Stealing the Biker's Heart (Dogs of Fire: Savannah Chapter, #2)

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Stealing the Biker's Heart (Dogs of Fire: Savannah Chapter, #2) Page 13

by Piper Davenport

  I was about to get up when my doorbell rang, and I was kind of hoping it was Alamo. Although, he probably wouldn’t have rung the doorbell, so I dragged on clothes and checked the peephole. I frowned, but pulled open the door. “Well, hello, big brother.”

  “Hey, Jazz.” He pushed inside with a smile that didn’t quite meet his eyes.

  “Sure, Jared, come on in.” I closed the door and followed him into the living room. “Everything okay? Kids okay? Kelly?”

  “Yeah, they’re fine. Look, I need to talk to you about something.”


  “I don’t think it’s a good idea to be messing around with bikers, Jazz.”

  I crossed my arms. “I’m not messing around with bikers.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Alamo’s not a good guy, Carrots.”

  “Alamo’s the best guy I’ve ever known,” I countered. “And he doesn’t fucking call me Carrots!”

  “Language,” he warned.

  “Oh, go fuck yourself, Jared.”

  “You are a Buckley, Jazz.”

  “So?” I said with a huff. “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “He’s not good enough for you.”

  “Get out!” I snapped, and headed for my door again.

  “Just hear me out.”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “I did some digg—”

  “You did what?” I yelled.

  “Jasmine!” he snapped back. “Just listen.”

  “No. You’re not dad, and you don’t know Alamo—”

  “Like you do, right?”

  I glared at my brother. “What did you find on the background check you ran?”

  “Nothing. He’s clean.”

  “Then, why the hell are you in my home spouting bullshit about the man I’m dating?”

  He waved his hand. “He’s clean. The people he hangs out with, not so much.”

  “Well, I only care about him, so anything else you found is irrelevant.”

  “Jazz, be reasonable. You can’t bring Alamo to any of our family functions, or society events, what would people think?”

  “Oh, I don’t know...maybe, lookie there, Jasmine’s met herself a nice man who treats her right.”

  “You can’t date a biker, Jasmine. Dad’ll blow his top. It won’t stand.”

  Before I could rip my brother a new one, someone banged on my door.

  “Who the hell is that?” my brother growled.

  Another bang on the door and Shadow bellowed, “Jasmine, open the door.”

  I sighed and pulled it open, and a very angry teenager stormed inside. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  Shadow turned to Jared. “Who the fuck are you?”

  “Really, Jazz?” Jared sneered. “These are good people?”

  I fisted my hands at my side and forced myself not to scream like a banshee. “Get out.”

  Jared nodded toward Shadow.

  “Not him, Jared,” I snapped. “You.” I pointed to the door. “Get out.”

  Jared scowled, but he did leave my house. Lucky for him, it was without comment. Shadow closed the door behind him and I tried not to show him exactly how upset I was.

  “You okay?” Shadow asked again.

  I nodded. “I just need a little time alone, okay? Thanks for coming to my rescue.”

  He studied me for a second, then left my condo and I stood in my foyer for a few minutes and shook. I don’t think I’d ever been more devastated...or pissed at my brother.

  I wasn’t alone for long when a knock at my door came again. I closed my eyes ripped open the door. “Shadow, serious—”


  I opened my eyes and fell against Alamo with a quiet cry. “You didn’t use your key.”

  “I didn’t want to scare you,” he said, his arms wrapping tightly around me as he kicked the door closed. “What happened?”

  “I’m so mad, I could kill him.”

  “I hear you, baby, but I need to know what happened.”

  Now that I was in his arms, I burst into angry tears and filled him in on the conversation. He just held me and listened, saying nothing as he stroked my hair.

  “Shadow barreled in before I could murder my brother, but he’s gonna get it,” I promised.

  “Okay, baby, let’s shelve the fratricide conversation for later, huh? We like Kelly, so taking her husband from her might not be the best course of action.”

  “Well, can I maim him?”

  He cupped my face and met my eyes. “We’ll shelve that, too, for the moment.”

  I sniffed, licking my lips and nodding. “What are you doing here? I thought you had stuff to do?”

  “Shadow said some guy was in your apartment. He didn’t recognize him, so I wasn’t takin’ any chances.”

  I fell against him again. “See? This is why I love you. This is why you’re the best man I’ve ever known. My brother can go suck donkey balls.”

  He chuckled. “Maybe we could find some donkey balls and deliver them to him. A few of us bikers can make him suck them.”

  I couldn’t stop a giggle. “Ohmigod, I would pay money to watch that.”

  He smiled. “Feel better?”

  “Much,” I whispered.

  Yet another knock at my door elicited an annoyed groan from me and I reluctantly pulled away from Alamo who answered the knock. “Hey, babe.”

  “Hey, Alamo,” Parker said, stepping inside. “Uh-oh. What happened?”

  “I’ve gotta get back, so I’ll let Jazz fill you in,” Alamo said, leaning down to kiss me. “You good?”

  I nodded and gave him a genuine smile. “I am now. Thanks, honey.”

  He kissed me again, then left me with my best friend and I filled her in on my morning.

  * * *


  I left Jasmine in good hands, which brought to mind how ready I was to wrap mine around the neck of one, Jared Buckley. Firing off a text to Doc, letting him know I’d be a little while, I slid my leg over my bike and took off in the opposite direction of the compound.

  Pulling up to the biggest house on the street, I shook my head and turned off my bike. Fuckin’ pretentious prick. Still couldn’t figure out how someone as cool as Kelly put up with Jared’s shit. Setting my helmet on my saddle, I ran my hands through my hair, then climbed the stairs to the front door and rang the bell. I was surprised when Kelly answered.

  “Alamo,” she said, her smile wide and genuine. “Is Jasmine okay?”

  “Yeah, Kelly, thanks. Your man here?”

  “Yes. Come in.”

  “Don’t think that would be a good idea.”

  She frowned. “What did he do?”

  “Just get him.”

  She nodded, and yelled, “Jared!”

  “Sweetheart, why are you yelling like some uncouth beast?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, sweetheart,” she ground out. “Maybe because someone’s at the door for you, and I have a feeling you and I are going to have a conversation later that will result in you sleeping on the sofa.”

  Jared sighed and stepped into my line of sight. “Damn it.”

  “Got a minute?” I asked.

  “If I said no?” the pussy retorted.

  “Fists or words, Jared, your choice, but we’re ending this tonight.”

  He stepped outside and pulled the door closed, but not before Kelly gave him a pointed expression of what I could only assume was a warning of some form.

  “How do you know where I live?” Jared started with.

  “I know where you all live.”


  “Not important,” I said. I didn’t share that Booker had given me some background on Jasmine’s family when she and I had decided to make things exclusive. “You have a problem with Jasmine and me dating, you be a man and talk to me about it.”

  Jared crossed his arms. “I don’t need to talk to you about it, I’ve already spoken to her.”

  I smiled, but
only because if I didn’t smile, I’d probably beat the shit out of him. “You seem to misunderstand what I’m saying, so I’m gonna say it now, and I’m only gonna say it once. Unless you’re talkin’ to Jasmine about fuckin’ puppies and rainbows, or how proud you are of her, you’re not talkin’ to her, period. You don’t call her Carrots, you call her Jasmine, or Jazz, or some sweet and kind variation of her name. You got a problem with somethin’ I’ve done, or haven’t done, you talk to me. I’ll make sure you have my number, but you leave her out of it.”

  He rolled his eyes. “She’s my sister. This has nothing to do with you. Jazz can take care of herself.”

  “Never said she couldn’t,” I said. “But now that she’s got me, she doesn’t have to.”

  “So, you drive over to my home, with my wife and children inside, and threaten me?”

  “That wasn’t a threat. That was a friendly suggestion.” I leaned forward slightly. “You’re a surgeon, right?”

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “You need your hands, right?”

  Jared stepped back, finally figurin’ out what I was getting at.

  “That was a threat,” I said. “Be nice, or leave your sister alone.” I turned and headed to my bike, uncaring what Jared’s reaction was.

  “Wait! Alamo,” Kelly called, and I turned back to see her rushing down the stairs. Jared was nowhere to be seen, so I relaxed. She made it to me and pulled me in for a hug. “You are the best thing that ever happened to Jasmine. Do not let my husband ruin it.”

  I chuckled, hugging her back. “No risk of that, Kelly.”

  She released me and sighed. “Don’t get me wrong. I love the big fat jerk, and he’s really not an asshole, he just has this weird need to protect Jasmine, even though she doesn’t need it. And since he’s kind of a nerd, with absolutely no coolness whatsoever, he ends up sounding like a pretentious ass. He’s not. His heart’s in the right place, he’s just...well, a surgeon. No people skills.”

  I nodded, but didn’t respond.

  “Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that Jared and I are going to have a follow-up conversation to yours. His responses to my follow-up questions will determine whether or not he’s sleeping with me or on the sofa.”

  I chuckled. “Sounds good.”

  “Thanks for not breaking his hands.”

  I nodded.

  “Okay, I’m going to go verbally spank my husband.”

  She went back in the house and I headed back to the compound.

  * * *

  Six hours later, I dragged my tired ass back to Jasmine’s. One of the delivery trucks for the wreckage yard had died and it took a while to get it up and running. All I wanted to do now was eat, drink a beer, and fuck my woman.

  Before I could get the key in the door, it was pulled open and the sweet smell of vanilla and the scent of whatever shit Jasmine used in her hair, surrounded me. “Hey, baby. You okay?”

  “I heard your bike.”

  “Didn’t answer my question, Firefly.” I backed her inside and kicked the door shut, then met her eyes and frowned. She’d been crying. “What’s wrong?”

  “Kelly called.”


  “And...” She burst into tears.

  “Fuck, baby.” I pulled her close and she wrapped her arms tighter around my neck. “Talk to me.”

  “Nothing’s wrong!” she cried.

  “Jasmine, you’re sobbing all over my cut. Somethin’s wrong.”

  She shook her head and wove her fingers into my hair. “You are...”

  “I am...?” I prompted.

  “The most awesome, incredible, phenomenal, delicious man on the planet.”

  I relaxed, smiling as I wiped her tears gently from her cheeks. “Yeah?”

  She nodded. “Kelly thinks so, too.”

  I chuckled. “Does she?”

  “Yes.” She smiled. “Thank you.”

  “You don’t need to thank me, honey. I got your back.”

  “Well, if I didn’t know it before, I know it now,” she said. “I made dinner. Are you hungry? Or can we fuck? ’Cause I’d really like to suck your cock.”

  “I’ll eat later,” I said, then slammed my mouth onto hers.

  Her tongue slid between my lips and I anchored her against the foyer wall and tore at her clothes.

  She broke the kiss and pushed my cut from my shoulders. “You will not interrupt me, do you understand?”

  God damn, I loved her bossy...and she wasn’t wrong. I did interrupt her last time because I needed to bury myself in her tight, warm cunt.

  “Mo. I get to finish,” she pressed, kneeling before me, and unbuttoning my jeans. “Say it.”

  I ran my finger down her cheek. “Yeah, baby, I’ll let you finish.”

  She grinned, tugging jeans and boxer briefs down my legs, then wrapping her warm, sweet mouth around my dick. Fuck.

  * * *


  I sucked Alamo’s cock into my mouth as deep as I could, cupping his balls with one hand, while wrapping my fingers around him with my other.

  He slid his hands into my hair and started to move. God, did he start to move! I gripped his thighs for balance as he fucked my mouth, and with each thrust in, I sucked a little harder, releasing as he slipped back. I couldn’t get enough.

  “Now, Jasmine,” he rasped as his body locked and his cum slid down my throat.

  He pulled out of me and removed the rest of his clothing, leaving them where he dropped them, and lifting me from my place on my knees. He kissed me gently, then took my hand and led me down to the bedroom where we could shut the door (ergo, keep Scruffy out).

  Pushing me gently onto the bed, his heated gaze swept the length of my body and I felt my pussy contract with anticipation. I licked my lips and shifted in an effort to ease the ache, but when his fingers touched my leg, I dropped my knees open.

  With a featherlight touch, the tips of his fingers coasted over my ankle and up the inside of my leg. I studied him as he gently worshiped my body and I found myself unable to speak.

  Alamo’s nostrils flared with each inhale, the muscles in his arms constricted with each movement as he dragged his fingers to my pussy and ran his fingers through my wetness.

  “Mine,” he rasped.

  “Yours,” I agreed, still struggling to find my voice.

  Slow and torturous, he stroked two fingers in and out of me as he gripped his cock and matched the rhythm. “Work your tits, Jasmine.”

  My hands fell to my breasts and I rolled my nipples between my fingers, but all that did was push my desire to painful limits.

  “Please, Mo,” I begged. “I need you inside of me.”

  His fingers left my body, then his hands were pushing my legs wide. Soft lips covered my clit and I was dangerously close to coming, but I forced it back.

  “Oh, God, Valen, please!”

  With one last lick, he knelt between my legs, his hand gripping his cock, and he brought himself to my entrance, thrusting into me. I cried out as his girth filled me, and then he was moving. Slamming into me... marking me with each thrust and claiming me as his mouth covered mine. Flesh slapped against flesh and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold my release back for long.

  Gripping his biceps, watching his eyes blaze with love and desire, I smiled. “I can’t wait, baby.”

  Alamo kissed me once more, then he grunted as he came, and my body joined his in climax. He slipped out of me and rolled onto his back, his chest rising and falling fast as he worked to catch his breath. I settled my cheek to his pec and his arm came around me and pulled me closer.

  “Wow,” I breathed out.

  “Wow, indeed.”

  I settled my chin on my hand. “You’re not bad at this sex thing.”

  He chuckled. “Neither are you.”

  I shifted, so I could get to his neck, and I kissed his pulse. “Thank you. For everything.”

  “You’re welcome.”

“I think I should feed you now.”

  He gave me a quick squeeze. “That’d be good.”

  We cleaned up and headed into the kitchen, my heart so full it was threatening to burst.


  The night of my dinner with Aspen, Andi, and the girls, Alamo stopped by before Church to make out a little. I was good with this, except it severely cut in to my primping time.

  “You can feel free to go out in sweats and a headband, Jasmine. No one to impress,” he growled.

  I smiled slightly and patted his chest. “Don’t get jealous. We ladies don’t primp to impress men, we primp to show each other up.”

  He shook his head.

  “You don’t believe me?” I challenged.

  “I believe you, I just think it’s ridiculous.”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. If some other chick, you know, like, AnnMarie, were to see me in sweats and a headband, she might think she has a shot with you, because you couldn’t possibly want a woman who didn’t try.”

  Alamo roared with laughter. “I don’t give a fuck what someone like AnnMarie might think, Jasmine. Because she’s dead wrong. I’ll take you with frizzy hair, some weird ass face mask, and a Mumu, if it means I get to bury my dick in that magic pussy of yours.”

  I laughed so hard, I snorted... then I attacked him (mostly with my tongue), until he was burying his dick inside my magic pussy, severely cutting further into my primp time.

  “Holy shit,” I breathed out. I had braced myself against the back of my sofa, while Alamo stood behind me, his cock deep inside of me, my skirt up over my hips, and I’d just had my second orgasm.

  “Like the skirt, Firefly.”

  “Yeah?” I panted out.

  “Yeah. Easy access,” he whispered, kissing the back of my neck as he ran his hand up my thigh, smacking my ass, then slamming into me. His hand slid between my legs and fingered my clit, and I mewed as I pressed my body back against him.

  “Want your tits, baby,” Alamo demanded, and I pushed my sweater and bra up to free the girls.

  He kept one hand between my legs, moving his other to pinch my nipple into an even harder bead than it was before.

  “I... I’m...”

  “Don’t come, Jasmine,” he growled.

  “Mo,” I whined, my body shaking with need.


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