Medieval Mischief

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Medieval Mischief Page 9

by Mlyn Hurn

  “Are you looking for something in particular?”

  Brand jumped in surprise and lost his precarious perch on the side of the bed. He slid to the floor with a loud thump. He looked up a moment later and saw Avalon watching him, and trying desperately hard not to smile. Hitting the floor seemed to have sobered him up, because he shook his head and came to his feet. He brushed and straightened his clothes.

  Avalon bit her lower lip and asked him gently, “Are you all right, sir? Did you hurt…yourself?”

  Brand bristled at appearing so foolish. He cleared his throat, moved away from the bed, and began to remove his clothes. “I am quite fine, madam wife. Thank you for your concern, but it is unnecessary. I apologize for waking you.”

  Avalon sat up in bed with the covers pooled at her waist, watching her husband. She had never seen him acting so odd. “That’s all right. I hadn’t been asleep for long. I tried staying awake, but I dozed off. I’m glad I woke though, because I need to speak with you.”

  * * * * *

  Brand stiffened with his back to his wife. Could this be it? Did she really know and had only been waiting for the right moment to tell him? He turned slowly and saw that she was naked from the waist up. He, of course, had his usual and immediate reaction to seeing her lovely breasts. He continued to remove his clothes, but kept his voice even as he spoke.

  “Of course, my dear. Please feel free to speak to me at any time.” He sat in a chair and removed his boots. His arousal rose about one hundred percent as Avalon kicked free of the covers and scooted to the foot of the bed to perch on her knees, facing him.

  “The strangest thing happened today. Althea came to talk to me, and she seemed quite distracted. I’m not at all sure why she wanted to talk in the first place, but it seemed as if she had a purpose in the beginning. And then, I got the distinct impression that she is not happy in her marriage.” Avalon paused, looking at her husband.

  Brand barely held back his laughter. He nodded, trying to look serious and absorbed in what she was saying. “Actually, I saw them both earlier today, and they appeared to be very happy.”

  Avalon considered his words. “Perhaps, but I am not completely convinced.” She turned abruptly and dove back under the covers. Brand wasn’t sure, but he thought he heard her mutter something about “making sure.”

  Chapter 11

  Brand had one hell of a headache when he awoke late the following morning. It didn’t take him long to realize he was alone in the bed, and in spite of the battle being waged in his skull, he descended the stairs a short time later. He was surprised to see Althea and Gandalf seated at the main table, speaking with his father and stepmother. All stopped speaking as he neared.

  Brand’s father grinned at him. “I understand congratulations are in order, son. In truth, Elizabeth has suspected for some time, but wouldn’t let me broach the subject with you. But it appears you decided to take the bull by the horns yourself.”

  Brand stood still while his father clapped him on the back. He did look at Althea, who shrugged. Obviously, the conversation had been pretty intense before he arrived. He turned towards Gandalf, who shrugged his shoulders, indicating he was merely an observer.

  Althea cleared her throat to speak. “I came to speak with my cousin, Lord Brandeis, but it appears she has disappeared. Would you happen to know where she might have scurried off to?”

  Brand met Althea’s eyes, wondering at her use of words. He shook his head as he spoke. “I suspect she is out gathering more weeds, although what the hell she is planning is beyond me.”

  Althea had already checked the field just beyond the castle walls before returning for Gandalf to come to the main keep with her. She had felt badly about not being more aggressive in her questions with Avalon the previous day, and had decided to make things right. After all, Avalon’s knowledge, or lack of it, was her responsibility. She stood suddenly and pinched her husband’s arm. Gandalf rose quickly as she thanked the castle’s master and his mistress for the wine, and then he almost had to run to keep up with his small wife.

  Outside in the courtyard, he stopped Althea. “What is the hurry? I thought we were going to stay and have our midday meal…”

  Althea was shaking her head and walking for the stables. Gandalf followed, wondering what was upsetting his wife. As he caught up with Althea, he heard her questioning one of the young stable boys. He was quite surprised to learn that the Lady Avalon had ridden out quite early that morning, and it appeared the lady had gone hunting! Upon questioning, they discovered that she had taken her crossbow with her, but had refused any guard to ride with her.

  Gandalf didn’t wait for his wife this time, but shouted “hell’s fire” and took off running back toward the main keep. Althea hadn’t had time to re-cross the courtyard, when her husband was running back down the steps, this time following Brand. Brand passed her without a word, but Gandalf stopped.

  “I think you should come with us, my love. Brand didn’t take too kindly to the news that Avalon had ridden off hunting.”

  Althea turned and walked quickly back to the stables. As they arrived, they caught the tail end of Brand’s castigation of the stable hands. He’d grabbed the reins of his hastily saddled horse and started to leave the stables.

  He paused just beyond the stable doors, looking back at Althea. “You should probably come too, Althea, if you want to spare your cousin’s life!”

  * * * * *

  Avalon had awakened at dawn that morning, and not wishing to disturb her husband, she had put on her hunting clothes, gathered her knife kit and crossbow, and headed for the stables. She was in the mood for some real exercise, she had decided, and felt like hunting might do the trick. A young stable boy had been the only one awake, and he had been easy to convince she would be fine without any assistance.

  As the morning had passed, she had discovered she really had no taste for hunting after all. And instead, she found herself looking down at the different flowers, weeds and grasses as she rode through different fields. It was nearly noon when she stopped by the small creek to eat the bread and cheese she had packed earlier. She sipped wine from a flask, eating slowly, and sorting through her finds of the morning. After today, she would start working in her “laboratory” to prepare her first mixture. She looked up as she heard the thunder of hooves.

  Avalon quickly ducked behind some bushes, and pulled her rather deadly looking knife from its sheath at her waist. She hadn’t really thought about the dangers she might run into when she had taken off that morning. She realized that she was too used to hunting on her father’s land, where everyone knew who she was and would never dream of bothering her. She heard her own horse snicker, and cursed that whoever was coming had probably heard the mare.

  Just then, a huge black stallion entered the small clearing. Her mare nickered again, and Avalon realized it was the impressive steed she had glimpsed a few times held in a separate part of the stables. She stood and came out from behind the bushes. She still held her knife as she saw her husband glaring down at her. As she slid it back into its resting place, she spoke softly.

  “That damned mare of mine! She’d be no good on a real hunting expedition.”

  * * * * *

  Brand stayed atop the stallion, attempting to control his temper. He was still seething from learning his pregnant wife had gone hunting alone. He looked down at her and saw she was wearing leggings, and her hair was braided down her back. He glanced around to see if she had any luck, but didn’t see anything. Before he could tell her what he thought and how angry he was, she turned her back on him and went back to where she had her belongings spread out. She sat down just as Gandalf and Althea rode up, both breathing as hard as their horses.

  Avalon looked at her three visitors, while they looked at her. She finally grinned up at them. “What luck! I can use all of your help. If you’ll come here, I’ll show you what I need to find, and with the four of us looking, we should have enough in no time at all.”

  Brand choked back his angry surprise at her casual acceptance of their presence. Before he could dismount or begin to reply, Althea was dismounting and hurrying to her cousin.

  “Avalon, we’ve all been worried about you when we heard you’d gone hunting.”

  Avalon smiled at Althea. “That’s silly, Althea. You know what a good hunter and tracker I am. And besides, I changed my mind and went looking for more specimens instead.” She held up several handfuls of weeds and grasses.

  Brand dismounted and crossed the short distance between himself and the women. “Althea, please leave with Gandalf now.” He kept his control tightly reined as he spoke.

  Gandalf spoke quickly, agreeing with his cousin. But Althea wasn’t all that sure that leaving the two of them together just then was the right thing to do. She started to protest, but gave in when her husband added a terse “now.”

  Avalon didn’t speak as the other two rode away. But as soon as they were gone, she looked at her husband, obviously still unaware of his anger. “There! Did you see how he spoke to her? He ordered her about as if her opinion mattered naught! I told you something was wrong.”

  Brand stared at his wife for a long moment. He wasn’t sure which of them was going insane after all! His anger was dying down, seeing she was safe. Of course, she would still have to be lectured, but her complete innocence and lack of guile convinced him that she had not snuck away out of spite. He sat down on the lush grass beside his wife.

  “Avalon, you are driving me crazy!”

  Avalon looked at her husband, her surprise at the unexpected words quite apparent on her face. “I am sorry if I’ve upset you, husband. I did not intend for you to be unhappy. Please tell me what I’ve done so I can attempt to undo the wrong.”

  Brand shook his head, feeling like he was standing in quicksand every time he tried to talk to his wife. “I don’t want you to leave the castle ever again without my guards or myself accompanying you. Even though my father’s lands are safe, that doesn’t mean intruders might not be wandering through. Is that understood?”

  Avalon frowned but nodded. She opened her mouth to comment, but her husband was going on. “Secondly, you are not to go hunting, unless it is with a hunting party with Gandalf or me. Agreed?”

  Brand watched his wife’s face carefully, waiting for her answer. His anger had subsided, but he couldn’t shake the worry that he had felt. What was worse was that he could clearly see through Avalon’s facial expressions that she was not whole-heartedly in agreement with his decisions. It looked like she started to say something, but then changed her mind. Instead, she began casually packing the different greens into her bag. Once she was done, she started to stand, but Brand caught her wrist in his hand.

  “Please, sit back down.”

  Avalon eased back to the ground. “Is something wrong?”

  Brand closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Are you with child?” he blurted out a moment later. He could see by the surprised look on his wife’s face that she had not considered the possibility.

  “Surely not!” she protested. “It’s much too soon.”

  Brand shook his head to clear it, for he was having trouble keeping control of the conversation. “What do you mean by too soon?”

  Avalon brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. “All the married couples I’ve ever known never have a baby for at least a year. It’s only been a few months, so I don’t see how it could be possible.” She smiled at him, her logic perfectly sound in her mind.

  Brand looked around for a tree or a rock to bang his head against. He took a deep breath. “It is quite possible that you are with child already, Avalon.”

  Avalon leaned over and patted her husband’s arm. “I really don’t think so. And considering it is my body, I do think I would know.” She stood. “I have to get back now. I’m ready to get started.”

  She picked up her bags, grabbed her horse’s reins and started walking back to the castle. It took Brand a long time before he found that he was able to follow his wife back.

  The following morning, Avalon awoke with stomach cramps and started her flow shortly afterwards. Brand kept his thoughts to himself, and didn’t reveal his sadness. Instead, he stated that he and Gandalf would be taking some men and go hunting for a few days. Tears rained down Althea’s face as the men left, but Avalon smiled and waved, her mind already leaping ahead to processing her plants and herbs.

  Chapter 12

  Avalon didn’t leave her new room all that day, except to go to bed quite late that night. The next morning, she was back up quite early and eagerly returned to her workroom, taking water, bread and some cheese with her. That way, she could continue her work. She eagerly read the pages of the old book, sometimes not sure that what she was reading could be right. But finally, she was ready to start mixing and combining the different plants and herbs and flowers she had collected.

  Althea stopped by close to the end of the second day. Althea knocked on the door, but then noticed that there was a very pungent odor coming from within.

  “Come in!” Avalon called out.

  Althea walked in and had to stop abruptly as she was assailed with the odors. She gasped and choked. “Avalon! What in the name of all that is decent are you doing, girl? It smells awful up here.”

  Avalon looked up from her table. She had managed to set up several small fires and was heating small pots of something. She shoved her hair back. “Hello, Althea. I’m making scents today. I thought I would leave the healing potions and poultices for tomorrow. I’ll make you a scent if you wish.” She smiled at her cousin.

  Althea barely concealed her repulsion. “How nice of you, Avalon. But perhaps you should make one for Brand first.” She lifted a small handkerchief to cover her nose. There was little doubt that Brand would not appreciate her generous offer, but at that point, she didn’t care.

  Avalon looked thoughtful. “I guess I could, Althea, although I’m not sure he would like to smell like flowers.”

  Althea stopped abruptly. She lowered the handkerchief to sniff very briefly. No, she didn’t smell anything that smelled in the least like any flower she’d ever come across before. “I’m sure he would like it simply because you made it, dearest.”

  Avalon gave a very unladylike snort, and began chopping some of the grass she had collected. Suddenly, she looked over at her cousin. “You know, Althea, Brand has been acting most strangely. Just when I think I have it all figured out, I am at a loss again.”

  Althea walked over to the window and opened it, breathing in fresh air. She turned and smiled at Avalon. “Whatever do you mean, dearest?”

  Avalon added some cut up things to one of the pans and stirred it slowly. “He seemed to think I was going to have a baby! Have you ever heard of anything quite so ridiculous, Althea?”

  Althea paused, looking at the younger woman and thinking she probably should have had a few more “instructional” talks with her. “Avalon, it would be a possibility. After all, you’ve been married for several months now…” Althea let her voice trail away, hoping Avalon would take the hint, and agree with her so she could drop this embarrassing inquisition of her cousin, and escape this awful smell.

  Avalon sniffed her concoction and wrinkled her nose. “I know, Althea, but everyone I’ve always known has never had their baby for a year or so. I told Brand it was impossible.” She paused, sniffing again. “You know, Althea…”

  “Yes, Avalon?” Althea turned from the window where she had been attempting to fan the bad smells out the window. She’d already looked around and been quite disappointed to discover this was the only window!

  “I didn’t want to say anything…”

  Her cousin’s pause made Althea hopefully think she had gotten through to her. “Please, Avalon, go on. You know you can tell me anything.”

  “Thank you, Althea. You are always so sweet and understanding to me. What I was going to say, though, is that I don’t think this smells quite right. Do

  Althea stared in disbelief at Avalon. Not quite sure what to say or do next, she watched as Avalon wiped her hands down the side of her dress. She looked back at the book, squinting to reread the small print. She nodded, seeing she had followed the directions. She looked back up as Althea spoke.

  “What about your monthly flow, Avalon?”

  Avalon shrugged. “The morning Brand and Gandalf left is when it started again. I hadn’t really given it any thought, but it had been awhile since the last time. Now, come over here and help me make some sense of this, please?”

  Althea looked at the younger woman. Sometimes she didn’t understand Avalon at all. There was nothing more in the world that she would want right now than to be expecting her husband’s child. And Avalon, in all her naiveté, didn’t seem to grasp… Althea shook her head and moved towards the table. If nothing else, helping Avalon would keep her occupied until her husband returned.

  * * * * *

  Avalon gave up on scents the next day, and decided to try her hand at a different type of concoction. She spent most of the day searching far and wide for different things, many of them she could find inside the castle grounds. No one really questioned her, or at least not until she was out in one of the far fields, and walking about, in between a goat herd. The elderly herdsman saw her wandering about, and finally got up from his comfortable perch and made his way over to her.

  “Young lady! What are you doing in my herd?”

  Avalon looked up and smiled at the gray-haired man. He had a flowing white beard, and looked quite put out to have been interrupted. “Good morning, sir. I am sorry if I’ve disturbed your slumber…”

  “Bah! I wasn’t sleeping. I was merely resting my eyes from the sun.”


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