Body Talk: An Ex-Navy SEAL Billionaire Romance

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Body Talk: An Ex-Navy SEAL Billionaire Romance Page 105

by Ashlee Price

  “Yeah that is fine. I can’t believe that they are booked up. Is there something going on in town?”

  “I’m not sure.” He looked ahead as the elevator shut, not able to meet her eyes.

  “Well, it’s not like it would be the first time that we have slept together, right?”

  He agreed, but Grahm needed more than just sleeping. He had to have her and after having her soft body pressed up against him for the last hour, nothing was going to stop him from convincing her that she had the same desires. When they went up to the room, Grahm let her take the first shower. When she came out she was wearing short sleeping shorts and a small tank top. He immediately noted that she was not wearing a bra, her tits swaying gently as she walked. The smell of her soap surrounded him. “It’s open.”

  Ashley watched him walk passed her and she could tell he was feeling out of sorts. Ashley planned to make it worse, waiting for him to get back out with the lights out. She was determined to move their relationship to the next level. Ashley wanted to feel him. Too long had passed for her without and Grahm was all she could think about.

  When he finally came out, the light from the bathroom illuminated him in nothing but his boxers. Her eyes took in the hard lines of his body and the way the muscles bulged underneath his skin. It was the first time she had seen him in that way. Ashley noticed the sprinkling of dark hair on his chest that matched the hair on his head. She wanted to touch the muscles and the springy hair that she was convinced would be soft underneath her fingertips.

  “Are you coming to bed?”

  His eyes moved from her side form, to her face. “I didn’t know if you were awake or not.”

  “I can’t sleep and I am cold. Why don’t you come warm me up?”

  Grahm just looked at her for a moment. Something had changed and the guile that she had always been so absent from was present and it made his heart beat faster in his chest. He slid into the bed with very little hesitation. Her body wound around his as she had before. Grahm could feel the soft flesh of her breasts pressing against his chest, her thighs entwined with him. They had lain together before, but never like that.

  “What are you doing Ashley?”

  “Just snuggling. Is that okay or do you want me to give you some space?”

  It was the last thing he wanted was space between them. “I want you to stay here with me Ashley. Will you stay with me?”

  His body moved over hers and her breath came out in short gasps. Her blue eyes were dark in the dying light, but it held her lust in check. “Like stay here and work for you?”

  Grahm moved forward, leaning down to kiss her on the lips. His body was settled in against her, grinding against her need. With the boxers on, she could easily feel his manhood pressing against her, putting pressure where she needed it most, as his mouth claimed her own.

  “No, like marry me and stay here forever as my wife Ashley.”

  Her eyes opened from the kiss and she looked a little stun with his declaration and offer. He didn’t give her time to think though, more worried about the soft, supple curves that moved underneath him. She was pinned underneath his hard body and all he wanted was her submission.

  “Your wife?”

  His hips pressed into her hard enough that she squealed with pleasure. Her hands went between their bodies and she tried to pull her shorts down to give him the access that they both needed. Ashley needed him inside of her.

  “Answer me Ashley.”

  She looked up at him and whimpered. He was so close, but his lower body had moved back down, pinning her hands in between their body as well. “Please Grahm. I need you inside of me. You have been making me wait so long. I can’t wait anymore I need you now.”

  He kissed her again, but it wasn’t enough. Grahm didn’t just want her this one night, he needed her forever. To stay with him and to be his wife, that was Grahm’s main goal. Anything else was not enough.

  “Tell me you are mine and I will give you everything you desire.”

  Ashley’s eyes closed as his hardness continued to rub on her panty-clad core. She jumped as he pressed harder, forcing some of the fabric inside of her. Her whimpers went right through him and it was only when her arms went around his neck that his hands moved between their bodies, tugging her shorts down.

  Her legs were like her arms, winding around him to bring him closer and stop him from leaving. She needed him inside of her more than anything else in the world. “Yes Grahm. I will do whatever you want, just please don’t make me wait anymore.”

  He chuckled as he sat back. “Well I didn’t think it was going to be that easy.”

  It didn’t feel easy to her, it felt like he was torturing her in a way, had been for a long time. As he sat back and pulled his boxers down, his hard length sprung out and Ashley’s thighs closed in defense. She had not been expecting it to be so big. Grahm saw her reaction and was torn between making her ready and taking what he had been thinking about for months.

  His hand ran down her body, making goose bumps go all over her flesh, following his rough fingertips. He made invisible lines up her thighs, his hands moved underneath her shorts. He pressed on her wetness through the thin material. “I thought I would have to work to make you wet, but you are soaked Ashley.”

  His fingers went beneath her garment and pressed in suddenly to where she needed it most. Ashley’s eyes closed to the feel, her insides tightening around the intrusion. Grahm made his own desperate sound with the clenching around his slim digit. It only made his mind go to what it would feel like when he pushed inside of her with something more.

  Grahm wanted to make it last, take his time, but every moment she was urging him faster to take what he needed so bad. Kissing her was not enough to silence her, because then her body just did it silently, raising her hips to ride his hand. The gasp and moan, followed by wetness on his fingers, gave him no choice. He had to have her, dying a little every moment that he wasn’t buried deep.

  Pulling his hand away, he ripped her panties down and pulled them off of her legs. Her thighs closed more at the quickness than fear, but he commanded that she open herself to him. His tone harsh and his hand filled with a handful of hard cock. Ashley hesitated, knowing she had asked for it, but the reality overwhelmed her, Grahm overwhelmed her with the dark need in his eyes.

  His body nudged her thighs open before she could do it herself. Grahm was sick of waiting and knew that she was as ready as he was. He didn’t have to be gentle.

  Pressing her thighs opened wide with hands on her inner thighs, Ashley whimpered when she felt his hardness at her core. She begged for it silently, eyes dilated and then closing as he started to push into her. Tightening up, he growled above her as her tight sheath suffocated him.

  “Stop, Ashley. Let me in.”

  Her eyes were squeezed about as tight as her insides and she didn’t want to release his thick shaft, knowing it would plow into her at any moment. She wanted to control it, but as his body pressed harder, his arms held her hands down. There was no stopping his descent and as she released her grip, he plunged the rest of the way in, crashing against her womb as her body started to spasm around him. Her soft moans in his ear drove him deeper.

  Grahm waited till the convulsing had subsided. She still trembled underneath him, his cock throbbing inside of her. When her eyes finally fluttered open, Grahm started to pull his length out as she gripped his girth. Gasping as he slammed back in, Ashley could feel herself pushed back on the cliff. Several strokes later, she was crying out again, her hands pushing back on his chest.

  It only made him sit back, dragging her body with him. Pulling up the bottom of her shirt, his fingers pressed on her nipple, rolling in between his fingers as his cock rutted in and out of her. Moving to the left one, her eyes closed as his pace picked up.

  Abandoning her breasts to jiggle underneath him, his hand moved between her legs as the other one grabbed her thigh for leverage. It pushed him deeper and allowed him to go faster. Each thrust sp
rayed fluid as she continued to water for him. Each drop just made her wetter and pushed him to go deeper.

  Ashley tried to stop his hand, touching her sensitive flesh to the point of madness. Grahm just rubbed faster and harder, the pace of his hips matching his hand. Begging him fill her, he couldn’t have stopped if he had wanted to. One last push forward and he was lost. His mouth moved down to kiss her as his balls filled her with his hot seed.

  She pushed back after a few moments. The cum filled her up so tightly she felt ready to explode, the salt burning her walls as she clenched around him, stretching to take him all. He had left her raw and it was only relieved as he pulled out. She sighed, her thighs going back together to ward off anymore stimulation. Even the overhead fan’s breath was causing too much to her senses.

  “Ashley, open up.”

  Her eyes flew open and she felt him nudging at her knees. She shook her head that she wouldn’t and his eyes darkened with her answer. “I am not done with you yet, you said anything Ashley.”

  She whimpered at his words and finally started to open her legs. Ashley knew that he would pry them open if she didn’t, always getting his way. If Grahm gave her a command, she was useless to try not to follow it.

  Expecting his hard spear, her body jumped as his face moved down between her legs. Grahm shushed her as he took his first lick, calming her with a hand on her stomach. Grahm pulled squeals and then screams as he took her again, only stopping when she started to doze off, exhausted from his lovemaking.

  Grahm left her to go to his jacket. He had brought it with him, somehow knowing that then would be the right time. He laid back down, pulling her naked body to his. When Ashley felt him nestled against her, still hard, she whimpered and tried to pull away.

  “I will let you rest Ashley. I just want to hold you.”

  She calmed down a little, still not trusting that he was done. Ashley felt his hand on hers and then something sliding along her finger. Looking down, she saw that it was a ring. “I meant what I said Ashley, you are mine now.”


  Cowboy’s Heart


  Foster is ending the year with a few regrets and starting the next one with a few resolutions. Her life is already marred with loss, and when she finds out that her mother is sick with cancer it seems like the bad luck is never going to stop.

  Foster is devastated, but her mom realizes that it’s her last chance to see the West and Foster agrees to join her on a road trip. She wants to spend as much time with her mom as possible and to be with her in case something happens.

  She expects many things from the trip, but nothing as life-changing as Trent. When Foster and her mother find a place to rest deep in ranching country, she meets one of the local ranchers. He makes her forget everything that’s going on and reminds her that life goes on, no matter what’s going on in it.

  Foster needs his touch, and when they finally kiss she finds herself lost in her need for him. Trent becomes her rock amid the turmoil in her life, and eventually she needs more than just his touch – she needs his cowboy’s heart as well.

  Chapter 1

  Foster laid back on her bed. It was the start of a new year, but she still had to work off the night’s drinking from the year before. Her head pounded when she opened her eyes to the sun streaming in from the blinds. Another year, she thought to herself. Not sure where it would take her, Foster just hoped that it would be better than the last year.

  The year before, she had lost her grandmother to cancer and then her father in a car wreck. Now only her mother survived her immediate family and she looked at everything so differently. There was just no time anymore and another day was not a given.

  She sat up with the last thought. She had so many resolutions for the New Year and one of them was to stop lazing about in bed till noon. Even with a hangover, it didn’t seem like a good idea to break it on the first day. The bed was empty next to her and she sighed to herself. Another one of her resolutions was to get rid of Billy. He was never any good for her, but she missed waking up to his hot, naked body next to her. The older man had showed her things that she never could have imagined possible, but at the same time, he had torn her heart into as many pieces as it were possible to be without falling apart completely. He was never any good for her and losing him was hard, but it had to be done.

  Pulling her mind from the past, she walked into the kitchen squinting at the coffee pot that she couldn’t just will on. The morning was bright and by the look outside, it was going to be a beautiful day. Going out to the porch, Foster took a few puffs from a cigarette and shivered in the morning breeze. It was beautiful outside, but looks were deceiving. It was freezing outside and she went back in before she could get halfway through the cigarette.

  Shaking, she went back to her room to get dressed, adding a sweater to her outfit, still chilled from the few minutes outside. Grabbing a cup of fresh coffee made her feel a little better, warming her from the inside. Her phone rang and she knew who it was by the ring. “I’m up and as soon as I get some caffeine in me, I will be there to take you to the doctor, okay?”

  Carol thanked her and hung up. She knew her daughter was never very good at remembering things, but she knew even more that Foster was horrible in the mornings. Carol didn’t like to wake her up if she didn’t have to.

  Foster got herself together and made her way to her mother’s house across town. She had been having some issues with what they hoped wasn’t cancer, but Foster knew in her heart that it was. Her mother knew as well, becoming quieter and even meeker since they had done the biopsy. “It’s going to be okay mom. Doctors can do all kinds of things now mom. Even if that is what it is, I am sure there are many things they can do.”

  She tried to sound sure. She wasn’t, but at least her voice was strong like she was. Carol smiled at her and tried to look as brave as her daughter needed to be. There was nothing to be said about it, no sense in worrying until it was all said and done.

  The two tried to draw strength off of each other, but they were both nervous going into the doctor’s office. Even when Foster knew the words that were going to come out of the doctor’s mouth, she was still holding onto some hope. There was none according to doctors and the sinking feeling in her stomach. Her mother was not given a diagnosis, but a timed departure that she was supposed to go home and live with. She was given six months and as the two drove back to her place, neither one of them could think of anything to say.

  Finally Carol broke the silence, her mind working since they had left the hospital. She had known it was coming, feeling the changes and the feeling of not right in her body for some time. “You know, it’s going to be okay Foster. I know you are not going to like the decision I make, but just know that it is going to be okay.”

  She looked over at her and didn’t know what she was talking about. Her mother was being cryptic and she wanted to know what she meant. “What do you mean?”

  “I am going to decline the chemo Foster. I know that they said it will extend my time, but it won’t be time worth having.”

  “So what are you going to do, just let it make you worse until you die?”

  Her voice was rising and she looked over at her while at a stop sign down from her mother’s house. “No, and calm down, Foster. It’s not going to be like that. I want to travel, see things that I haven’t seen before. I was hoping you would come with me.”

  Foster had not expected that answer. Her mother had never been one to travel, content in the small town with her family. Foster had tried to get her to travel before, but she had never wanted to. “Of course I will go with you mom. Where ever you want to go.”

  “There has always been one place that I never got around to visiting.”

  She waited for her to answer. “I have always wanted to go out west. I know it is not exotic, but I have always wanted to see the horses and the big skies.”

  It was not the answer she had been expecting. Foster had been thinking
more along the lines of a beach somewhere, but it was her mother’s choice after all. “So you want to go see the cowboys and tumbleweeds huh?”

  Carol laughed a little. “I figured that was how you would see it, but what do you say? You want to come with me?”

  Foster was close to tears. “Of course I will go with you mom. Where ever you want to go. But don’t you at least want to get a second opinion? That is just one doctor and one test.”

  Carol shook her head. She didn’t want to spend anymore of her time worrying about what she couldn’t change. She just wanted to live the next few months as happily as she could before it all caught up to her.

  “Whatever you want. When do you want to leave?”

  “Well I know you will have to rearrange some things.”

  Foster shook her head. “No need. It just a job and to be honest, I never liked it anyways. We can leave as soon as you are ready to.”

  “Thanks Foster. I knew that you would be up for an adventure.”

  Foster smiled back, but she felt a little part of her breaking. The year was starting much the same that as how her last year had begun. It didn’t bode well for the future, but Foster tried to think about the good. Her mother was in good spirits with everything going on, so Foster figured she could be as well.

  “It sounds like it will be fun Mom.”

  Chapter 2

  It actually was fun. It was almost a month into their trip before her mom even started showing more signs, getting fatigue and such. Carol wanted to keep going, but Foster convinced her to stop for a time. For her sake, they stopped in Nevada in a small town and rented a vacation house. It was bigger than they needed, but the views couldn’t be beat and Carol found herself wanting to leave less and less as her health started to deteriorate.

  Carol got to watch the horses from the ranch next door and Foster got some quiet time to spend with her mother. It was a win, win, but when she started to get sicker, Foster knew that it might be the last leg of her journey. After another couple of months, she was starting to see Cross Junction as her home too. The house rental was affordable because it was not in the big city and Foster didn’t want to take her mother away from a place where she had found so much peace.


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