Art of Loyalty

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Art of Loyalty Page 7

by Monique Orgeron

  I watch her as she bites into the corner of her bottom lip. She’s thinking long and hard. After some consideration she looks up at me and says, “Well, I’m not interested in having a relationship now or ever either. And you seem to be in luck because as of right now I have room for another client. Would you like to discuss terms since you don’t know how this works?”

  I can’t help but snicker and raise a brow at her. “Yes, I would very much like to discuss terms with you.”

  She bends over and sticks a new batch of cookies into the oven. When she can’t see, I grab a cookie off the baking sheet. “Mmm, damn woman, these are good cookies. They taste like Catherine’s.”

  She turns back around frowning. “Stop eating them, I need to make sure I have enough. The one you ate is your mother’s recipe. Years ago, Catherine and I switched recipes, don’t tell her but I add a touch of vanilla to them. Those over there, are my mother’s.”

  “Who are they all for?”

  “Okay. First rule. I never discuss my personal life with a client.”

  “Is that all I’ll be, just another regular client?”

  “Isn’t that what you are looking for, to pay me to fuck without any baggage?”


  “Good, rule number two and three. You will always wear a condom and money will be paid up front. But if you prefer to have a set schedule then we can set up a regular, monthly deposit. If for any reason you cannot make our scheduled appointment, you are still responsible to make payment. If at any time you decide my services are not needed, you are allowed to cancel our regular set dates, but you are still responsible to make a full month of payments. Also, I will never be called on demand. All meetings will be scheduled. All requests for any extra time like weekends or vacations will be set as a bundle price. Now, if you prefer to set up any of these extras or regularly scheduled times, there will be paperwork for you to fill out.”

  She starts washing the empty dough bowl like we aren’t discussing the strangest shit I have ever discussed.

  “Rules number four and five. You are not to come up to me or interfere when you see me with another client. Ever! This is my livelihood and I take it very seriously. Also, you will treat me with respect at all times. I know what I am, I make no excuses for it and I’m not ashamed of it. I provide a service, same as many other professionals and I will not be disrespected, ever! If you do, you will no longer be considered a client.”

  “I understand. Again, I’m sorry for what I did.”

  “Let’s just mark it up to misunderstanding. I should have asked before but since we already slept together, I will just mention that I do require that you have blood work drawn every six months to show records that you are free of STD’s, I also do the same every six months.”

  She finally finishes washing her dishes and turns around and says, “Now that we have all the basic out of the way. We should discuss expectations.”

  “Fuck! I never knew so much went into to paying for sex.”

  She pinches her brows as she tells me, “If all you want is to pay for sex then honey, you can save yourself a lot of time and money by going to most of the corners in New Orleans. A high-class escort such as myself, gives the girlfriend experience. We are clean and well educated on what it takes to make a man happy, not just to get him off. We are sought out for our refinement. We can be taken anywhere without being accused of being anything other than a beautiful date on our client’s arm. We are not your standard prostitute, we are professionals that will literally bend over backwards to make your dreams come true.”

  She shifts gears now and starts wiping down her marble counters. “Now you should know that I never bring clients home. This is my sanctuary, my escape from my job. This will be your last visit to my house.”

  She stops cleaning and looks up at me. “Lastly, we need to discuss what you are into or what it is you expect from me. You are in luck with me, there is not much I don’t provide other than role play. I am not into treating you like a baby or the serious BDSM. I, however, don’t mind small stuff like a little tethering or mild spankings, as by now you are aware of. I also will not wear a strap on or fuck you with anything other than my finger. There are other escorts that will serve you better if any of that floats your boat.”

  Well, that just made me squirm in my seat. “No there will be nothing entering my asshole.” She shrugs her shoulders and I continue on, “I also will not ask you to treat me like a baby, my diapers have been long gone. And as far as BDSM, I do not hit women and do not like to be hit. But yes, I liked slapping your ass very much.” I wink at her and get a naughty smile in return.

  She then says, “Good, I liked it too. Now other than that, you are welcome to fuck me as hard or as soft as you’d like. Is there anything else that you would like to discuss or is everything mentioned agreed upon?”

  “I have two issues I would like to negotiate.”

  “Okay, what is it?”

  “I want to be able to see you here, in your home. I am not the kind of man who is seen out with women for a reason, and most importantly I ask that you not discuss me with Catherine, ever.”

  “No! You’re asking me to bring work home. I can’t do that. I won’t do that. As far as Catherine goes, I don’t see the importance of telling her about our arrangement unless you were to go against her or she asks. She doesn’t need to know about every date we have, just the ones she particularly asks about or the ones we know have information that she needs.”

  “I will pay extra to come here, it’s something I am not able to bend on. Hotel rooms will not work for me and if I suddenly get an apartment Catherine will know something is going on. So, I need you to do this. It has to be here.”

  She’s thinking and eyeing me, finally she says, “Fine, but the price doubles two thousand for two hours.”

  I stand and walk over wrapping my arms around her. “Two hours? We might need to discuss time restraints. What I have planned for you will take more than two hours.”

  I catch her swallowing hard and looking into my eyes with flushed skin. “When can we have our first appointment? I mean, do you have one planned for tonight?”

  “No, tonight is an off night for me.” She tries to pull away. “Let me get my calendar, we can schedule your appointment.”

  I smile big and throw her over my shoulder smacking her ass. “No need to pencil me in sweetheart I’m already here.”

  She yells, “My cookies!”

  Shit! Without putting her down, I bend, grabbing an oven mitt, and remove the batch of underdone cookies from the oven. I turn the oven off and make my way toward the stairs. On the way to her bedroom, she uses being upside down to run her hand down my pants. “Hey now!” I holler and slap her ass, when I feel a pinch on my ass and her running a finger down the center of my ass crack. She just laughs and keeps on going.

  For the next hour or so we fuck like animals then finally lay back to relax. She’s laying on top of me again; her stomach between my legs with her head on my chest. For some reason, I don’t mind it. I start hearing her breathing in and out peacefully. She fell asleep fast. I run my fingers through her dark hair, loving the silky touch of it. I never remember paying attention to a woman’s hair before. But running my fingers through her hair is so soothing it doesn’t take me long to fall asleep too.


  I wake, feeling his body jerk. Raising my head, I find that I’m still lying on top of him. Shit, what time is it? I look over seeing it’s after seven in the morning. I can’t believe he’s still here. What’s wrong with me? How could I let him spend the night? Shit! His body jerks again and this time I raise up more. Maybe I’m smothering him but quickly realize he’s having a bad dream. Rising up to a sitting position, I move to the side of him as softly as I can. He jerks again, and I see his hands making fists. I don’t want to wake him, but he looks like his dream is severely bothering him. I remember what my mom used to do when I had bad dreams, so I try to do the same thing.
/>   I lean over and lay my hand over his heart and whisper, “You’re safe and sound with me by your heart. Do you feel me?” Then I put a hand on his head, “When you think of me, the monsters have nowhere to live inside of here.”

  It takes a few minutes, but I’ll be damned it works; his body relaxes more and his breathing calms. I sit back up and look over his body. He’s beautiful even with all the scars. I don’t know how he got them, but they are scattered all over him. But beyond the scars, his body is a beautiful masterpiece. You can tell he spends a lot of time working out. His arms are strong, his chest is large, and his thighs, what can I say, I’m kind of weird that way. I like his thighs. They’re thick and strong. He looks so powerful even in his sleep. His back side’s not too bad either. His shoulders are just as wide and his ass, I’m all about that ass. I caught him one time in the casino without his suit on. He was wearing tight jeans and Jesus, that’s the only thing I saw for the rest of the night. That ass, in those tight jeans helped me through a miserable date. Even with all the beauty lying in my bed right now, I’d have to say my favorite part of him are his eyes. I never really noticed them before until tonight. It’s the way he stared at me, like he’s looking deep into my soul, trying to get to know me like no other. I knew his eyes were brown, but I never saw the golden amber color in them until we were up close to each other. They’re beautiful, yet haunted.

  I look him over one more time, taking in all his beauty, starting at his military buzz cut down to his body. Then my attention goes to his tattoos. There’s something sexy about a man with tattoos. I don’t get many men with them; the white-collar men I see would never have them. But Vin has some dangerous, almost scary looking ones. There are no colors, nothing bright or vibrant. They start on one side of his body and travel up his arm. I see the marine initials U.S.M.C written under two large bulldogs, then a rifle with a helmet on top, then the Semper Fi Do or Die written out entangled in skeletons. There’s an eagle with its wings spread wide. On top, there’s the grim reaper inside a boat, the boat has the phrase, ‘In death there is rest.’ There’s other things scrolled around them making it look like a sleeve. Laying on his shoulder are two roses. One is completely filled in with dark ink, dwindling like it’s dying. The other is just outlined but some of the petals have fallen down his shoulder. There’s nothing joyful or hopeful about them. You would think a man with his power and position would have a lot to be grateful for. All I see is dark sorrow painted on him. Even his military tattoos look ominous.

  Now that he appears to be resting peacefully, I decide to leave him be. It can’t cause any more damage since he’s already here and the night is over. Getting out the bed quietly, I sneak out the room. I go downstairs and start cooking my breakfast. What does it matter if I throw a couple of extra pieces of bacon or biscuits in? I’ll just offer, it can’t hurt. If he doesn’t want any breakfast, then I’ll eat the left overs tomorrow.

  Once everything is done, I still don’t hear any noise from upstairs. Grabbing my coffee, I head to my room. I have to smile, thinking he might have snuck out this time through the bedroom window. When I get to my room, I see him still sleeping. As I walk in, he stretches and opens his eyes looking shocked. He looks around the room like it’s just dawning on him where he is.

  “Good morning sleepy head.”

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s after eight.”

  “Is that coffee?”

  “Yes, are you always so short in the morning? Never mind, would you like a cup? I made my breakfast and I might have enough if you’re interested.”

  Walking out the room, I head back downstairs to refill my cup. I’m reading the news on my tablet when he comes downstairs mostly dressed. He doesn’t have his tie or his suit jacket on and his shirt is still unbuttoned. Damn, the man is hot.

  He looks at the coffee machine and asks, “May I?”

  I wave my cup up in his direction letting him know to go ahead and pour. I have a cup already waiting for him; he fills it and leans his backside against the counter. I see his eyes look over at the breakfast I made.

  “I told you, you are more than welcome to eat. It’s not poisoned.”

  He looks at me then I see a corner of his mouth lift into a crooked smile.

  “The plates are in the cabinet behind you.”

  He puts his coffee down and turns, grabbing a plate, then fills it to the hilt. Picking up his cup, he walks over to the table.

  He sees me eyeing his plate when he sits. “What? I’m a big man. I eat.”

  I just smile and go back to reading. We stay quiet through the time it takes him to eat. Once his plate is emptied, he brings it to the kitchen and refills his coffee cup. He leans back against the counter again and stares at me.

  I start to feel like something’s wrong, “What?”

  “I’ve never had breakfast with a woman before.”

  “Technically we didn’t have breakfast together. I ate mine while you were sleeping.”

  “That’s another thing I don’t do.”

  “Me neither, it’s becoming a habit we need to break. You keep doing that and you will be broke before you know it.”


  “Yep. That cost you extra buddy.”

  He laughs and says, “Fine, but just so you know, you fell asleep first. I couldn’t get up. So, it’s kind of your fault.”

  “Fine, but next time, wake me. You can’t sleep over anymore.”


  “Because this is my home and my bed. I need my space.”

  He changes the subject, “What are you reading?”

  “The news.”

  He looks at me questioning.

  “I read the news, don’t look so shocked.”

  “It’s not that.” He waves his cup to the side of the table where my glasses lay. Shit! When I heard him coming down the stairs I took them off.

  “Fine, I was trying to read the news. No one has ever seen me in my glasses.”

  “Put them on.”


  “Put them on!”

  When I don’t move to grab them, he walks over picks them up and tries to hand them to me. “Put them on.”

  I grab them from him and slip them on and look at him pissed, waiting for him to laugh. But he doesn’t, he comes closer and grabs my chin gently raising my face towards his.

  “You look beautiful.” He bends down and softly kisses my lips. Then he stands and starts buttoning his shirt.

  “Do you have the paperwork for me to sign. I would like to set scheduled visits.”

  I stand and walk over to my built-in desk area and pull out a copy of the paperwork. I walk back over to the table and lay the package down. I walk away to make myself another cup of coffee. Now I’m leaning against the counter as he eyes the package. He taps his finger on it and looks back up at me.

  “That’s a lot of papers, am I signing my life away?”

  “No, it’s standard. It protects the both of us. Legally you become more like a sugar daddy instead of a standard John.”

  He looks at me and smiles, “A sugar daddy huh?”

  “One of them.”

  He looks back at me then sits down. “Do you have a pen?”

  I walk over to my junk drawer, grab a pen and walk it over to him, holding it out. When he goes to grab it, I hold on to it tight. “You’re not going to read over them?”

  “No. If it’s standard then I’m sure it’s fine. Besides, I think you’re smart enough not to fuck with me or my family.”

  I release the pen and he fills out the information part then signs his name where needed. “Now that I am officially your sugar daddy, when can I see you again?”

  “Not tired of me yet? Most men spread their dates out.”

  “Most of them have wives and families. I don’t and for the price I’m paying, I expect to get my money’s worth.”

  He stands and starts to finish buttoning the rest of his shirt. I walk up to him and slap his
hands away, so I can button them for him. Then I grab his tie and fix it perfectly on him, all while he just stares at me like he can’t figure me out. I walk over to the chair to get his suit jacket and return to him holding it out. But instead of putting it on he grabs me, pulling me into his arms, kissing me long and hard but finishing soft. Then he takes his jacket and asks, “When?”

  “I can see you Thursday night.”

  “That’s in four days.”

  “I’m busy the rest of the week. If you want to, next time we can sit down with my calendar to set up something more regular.”

  He growls and walks out. Once he’s gone I throw myself down on my chair, frustrated. “I am so fucked. How am I going to do this?”



  I hear him come in before I see him. He tries to make it to the staircase before I can corner him.

  “Where have you been, Vin?”

  He stills and slowly turns around. “Hello, Catherine. I was with a friend, if you must know.”

  “What friend?”

  “Did you ask your other sons where they were when they didn’t come home at night?”

  “When the rest of them lived here and were single, I was used to them staying out all night. You have never not come home, so again, who is she?”

  He walks over to me and kisses my cheek. “She’s not anyone for you to worry about, I promise. I didn’t mean to stay out all night. I just fell asleep.”

  “You fell asleep?” I touch his face. “You do look rested. Maybe this woman is good for you.”

  “She is just as good as any of the rest. She filled my needs.”

  I slap the back of his head.


  “Don’t be so damn crass. You will never find a woman with that attitude.”

  “I’m not looking for a woman and you know it.”

  “A mother can hope, but not when you treat women like they’re nothing. Didn’t I teach you anything?”


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