Darkness Fallen

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Darkness Fallen Page 4

by Dave Willmarth

  Mana: 19,800Skill pts avail: 5

  Stamina: 9(22) Dexterity: 6 Armor: 240 Heath Regen: 90

  Strength: 7(23) Wisdom: 66(96) Defense: 150 Mana Regen: 185

  Agility: 9(19) Intel: 66(96) Attack: 45 Magic Attack: 135

  Luck: 14(22) Charisma: 11 Stam Regen: 16 Race: Elf

  I’m still a glass cannon. Nearly all my strength and stamina come from gear boosts. Need to fix that.

  Alexander assigned five points to Strength and five more to Stamina. That took him back down to 14 available points. After a bit of thought, he assigned three points to Agility, and one to Charisma. He saved the remaining ten points.

  There. Now if I have to fight melee I won’t totally embarrass myself. But I need to stop thinking like a warrior. The key to success for me now is to control the fights so that I can use magic effectively. Having to go melee would be a tactical defeat.

  The remainder of the group soon arrived, and Brick opened the portal to Stormforge. Upon entering the Greystone compound, the core members summoned their mounts. The big cats had spread out to their favorite resting spots around the compound. Bacon had apparently opted to stay at the keep with his harem. Max promised to stop by the butcher’s shop and order a cartload of meat for the beasts and headed off to find his trainer.

  Brick made straight for the dragon forge to check in with the dwarven master smiths. Sasha followed her cat into the greenhouse to plant some of the featherroot transplants. The dwarven merchants took their empty carts and headed into the city to begin gathering the items from Lola’s list.

  As the other guildmates drifted out the gate to locate their own trainers, Alexander made his way to the palace. He stopped at Lydia’s shop to see if she and the captain were about.

  Entering the shop, the familiar smell of dried and powdered herbs greeted him, making him aware of his growing hunger. Lydia’s uses of herbs and spices made her one of the best cooks around. Her delicious meals provided significant buffs, as well.

  “Alexander! Welcome back.” Lydia’s voice came from somewhere behind the racks of bottles and vials. She quickly emerged to gather him in a hug. “Are all of you back?”

  “Yes, that’s what I came to tell you. We went back to the featherroot caves and found both demons and undead. So, Sasha removed as many of the plants as she could. She’s planted some at the keep and is in her greenhouse right now doing the same here. I thought you might want to go and advise her on how best to keep them alive?”

  “Oh! Well, yes. They need to be someplace with very limited light and plenty of moisture. I think she knows that already, but I’ll just go make sure. My husband is already at the palace if you’re looking for him?” Lydia smiled.

  “Yes, I am. Thank you. Oh! Can I ask a professional question?” he asked, pulling out one of Sasha’s healing potions.

  “Of course, you can. What would you like to know?”

  “Well, I’ve been learning and practicing enchanting. Using it to enhance items and increase the power of … well… explosions.” Alexander blushed a bit. Lydia laughed. He held up the healing potion vial. “Sasha gave me some of these and asked me to find a way to enchant the potions to make them stronger. Have you ever heard of anyone doing this?”

  Lydia looked thoughtful. “I have not. But you children have already found ways to do things that I would have said were impossible. It is an intriguing idea. If you succeed, it could change everything.” She motioned him toward the door as she spoke.

  Alexander followed her out of the shop, saying goodbye as she locked up. As usual, the guards at the gate saluted and waved him through. Alexander smiled fondly and waved at the line of citizens waiting to be granted entrance. Just a few weeks ago, he’d been among those folks himself. Waiting to request an audience with the king.

  Captain Redmond greeted him as he passed through the inner bailey gate. “Nearly level 60! Seems you’ve been busy this week.”

  “Ha! You have no idea. I’m actually here to report to the king. Does he have time for me this morning?”

  “I think he’ll make time. My guess is he’ll want to hear what you have to say. He’s in with the merchants again. Any chance you have news of demons to interrupt them with, like last time?”

  The captain’s smirk turned into one of surprise when Alexander replied, “Demons AND undead.”

  The two men made their way to the great hall, where the king was seated on his throne listening to the merchants air their grievances with a bored look on his face. Upon seeing Alexander, his face brightened considerably. Noting the change, several of the merchants turned to see Alexander and Captain Redmond entering, and a hush fell over the crowd.

  “HA!” The king laughed. “It seems your presence alone can silence this horde! You’ll have to teach me your secret, Alexander.”

  Alexander bowed to the king. “Simple, Your Majesty. I bring news of terrifying monsters and ways for the merchants to earn more money!” This earned him a laugh from the king and several of the merchants in the room.

  “In fact, I brought the dwarven merchants, Thagin and Drellin, with me this morning. They arrived with empty wagons and a large bag of gold.” Alexander looked at the crowd of merchants. “I imagine they’re looking for a few of you as we speak.” More laughter, even as a few of the merchants hurried toward the door while trying not to be conspicuous.

  “And what of the terrifying monsters?” the king sounded almost hopeful. It seemed anything to end this meeting would be a blessing.

  “Unfortunately, Your Majesty, I have news of those as well. The demons have returned to the featherroot caves near the keep. And this time, they had an undead army with them.” Alexander hadn’t wanted to make this general knowledge, but the king had asked, so he answered.

  “I see. That is unfortunate.” The king rubbed his chin for a moment. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m afraid we’ll need to cut this meeting short. It seems we’ve new threats to contend with. I will ensure that you are all informed of necessary details after I’ve met with my Knight-Advisor.”

  Captain Redmond led the king and Alexander through a side door to the king’s study as the merchants muttered among themselves and began to leave. Some moved at a more rapid pace, either to try and sell goods to the dwarves or to spread the latest gossip.

  The captain closed the study door as the king took a seat and motioned for Alexander to do the same. “So. Demons and undead?” the king asked.

  Alexander recounted their activities since he’d last spoken to the king. The attacks, their new moat monster, the dungeon caves full of demons and undead, exploring the garrison tower, their fights with the monstrosity, and the lich on the other side of the portal. Even the comments from Jeff the noob regarding the queen of Antalia and the bounty propaganda. He finished with the option that Greystone had been given to claim their own kingdom.

  Though he clearly had questions, the king held his tongue while he considered what he’d heard. Captain Redmond filled the silence. “By the gods, boy. How do you manage to get into and out of so much trouble so quickly?” He chuckled.

  “Just lucky, I guess?” Alexander shrugged. “It’s possible Odin is messing with me just a bit.” Alexander turned to the king. “Your Majesty, I came here hoping for your guidance on the potential for a new kingdom. I would obviously only wish to proceed with your blessing, and with that of King Thalgrin. And strong alliances with both of you.”

  “It sounds like quite the kingdom,” King Charles began. “Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Duergar, Trolls, Dragons, Gryphons… am I missing anyone?”

  “One goblin, Your Majesty.” Alexander grinned at him.

  “Ah, yes. The streaker, Fibble. We must not forget him!” The king chuckled. “I do not recall hearing of any kingdom in the history of Io with such a diverse citizenry. It will be interesting to watch you grow.”

  “So, you approve?” Alexander was surprised it would be so easy.

  “Alexander, other than the captain here and my sister, there is no
one I would trust more as a neighbor and ally. Dire Keep and its lands are already yours. The area you have expanded into has been unclaimed for centuries. It is frankly better for me that you have some control over it. And that you act as a buffer for whatever lies beyond. It seems Greystone Manor will become an embassy once again. I do hope you don’t insist on closing the tunnel?”

  “Ha! Of course not, Your Majesty. You are always welcome in our home. And Brick’s cellar. You need not even ask. We couldn’t ask for a better friend or ally.” Alexander stood and bowed deeply to the king.

  When he resumed his seat, he continued. “As for a buffer, we will be exploring the plateau beginning this evening. We have the ability to create stone golems now, and we’ll be using them as scouts. I’ve sealed the demons and undead in the dungeon caverns behind some thirty feet of stone, though I don’t know how long that will hold them. I have hunters keeping watch for activity. Which reminds me…”

  Alexander removed the two newly crafted light cannons from his bag. He handed one to the king and one to the captain. “These are for you, in case any of the forces of darkness bypass us or defeat us. I’ll make another one this morning and leave it for you before I head back. That should give you enough to cover the gates, at least.”

  As the king and captain looked over the weapons, Alexander removed six medium-sized soul crystals from his bag. He handed them to the king. “I would appreciate it if you don’t share where these came from, Your Majesty. I have a large enough target on my back already.”

  “Of course, Alexander. And thank you. This is a generous gift. My son has been busy with his ‘training’ with these cannons. The mages from the guild are having to constantly recharge the weapons. I will keep these in reserve for any potential battle.”

  “We have learned, Your Majesty, that if you take the crystals, or the cannons, to the altar at Whitehall, or the altar in our keep, the magic from the dual blessings recharges them. It takes most of a day and night. Also, the water that runs below our keep has been consecrated, and now has significant healing and mana regenerating properties.”

  “We will certainly try that. Thank you. Maybe the same will happen at one of the temples here in the city,” the king replied.

  “Have you heard back from the queen in Antalia yet, Your Majesty?” Alexander asked.

  “Our messenger has not yet returned. But it has only been a day. I expect it will take two more days before we hear back. The messenger has instructions to use a teleport scroll to get home once the queen replies,” Captain Redmond informed him.

  “Ah, of course,” Alexander replied, feeling foolish. “So much has happened, I forgot it was only yesterday that we spoke. My apologies.”

  “Be assured I will notify you as soon as I receive word,” the king added. “If there is nothing else, I’m afraid I am a bit behind schedule this morning.”

  “Of course, Your Majesty. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. I’ll update you as soon as I learn more.” Alexander bowed his head as the king took his leave.

  Alexander left the palace and made his way down to Master Baleron’s shop. Removing a bottle of dwarven spirits from his bag, he stepped through the front door.

  The old gnome was standing behind his counter. He called out a greeting as Alexander closed the door behind him. “Well, hello, boy! Come for another lesson? Have you been practicing? Come here, let me get a look at you.”

  Alexander smiled at his enchanting mentor as he set the bottle on the counter. “I’ve actually come for some advice, Master Baleron.” He pulled the healing potion vial from his bag again. “I want to know if there’s a way to enchant this potion to make it stronger.”

  The old half-gnome enchanter raised his eyebrows. Taking the vial from Alexander, he looked thoughtful. “You know, I’ve never considered that. I don’t recall ever hearing of anyone enchanting a liquid. The container, sure. But not the potion itself. It is an interesting idea. I assume you intend to experiment?”

  Alexander nodded his head. “I’m going to ask Fitz first, to see if he already knows of a way. But if not, I’ll try to figure it out on my own.”

  “Good for you, lad! Let me know how it goes. Maybe the student can teach the master something!” Baleron’s ears seemed to waggle a bit as he grinned.

  “I certainly will. Thank you, Master Baleron. Enjoy the bottle!” Alexander waved at the enchanter as he exited the shop.

  Turning to head back toward the compound, Alexander noticed a jeweler’s shop a few doors away. An idea struck him, and he made for the shop.

  Upon entering, he found a very simple and spartan room filled with glass cases. Beneath the glass was an assortment of loose gems and jewelry pieces ranging from small single pairs of earrings to elaborate necklaces and headpieces.

  “Good morning, Sir Knight. How may I be of assistance?” a female voice came from the left. Turning, Alexander found the smallest human woman he’d ever seen. She was, at most, four feet tall and maybe fifty years old. Dressed in cobalt blue mages robes, she had blonde hair that was going grey and a kind smile. Her eyes sparkled like the gems she had on display. She wore a headband with a jeweler’s loupe attached.

  “Good morning to you, lady…?” Alexander paused.

  “Ha! I’m no lady. Call me Mags. And I know who you are. Saw your duel in the square the other day. And that old coot Baleron never stops talking about you! I had to chase him out with a broom yesterday. Drunken old gnome barely made it back to his shop.” She grinned at him.

  “Nice to meet you, Mags. And I’m sorry about Baleron. I’m afraid he gets his spirits from me.” Alexander bowed his head in apology. “I’ve come in search of a gift for a young lady. An elf. Something as beautiful as she is.” Alexander blushed slightly as he realized what he’d said.

  Mags favored him with a knowing smile. “Ah, I see. Someone special has captured the heart of the gallant knight! Well, let me see… I assume she has blonde hair? Fair skin? What color are her eyes?”

  “The deepest green I’ve ever seen!” Alexander responded without thinking. “I mean…” He was definitely blushing now.

  Mags patted his arm. “You’ve got it bad, sweetie. I’m sure I can help you find something. Or I can make you a custom piece if you don’t like what you see here.” She motioned to one of the glass cases.

  As Alexander peered through the glass at her wares, Mags moved around behind the display and stepped up onto something that brought her to eye level with him. Alexander noted that most of the pieces inside this particular display were set with emeralds.

  “Emeralds to bring out the color of her eyes!” Mags confirmed for him. I’ve got earrings, bracelets, necklaces, even a tiara.” She pointed to a fanciful headpiece on one side of the case.

  “I’m looking for something… simple. But beautiful. She’s a rogue and moves around quite a bit. I think anything big and fancy would end up stored in a box somewhere. I’d like something maybe more durable, that she can wear every day.”

  “So, a rogue stole your heart! How fitting! Now, it’ll need to be something quiet. Can’t sneak up on people with jingling jewelry. What kind of enhancements would you like it to have?” Mags asked.

  “Oh, that doesn’t matter to me. I just want it to make her happy. And I’m an enchanter myself, though still learning. I could add bonuses to it later if it doesn’t come with any.”

  Mags reached into the case and removed a gold ring with a tastefully sized emerald setting. Setting it on a square of blue felt atop the glass, she said, “This one has a bonus to luck. Always a good thing for rogues.” She smiled.

  Alexander felt a lump in his throat. When he managed to swallow it, he said, “Errmm… a ring might be… too suggestive? I don’t want to scare her. We’ve only known each other a few days.”

  “Oh, so it’s like that, is it? You’re smitten! But you don’t know if she feels the same?” Mags laughed. “Well, that changes things a bit!”

  Alexander suspected Mags was having
significant fun at his expense. “I think she feels the same. Or feels something. Gah! It’s complicated.”

  Mags patted his hand and adopted a motherly expression. “It is always complicated, my dear. I think I have the perfect item. Wait here a moment.” She hopped down from her perch and disappeared into what must have been her workshop.

  Alexander fidgeted while he waited. He began to second-guess himself. Would giving her jewelry be too much? Or too soon? Or both?

  He was eyeing the door and considering a hasty retreat when Mags reappeared with a small velvet box in her hands. Hopping back up on her perch behind the counter, she set the box upon the glass.

  “Go ahead. Open it.” She grinned at him.

  Lifting the lid, Alexander saw a thumbnail-sized emerald upon what looked like a tangle of black leather. Not being a jewelry expert by any stretch of the imagination, he was confused by the combination.


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