Body Talk: An Ex-Navy SEAL Billionaire Romance

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Body Talk: An Ex-Navy SEAL Billionaire Romance Page 42

by Ashlee Price

  When we got back to the building, I told her that I had a meeting to get to, but really I went for a drive. I needed the peace and quiet that came from it. Before long my mind was clearing and I was feeling better than I had in a long time. I don’t know if it was Desiree or the kiss or just the thought of all of the possibilities, but something was going on with me, and I liked the changes that were happening.

  Chapter 5 – Desiree

  I still felt nervous going into work, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Fran had told me that I should just ignore it all, and I was working on doing that. I didn’t know if anyone was still whispering behind my back, but I wasn’t listening for it in the first place. They were going to say what they were going to say, and the best I could do was try to make sure that I didn’t let it bother me. I was exactly where I wanted to be, and all I needed was to just ride it out.

  After a week, the nervousness was completely gone and I was starting to really like working there. I had seen Donald only once in the hallway. The look he had given me had stopped me in my tracks. He still hadn’t forgotten about me smacking him, and I was sure that he wasn’t going to forget any time soon. I didn’t ask Greg if he was still thinking about getting rid of him. I just let it go, and as long as he wasn’t around me or messing with me, I could usually ignore it all.

  Greg was a little harder to ignore. He started meeting me out in the parking garage for lunch. I had gone with him every day that week. Now that it was Friday, I was thinking about Greg and how much I was going to miss the relaxed talks that we had over deli sandwiches. I don’t know why, but waiting a couple of days to see him again seemed like a long time.

  When I was leaving that evening, I thought of stopping off to see him. I hadn’t done it yet, but when I got in the elevator, there was an urge to hit the top button and find a reason to say that I wanted to see him. But I didn’t succumb to it. I went down to the parking garage instead. A couple of days weren’t that long, after all.

  His voice stopped me before I got to my car, though, and I smiled to myself when he said my name. Why did I want to see him so badly? We had just seen each other for lunch a few hours ago.

  “Are you done for the week?”

  I nodded that I was, turning around to look up at him. I don’t know how he did it, but he had some of the best timing.

  “Would you like to go out with me tonight?”

  “I’m not really dressed to go out.”

  “I can pick you up around eight if you want. However long you think you need to get ready would be fine with me.”

  “Well, aren’t you accommodating today?”

  He chuckled, and I thought for a moment he was going to kiss me again. There were times when we were together that I was sure that he was going to kiss me. He would get close, so close that I could feel his breath on me, and then I would wait in anticipation. It wasn’t long before I would realize, like I was now, that he wasn’t going to make a move. So, trying not to sigh too hard, I agreed to go with him. I didn’t know where we were going, but I knew that it didn’t matter. I just wanted to be with him.

  “I will see you then.”

  “Okay, see you then, Greg.”

  Getting into my car, there was a buzz in the air and I was sure that everyone else could hear it because it was so loud in my ears. I knew then that I wanted more from Greg than just being my boss. I wanted him in ways that I wasn’t supposed to want him.


  “I can’t believe you are going out with him. I can’t even believe you are working there again, but this is different. If you go, Desiree, he is going to think that you want something more than just a friendship.”

  “I do want more than a friendship. I want him, Fran. I don’t know why I do, but God I want him so bad. He is like Jimmy from tenth grade all over again. I can’t think when he is around. I can barely talk a lot of the time. I think maybe if we are together once, then I could move on. I don’t know. He is driving me a little crazy.”

  She just shook her head at me. She had already given me a hard time about a lot of things, and now I knew what she was going to say.

  “I just think that you are playing with fire, Desiree. Men like Greg Jefferson are not known to be faithful and loyal. Do you really want to get involved with a man like that? I mean, think about it. He is trying to get with you and he’s your boss. That goes against all kinds of ethics.”

  I knew that she was probably right. What we’d been doing so far wasn’t wrong, but what I wanted to happen was certainly frowned upon. But I felt like I was supposed to be with him. If nothing else, I just had to get him out of my system before he drove me insane.

  “I know, Fran, but you have seen him. He is gorgeous.”

  “Mmmhmm. I think it has to do with that kiss you guys had in the kitchen.”

  “I thought you were in your room?”

  “I thought you were smarter than that, Desiree.”

  I sighed to myself. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to say. There was a lot of truth in what she was telling me, and I knew that Fran had my best interests at heart, she always did, but I didn’t want to hear it. I was going to have him one way or another, and I had a feeling that tonight was going to be the night that we got close. I felt like I had been waiting forever, and I was ready to find out if it was worth all of the hassle.

  “Look, Fran. I know you are not going to get it, but I kind of fell for him. I just want him once, and then he will move on and I will be able to stop thinking about him.”

  “You act like you are not going to fall harder.”

  I didn’t answer her. I knew that it was definitely a possibility. “I’m not in high school anymore. I don’t fall.”

  She looked skeptical, and I wished that I had more power and surety in my voice, but it wasn’t sure at all.

  “I just don’t want you to get hurt, Desiree.”

  Fran had that tone in her voice and I finally looked at her. “I’m not going to get hurt, Fran. I know what this is.”

  “And you are still willing to do it?”

  Nodding my head, I knew that I was. I knew there was a chance I’d get hurt, but more than anything I just wanted Greg. It didn’t matter what the consequences would be. If I thought of them, I wouldn’t have answered the door and moved to the car that was waiting for us. When he opened the passenger side for me in the front, I was a little shocked that he was actually driving.

  “No driver?”

  He shook his head no. “Not tonight.”

  Chapter 6 – Desiree

  “So where are we going?”

  He was driving more slowly than I was used to, but he looked good behind the wheel. I wanted to say more to him, something clever hopefully, but like always, my wit was gone when I was around him.

  “I was thinking that we could have a bite to eat closer to home. I don’t live far from here and I had Marie make us a picnic.”


  “She is my cook.”

  Of course, I thought to myself. Of course he has a cook.

  “There is a great place on the property that you would like. The sun will be setting soon and it has a wonderful view of the sunset.”

  I smiled at him then looked back out the window to avoid his eyes. I had told him about my love of nature only once, but he had taken it to heart. I tried to imagine him sitting on the grass in his suit, but I was sure that Marie had packed something in the picnic to prevent that very thing from happening. Looking down at my own dress, I was glad I hadn’t gone overboard. The skirt was a little short, and I worried what would happen when I sat on the ground.

  All of those things were running through my head as Greg pulled off the main road and started to travel down a bumpy lane that didn’t have much gravel at all. It looked like it wasn’t used very much. If I’d been with anyone else, I would have been bothered by the changing scenery.

  “Sorry about the road. I don’t come down here a lot, and I didn’t know that it was getti
ng so bad.”

  I just nodded, not sure what to say. We finally pulled off into the grass and stopped. I looked around at the small clearing. In the far-off distance I could already see the ridge that was going to give us the light show that he was talking about. It was a perfect spot, and I liked the dark look in his eyes.

  Greg spread a blanket out to keep the grass and dirt off of us. The meal was light, but the wine was good, and as promised, the sunset was spectacular. I found myself leaning against his hard chest, and his arm moved around my waist. I was content in the moment, and when he leaned down further to kiss me it seemed like the most natural thing in the world to look up and meet his lips with mine. I felt an electric jolt between us, and when his grip tightened, I didn’t feel the slightest inclination to pull away.

  He had me on the ground quickly, and all I could see were his green eyes staring down at me. When I finally shut my own, his lips were moving off of my mouth and down my neck. Each second brought him to a new area that delighted in the moist lips and occasional flick of his tongue tasting my flesh. Greg was driving me crazy, and only when his mouth reached one of the hardened tips through my blouse did I try to collect myself. His teeth made me cry out and then relax as he pulled away to open the grey silk top. His expression changed as he viewed me in my bra, and I could feel my face getting red with the attention.

  “I knew you would be perfect, Desiree. Your name really should be Desire.”

  His words didn’t help, but they were quickly forgotten when he unclasped my bra and pulled it off slowly. I tried to watch his face and expressions, but I was unable to. It was too hard to look at him when he was so ready to devour me. For the first time, I questioned if I was going to be able to handle his full attention.

  Greg’s lips and tongue latched on to one of the bare tips and I couldn’t hold in the gasp of pleasure. His teeth were not gentle, but just when I thought to say something like ‘stop’ he would slacken off and lap at a reddened nipple. It left me going from a high, tense peak to a blissful valley that made me sink deeper into the blanket.

  I started to squirm as his mouth moved lower. My eyes were looking up at the stars and I felt the brush of air on my legs as my skirt rose from his actions. I knew what came next, and if his mouth was anything like it had been on my nipples, I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to take it.

  His hair tickled my inner thigh and I could feel heat on my core. Before he could even touch me, I was moving underneath him, urging him to me and inside of me. I was as ready as I was ever going to be, and the very idea of him down there sent my body into overtime.

  “Please, Greg. Now.”

  I could hear the desperation in my voice. I was caught unawares by how much I suddenly needed him. It wasn’t just that I was throbbing and ready to lose myself for the chance of an orgasm, but that I didn’t care about what happened on Monday. All I could think about was him inside of me, and I needed him right then.

  Greg seemed to hear me and was quick to fumble with his pants. Sitting up, I opened his jacket and started to pull it off of his shoulders. Greg helped me until it became hard for him to focus on what he was doing. My fingers worked on his shirt and then touched the hard chest underneath sprinkled with short, springy brown hairs. I flicked my nail over his hard nipple and he gasped in front of me.

  I made my own sound of shock and surprise when I saw how ready he was for me. Forgetting about the shirt that hung open on his broad shoulders, I reached out to take him into my palm. The skin was smooth and the rod so hard. Squeezing gently, I stroked him slowly, watching the pleasure pull on his lips as he shut his eyes. Greg wasn’t very loud, but his noises were like an aphrodisiac nonetheless.

  He didn’t let me do more than stroke him for a few moments before pushing me back down and wedging his body between my legs. I felt the heaviness on my panties and then the heat as he moved them to the side. My hands gripped his shoulders and I cried out into his ear. He was too hard and too big for me. I was ready, but I hadn’t been as ready for him as I had thought.

  My insides clenched down on the intrusion while my mind shattered. The culmination of the wait and finally having him was nothing to the feel of him inside of me. It was perfect. He felt perfect and I was lost. My arms moved around his neck and I pulled him down for a kiss while his hips started to rock back and forth into me. It didn’t take much to send me over the edge, and all I could do was hold on for dear life.


  I was lying with my head on his chest, our bodies slick with sweat. My heart was just finally slowing down when his phone started to ring in his pants. The tone was off a little, and he finally roused me up to check it.

  “I got to take this. It’s Tommy, and he wouldn’t be calling if it wasn’t important.”

  Nodding, I fumbled for my shirt to cover myself up. The glow of sex was still upon me, but the idea of the real world coming back was enough to get me ready to get dressed. Our moment was gone and our bubble had burst.

  Watching the look on his face, it was clear that it wasn’t good news. I was ready to leave when he got off the phone. “Thanks, Desiree. I hate to do this, but I really need to drop you off and take care of some things.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  His eyes, paired with the tightness in his jaw, told me that there was something wrong, but I didn’t press further. It was something that he didn’t want to tell me about, and I had to remember that he was just my boss, not my boyfriend.

  To be continued…

  Billionaire Desireth Book 3: Billionaire Giveth

  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  By: Ashlee Price


  One night with Greg was enough to get Desiree thinking about him all of the time. She waited for his call, and when it didn’t come, her hopes were dashed. After losing her job at the firm because of a takeover and then not hearing from Greg for a few months, Desiree is finally moving on with her life. She’s put the dream job and the dream man to the back of her mind.

  Greg hasn’t forgotten the moments they shared under the dying sun, but just then she was a distraction that he didn’t need. He had a business to save and he knew that if he got her back in his arms, nothing else would matter. There were a lot of people depending on him and he just wanted to do the right thing.

  When he finally calls her, she won’t talk. When he goes to find her, Desiree resists his advances. But Greg is determined to have her and willing to concede everything for one more night. He will give her anything to have her in his arms once more.

  Chapter 1 – Greg

  “Do you have any idea what I was doing when you called? This better be damn important, Tommy. I am not playing.”

  I was trying to hold my anger in, but I was doing a horrible job of it. All I could think about was seconds with Desiree. Once would never be enough, and only Tommy’s statement that there was an emergency had gotten me here. If it was anything less, I was liable to lose it before I even got started.

  “I wouldn’t have called if I didn’t have to, sir.”

  He was sounding wounded. I didn’t have to look at him to know that he was upset. Tommy was a little too emotional for my liking, but I knew that he wouldn’t have called unless it was important. It was the whole reason that I had left Desiree at her house instead of taking her over and over again in the meadow. I didn’t have to like it, though.

  “Of course not, Tommy,” I sighed. “What’s going on?”

  “It’s Don.”

  “Did he finally leave?”

  Tommy shook his head. I was starting to get a little worried about what my idiot partner had done now. It wasn’t like Tommy to keep me in suspense, but he didn’t work well under pressure, so I tried to be patient and wait for him to collect himself.

  I couldn’t.

  “Just tell me, dammit, Tommy! I don’t want to sit here wondering. You pulled me out here, so what’s going on?” Well, so much for no pressure.

  “They voted you out

  I asked him what he meant. He said it again, a little softer. I think Tommy was really afraid that I was going to freak out. If I’d had the time to let it all sink in, I most likely would have done just that.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He called an emergency session and invited only a select few, just enough to gain a majority. I don’t know what all happened in there. I wasn’t allowed in the conference room.”

  “Why are you even still here at this hour?”

  “I never leave early. How do you think I have time to get everything done for you?”

  I wasn’t sure. I hadn’t ever really thought about it. I just thought of him as a little magical. He could get so much done. Pretty much everything I needed, Tommy had already thought about.

  “So Don is now the CEO?”

  Tommy shook his head, again looking at me like I was ready to spring on him.

  “What does he even know about the business? He’s never even here these days, and everything is so different from when he was. What were the grounds for getting rid of me?”

  “Your decision-making came into question.”

  I knew where this was going, and I just kind of shook my head in disgust. It was because of what Desiree had done. Her turning him down had caused all this. We had fought over girls before, but he’d never been so underhanded. It was a shock that he would actually do something like that to me.

  “I can’t believe this.”

  “Neither can I. That’s why I called you. They’re still upstairs.”

  I smiled. I knew then why I kept Tommy around. He might be a lot of things, but he was always good at giving me what I really needed. Right now, I needed to see my old friend and partner. I knew that it wasn’t going to be good, but it had to be done. Here I was thinking about buying him out and he’d gone and voted me out. It didn’t take any money from me, but it certainly was going to make it hard to run my own company.


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