like I had just told him that he had been gifted with a basket of especially fat, cuddly puppies.

  Myrik, of course, was more level headed. “How far along are you?”

  “At least a month.” I said. “Maybe longer. But not too far along to have morning sickness.”

  Gael closed in on me in happy bounds, his hands coming to rest on my stomach. “This is a miracle,” he said, breathlessly excited. My fear began to melt away, and I felt tears prick at my eyes. “Do you know who’s it is?”

  “Both of yours, actually.”

  Now Myrik was on his feet too. “What do you mean?” He asked, voice tremulous as he moved closer.

  “I mean, they’re both yours because…” I hiccupped and now I was crying in earnest. “I’m having twins. It happens every now and then when an egg is dropped after another has already been fertilized, but it happened to us.”

  I finally forced myself to look up to see both men staring at me with unmitigated wonder. There was no hate, no malice, no disbelief. Just utter adoration.

  “How can you be sure?”

  “I saw in a vision from your people’s great spirits, and they confirmed it at the hospital -that’s where we disappeared off to.” I tacked on that clarification at the end for Gael, who wasn’t wise to our adventure.

  Suddenly I was being picked up and whirled around. “Lady Mercedes, you have given me the greatest gift I could have ever been handed!” Gael cried, laughing and crying, and looking like it was Christmas.

  When he set me down, I took a deep breath. “You’re going to have to stop doing that for a bit.”

  “Oh, right.”

  But then I was pulled into a crushing hug by Myrik, who pressed his lips to the top of my head. I could feel tears dripping down onto my scalp, but I didn’t mind.


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