Angel Blackwood

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Angel Blackwood Page 35

by Sophie Summers

  She looks behind her at the staircase. “I have to go.”

  She looks at Tyler, then back to me, “Make him eat something. You know Angel would blame herself if she saw him this way,” Then she’s gone.

  Tyler doesn’t waste another second. He reaches the table, eats the sandwich that was laid out for him along with the entire jug of water.



  I rush out from the basement and come face to face with an annoyed Nixon. Over these past few weeks I’ve spent more and more time around him, seeing as I’ve spend most of my time up in Angel’s room trying to figure out ways to get her to wake up. I’m learning more and more about him and his every expression, I can actually read him nowadays. Before, I was just scared of him one hundred percent of the time, now… not so much. He gets annoyed really quickly and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong most of the time, but I like spending time with him even if the feelings not mutual. Nixon is moody most of the time, but when Axel is around he gets all protective over me; secretly I like it, the fact that he isn’t bad to look at either is just a bonus. I look down feeling the heat in my cheeks.

  “Nah uh... what was that, little witch? What were you just thinking about?” Goosebumps break out all over my body when I feel his rough hands lifting my chin. I look into his intense eyes, he’s never touched me before, he always keeps his distance.

  “Nothing,” I whisper, frowning. I pull away from him. “And stop calling me that… I don’t go around calling you big wolf, do I?” He looks amused, it infuriates me. I walk past him and he follows.

  “You can if you like… I won’t mind.” He sounds as if he’s about to laugh.

  “I’m more than just a witch you know, and I’m sure there’s more to you than just being a wolf.” I stomp my way into the main house and up the stairs towards Angel’s room. Nixon doesn’t give me a chance to even open her door. He suddenly pulls me back and into the room two doors across from hers.

  It’s a storage closet and it’s pitch black aside from the light coming from the top and bottom of the doors. I hear the sound of something being pulled and then a dull light shines bright enough for me to take in my surroundings. It is indeed a storage closet filled with bedding and linen. The smell of clean sheets and softener is my absolute favourite smell, it reminds me of mama and a time when I was a little girl whose mother still wanted her. I can’t resist reaching out and leaning over smelling the fresh scent. When I feel his body flush up against my back, I stand upright, the fleeting memory of my mom drifts away and I remember where I am and with whom.

  “Why are we here?” I say. I use all the confidence I can muster, even though I’m shaking in my boots right now; I won’t be letting him know that though.

  “I’m a wolf and you’re just a witch, there’s nothing more to it,” he spits the words out, making me flinch and back away further until my back hits the wall. He stalks over me with his taller, bulkier form. I turn my head when he invades my space. His eyes are much darker now, the muscles in his neck straining as he leans down and runs his nose along my shoulder then up my neck.

  He always did smell good but here, now… with this closeness, I want nothing more than to lean into his warmth, breathing him in just like he’s doing to me.

  So I do. His elbows and hands are flat on the wall behind me. He’s so tall he has to bend his neck and hunch down to get his nose to reach my neck. His biceps are a few inches away on either side of my head as his body cages me in. I lean forward bringing my nose to his chest, breathing in his soapy scent.

  “You like the way I smell, little witch?” He says tenderly. His voice so deep, I have butterflies in my stomach. “…because I like the way you smell.” My knees go weak and I have to reach out and grab each of his arms to hold me upright. Nixon doesn’t move, he just stares at me with dark hungry eyes.

  “What are we doing here, Nixon?” I whisper, and he drops his eyes to look at my mouth.

  “I don’t know,” he mutters. He blinks a few times then lifts his eyes to mine. His eyebrows move as if he’s thinking hard about something, then he moves his arms a little and steps away. I stand there transfixed.

  He turns and mutters something close to, “I really shouldn’t do this…” before turning around and stepping forward with purpose and confidence. “I can’t resist you though.”

  His lips find mine. I gasp when his hands lift me up and push my back against the wall. Our faces are level now, as I wrap my legs around his waist pulling him as close as possible. He’s so big, everywhere my hands land is hard and muscular. This is the second time I’ve ever been kissed. I don’t know what the heck I’m doing, so I’m a little nervous when his tongue finds mine. I follow his lead and he seems to be enjoying it because he starts making growling sounds. I let out a moan when he pushes his lower body into mine, turning a little needy when I reach out and let my hand move through his hair. He tugs on my lips and its harsh, but doesn’t hurt. Nixon is pure man, there’s nothing boyish in him. The way he holds me, kisses me and even the way his tongue takes control of my mouth showing me his dominance tells me this; I can’t get enough. My first kiss wasn’t anything like this. I don’t think I even remember much about that kiss… this one, however, I don’t think I’ll ever forget.

  Nixon’s lips break away from mine. I turn my head and take in deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart. Nixon doesn’t stop though, he starts kissing down my neck and sucking on my earlobe. I make a squealing sound because it tickles and he lets out a deep laugh. The sound alone has me squeezing my legs tighter around him. Don’t think I’ve ever heard the sound of his laugh.

  His one hand rests on my hip and the other tugs on the side of my hair, making sure he has access to my neck as his kissing turns wild and needy. I feel his tongue and the pinch where he starts sucking on my skin. He’s rubbing his body against mine and the hand on my waist starts squeezing really tightly. I try to pull at the hand that is in my hair, but he only pulls tighter. I feel a sharp pain on my neck and then warmth. Nixon lets out a gasp and as he pulls away I see his extended canines. My eyes widen. I lift my hand and touch the spot where I feel warmth. Lifting it up to eye level I see blood.

  “Still think there’s more to me than just being a wolf?” He growls deep, looking at the blood on my finger. I start pushing at his chest and try to unwrap my legs, but his hands grip them as he pushes me harder against the wall. I let out a cry. He glares at me, that look of annoyance I hate so much back on his face.

  “We can carry on making out if you like. Must say, I always wanted to know what it was like, nothing spectacular though.” He scrunches up his face dramatically and I’m rendered speechless as he continues, “I’ve seen how interested you are in my kind. You want to get to know us, become friends, now you’ve practically dry humped one too. We can still have more fun if you like, I’ll even let my wolf come out and play. But I won’t fuck you; I don’t fuck witches,” he spits out cruelly. I have to look away at his vulgar words. I swallow the tears and hurt, pushing at his chest. Eventually he backs away, leaving me to tumble to the floor.

  “What? Is play time over already?” He chuckles. I hate the way he’s talking down to me, as if I’m some little girl. I look up at him as I lift myself off the ground, tears fall freely now and when he sees them his face completely changes.

  “Phee, wait.” His voice is softer now, gentler even. I hurry past him, reaching for the door.

  “I guess you are just an animal after all,” I mutter, before leaving the room.


  I head to the bathroom down the hall, locking myself inside. I look at my neck. The bite is hardly a scratch. I wash away the residue blood, washing my face with cold water. I can’t believe I ever had a crush on him. The way he spoke to me, the ruthless way he pushed me. A shiver goes down my spine; I’m afraid.

  I find the courage to leave the bathroom. Nixon isn’t in the hallway and I feel anxious when I reach Angel’s door. What if he�
�s inside?

  I slowly open the door and I’m met with Alex’s bright smile.

  She calls me over to where she sits on the bed next to Angel, telling her all about the gossip in one of her celebrity magazines. We don’t know whether Angel can hear us or not, but both of us have been chatting to her, filling her in on what’s going on lately and what she’s missed.

  Angel’s father also visits as often as he can, he likes to be alone with her though. One night he left the bedroom door a little open. I didn’t know he’d be there, so I couldn’t help eavesdropping when I heard him talking to her. He was telling her how sorry he was about the twins and the way they’d treated her. He told her that he felt as if he were at a cross roads. He wanted to hurt the boys for the way they hurt his little girl, but he knew that she needed them and that she loves them. That he could never take them away from her. I heard the sounds of his cries as he begged for his little girl to wake up. Hearing that come from such a powerful man like him had me in tears. I didn’t stay to hear the rest.

  “She squeezed my hand.” Alex’s confession has me awestruck.

  “Really?” I move to the other side of the bed and grab Angel’s hand.

  “Yes. I was telling her a story about the twins. About how in love they were with her from the moment they laid eyes on her. The love they have for her is palpable. Even when they were dating those other girls, they always kept an eye on her. Angel was oblivious to it all though.” Alex looks down lovingly at her daughter, running her hands through her hair.

  I feel movement and look down at my hand. “We need to get the twins up here. I think they’ll be able to wake her up,” I say, looking at Alex. Realization hits and she looks and me, then back at Angel.

  “You think that’s what had her moving her hand, me talking about her mates?” I smile nodding my head.

  “It’s worth a shot.”

  Alex shoots out the bed saying she’s going to get the boys. She doesn’t care that Johnny forbade everyone. Alex is confident that they can bring back her little girl.

  Chapter 28


  I can hear their voices in my dreams. They’re close but I can’t see them. I can’t find them because everything’s black. I reach into the darkness and feel something squeeze my hand. I’m confused because no one’s there. I open my mouth and try calling for them, but nothing comes out.

  “Angel… baby? Can you hear us? We’re right here,” Talon’s voice says. It’s sounds like he’s crying. Why’s he crying?

  “Wake up for us, baby. Wake up and let us see those pretty eyes. I’ve missed you,” Tyler says, his voice scratchy and weak. Tyler never sounds weak, he’s strong and perfect.

  “You feel her squeezing? She squeezing your hand too?” He’s talking to Talon now. Their voices are clear and I can feel them each holding a hand, whilst also running their fingers through my hair.

  I blink. Light-dark then light and dark again. I squint, but the rooms is just too bright. Pulling my hand out of someone’s grasp, I cover my eyes.

  “She’s awake! Oh my god, it worked,” a familiar voice says.

  “Close the curtains, the rooms too bright for her,” Tyler calls out.

  I blink and open my eyes when the room turns darker. My vision is a little blurry as my eyes take time to adjust. The room is silent and a feeling of anxiety washes over me.

  The first face that comes into view is Tyler’s. He’s sitting next to me on the bed, leaning forward with a worried look on his face.

  “Ty?” I call out but my voice is croaky. He breaks down in tears as he pulls me onto his lap.

  “I missed you so much, baby!” He holds me tightly and even though my body is achy and stiff, I don’t mind it at all. He’s holding me and telling me how much he loves me; I’ve waiting too long for it.

  He keeps apologising, over and over. I cover his mouth with my hand. “What are you apologising for?”

  “For making you do it. You healed Kate, but it nearly killed you. It’s all my fault.” He drops his head into the crook of my neck, feeling the moisture from his eyes and the tremble of his shoulders as he cries.

  “It wasn’t your fault. I should have told you.” I run my hands through his messy hair. I’ve never seen it this long before. “Please stop crying and apologising. You’re making me sad,” I say softly. He looks up and I wipe away his tears.

  “I missed you, Ty.”

  “I’ve missed you, Angel. I know I’ve done some unforgiveable things lately, but I can’t lose you. Even if you reject me, I won’t be able to leave. I love you, Angel. I love you so much, I can’t live without you.” He holds my face firmly, bringing his lips to mine. I feel my wolf stirring inside of me. Faith is waking and calling out to his wolf.

  I pull away, rubbing my cheek against his, “I love you too.”

  “Can I have a turn now?” I look over Tyler’s shoulder and see Talon, his face blotchy and red and his cheeks wet with tears. I reach out and he wraps his arms around me, I can feel his breath on my neck as he breathes me in.

  “I missed you so much. I never wanna be without you again. I’m so sorry for all the time we wasted trying to get back at you. If I could take back every single thing I’ve done to hurt you, I would-” I cover his mouth with mine just to shut him up.

  “No more apologies. Can I just enjoy this moment for a second?” I smile reaching out for Tyler’s hand.

  “Anything you want, babe,” Tyler says, holding my hand tightly in his.

  “Any lovin’ left for us?” I hear my dad’s deep voice. Whipping my head around, I see we have been joined by a couple more people; I hadn’t even noticed.

  My father hugs me, holding me tight, “I’m so glad you’re awake, honey.”

  My mother is next, she doesn’t want to let go, she doesn’t want to stop crying either.

  Phoenix follows, she too is in tears.

  Axel has to pull her away from me and I can’t help but laugh. “Missed your face, pretty girl,” He links to me, his voice filtering into my thoughts. I wonder why he didn’t speak out loud? As he pulls away he does this fist pump thing with the twins, muttering a “Good job, dudes.” Since when did they become buddies?

  I look around the room searching for Nixon. “I’m right here, cupcake.” Nixon comes in with a big smile on his face. He wraps me in his arms, rubbing my back gently.


  It takes Angel a couple of days to rest and recuperate. She’s determined to get out and get back to life, but I can’t bear to have her out of my sight just yet. I need to make sure she’s okay, that she will wake up everytime she rests her eyes.

  My Angel, I thought I’d lost her. I never want to go through that again. Nearly losing her made me look back on all the mistakes I’ve made and all the hurtful shit I’ve said. I can’t believe how I took her for granted. If I could go back now and take back everything I’ve done to hurt her or cause her one ounce of sadness, I would; I’d take it all back without a second glance.

  She keeps telling me that it isn’t my fault that this happened to her; this being… she nearly died. But that’s Angel, she has a need to make everyone around her happy. I, however, know it was my fault, even though I didn’t know the full extent of her healing capabililities. I would never have let her attempt to heal Kate had I known it would cause Angel harm.

  It was my fault my Angel nearly didn’t wake up and I’m going to make it up to her every second of every day if I have to.

  I love her. She’s it for me.

  My brother and I are finally making progress with the Alpha. He said it wasn’t for him to forgive us, that if Angel forgave us then that’s all that mattered. It matters to Talon and me though. We want to prove to him that we will make great Alpha’s when the time comes. We need him to trust us. I know it’s gonna be hard for him to do that, especially with everything we kept from him, and the hell we put his daughter through.

  At least he no longer looks at us full of animosity, he’s softeni
ng. I know all the hard work we’ve been putting into learning the skills of taking over the Alpha role of his pack is paying off. The fact that my brother and I will both become Alpha has motivated our fellow pack members. This is a rare occurance. Having two wolves share the Alpha position can only be of benefit to our pack.

  That being said, the news has travelled across the allied packs and a lot of the other packs in the region are not overly happy about it.

  Alpha believes we are ready to take his place. The fact that Angel will have two men who will protect her to the end a bonus, although he has made it known that he will watch over his daughter till his dying day; I can appreciate that.

  “Brother? You ready for this meeting?” I look to where Talon stands in the Alpha’s office, the office that will become ours next week after the mating ceremony.

  “Yeah, we have to meet with Caspian. Alpha wants to make sure there is no animosity between us. We have to do this, Talon,” I say, mostly to convince myself rather than him. I personally couldn’t give two fucks about that man. He would have taken Angel from us, given the chance. But it’s no longer about what I want… I have a pack to think about now. I can’t be selfish.”

  Talon has a frown on his face. He seems tense and I feel his frustration from across the room. “Right. Yeah… You’re right.” He nods his head then walks out of the room.


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