Best Kase Scenario (Hyde Series Book 2)

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Best Kase Scenario (Hyde Series Book 2) Page 21

by Layla Frost

  Busting out laughing, I shook my head. “You’re a sick fuck.”

  “Yeah,” he admitted, not looking even slightly ashamed. “You heading back in to rescue Jake?”

  “Nah, I’m on my way to see Harlow.”

  He patted my shoulder, strangely saying, “As much as I wish I could stick around for that, I’ve gotta get back to the club. Congratulations on today, man.”

  Heading over to the bakery, I caught sight of Harlow in the big glass windows. Her hair was wild, twisted pieces falling around her flushed face. She was smiling at someone as she handed over a cake box.

  She looked gorgeous.

  Absolute fuckin’ perfection.

  But that wasn’t what stopped my steps and had me clenching my fists, the muscles in my shoulders bunching.

  My beater.

  It clung to her like second skin. The Hyde logo stretched across her full, perky tits.

  As she stepped out from behind the counter to clear off one of the small tables, I got a view of her long ass legs in her short ass shorts.

  Fuck. I’m gonna kick a motherfucker’s ass today, I know it.

  “What’s up?” Key asked. He looked into the bakery. “Oh.”

  I took a step before he grabbed my arm.

  “Standing behind her and glowering at everyone isn’t gonna help.”

  “No, but it’ll make me feel a fuck of a lot better.”

  “She’s wearing your shirt,” he pointed out.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  I never wore it ‘cause it was tight as fuck on me. The word Hyde stretched so much that it looked like ‘Itijcle’. But it was fuckin’ cool looking and it meant a lot to me, so I kept it.

  “No, dude,” Key said, shaking his head. “She’s wearing your shirt. Supporting you. And, just sayin’, she’s basically marking your territory for you since everyone knows you’re the only one that wears beaters like that.”

  The tension in my shoulders eased, taking the pain I’d been feeling with it. “You pick up on everything, don’t you?”

  “Told you,” he tapped the side of his head, “it’s the quiet ones. And now that you’re not about to throw someone through Piper’s brand new window, I’m gonna go help Eli with the raffle ticket shit.”

  I headed into the bakery, my eyes on Harlow.

  She looked up from the boxes she was rushing to fold and grinned at me. “Hey—”

  Cupping the back of her head, I took her mouth in a kiss, hard but way too fuckin’ fast. And definitely inappropriate as fuck for where we were.

  “Like your shirt, ipo.”

  Her expression warmed with happiness and pride, proving Key was right. “I’m glad.”

  Forcing myself away from her, I ignored the looks we were getting. I went behind the counter and pushed open the swinging door that led to the kitchen. “Hadley, wanna go see all the cars and stuff at the garage?”

  “Yeah!” She ran toward me, her face smudged with frosting and cake crumbs.

  “Awesome.” Holding her hand, we walked back through the storefront. “Hadley and I will be causing a ruckus over at the shop.”

  Harlow kissed me quickly. “No dangerous power tools.”

  “What’s your definition of dangerous? And do you consider a flamethrower a power tool?”

  She rolled her eyes before going back behind the counter to help another customer.

  “She’s got a lot of rules,” Hadley said as we went outside. “But it’s only ‘cause she loves us and wants us safe.”

  I hope like hell you’re right, kid.

  ‘Cause I’ve been long fuckin’ gone for a while now.



  No, no, those aren’t fireworks.

  It’s just the sound of a hundred ovaries exploding.

  When Kase and Hadley, were out of view, I returned my focus to filling the cake box and cashing the customer out. As the door closed behind her, Piper flipped the ‘Closed’ sign over and locked the door that connected the Hyde waiting room to hers.

  I could’ve fallen to the floor and slept.

  Mom, Piper, and I had spent somewhere between three and a million and seven hours nonstop busy. I honestly wasn’t sure which one. The door barely ever closed, which was good because it was hot as hell in the shop. Rhys, Lars, Piper and Jake’s families, and seemingly everyone they’d ever met was in to check out the new place.

  “I’m totally out of everything,” Piper said with awe in her tone. “I’ve got cookies in the oven right now and cakes cooling, but nothing is ready yet.” She opened the display cooler and pulled out a few water bottles, handing them to us.

  “I’ve tasted your stuff, so I shouldn’t be surprised,” Mom said, holding the bottle to her flushed cheeks. “But I am. I’ve never seen a place so busy.”

  My stomach dropped when I saw the fatigue on her face. She’d been doing so well and I didn’t want to ruin her good day. But I really didn’t want her pushing herself.

  “Since there’s nothing to sell right now, Mom, maybe—”

  Smiling, she patted my cheek. “I called Abbey, she’s on her way. I’m fine, but I knew I was starting to get a bit worn out.”

  “Where’s David?”

  Mom and David had always been independent people, doing their own separate thing. Unless Mom was having a flare up, it wasn’t uncommon for them to spend a lot of time apart.

  Even so, it seemed like he was gone more and more.

  “Probably on the golf course pretending to work. You know how busy he’s been. Abbey’s husband is away on business so she and I are going to crack open a bottle of wine and get caught up on some reality TV. You’re welcome to—”

  I grimaced and shook my head. “No, no, I’m good.”

  “Don’t you wanna know who gets the rose?”

  “Honestly? I’ve never not wanted something so badly.”

  “I figured. I’m going to see if I can hunt down your sister.” Turning to Piper, she hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek. “Congratulations. You should be so proud of yourself.”

  “I am,” Piper said, her voice soft. “Thanks for helping out so much.”

  “My pleasure. I’m sorry your dad couldn’t make it.”

  “Me, too. Stupid delayed flight. He should be here tomorrow, though.”

  “Good.” With a final hug for each of us, Mom left.

  “Your mom is seriously freakin’ awesome,” Piper said, pulling out a stack of unfolded cake boxes.

  “I know.” Grabbing my own pile, I started assembling. The matte finished black box had a grayish shimmer to it. There was an embossed pink and blue cupcake on the top with the new bakery name.

  Kase had the tendency to be on the bossy side. Jake, however, made a job of it.


  Piper said since he ran his own business, being bossy was just part of who he was. He bent a lot because he loved her, but he was still a take charge kinda guy. Especially when it came to making her happy.

  Since she was easy to please and deliriously in love, it’d worked well thus far.

  But Piper’s business was her own and it meant a lot to her. I couldn’t help but wonder if he’d finally pushed too far.

  “So…” I hesitated, not wanting to shatter her good mood. Because I wasn’t sure how long we had to chat, though, I rushed on. “How do you feel about the name thing?”

  Her finger stroked across the logo on the box in front of her. “There are so many times when I think I can’t love my husband more than I already do. And then I do.”

  “I take it that means you’re cool with it?”

  “Totally. When I started baking, it was just a hobby. There’d be a party or holiday or whatever and someone would ask me to bring cake. And then someone at the get-together would taste it and say they wanted to order one of Piper’s cakes.” Her lips tipped up. “That’s not exactly the most creative name. Or origin, for that matter. I mentioned to Jake that I wished I could change the name, but I thought it
was too late. I’m not verbally creative like that, anyway, so I just figured I’d settle with it.” She shrugged. “I should’ve known; he’s never let me settle.”

  I looked around at the slate gray storefront. The brightly colored pink and blue tables, chairs, and accent details matched her whole theme. Her new logo and bakery name were painted as a mural on one wall.

  Kase created that.

  Not doodled, designed, or painted.


  “Didn’t Kase do such a good job?” Her smile turned mischievous as she glanced at me. “Speaking of—”

  Before she could continue, her oven timer started beeping.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, lowering my voice to sound like a voiceover announcer. “That’s all the time we have for today.”

  “I’d almost think you planned it like that,” she called out as she headed into the kitchen.

  “Nope, not at all.”

  But I would’ve.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Douchebaggery and Huge Meat


  I was done.

  I’d survived.

  I was unstoppable and a force to be reckoned with.

  I needed a nap.

  Even with my internship over, I’d been crazy busy with study groups and cramming for finals. I worked at least four nights a week at Rye, though I’d picked up a couple double shifts on the weekend to help Rhys out.

  Kase had been even busier at Hyde.

  In the two weeks since the opening, I’d seen him for all of five minutes.

  Okay, it was a little more than that, but it didn’t feel like it.

  I was hoping that was going to change. School was done for the semester. My last final was completed, my brain was totally fried, and I was pretty sure I’d learned to survive off textbooks and caffeine.

  But I did it.

  Which meant after a well-deserved nap, I was going to force Kase away from work for a couple hours to go celebrate with Mexican food and copious amounts of margaritas.

  If I could find the energy to get out of the car and make it upstairs.

  Although I spent most of my time at Kase’s place, I’d decided to go to my house since it was closer. As I pulled into the driveway and saw the cars lining the streets, I regretted that choice.

  Summoning all of my energy, I grabbed my bags and headed inside. I was too tired to even attempt any ninja quietness.

  “Harlow!” David greeted me, pulling me into a hug. “You did it! How did your last day go?”


  “Hellion!” he called over his shoulder, using his pet name for my mom.

  It was cute and clever.

  I hated him for it.

  “Coming!” Mom came from the kitchen, carrying a cake. Abbey trailed behind her, holding a knife, plates, forks, and the best thing of all.

  A giant, and I mean huge, iced coffee.

  “What the heck?” I asked, while reaching out to gladly accept the coffee Abbey handed to me.

  And that glorious frosting covered cake isn’t looking too bad, either.

  ‘Cause, really, who needs a nap right away when I can have coffee, some cake, and then sleep?

  “Another year done. Only a light year left and you’ll be a college graduate.” Tears brimmed Mom’s eyes.

  I had the urge to rub the back of my neck like Kase did. “That’s only if I passed finals.”

  She began cutting the cake. “You know you will.”

  “Yeah probably.” I took a piece and tried to look serious. “But if it bums you out so bad, I could just move into the basement and live with you forever.”

  “Because you already stay here so much?”

  My smartass response flew out of my head when the bite of cake hit my taste buds. The vanilla cake was sweet and rich, topped with light and fluffy citrus frosting.

  I pointed my fork at her. “You got the cake from Piper.”

  “Of course. I have to support your friends. Plus, how could I ever go back to supermarket cakes after tasting hers?”

  Someone cleared their throat, drawing our attention. The cocky asshole from the last meeting stood in the entryway.

  Looks like he works for David and not the techies.

  Those poor, poor techies.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” he said, his tone not matching his words. “You’re needed in there.”

  “Coming.” David began quickly working his way through the rest of his piece.

  The guy stared at me as he waited. It was disappointing for womankind he was such an asshole, because he was actually pretty attractive. Standing up, I saw that he was around six feet tall. His brown hair was cut short and styled in a fashionable way that still worked with his professional appearance. Though, he was probably in his late twenties, he looked older. His brown eyes were too sharp and calculating.

  And cold.

  His gaze slowly travelled down my body. When it reached my legs, some warmth infused his expression.

  I much preferred the glacier disinterest.

  Checking a chick out like that while her stepdad is in the room?

  He’s either crazy or a fuckin’ prick.

  My money’s on both, in large amounts.

  Skeeved out, I looked away and focused on my cake.

  “I have to get back to it,” David said. After setting down his plate, he hugged me again. “I’m so proud of you.”

  When he started down the hallway, I thought it was safe to peek that way.

  Instead, the douchecanoe was still standing there, as if waiting for me to look at him. When we made eye contact, he smiled.

  It was seriously creepy.

  Without another word, he followed after David.

  “Tell me again why he can’t hold all his meetings in an office or on a golf course like most people?” I asked.

  “Company policy. They want to seem wholesome and family oriented so people don’t feel like they’re just selling their electronic babies to a faceless corporation. At least it’s only a couple times a month.”

  “Still, too much.”

  Especially if that asshole is gonna be dragging his douchebaggery through my house.


  “Fuck, I love that taste,” Kase growled against my mouth. Biting down on my bottom lip, his tongue licked lightly across it before releasing it.

  “What taste?”

  “You. Lime. Tequila. You. Fuckin’ heaven.”

  After our celebratory Mexican dinner, we went back to Kase’s. When I’d gotten out of the car, he’d picked me up, his mouth taking mine as he headed inside.

  I couldn’t even walk without tripping most times and he was able to carry and kiss me as he moved effortlessly.

  Not that I was complaining, of course.

  Kase set me on the back of the couch. “Chill here for a minute. I’ve gotta let the boys out.” Curling his hand around the back of my neck, his fingers dug in as he kissed me again. “Fuck.”

  I waited until he was out of view to hop up and slip off my panties. Reaching in between the couch cushions, I doubled checked that the condoms I’d stashed were still there.

  Climbing back onto the back of the couch, I put my feet on the cushions and waited, trying to look casual.

  I heard a loud commotion as Boba came running into the living room, jumping for me to pet him. Chewy was his usual stealth ninja self as he snuck behind me, his wet nose hitting the back of my arm. I just knew he made his big, perma-sad eyes look more pathetic while he waited for his ear scratch.

  All interest in me dropped off when they heard the distinct sound of kibble hitting their metal bowls. Even Chewy picked up speed as his fluffy white body hustled to the kitchen.

  “Fuckin’ hell, you’re killing me,” Kase groaned from the entryway.


  “‘Cause all I wanna do right now is kneel in front of you, push that hot as fuck dress up, and worship at the church of lani pussy.”

  My body tightened at his
words and the hungry look that accompanied them.

  I licked my lips. My voice was breathy when I asked, “And?”

  Some amusement mixed with the heat in his eyes as he moved to stand in front of me. “You’re not exactly the most, uhh, coordinated person. I wanna give you nice things, like tacos, tequila, and orgasms. Not stitches ‘cause you fell off the back of the couch.”

  I let my legs drop open. “I guess I’ll just have to dig my nails in really well.”

  His teasing expression gone, Kase didn’t say a word. Instead, he dropped to his knees on the couch. His hands spanned my inner thighs, keeping my legs spread, as his mouth covered me.

  Devoured me.

  Like it’d been months since he’d tasted me and not the couple days it’d really been, Kase’s mouth and tongue were relentless.

  The tension built fast. My hands gripped the couch so hard I knew I’d have deep fabric indents.

  Knew, but gave zero fucks.

  My legs started to tighten and tremble. Before I could come, though, Kase pulled back.

  “No!” I cried. “No, no, no.”

  “Chill, ipo.” He began licking again, going slower as he teased. When the tip of his tongue flicked across my clit, my hips jerked up and I almost toppled backward. His chuckle vibrated against me. “Told you so.”

  “I’m good. I’m fine. Harder.”

  For once he obeyed my request and used more purposeful pressure as he moved his mouth on me.

  The tension settled low in my stomach. I could feel it, just out of reach but quickly approaching.

  And then he stopped.

  I tried to move against him, not even caring if I fell and ended up hanging upside down. I’d dangle from a high wire if it meant coming.

  He started again, gentle kisses up my thighs and between my legs, all while never even grazing my clit. Suddenly increasing force, he used his lips, tongue, and teeth to get me to the edge before pulling back.

  My nerves were raw, my body screaming for release. The tension was unbearable.

  But still I held on, waiting patiently.


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