Angel Blackwood

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Angel Blackwood Page 19

by Sophie Summers

  “That’s okay, Fabe. Angel and I have to talk,” Noelle says, entering the kitchen again.

  “You have a good night now, Fabe.” I smile at him sweetly and just because I can’t help myself I say, “Don’t forget, wrap it before you tap it.” Then I wink. I swear I can hear him growling.

  “You and I will be having a talk in the morning young man,” Noelle says with raised eyebrows and a serious tone. Fabian leaves the house with a glare that promises revenge.

  “That boy is just like his father,” Noelle mumbles as she sits down on the sofa alongside me. I can’t help but feel the sadness radiating from her after that one sentence. I need to change the subject, I’ve had enough sadness for one day.

  “Phoenix you can come out now,” she calls out, her sadness fully disguised by the little smile that forms on her lips when Phoenix comes skipping into the room.

  “Is he gone?” She quickly peeps out of the window, closes the curtains, then quickly shuts the front door.

  “He’s gone. Have a seat Phoenix, I wanted to speak to you both,” Noelle says. Phoenix sits down on the sofa and crosses her legs Indian style, facing us eagerly.

  Noelle turns to face me. “Phoenix is one of the strongest young witches around here, Angel.” I look to Phoenix and she nods her head enthusiastically.

  “It’s true,” she says smiling. I can’t help but laugh at her honesty.

  Noelle continues, “She helps a lot of the teens to grasp and find their basic magic. I think we need to teach you the same way. I’m not sure to what depth your magic goes or what you’re able to do. I know you have healing abilities, maybe Phoenix should start on that. But Phee…” Her concerned eyes find Phoenix’s. “…if you think you’re unable to protect yourself or if you can’t help her control the magic, you run and you find me right away. Okay?”

  Phoenix nods, but I can feel the nervousness now coming from her.

  “I know you wouldn’t try to hurt Phoenix purposely, but we don’t know how well you can control that magic of yours. I think it’s best we all be careful until we know you can control it for certain.” Noelle speaks to both of us.

  “When do we start?” I ask them.

  “Tomorrow evening? I think it’s best you find somewhere you can both meet in the evenings. Fabian already has a problem with Angel coming here. I don’t think the other witches will be too happy if they learn that we’re teaching a wolf our magic secrets either, so let’s keep it between the three of us.”

  I look at Noelle confused. “Most of the witches have already seen me around here, they saw me when I nearly killed Phoenix, they must figure something strange is up? Have they not said anything already? They clearly know I’m a werewolf or… well… part werewolf I guess.”

  “You got through the spell we cast to keep the wolves away, so no, they don’t think that you’re a full blooded werewolf. They’ve only seen you in your human state, and all they saw was someone with powerful magic. You were also being carried away by a wolf. For all they know, the reason you smelt like a wolf was because you were hanging out with one. Witches tend to stick to themselves and although I’ve heard some of them talking and asking questions, none are jumping to conclusions about what and who you are yet. We don’t want to raise more questions, so let’s keeps things quiet until you’ve gained control over your magic.” Noelle gets up. “I’m off to bed, you two better get some sleep, you’ll need all your energy for tomorrow evening, Angel.”

  Phoenix walks me out and towards the tree that I use to climb over. We don’t use the main gate because that means walking past all the cottages. I’d basically be announcing my presence and I don’t want that; I like being in the shadows anyway.

  Phoenix climbs up and sits on the wall alongside me. She’s a light, tiny thing and manages to climb the tree like a monkey, even in her gypsy skirt.

  “What happened tonight? Are you okay?” she asks quietly, looking concerned.

  It takes me a few seconds to respond, but eventually I do. “Yeah, I’m okay. I just ran into the twins and told them a few home truths. I just let everything tumble out and then got angry… like really angry. I was afraid I’d hurt them if I didn’t get away.” I look down at my nails as I speak.

  “That was a really good decision to come here, Angel. You knew they wouldn’t be able to come near the camp with the warning spell we have. As far as speaking your mind, good for you. From what you’ve already told me about them, you don’t deserve the way they treat you. We’ll get your magic under control though, so don’t worry about that. I swear we’ll will get it sorted.” She throws her arms around me and leans her head onto my shoulder.

  I pat her hand awkwardly. I’m still getting used to the affection she shows me so freely, even though we’ve only known each other for a little while.

  “I better get going.” I let out a deep breath as she removes her head and arms from me.

  “I’ll do that cloaking spell for you. Here take my hand.” She takes one of my hands in hers then reaches into her coat and pulls out a little spray bottle. She sprays it into my palm and the smell of lavender invades my senses.

  “You didn’t spray me with anything last time?” I ask curiously.

  “I sprayed the paper with my cell phone number on,” she smiles.

  “You need to teach me how to do that spell. It could save me from a lot of arguments in the future.” I smile.

  She giggles. “It’s one of the complicated spells, but I can certainly try. We’ll get to it but not tomorrow, tomorrow we start on the basics of the Wicca world.”

  “Okay, whatever you say. You’re the teacher.” I jump down over the side of the wall.

  I look up to find the usual bright smile on her face. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  “I get off work at the herbal shop around four, so I’ll message you when I can get out of the house and away from Fabian.”

  “Yeah, that works. I love getting on that boys nerves, but I don’t want him ruining this. I need to figure this shit out, and if you’re the best person to help me then I’m thankful I’ve got you.” I look up and smile. “Thank-you for all your help, Phee.”

  Her face goes red as she blushes, but she waves it off. “Oh it’s no problem, Angel. I don’t mind it at all.”

  I nod my head. “Goodnight, Phee. See you tomorrow.”

  “Sweet dreams.” She waves animatedly back and I can’t help but chuckle to myself as I walk back into the direction of the pack house.


  As soon as I get back to the house, I head straight for the shower. I made sure to keep hidden from the guards that were on duty around the territory tonight, I don’t need questions about my whereabouts at this time of the night going back to my father.

  After getting dressed, I open the door to my patio allowing the cool air into my bedroom. I turn the lights off and climb into my huge bed. Lying in the middle of the bed, I’m unable to fall asleep. I push and smack around the pillows until I’m fully surrounded by them. As I’m busy getting comfortable, I can’t help but notice the light from the bathroom switch on; a slit of light shining under the door. A few seconds later I hear the shower being turned on. I flop down and lay surrounded by my pillows.

  I close my eyes and try calming myself to sleep, but it’s futile. Faith feels our mate close, she wants to be near him. I can feel her calling out to Gunner, Tyler’s wolf.

  Seconds later I feel Tyler trying to gain entry into my head. He’s trying to see my thoughts and hear my secrets, but I’ve got that shit locked up so tight, no-one will be able to get in there unless I allow it.

  I turn on my side away from the light coming in from the bathroom. Facing the other side of the room, I wrap my arms around a pillow and hold it tight as I focus on keeping Tyler out of my head.

  Suddenly the door flies open and I turn to find Tyler standing there in boxer briefs. I can feel his anger from across the room as I watch him breathing heavily. The smell of his shower gel and shampoo fill my
senses and his hair is neatly combed over as per the usual Tyler-perfection. I turn my head away from him and lay back in the position I was in before he barged in.

  “Dammit, Angel. Look at me!” He shouts. I don’t even flinch. I’m getting used to his erratic behaviour these days.

  I feel the blankets being pulled and all of a sudden all the covers are gone. “Let me in! Stop blocking me out of your head. Fucking let me in!”

  I wriggle as close to the other side of the bed as possible and curl into a ball. It’s rather cold without those blankets on.

  “I’m really not in the mood to argue with you right now,” I deadpan. Replaying the same words he used on me earlier. I don’t even bother turning to look at him.

  I hear him let out a deep breath, then I hear his footsteps. I wait for him to shut the door behind him, but the footsteps are headed in my direction. I try to hide my fear as much as possible, but I’m pretty sure he can sense my fear no matter how hard I try to conceal it.

  My hand squeezes the mattress when I spot him, out of the corner of my eye reaching the bottom of my bed. He walks slowly towards where I lay curled up, then bends down and looks into my eyes. I no longer see anger and disgust, only sadness reflects in his eyes.

  His hands gently lifts and I watch it cautiously as he rests his big one on top of mine. My wolf is jumping with glee at the contact.

  “I won’t hurt you,” he almost whispers, but I know it’s a lie. He told me that once before. But all he’s done to me since I got here is hurt me; I know not to trust his word anymore.

  He lifts his head and looks at my body and how I sleep.

  “Why all the pillows?”

  He sounds confused, but I don’t answer. Tyler is clever, he knows the reason for the pillows surrounding me. He knows I only have them here so I don’t feel so alone in this big bed, he just wants to hear it from my lips. I won’t give him that.

  When I don’t answer he says, “Fair enough. Let’s talk about earlier then. Your eyes changed again. Does that happen often?” I move to turn over, but his arms reach out and hold me in place.

  “Tyler, let go.”

  “Ah, she speaks,” he says, and a grin appears on his face. That smile… I haven’t seen that smile in so long. This man is so fucking beautiful and that smile can make me forget all the bad things he’s done and said to me. Just seeing that smile again reminds me of the person I know he can be, and stops me loathing the person he’s become.

  His grin disappears and his hand loosens its hold. I immediately realise my mistake. I dropped the guard that was keeping my thoughts locked up. He heard me.

  “You still love me?” he asks, now fully sitting on the bed and looking directly at me. I sit up and lean against the headboard.

  “I do,” I whisper, afraid to look at him and see his reaction.

  “You still think I’m beautiful? Even after all I did to you?”

  “I do.”

  “I’m still the same person,” he says, reaching out and lifting my chin so that I have no other choice but to look into his eyes.

  I shake my head. “You’re not, Ty. You’ve changed so much. The things you’ve done. What you’ve said…” I shake my head again. “…You’re not the person I met when I first arrived here.”

  He drops his hand and stands up. His anger is back. “You!” He points to me as he paces my room. “You’re the reason I’m like this. I can’t shift, I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t even fucking think and it’s all because of you! You’re taking over everything.”

  “Tyler, what are you doing?” Talon’s loud voice has me nearly jumping off the bed in fear; I didn’t even see him come in.

  “You okay?” he asks, looking me over.

  I nod, looking back at Tyler who is frantically pacing the room. Turmoil has gripped him and he is running his fingers through his hair, pulling at it and looking rather manic.

  “I can’t even touch Kate without thinking about you, touching you, being with you.” My eyes widen when those words come out of Tyler’s mouth. As much as I like hearing him talk about me, I don’t want to think about him touching Kate.

  “Tyler, stop. Now!” Talon growls.

  “If you want me out of your head then just do what you’ve gotta do! If rejecting me means you treat me better, then go right ahead! I’d rather be nothing to you than have you look at me with so much hate and disgust,” I spit out, yelling so loud I have both men stepping backwards.

  Tyler’s body relaxes and his brows furrow with confusion. He takes a step forward and I back away, sitting as close as possible to the headboard and as far away as I can get from him. Talon watches his brother cautiously as he walks slowly towards me. Tyler climbs onto the bed and sits right in front of me. He rests both of his hands on my knees that are pulled up to my chest.

  “You won’t ever mean nothing to me. To us.” He looks at Talon and back to me.

  “I know I’ve said so many hurtful things out of resentment, but all those meaningless things don’t matter. You will always mean so much to me.” He rubs his thumb gently across my cheek and my wolf forces me to lean into his touch.

  “I’m so sorry,” his voice is gruff and scratchy. I open my eyes to find his filled with tears. He removes his hand from my cheek, sniffs and clears his throat before leaning into me and leaving a kiss on my cheek. He moves away and whispers into my ear, “I still love you too.”

  Tyler is gone before I can even process his words. What does that mean? Is he still gonna reject me? Is he gonna dump Kate?

  “I love you too, you know.” Talon’s words clear my worried thoughts.

  “Don’t glare at me like that, Angel. I mean it. I still love you and I’m sorry for all the shit we’ve put you through.”

  I scoff at that and roll my eyes. They have no idea how much pain they’ve caused me and a few I’m sorry’s won’t have me crawling back into their arms anytime soon. This thought I do project to them.

  “I understand that, so does Tyler. We’re going to make it right, I promise. Tomorrow night your parents are home. They want to have a dinner with all of us, but Tyler and I don’t want them to witness this…” He waves his hands in the air. “…hostility between us.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now? Is this the only reason you two came here and “apologised” to me? You don’t want the Alpha to know what’s been going on between us? You want me on my best behaviour. Is that what you’re saying?”

  He takes a few moments to talk, and I get my answer. “Jesus, that is what you’re saying.” I shake my head thrashing the pillows around before I lay back down with my back facing him.

  “Don’t worry, Talon. I won’t tell them that my mates don’t want me,” I whisper.

  He doesn’t move for a minute, just stands there watching me. I hear a shuffling and then the blanket is placed on top of me. I feel the bed droop behind me and then his face is hovering over my side looking down at me. He bends down and places a kiss on my temple.

  “My apology was real. What I said was the truth. I love you, despite my actions showing you otherwise. I will make it up to you, Angel,” he promises.

  Chapter 16

  The following morning starts with hustle and bustle around the house as the pack makes sure the house is perfect for when the Alpha and Luna return home. My parents are having a family dinner this evening, and since they consider the twins and Jacob family, they’ll be sitting at the table. They arrive tonight at eight thirty, so it will be a late dinner. Thankfully the sun goes down early this time of year, so I’ll still be able to meet up with Phoenix for my first training session around six.

  Jacob told me there’s a pack mate coming in to cook and serve the dinner. I don’t know what’s up with all the formality, they must have something to tell us. I wasn’t even allowed to ask Nixon to join us, so the thought of being left alone to deal with the twins causes an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

  After doing my usual morning run, I spend the rest of the d
ay doing laundry, cleaning my room and sitting by the lake reading yet another romance novel.

  Nixon is aware of my arrangements with Phoenix. He wanted to come with me but he has to be at the school tonight, they have a football game and he’s on duty. I have promised to call him though if I have any trouble, that seemed to reassure him enough to let me go without the moaning I expected from him.

  After getting ready to meet up with Phoenix I head down the stairs, I wanna head out before anyone spots me. Pulling on my leather jacket, I walk down the passage looking through the doors to see if there’s anyone home before suddenly bumping into someone.

  “Oh sorry, didn’t see… Oh.” Tyler must have just come up from working out in the gym downstairs. His hair is all wet, he’s shirtless with a towel hanging over his shoulder, and his muscles shine with sweat.


  “I’ve gotta get going,” I say, pointing my thumb to the door behind me as I back away. His body looking the way it does, all glistening and shit is temptation enough. The fact that I know I can’t run my hands over him, that he has a girlfriend that does all those things has the rebel inside of me wanting to jump him like a horny fucking jack rabbit .

  I gotta get outta here…

  “Please wait,” he says, grabbing my hand softly. His gentle caring behaviour has me confused.

  “I thought that staying away and avoiding you would help me make a decision about this whole mate thing, but I can’t do it, Angel. The more I’m away from you, the angrier and frustrated I get. My wolf is driving me crazy because he wants to be near Faith. I need to spend more time with you, I want to trust you and I want you to trust me enough to tell me everything. I know we can figure this all out together, but no more secrets.”

  I look down at his hand that is holding mine, his thumb rubbing back and forth. Even though it’s rather calming, the fact that he assumes things between us can just go back to how they were before aggravates me.

  “This mate thing?” I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. I know I’m letting the little things irritate me, but the way he continuously says mate-thing as if it’s not of any importance has me all riled up.


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