Dancing in the Glory of Monsters

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Dancing in the Glory of Monsters Page 45

by Jason Stearns


  arms, trains, Interahamwe, ex-FAR

  Kinshasa embassy protects Tutsi civilians

  mobilizes soldiers to aid refugees

  supports Hutu government-in-exile

  Francophone vs. anglophone countries

  French mercenaries

  Gateretse, Maurice

  Gbadolite, Congo

  as Mobutu’s monument to self

  command center for MLC rebellion

  Gécamines state-owned mining company

  General History of the Congo (Ndaywel)

  Genocide in Darfur, Sudan

  Genocide in Rwanda


  compared to Congo wars, refugee crisis

  impact on Rwanda

  Interhamwe as rapists, génocidaires

  military dimension of massacres by Hutu

  no perpetrators in revisionist version

  as stimulus for idealistic action

  Genocide of Hutu refugees in Zaire

  Gisenyi, Rwanda

  Goma, Zaire/DRC

  camp of Hutu refugees, ex-FAR

  refugees repatriated to Rwanda by RPF

  invaded by Rwandans

  as RCD headquarters

  Tutsi death squad

  Goodall, Jane

  Gourevitch, Philip

  Gribbin, Robert

  Guevara, Che

  declares Congo unready for revolution

  guerrilla warfare

  support fails of L. Kabila

  Habyarimana, Agathe

  Habyarimana, Juvénal


  death, cremation

  insurgents in Rwanda civil war

  organizes massacres

  seizes Rwanda treasury

  Hamitic hypothesis

  Hobbes, Thomas

  Hogwood, Sue

  Hospitals and health centers

  electricity cut

  patients and staff massacred

  staff flee, abandon patients

  supplies depleted

  Hranjski, Hrvoje

  Human rights. See also Mortality rates

  Humanitarian organizations

  access to camps closed by Rwandans

  appear to favor Rwandan refugees over Congolese

  based in Goma

  forced to aid génocidaires

  linked to military

  refugee camp conditions

  Hunde of Zaire/DRC

  Hutu militias

  anti-Tutsi/Banyamulenge actions

  armed by Kabila in Eastern Congo

  attacked by Rwandans, RPF

  deploy out of refugee camps

  as génocidaires

  Rwandan, as mercenaries


  of Banyamulenge

  of Hutu, Zairians, in 1,000-mile escape

  from Rwanda, to Burundi, to Bukavu

  and Rwandans’ citizenship issue

  See also Refugees

  Impuzamugambi youth militia

  Inera, Zaire, refugee camp


  cannibalized by Mobutu

  collapse leads to cell phone tech.

  needed for productive mining

  Interahamwe youth militia

  as feared vigilantes, génocidaires

  massacre Tutsi, Hutu refugees

  retrained for Congolese army

  trained by France

  Inter-Congolese Dialogue

  Kabarebe, James

  and J. Kabila

  leads rebellion against L. Kabila

  leads Rwandan invasion of Zaire

  and Lemera Agreement

  transports minerals though Rwanda

  Kabila, Joseph


  as titular head of Congolese army

  arrested by father after losing Pweto

  succeeds father as DRC president

  attempts to reform government

  brutally represses rebellions

  international/diplomatic policies

  and Kabarebe

  security forces

  works peace deal with rivals

  Kabila, Laurent


  and Congolese Tutsi

  failed rebellion period (1965–1994)

  first Congo war: leads AFDL rebellion against Mobutu

  first Congo war: recruits kadogo

  first Congo war: Kinshasa surrenders

  second Congo war: battle for Kinshasa

  second Congo war: incendiary anti-Tutsi stance

  second Congo war: loses to Rwandans in Pweto

  second Congo war: rebelled against by Congolese soldiers

  regime: corruption, repression, inflation


  Kadogo (child soldiers)

  hazing in boot camp

  implicated in L. Kabila’s death

  of L. Kabila’s army

  stereotypes of

  Kagame, Paul

  background in Uganda

  on aid to génocidaires not victims

  forms alliance to overthrow Mobutu

  organizes RCD rebellion against Kabila

  on self-sustaining Congo mineral trade

  and Wamba

  warns U.S. of invasion plans

  Kamanzi, Papy


  commits massacre as ordered

  in RPF

  in Rwandan death squad

  Kamitatu, Olivier

  Kampata, Dona

  Kapend, Edy

  Karaha, Bizima

  Karegeya, Patrick

  as AFDL intelligence chief

  directs offensive on Kinshasa

  infiltrates Mobutu officers

  on L. Kabila

  on Masasu

  on Rwandans doing business in Congo

  Kasika, Congo, massacre of civilians

  Katangan Tigers

  Katanga’s attempt to secede from Congo

  Katumba Mwanke, Augustin

  Kazini, James

  Kengo wa Dondo

  Kicha, Kimoni

  Kiga ethnic group of Rwanda

  Kigali, Rwanda

  Kijege, Malik

  Kilungutwe, Congo, massacre

  Kimbangu, Simon

  Kinshasa, Zaire/DRC

  first Congo war: falls to L. Kabila

  under L. Kabila’s regime

  second Congo war: anti-Tutsi violence

  second Congo war: as rebellion against L. Kabila

  second Congo war: Rwandans blocked by alliance

  Kinyamarura, Mariam (prophetess)

  Kinyarwanda language

  Kisangani, Zaire/DRC

  falls to Rwandan-led forces


  Uganda–Rwanda siege ends alliance

  Kisase Ngandu, Andre

  Kitona airlift

  Kituku refugee camp, Zaire

  Kongolo (Mobutu’s son)

  Kongolo, Mwenze

  Kristof, Nicholas

  Lebanese diamond traders

  Lemera Agreement

  Leopold II (king of Belgium)

  Losembe, Michel

  Louis XIV (king of France)

  Lubakat tribe of Katanga

  Lubumbashi, Zaire/DRC

  Luhaka, Thomas

  Lumumba, Patrice

  chaos in Congo follows assassination

  cited as visionary

  death arranged by CIA, Belgium, Katangans

  Lunda tribe of Katanga

  Lundila, Neno

  Lundin, Alfred

  Lusaka Cease-fire

  Lwabanji, Lwasi


  Mahanya, “Mama Sifa,”

  Mahele, Donat

  Maheshe, Kizito

  Mai-Mai local militias

  attack RCD, sparking Kasika massacre

  as ethnic defense force

  of Nyakiliba

  as rapists

  supported by L. Kabila, J. Kabila

  Malkia wa Ubembe church

i, Mahmood

  Mandela, Nelson

  Masasu, Anselme


  in Bas-Congo by J. Kabila’s troops

  in Ituri region by MLC, Hema

  in Kasika by RCD rebels

  in Kilungutwe

  in Kisangani

  long-term effects

  in Mbandaka, Zaire

  measured against Rwandan genocide

  organized by Habyarimana regime

  reasons suggested

  See also Mortality rates

  Mawapanga, Mwana Nanga

  Mbayi, Babi

  Mbeki, Thabo

  Mbuji-Mayi, Zaire/DRC

  McKinney, Cynthia

  McNamara, Denis


  assembled by U.S., South Africa

  from Bemba aid Patassé

  from European countries

  Mobutu’s dependence on

  in Thirty Years’ War

  working for L. Kabila

  Methodist church of Mariam Kinyamarura

  Michel (witness to Kilungutwe massacre)

  Military tactics

  Rwandans’ advantages

  trench warfare


  ex-FAR, Hutu, attack in Zaire

  flee from Rwandan army

  of Hutu in Rwanda as genocidal

  local Congolese

  of Mai-Mai

  of Mobutu, as fractured, corrupt

  not disarmed by UN in refugee camps

  private, of Ngbanda/Mobutu

  See also Youth militias

  Mineral resources

  Congo–Zimbabwe joint ventures

  in Eastern Congo

  under J. Kabila, privatized mining

  Kababankola mine

  Kamoto mine collapses

  in Katanga province

  under L. Kabila

  Lubumbashi copper falls to Rwandans

  under Mobutu

  profits finance war

  RCD profiteering

  Western purchasers face moral issues

  See also Diamonds

  Mitterrand, François

  Mixed Import-Export Company (COMIEX)

  MLC. See Movement for the Liberation of the Congo

  Mobutu, Bobi Ladawa

  Mobutu, Marie-Antoinette

  Mobutu Sese Seko


  allows diamond trafficking by UNITA

  backing of foreign rebels provokes war

  balkanizes army

  and Habyarimana

  loses Zaire to L. Kabila

  power slips

  pressured to reform by U.S., Belgium, France

  strips Hutu, Tutsi, of citizenship, property

  supported militarily, technically, by West

  war lost due to weak, corrupt, regime

  in failing health, leaves Zaire

  Moise (Banyamulenge commander)


  inverted for killers as victims

  of massacres vs. Rwandan genocide

  and obscurity of scrupulous leaders

  of suffering in Sudan vs. Congo

  welfare of Congolese absent from leaders

  of West’s purchase of conflict minerals

  Mortality rates

  5 million people

  from 1998–2004,

  of civilians in Kisangani siege

  of Congo wars compared to other conflicts

  diseases correlate with conflict areas

  of Hutu refugees dying in Zaire/DRC

  of Kilungutwe massacre

  from Kisangani siege (1999)

  of massacres in refugee camps by Rwandans

  Mota, Emile

  Movement for the Liberation of the Congo (MLC)


  commits atrocities while supporting Patassé

  provides security to Equateur

  in second Congo war

  fails rebellion to political party transition

  Mugabe, Robert

  backs L. Kabila in beginning of second Congo war

  sets joint mining ventures with Congo

  finally drops L. Kabila

  Mugunga, DRC

  Mukambuguje, Marcelline

  Mulumba, Mabi

  Mumengi, Didier

  anti-Tutsi stance

  on beginning of second Congo war

  on disintegration of Congolese army

  as L. Kabila’s information minister

  Museveni, Yoweri

  Mushaki, Zaire

  Mutoto Moya battle


  Mwamba, Thambwe

  Nabyolwa, Prosper “Naby”

  attempts to command Zairian soldiers

  barred from positions by Mobutu

  retreats from Rwandan invasion

  on weakness of Mobutu’s army

  Naipaul, V. S.

  National Resistance Movement (NRM) of Uganda

  National Sovereign Conference

  National Union for the Total Independence of Angola. See UNITA

  Ndadaye, Melchior

  Ndaywel, Isidore

  Ngabo, Remy

  Ngbanda, Honoré “ Terminator,”

  Ngbandi tribe (of Mobutu)

  Ngoye, Achille

  Nkunda, Laurent

  North Kivu Province, DRC

  AFDL in

  citizenship issues

  Hutu villagers killed

  RCD rebels

  and Rwanda civil war

  Tutsi community

  NRM. See National Resistance Movement

  Nyakiliba (Mai-Mai leader in Kasika)

  Nyanga of Zaire/DRC

  Nyarugabo, Moise

  Nyerere, Julius

  friendship with Wamba

  as president of Tanzania

  on rule of Tutsi in Burundi

  Olivier, Pierre

  Olomide, Koffi

  Ondekane, Jean-Pierre

  Operation Sovereign Legitimacy (OSLEG)

  Operation Turquoise

  Orth, Rick



  Paramilitary units of Mobutu

  Pastor Philippe (of Kisangani)

  Patassé, Ange Felix

  Patrice (witness to Kasika massacre)

  Pentecostal church

  Petrusic, Jugoslav “Yugo,”


  by Bemba’s troops

  by Congolese guided by Rwandans

  by Interahamwe

  in Kinshasa

  by Rwandan soldiers

  Pogroms against Tutsi communities

  Politics and government (Congolese)

  deliberately weak institutions

  as elite and/or ethnic

  focused on staying in power

  as splintered, corrupt, decayed

  Popular Revolutionary Movement (MPR)

  Prophets of evangelical Christianity

  Pweto battle


  Radio France International

  Radio Liberté of MLC

  Radio Muhabura of RPF

  Radio Rwanda

  Radio Television Libre Mille Collines

  Radio Voice of the People, Kinshasa


  estimated numbers

  by Interahamwe

  of nuns in Kasika by RCD rebels

  throughout Eastern Congo

  Rashidi Kasereka

  Rautenbach, Billy

  RCD. See Congolese Rally for Democracy

  Red Cross

  in Rwanda

  in Zaire/DRC

  Refugees (Hutu) and camps

  attacked, massacred, by Rwandans

  conduct death squad raids into Rwanda

  join Zairians in 1,000-mile escape from Rwandans

  leaders steal from aid groups

  as RPF soldiers

  Umutesi’s experiences

  UN investigations blocked by L. Kabila

  See also Repatriation

  Refugees (Tutsi)

  flee from Hutu

  in Uganda camps (1962)

  Repatriation (forced)


  Hutus killed for returning to Rwanda

  refugees from Zaire

  Republic of Congo

  Resources, natural. See Mineral resources

  Richardson, Bill

  Roberts, Les

  RPF. See Rwandan Patriotic Front

  Rujugira (king of Rwanda)


  military tactics, strengths

  seen as obstacle to peace

  use of donor aid

  withdraws troops from Congo

  Rwanda genocide. See Genocide in Rwanda

  Rwanda-led invasion of Zaire



  as coalition to overthrow Mobutu

  commanded by Kabarebe

  conditions of soldiers

  genocide against Hutu suggested

  implicated in L. Kabila’s death

  reasons for massacres and statistics

  See also AFDL

  Rwandan army (second Congo war)

  rebels against L. Kabila, led by Kabarebe

  advances on Kinshasa

  blocked by Congolese allies

  siege of Kisangani ends alliance

  targets profiteering to mineral resources

  wins Pweto against L. Kabila

  Rwandan civil war

  Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)

  replaces Hutu government in Rwanda (1990–1994)

  authoritarianism results in defections

  anti-Mobutu alliance

  with Congolese Tutsi

  with Hutu soldiers

  infiltrates Mobutu officers

  invades refugee camps in Zaire

  Rwarakabije, Paul


  commands ex-FAR, Interahamwe, militia

  as leader of insurgency in Rwanda

  on military dimension of genocide

  Salikashvili, John

  Sassou Nguesso, Denis

  Savimbi, Jonas

  Seleelwa, Wahi


  Serbian mercenaries

  Serukiza, Benjamin


  on Banyamulenge fighting in Eastern Congo

  on mineral mining by Rwandans

  on Mobutu

  Seven Mistakes of the Revolution (Kabila)

  Sexual violence. See Rapings

  Simpson, Daniel

  Sindabizera, Martin

  Slave trade in/from the Congo

  Socialist/Marxist ideology

  in early Congo regime

  of L. Kabila’s rebels

  Seven Mistakes of Revolution (L. Kabila)

  as unattractive to Congolese

  of Wamba

  Southern African Development Community (SADC)

  Speke, John Hanning


  of Banyamulenge

  of the Congo

  of Hutu–Tutsi conflicts

  of physical appearances of Tutsi, Hutu


  Swarbrick, Peter


  in alliance to overthrow Mobutu

  refugee camp in Ngara


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