Art of Loyalty

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Art of Loyalty Page 11

by Monique Orgeron

  Murphy smiles even bigger. “Your bridesmaid dress, Brittany. Keep up, girl. How else do you plan on serving in my wedding unless you have a dress?”

  Now I’m really confused and they can all tell as they start laughing out loud. Shaking my head, I tell her, “I can’t serve in your wedding Murph.”

  “Why not? Don’t you want to?”

  “Yes, of course, I would love to, but you know I can’t.”

  They all stop laughing and Murphy gets serious. “Bullshit! I am so tired of having to pretend we don’t know you.”

  She grabs my hand and says, “I came up with an idea. I told Zander a while back that I met you with one of your dates at my casino. I told him that I liked you very much and we became friends. He asked me if I knew what you did for a living and I told him of course I did. He was fine with it after that.”

  “Just like that, he was fine with us being friends?”

  “Yes, why wouldn’t he be? He has no right to tell me who I can or can’t be friends with. Besides, he never slept with you so why would he have a reason to stop me from being your friend?”

  “Well, what about Gabriel? He won’t like it at all.”

  “Screw Gabriel!” She looks at Fallon and says, “Sorry Fallon, no offense.” Fallon waves her hand dismissing it, so Murphy goes on.

  “Zander did mention that he didn’t know if the rest of the family would be okay with you there, but he said whatever I wanted to do was fine with him.”

  “Really, just fine?”

  She cocks a brow, “You don’t believe me?”

  She doesn’t let me answer before she says, “I talked to Catherine about it and asked if she would be okay with it.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She said she thinks it’s a brilliant idea and very clever of me. This way our friendship can finally be out in the open. She agrees though that Gabriel would be the only one that would have a problem. She thinks he will be worried what would happen if Fallon found out about you two sleeping together.”

  We all start laughing. If he only knew that Fallon has known for years and we’ve been best friends ever since.

  Fallon says, “He is going to be so nervous, walking around on eggshells, scared of me finding out.”

  We all laugh again. I address her now, “Are you sure you want to put Gabriel through something like that? I mean, he is really going to have a shit fit when he finds out.”

  She leans on the table and says, “I can’t wait to see him squirm. Plus, he will see how much I like you. That will really scare him. Serves him right for thinking it would bother me. It’s not like you’re an ex-girlfriend. Besides, he thinks too much of himself. This will put him in his place.”

  She grabs my hand and says, “I want our friendship to be out in the open. I hate lying and keeping you a secret.”

  I turn my hand over holding hers. “Me too.”

  I can’t believe Murphy is willing to have me in her wedding party. Shaking my head in disbelief and with sadness in my voice I ask, “Hey Murph, what about the men that will be there? You know a lot of them are my clients, right? I don’t want to embarrass you or ruin your wedding. It’s one thing to be at your wedding, but to be in it, you will be announcing that you are friends with a prostitute to all of them. I won’t just be the hired hand at the party.”

  “I don’t care, and neither should you. Those men won’t say a damn thing in fear of their wives finding out, sort of like Gabriel.”

  I look over to Fallon and Avery, it needs to be their decision too. This could interfere with their social standings in the community.

  “Fallon, Avery, is this something that you both are willing to do? I mean this could ruin your reputation, and I don’t want to do that to any of you or to Gavin. One day he will need that reputation to gain power.”

  Fallon looks at Avery and back to me. “Brittany, I came from nothing. You don’t and never will embarrass me. As far as Gavin goes, he loves you and always will. He will always protect you from the vultures that want to call you out. Don’t you understand, you are part of my family, more than a friend now? To Gavin, you are Aunt Brittany, his Teany.”

  I started crying the minute she spoke. I can’t help it, I love them all. I dry my tears and sit up tall holding my wine glass out.

  “Okay, if you are all sure about this, and you have Zander and Catherine’s approval, then I’m in. Where do I get my dress?”

  Murphy practically jumps in her chair, “We have an appointment after lunch.”

  We all clink our glasses together in celebration.

  We laugh some more and finish eating our lunch, then pile up into two cars and drive to the bridal shop.

  The dresses are beautiful. Murphy wants a glamorous, almost a Gatsby themed wedding. She has us all in vintage looking gowns that are sequined. We’re all in different shades and different styles. My dress is deep bronze, sleeveless with no back, but it has a high neckline. Sexy but elegant.

  I’m still nervous about this wedding and they can all tell. Avery comes around and asks me why.

  “This is the first wedding I will ever serve in. I guess I’m… I don’t know, scared.”

  She says, “You’ll be fine Brittany. There is nothing to it and none of us are ashamed of you, if that’s what you are worried about.”

  “I guess, maybe a little. I never expected to ever have the normal things in life and serving in a wedding is normal. I knew when I chose to be an escort, there would be things I would have to give up, but now…”

  Fallon comes around the corner. “Now nothing. You are our friend no matter what you do for a living. I should’ve done more when it came to my wedding, but I was stupid and let Catherine handle it all. I should’ve demanded that you were part of it.”

  I start crying, “I love all of you so much. I mean I love all my friends, but you three are the only ones that aren’t in the business and you all accept me. I want you all to know how much that means to me.”

  They all walk towards me and we have a big giant group hug. I look up and see people watching. “Okay ladies, people are watching.”

  Murphy says, “Who cares, let them look.” Murphy turns around and yells out, “What’s wrong, you’ve never seen women love each other?! You’d be so lucky!”



  Zander and Murphy's wedding isn’t for another week but tonight is their separate bachelor and bachelorette party. They decided to go all out, celebrating their second wedding since the first one was barely what you could call a wedding.

  I was invited to meet up with my marine buddies later, but I told them tonight wasn’t a good time. I didn’t tell them about the wedding because well, I really don’t want the life I had with them interfering with my family life. I’ve gone out with them a few times but found more bad memories coming back with each time I see them. I keep asking what they all do for a living now, but they haven’t been clear. I feel like they’ve been avoiding the subject or telling me anything about their lives now. That makes me worry what they’re up to. Nothing good, if I know them.

  I walk into the strip club with Liam behind me. Theo, Teddy, Gabriel, and the groom himself are already seated and waiting. We join them and it’s not long before Forrest appears. That man has been arriving everywhere with a smile on his face lately. He finally got Cherry to accept the idea of him and her as an item. Everyone seems to be happy and in love except for me and Teddy. I just hope I don’t look as fucking miserable as he does.

  We all start drinking and Zander gets wild with all the girls. It’s his last hoorah, but he won’t go too far. There is no woman out there that would ever make him risk Murphy and his family.

  The girls give us a break for a few minutes and the men start talking about all the women in their lives.

  Zander gets serious all of a sudden and tells Gabriel, “Brother, I need to tell you something and you’re not going to like it.” He takes a deep breath and we all wait patiently to see what it is, he has
us all curious now.

  “Murphy met a new friend and asked her to serve in the wedding.”

  We all fall back in our seats. What was that all about? We all thought it was something bad, who cares if she has a new friend in the wedding party. But then I hear him say,

  “It’s Brittany.”

  I freeze mid-sip of my drink. Gabriel jumps up and starts yelling. “What the fuck?! You can’t let her have Brittany in the wedding party.”

  Zander stands up as we all stay seated and watch the show. “You can’t tell me who my wife can or can’t have in the wedding. Jesus brother, I quite remember her being at your wedding.”

  Gabriel attacks back. “She was working. She wasn’t there because I wanted her there.”

  “Well, Murphy wants her there and that’s it. Besides it’s already done.”

  “Then fucking undo it! What if Fallon finds out?”

  “So what man, it’s not like you’re still seeing her, right? Wait. You’re not, are you?”

  Now I pay closer attention. Before I was busy thinking how I was going to be around Brittany and not let anyone know how much I still want her. But now, Zander has asked the million-dollar question.

  “Fuck you, Zander! Of course, I’m not still seeing her. I just don’t want Fallon finding out. She might start worrying that if I hired an escort before, I might be willing to do it again. Besides, you’ve all hired one before. Do you really want your wives that close to one to be able to ask her questions?”

  Zander shrugs, “Murphy already knows everything I’ve done, she doesn’t care.”

  Liam says, “Avery knows too. She doesn’t care as long as I don’t do it again.”

  Theo and Forrest both wave their arms, letting us know not to get them involved. Then there is me and Teddy left, and neither of us are saying shit.

  Zander really fucks up when he says, “In fact, they’re all together tonight for the bachelorette party.”

  Now Gabriel’s pissed. “You let my wife go out with a woman I used to fuck and didn’t warn me?”

  “I guess I did.”

  Gabriel gets furious. “Where are they?”

  We all answer the same way. None of us know. I lied, of course I know. I was the one to drop Catherine off, but I’m not about to tell him that. I had no idea Brittany was with them, and I had no idea she was in the wedding party. I haven’t figured out if I should be upset or happy. On one hand, I’ll be able to see her again, but on the other hand, it won’t be the way I want. I catch Gabriel looking at me from across the table. Does he know what I’m thinking?

  Teddy interrupts my thoughts and tells me he’s seen my friends come into the club again. He goes on to say, “I hate to tell you Vin, but I asked them to leave. They were manhandling the ladies. I hope it won’t cause a problem for you, but I don’t want them back here. One of them stood up to me. I was ready to throw down, but your friend Troy stepped in and convinced them to leave, peacefully.”

  “Do what you feel like you have to Teddy. I don’t blame you.”

  Liam asks, “What friends?”

  That gets everyone’s attention. “Some of my old marine brothers are in town.”

  Gabriel eyes me and asks, “Why didn’t you tell us? I’d like to meet them.”

  I lie and tell him they won’t be here long, and they’ve been busy. I’m not interested in any of them ever meeting.

  Everyone forgets about our conversation when Kyle enters the party. Kyle is Murphy’s childhood, best friend. He’s been here for over a month, working on Murphy and the girls’ dresses. He’s a little crazy and very gay, but we’ve all taken a liking to him. He promised Zander he’d come and have a drink with us before the night was finished. I’m surprised he actually showed up.

  Zander stands and pats his back hard. “Kyle my man, you came.”

  He nervously looks around at all of us and says, “I’m here.” We all laugh because he tried to say it with a deeper voice. I guess being surrounded by all of us is a little intimidating. Kyle sits down, while the ladies bring us all over another drink. Then Theo brings out his humidor full of cigars. We all partake but Kyle hesitates. Zander eggs him on. “Come on Kyle, you have to smoke with us, man.”

  We all laugh when we see Kyle’s face as he chokes on the first drag. Zander’s pounding his back and Kyle starts choking harder. “Ease up brother. You’re going to kill the man.”

  “Sorry Kyle, I sometimes don’t know my own strength.”

  The funniest part is when the ladies all come back around to give us another lap dance. Alice sits on top of a frozen Kyle and starts grinding. Kyle's eyes close and then he screams out and stands up. “Okay guys, I’ve had enough. Zander, I love you, but there is only so much I can take. I’m going meet Murphy and the girls where I belong.”

  Well, that gets Gabriel’s attention. Gabriel stands and asks, “You know where they are?”

  “Of course, I do. I am the maid of honor. Now if you men will excuse me I have a party to get to.”

  He tries to leave until Gabriel puts his arm around Kyle and tells all of us, “Gentlemen this has been fun, but I think the other party might be more interesting.”

  Kyle starts shaking his head repeating himself. “No, no, no! You can’t come.”

  Liam stands first and the rest follow letting him know that we most definitely are crashing the party.

  Kyle gives the limo driver the address to where women are. I’m surprised when we pull up to another strip club but this one is for women. Interesting, Catherine had me bring her to a restaurant, not here. We all enter and all start freaking the hell out.

  On the stage are all the women, including Catherine and Cherry. It looks like they are swinging a long rubber dildo between their thighs, passing it to each other. Kyle starts to walk off, but Zander grabs him by the shoulder and pulls him back.

  “Not yet Kyle. I for one want to see how this plays out.”

  We all stand there watching as Fallon jumps up and down because she just won the swinging dick contest. Mom and Cherry get off the stage as a few men in tiny speedos get on the stage. The men have the girls sit in chairs facing each other. Avery faces Murphy and Fallon faces Brittany. I look over to Gabriel who is turning red with anger. The men tie the girl’s hands behind their backs and place a peeled banana between each coupling of girls. The girls open their mouths and hold the banana between their mouths as the man in a speedo announces on the microphone that whoever can make it down the banana without it breaking is the winner. We all sit back watching one of the hottest things I think any of us have ever witnessed. The girls all struggle to work together, sucking in to get to the center without breaking the damn banana.

  Zander starts laughing out loud when Murphy and Avery’s banana breaks because of Murphy trying to take the whole banana into her mouth.

  “That’s my girl, greedy.”

  Fallon and Brittany win and start jumping up and down, hugging each other. As we start to walk over Avery jumps on some guy’s back and starts swinging her arms, smacking his ass. Laughing, I tell the guys, “Look at sweet little Avery.”

  Liam looks at me with a smirk. “You have no idea, brother.”

  By the time we get closer, Theo makes his appearance known. He sits between Mom and Cherry then throws an arm over both of them.

  “Hello ladies, are we having fun?”

  Then Forrest makes his way around to Cherry. The ladies feign innocence, pretending they didn’t just get caught on stage.

  Kyle runs off and is on stage with Avery riding Leo’s back. Everything is fun and games until Zander spots Murphy in a chair getting motorboated by a male stripper we don’t know. Zander runs on stage and grabs the guy by the back of his neck and punches him square in the jaw, knocking him out. He grabs Murphy’s hand and leads her off the stage. Brittany and Fallon follow, holding each other up until they spot us. Fallon and Brittany freeze under Gabriel’s stare. They release each other, and Fallon asks, “What are you all doing here?”
r />   Gabriel doesn’t answer, so she walks up to and kisses him, then turns to introduce Brittany like they’ve never met. “Gabriel this is my new friend, Brittany.”

  She tells Brittany, “Britt, this is my husband, Gabriel.”

  Gabriel shakes Brittany’s hand like they have never met too. I see the smile play on Fallon’s face, believing this is a small victory.

  As Gabriel and Fallon go on pretending, I look up to see Brittany watching me. I gladly return the gesture as we hold each other’s gaze. It’s only broken when I feel Teddy slam down his hand on my back.

  “Man, I think I need to rethink the strip club. They have more women in here and they are going nuts.” He wiggles his brows and walks away.

  When I look back towards Brittany, she’s gone. I look around, but I can’t find her anywhere. Fallon grabs my hand and whispers, “She left, Vin.”

  I start to tell her I wasn’t looking for her, but Fallon shakes her head, letting me know it’s not worth lying to her.

  The night comes to an end when we hear Kyle yelling ride ‘em cowboy as he rides some man’s back around the stage.



  The night before the wedding, I meet my marine brothers for dinner. I walk into the restaurant with unease. It’s been great to see them again, but I have a feeling they’re after something. Every time I ask about their business here, they find a way to avoid answering. But here I am having another dinner with them, hoping I’m wrong. I love seeing them and rehashing the good memories, but along with the good times come the bad. The bad that I’ve tried for years to forget. Seeing them just brings it all flooding back.

  The minute Troy brings up my mother again I immediately go on guard. They also ask if I know about all the connections we have with the shipyard and port.

  I’m getting suspicious, so I finally ask, “What the fuck are you getting at, Troy? Why are you asking all these questions?”


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