Body Talk: An Ex-Navy SEAL Billionaire Romance

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Body Talk: An Ex-Navy SEAL Billionaire Romance Page 68

by Ashlee Price

  Turning away, I hid the reaction that he wanted. My face was hot, and I was still thinking about the blue eyes that had seen me first thing this morning. He had seen too much of me, and for some reason my body was being ridiculous around him.

  Cracking the eggs, I started the oil and tried my best not to look at him. I couldn’t help but wonder why in the world I was letting him stand there watching me in my kitchen. I should have told him to leave. That’s what I would have told anyone else. It was reinforcing his belief that he didn’t have to play by the rules.

  “So how long have you worked here?”

  I shrugged and told him I’d been here since it opened. I didn’t say anything about who I’d opened it with or why he wasn’t there any longer. I didn’t want to talk about it, and I certainly didn’t want to blab on to a guy like Scott. He didn’t care. I wasn’t sure what he was there for, but I knew that it didn’t have anything to do with wanting to hear my little sob story.

  I put the omelet into a to-go box. I wanted him to get the hint that he shouldn’t eat it on one of the few small round tables in the front. He needed to leave before my body became anymore retarded than it was acting right then.

  “This smells wonderful.”

  Taking his money, I told him to have a good day. I tried not to make eye contact, knowing that my eyes would give away what I was feeling. When Scott left, I felt relief wash over me and I was finally able to breathe. I hoped that he’d gotten whatever he’d come in for, because I didn’t know if I wanted to deal with another run-in with him.

  Chapter 2 – Scott

  The coffee was good, I had to admit that, but it wasn’t the greatest thing under the sun. That went to Jesse. She had let me watch her cook, and I’d gotten the impression that she was letting me be there because she was interested in me. I knew that I shouldn’t have done it, but the urge to go back there had been too strong. I should have let it go. But I was trying to charm her, and I knew that I had to be in front of her to do that. Although I’d fought the other urges, like the one to touch her, I was still not convinced that I wanted anything to do with my father’s plans for her.

  Jesse was not someone that I would usually have looked at. She was a business owner, but of a very small business. I wasn’t sure that it was worth the time for my father, and I planned to tell him that. I was going to try to convince him that she wasn’t a good mark. I wasn’t going to tell him that it was because when she had smiled at me, I’d swallowed my heart in my throat. She wasn’t my type, in any way, but I couldn’t help but want to protect her – and I knew that the biggest predator around was my dad.

  Stepping up to the door, I tried to clear my thoughts of Jesse and the morning. I still had the coffee cup from the bistro in my hand, and I was sure that my father was going to be too busy to see me. He usually wanted to talk on the phone so he didn’t have to spend any more of his retirement than necessary on business. That was of course why he had given the business to me, but I was sick of being the lackey who did anything that he wanted.

  Maria answered the door and I could tell that she was a little surprised to see me. “Good morning, Scott. How are you today? It’s been a while.”

  “It has. I’m good, Maria. How are you and the kids?”

  She said that she was well as well. Opening the door wider, I walked in past her and asked if my dad was around.

  “He’s upstairs. I’ll go tell him that you’re here.”

  I waved her off and told Maria that I would go up there myself.

  “He’s not alone.”

  Shaking my head, I just kind of smiled at her. “I know. He never is. I don’t think my father has ever been alone for more than a couple of nights in my whole life. I got used to it a long time ago.”

  She gave me a sad look that I tried to ignore as I made my way up the tall staircase. There was no telling what I was going to find up there, but I liked the idea of catching him off guard. It just seemed like it was the thing to do after he had done it to me so many times in the past.

  Knocking a scant moment before I pushed the door in, I was rewarded by furtive movement as soon as I got in there. “Hey, dad.”

  He yelled my name as the girl who’d been on top of him grabbed the sheet and scampered off to the bathroom. She was about my age, brunette and rather beautiful. I wondered if he had paid her to stay the night, though I knew that my father had a charm about him that was hard to resist. He liked to think it was his wit and good looks, but I had a feeling it had a lot more to do with the money in his pocket than anything else.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Scott?”

  I sat down on the chair near the bed and smiled at him. I could tell that he wanted to wring my neck, but he couldn’t. I don’t think that he wanted me to see him that way, and I honestly didn’t care to think of him in that way either.

  “I thought I would come by and let you know what I found out about that little bistro you sent me to yesterday.”

  “You could have called.”

  “Yeah, I could have.” But I hadn’t wanted to, and now that I was there, I was starting to think that this was what I needed to do when I had to see him. It wasn’t as fun when I called. I was finally feeling like I had the upper hand, and that wasn’t something that happened often. It wasn’t something that I wanted to give away. I could feel myself smiling at the idea of it all.

  “So what is it that’s so damn important that you felt the need to come over here and disturb me?” My father was red-faced, and I knew then that I looked the same as him when I was upset. I didn’t like us being that much alike, but it was easier to see the resemblance when he was mad. It made me grit my teeth, and soon I was mad as well. I didn’t need a reminder of where I came from. I’d spent a lot of years trying to find out, but I was only now realizing that Jackson had not been worth getting to know.

  “I wanted to let you know that it’s a bad idea to mess with the bistro. It’s small, disorganized and the owner is not at all what you think she is. I don’t think that she’s grieving, and if she is, there is not a lot to tell you that she is. I think you’ve the wrong business opportunity. That place is just going to take your money and waste it.”

  I hoped that he would believe me. I didn’t want to say more, but I would if that meant that he would back off of her.

  “I heard that the business is in trouble. Did you not find anything out about that?”

  Sighing to myself, I admitted that I hadn’t talked to the owner about it. I’d been more worried about watching her cook and the way that her hips had swayed as she moved. I could tell him everything about that, but I’d completely forgotten about the rest of it. I didn’t want to admit that to him, but there was nothing that I could do about it now.

  “Well, I don’t think that your information is right. While I couldn’t find an angle to ask the question directly, there was no hint that the place was in financial hardship. Matter of fact, it was so busy in there, I would think that they are doing better than ever.”

  My father sat up and lit a cigarette. It was one of those nasty habits that I hated, and I tried not to crinkle my nose as the smell got to me. “Scott, you really just don’t get it. You can’t go off of appearances. I heard under very good authority that they are about to lose everything. I don’t think that the business they are getting now will help. You need to go back down there and make sure that you find out everything that you can. This is a good opportunity, I just know it.”

  I left his house without the grin on my face that I’d had coming in. Here I’d been enjoying making him uncomfortable, but now it was me who was feeling uneasy. The last thing that I wanted to do was help him hurt Jesse. I did like the idea of seeing her again, though, so that’s what I focused on more than anything else.

  Chapter 3 – Jesse

  “You again? This is becoming a habit, Scott. You know that I don’t open for a while.”

  He looked at his watch and smiled at me like he was sorry or that he was th
ere by mistake. But I knew there wasn’t a mistake. He was there because he liked to mess with me. Every day this week he had knocked on the front door a while before we opened. I didn’t know what he was planning to do, but his actions were driving me crazy.

  “I can’t get enough of your cooking, what can I say?”

  “I thought you were a busy man. I don’t think that coming here every day is going to get your work done.”

  He smiled as I let him in, and so help me, I was finding it harder to keep the grin from my own face. He was handsome, that was true, but when he smiled, his eyes did too, and it made me feel all warm inside. It kind of made me wonder if he realized how far out of my league he was.

  After the third time that he came in, I’d looked into Scott and found out that he was a lot richer than I’d guessed. As the CEO of the large tech company on Main Street, I knew that there was no reason for him to be there. It didn’t make sense to me, unless he was one of those guys who pursued me because I’d told him no. It wouldn’t be the first time that it had happened, but I didn’t want to get wrapped up in all of that.

  “I’m never too busy to see you.”

  Waving him off, I went and got the pad of paper that I wrote orders on.

  “So where is your friend at today? Is it just you here?”

  I was there alone, but the way he said it made me not want to tell him that it was just us in there. He was looking at me as if he was hungry, but I didn’t think that food was what he was really after. The look gave my body a new reason to act ridiculous. I was sure it was turning against me. That’s how it felt, anyways. It was impossible to feel any other way when my mind and body were so at odds with each other.

  “She’s around here somewhere. Melissa is almost never late. There’s another girl starting today too.” Why did I tell him that? “So what can I get for you, Scott?”

  Smiling at me, he told me to make him whatever I thought he would want. That was what he always said, and although I knew that he was a picky man, he didn’t seem to show that side to me. For that I was grateful. My thoughts on him had changed radically, and I was actually starting to like being around him when he was so easygoing about everything. I had a feeling that it would all change one day soon, but for now I was enjoying the attention.

  Walking to the back, I waited a heartbeat till I heard the door opening behind me. Since the first time that I’d kicked him out of the bistro, he had been back every day. Every day he came back to the kitchen with me, and it was now another habit with him.

  “I’m sorry if I’m disturbing you, but I just love to watch you work.”

  I tried to ignore the comment, but I couldn’t help the smile that came to my lips. I liked him being there, even though it was something that I would never admit. Melissa was already giving me a hard time for it. Yesterday she had caught us in there talking, and while I hated to admit it, I was having a good time with him then. He was a great guy when a person got past the rugged exterior, nothing like I’d first thought about him. At first I’d thought he was like all of the other guys that I’d met that acted like him, but there was something about Scott that was different. Even though he was richer than I could imagine, he was still so down to earth, like he wasn’t used to his position.

  “You’re not disturbing me. It’s not like this is brain surgery or something. I’m just making a few eggs.”

  “You shouldn’t put it down like what you do isn’t great. I’ve eaten at a lot of restaurants, some that are way more expensive, and I think that I’ve never had better eggs. You could do so many things. What makes you stay here?”

  I was a little put off by his comment. It made me wonder what he meant. I knew that the bistro wasn’t the nicest place in town, but I loved it there and I couldn’t think of working anywhere else.

  “It ain’t the Ritz, but I like it here. My father always wanted a small place to call his own, and when we opened The Ground Bean, we never thought it would turn into this. I like where I am, Scott. Can you say the same for yourself?”

  It was meant to be a joke, but I could tell that it wasn’t taken that way at all. I’d been offended by him thinking the place was too dinky, but I think instead I got him thinking about what I’d said. Was a man like him happy where he was? He was at the top of his game. Scott should be happy where was, but by the look on his face, I was starting to think that he wasn’t.

  “I can’t say that I can. I didn’t really want the job, but I had to take it. It was take it or I wouldn’t get anything in the inheritance. My father doesn’t make deals, so I did what I had to do. One day I’ll be able to run it the way that I want to, and then I think I’ll be happier.”

  He wasn’t so sure, and I think we could both hear it in his voice. I felt bad for him all of a sudden, and for the first time I was seeing him as he really was. Scott was more than just a filthy rich jerk who couldn’t wait in a line. He was so much more than that.

  “Well, don’t take too long to get happy, Scott. Life is too short.” I was thinking about my father when I said that, and I turned away to hide the tears that were in my eyes. God, I missed my dad.

  Chapter 4 – Scott

  Leaving The Ground Bean had me feeling strange. There was a moment where I’d shared a bit too much with Jesse, and I didn’t like the response. I’d said something that seemed to bother her, but I wasn’t sure what. While she tried to hide it, I knew that I’d made her cry. I just didn’t know why, and I felt horrible about it. Remembering what she had said about life being too short, I had a feeling that she was thinking about her dad. The reminder made me feel like crap, and I cursed my father again for the job that he had me doing. I was supposed to be running the company, not working out side deals to make him more money.

  I kept telling myself that I should refuse. It was the right thing to do, but I still wasn’t sure that I had the guts to do it. I should, of course. I was in a good position to tell him how it was going to be. If he was anyone else but my dad, I would have. But instead of telling him how I really felt, I just called him with a heads-up. She still wasn’t a good mark in my eyes. After ten minutes of trying to get him to believe me, I gave up and promised to keep checking into it. I was starting to think that nothing I said was going to be enough to keep him from his plan.

  As I got to the office, my thoughts were with Jesse, as they always seemed to be as soon as I left her. It was impossible to not think about her, and it was becoming a habit. I didn’t know if it was a problem yet, but I didn’t much feel like myself. I knew others felt this way sometimes, but I’d never had so many thoughts about one woman. It was foreign to me, and it was starting to affect my concentration at work. I was sure that I was a moment away from dropping the ball, something that I didn’t want to do in front of my father.

  Waiting for him to call, I knew that I was going to have to keep my composure. It was one of those mornings that I wished I hadn’t said yes to the CEO job that I had now. It was one of the days that I was wishing for another life, one that didn’t involve any of this.

  “Good morning, Scott.”

  “Morning, Caroline. Has my father called yet?”

  “No, sir. He had his secretary call and she left a message. He wants to meet you for dinner tonight.”

  The invitation was one that I wasn’t expecting, and I had to wonder what he wanted. Why were we meeting at all? Most of our business was conducted over the phone and through people like Caroline. It sent a ping to my brain. I was going to have to make sure I was on my toes. Dad was up to something.

  “Very good. Just leave me the specifics, Caroline. I’ll be out of the office most of the day, so if you need to get a hold of me, just call my cell.”

  “Sir, what about the meetings you’ve scheduled?”

  “Cancel them.”

  She gave me a look, but closed the small gap in between her lips when I waited for her to say something. I was still perturbed about the incident with dad before. If I could have, I would have gotten rid of her
in a heartbeat, but I knew that it would just draw Jackson’s ire and I would never hear the end of it.

  “That’s all, Caroline. Thank you.”

  Speechless, she backed out of the room and closed the door behind her. Getting up from my chair, I glanced around, deciding that there was nothing I needed before leaving the office myself. I wasn’t sure where I was going, but I was almost positive where I would end up about closing time later that afternoon.


  “Okay now, Scott. I know the coffee is good, but twice a day?”

  Jesse was smiling at me. I’d waited in line almost thirty minutes to see her smiling face, and I wasn’t disappointed. The sight was worth every single moment that I’d stood outside. Her red hair was pinned up, but that late in the day it was no longer neat. Instead it was piled high and some fell down around her shoulders. I wanted to push my fingers through the silken strands, but I had to resist the urge. I didn’t want to move too fast and change anything. She wasn’t in my arms yet, but I was sure that it was just a matter of time before she was. I wasn’t going to do anything to mess it up.

  “What can I say? I can’t get enough of it.”

  “The coffee?”

  Her green eyes were dark, and I could see that there was more than a smile in them. She was coming around. As I watched her bite her lower lip, I knew that she was starting to think of me in a different way. I really liked that.

  “No, I think it’s the atmosphere that keeps me coming back.”

  I could tell that she was holding her tongue as she looked around. “Well, it is nice. Do you want something else today, Scott?”

  I shook my head. For some reason, I couldn’t get the question to come out of my mouth. Instead of asking what I’d come there for, I ordered something else. I wasn’t even hungry, but it gave me time to get myself together. This wasn’t like me. I didn’t get nervous, not over a woman. Why was Jesse so different?


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