Art of Loyalty

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Art of Loyalty Page 17

by Monique Orgeron

  “Well Vin, you better find a way around her then, because if not, I will start fucking up your life.”

  Staring at him, ready to attack, “You don’t have shit on me!”

  “That’s where you’re wrong Vin. You see, you don’t talk much and when you do it’s about nothing. Just shit to pass the time. But when you sleep brother, that’s a different story.”

  He walks away from me like he knows I’m about to go off on his ass. My breathing is becoming labored and my heart rate accelerates with the anger that I’m feeling.

  “When you sleep Vin, you talk and talk. And I listened! I know all your dirty little secrets. I know what happened when you were younger. Those memories took me time to piece together, but then came the memories of why you joined the Marines. You were running from yourself and what you did.”

  He walks further back and continues. “I remember the day I saved you. I remember the look in your eyes, wanting to die. I already knew that it wasn’t your first-time brother. Question is, do I keep your secrets to myself, or do I share them with your family?”

  I take off after him ready to kill but before I can get close enough he pulls his gun on me.

  “You think I wasn’t prepared man? I knew you were going to come after me. Make this happen for me, Vin and all will be forgotten. No one will ever know you killed your father. You fuck with me and this deal, and I will fuck you back. You understand?”

  I don’t answer, I just stare at him knowing that before this is all said and done, I will kill this mother fucker. That I promise.

  I head for the door, needing to get out here as quick as I can, before Troy tries to kill me or before I kill him. I’m not stupid. I was taught to bide my time and now is not it but it’s coming, and soon. Troy, Steve, and Terry will never leave New Orleans. They just don’t know it yet.

  He yells at me from across the warehouse as I open the door. “I will be hearing from you brother. I know you won’t let me down. You have a month, Vin. One month and not a day longer.”

  When I get in my car and take off, my phone starts ringing. I know it’s Teddy, but I don’t answer. I know he’ll ask questions. Questions I’m not ready to answer.



  For the last three nights, I’ve stayed away from home and I’ve been staying drunk. Drowning in self-fucking pity and the memories that won’t ever leave. Everyone’s been calling constantly, especially Catherine. I can’t bring myself to answer her call. She will instantly want to help and protect my secrets, but I can’t do that to her; not again. This is my problem to solve. I just need to figure out how. But right now, I just want to drown it all away.

  I’ve been staying in a hotel instead of going home. It didn’t take Catherine long to find me, though. Other than the calls, she hasn’t bothered me. She had a bag of clothes dropped off and instructed the hotel to deliver three meals a day to my room. I make sure to answer the door when they deliver them, so they can report back that I’m still alive, but eating is the last thing on my mind.

  The only way I’ve been able to sleep is if I drank enough to pass out. I know the time for this shit is almost over. Being drunk might have allowed me to sleep but it hasn’t allowed me to think of a plan. One more night won’t kill me, not if everything else didn’t.

  Troy’s words again echo in my mind as I take another swallow of whiskey and stare at the blank wall. I throw the bottle against the wall shattering it on impact. Then start laughing uncontrollably in disbelief that it has all come to this. Me having to find a way to kill a brother. A man I tried so hard to save all those years ago. How fucked up is that?

  When my laughter dies down, I wipe the sweat from my head and notice how my hair feels a little longer. It makes me think of Brittany and her telling me to grow it out, so she can run her fingers through it. I wonder if I grew it out, if she still would?

  Picking up my phone, I dial her number. I’m about to hang up after a few rings but I hear her sweet voice say, “Hello.”

  I clear my throat, but still can’t find the words I want to say.

  “Vin, I know it’s you. Did you call to talk to me or not?”

  After a minute she says, “Fine Vin, I’m going to hang up.”

  “I need you!” I practically yell out, not knowing why I said that.

  She’s the one silent now, so I start talking, “I can’t sleep Brittany, I can only sleep with you. Do you know that? Why? I want to know how you do it.”

  “Are you drunk, Vin?”

  “I am so wrong for you. You know that, Brittany? I am wrong for everyone. I just need to sleep. Talk to me, baby. Help me to sleep.”

  “Vin, where are you?”

  “I’m lost, I’ve been lost for so long. I don’t think I will ever find my way back home.”

  “Vin, just tell me where you are? I’ll come get you.”

  “You won’t find me, baby. I can’t even find myself.”

  “Fuck you, Vin. I’ll find you, don’t think I won’t!”

  I hang up on her and toss my phone on the coffee table. I hope she does find me because I think she might be the only person who can.


  Oh, fuck him! I was sitting here on a date at Theo’s strip club when out of the blue Vin calls me with his shit. What the hell do I do? I had to sneak off to the bathroom to answer his call and then all he did was slur his words.

  I start staring at myself in the mirror, trying to put myself back together to go back to my date. But now I’m staring trying to figure out how can I leave Vin out there somewhere when he called me needing me, sounding so distraught. “Damn him!”

  I mean, even if I wanted to find him like I suggested, how would I?

  Damn him again. He’ll be okay. I walk out of the bathroom heading for my date when I see Teddy walking on the other end of the stage. I eye my date and then I eye Teddy again. Screw it! I walk up to my date and give him my excuse. He complains but then I tell him what all men hate to hear, “I started my period, and it’s bad. I will make it up to you I promise.” He agrees another night would be better. I also tell him he can stay and enjoy the rest of the night, I have a ride home. He kisses me, and I grab my purse and march directly to Teddy’s office.

  I don’t knock I just burst right through the door, taking him by surprise. Obviously, because he’s getting a blow job. Not caring, I continue to walk in, I sit down, crossing my legs, waiting for him to excuse her.

  “Don’t you knock? Can’t you see I am kinda in the middle of something here?”

  “Send her away or continue, I don’t care, but as soon as she is off your dick, you’re going to take me to Vin.”

  “Fuck, Brittany!” He has the girl get off her knees and pushes her out the door. “What the hell? Why do you need Vin?”

  I chuckle. “I never said I needed Vin.”

  “Okay, then why do you want me to take you to him?”

  “So, you do know where he is?”

  “Did I say that?”

  “Don’t be a prick, Teddy! Vin called me, he sounded like shit. He says he needs me. I need to find him, so quit playing.”

  “Yeah, I know where he is, but Brittany he’s in bad shape. I don’t think it….”

  “I don’t care what you think, are you going to help me or not?”

  He thinks about it and then nods his head. “Yeah, I’ll take you to him, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Come on.”

  We leave the strip club and start heading south. Teddy finally asks, “I didn’t know you and Vin…”

  I cut him off quickly. “There is no me and Vin. He just needs a friend, I guess. I don’t know, all I do know is he called me, and he wouldn’t do that if he wasn’t desperate.”

  Teddy nods his head in agreement and we end the conversation until we show up at the hotel where Teddy tells me Vin’s been staying recently. Getting out of the car, Teddy insists on coming with me.

  “I’m worried about what condition he might be in. He would never forgi
ve me if I didn’t make sure you were safe.”

  “Safe from what, him?”

  Teddy looks somber and says, “Yeah sugar, from him.”

  We walk into the lobby and Teddy immediately walks up to the counter demanding a key. The man obviously knows who Teddy is and of his position, so he doesn’t argue, he just hands him the key.

  “Come on, let’s go.”

  Teddy leads me by my lower waist to the elevator. Once we’re on the right floor he leads me to Vin’s room. “You ready for this?”

  I nod my head and Teddy takes a deep breath and opens the door. The room is dimly lit. Looking around, I see all the empty bottles of booze everywhere and broken glass from a smashed one. Before I can finish taking in my surroundings, I hear Vin.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Looking over, I see him sitting in a chair, with his legs stretched wide. He looks like he’s ready to attack. Teddy starts to answer but he cuts him off.

  “Not you, Her! Why are you here?”

  On shaky legs, I tell him with my voice trembling. “You called me.”

  He lets out a small chuckle and says, “But why did you come?”

  I’m done. He might look scary right now looking like he’s ready to kill someone, but I know him, maybe even more than he knows himself. He won’t hurt me, so I do what I know needs to be done.

  I look at Teddy and tell him. “Get out.”

  Teddy’s shocked. “Brittany.”

  “Get out Teddy! Leave us! I need a few minutes with him.”

  Teddy looks between Vin and me, and reluctantly walks out the room. Before he leaves, he turns to let me know, “I will be right outside the door if you need anything.”

  Nodding my head in his direction, I slowly look back at Vin. He doesn’t need to say anything, his stare is enough. But I’m ready for his outburst that I see coming.

  “You fucking him?”

  “Yeah Vin, I fuck everyone. Don’t you know?!”

  What I didn’t expect, was him jumping out the chair and running right towards me. Before I can make a move, he has me pinned against the wall with his hand wrapped around my throat.

  He never pushes or squeezes but he holds me there, growling, “Don’t fuck with me, Brittany! I told you!”

  I yell at him, “Get your hand off me!”

  When he doesn’t let go, I make sure to punctuate every word. “Get. Your. Fucking. Hand. Off. Me!”

  With his eyes still on mine, he slowly releases his hold, his head falls to my neck. Taking a deep breath, I look at the ceiling. What did I do? What the hell did I get myself into?

  “I love your smell baby, it’s all I ever want to smell, for the rest of my life.”

  I start to feel his hand slide down my shoulder as he grabs and squeezes my breast. He starts kissing my neck, making me weak for him. I can’t let this happen, not like this.

  “Vin, let me help you. Let me take you away from here. I’ll bring you home, okay?”

  “I don’t want to go home. I can’t go home, not now.”

  I grab his face and pull it away from my neck forcing him to look at me. “Why, Vin? Why don’t you want to go home?”

  Right then, I see all his pain, all his nightmares come to life, right there for me to see.

  “I’m so tired, baby. I’m so fucking tired.”

  “I know, Vin. I’m going to help you. Do you trust me?”

  He whispers, “I trust you.”

  I pull away from the wall and lead him to a chair. Once I have him seated, I find his bag. I start picking up the clothes scattered on the floor. Vin doesn’t say anything. He just watches as I make haste, stuffing everything of his I can find, into his bag. Once I’m done, I open the door, and ask Teddy to help me get Vin loaded into the car.

  At first, Vin starts arguing with Teddy, refusing his help, saying he’s not leaving. Then I tell Teddy to leave him. When Teddy stops pushing the issue, Vin looks at me and asks, “Where are you taking me?”

  I answer, “With me, home.”

  He gets out the chair trying not to stumble but failing. “You need to let Teddy help you.”

  “I don’t need anyone’s help!”

  “Yeah, yeah Mr. Big Shit. You want my help, then you need to let Teddy help you first. Got it?”

  He still looks pissed, but he allows Teddy to help him walk. We make it downstairs to the lobby, I tell Teddy, “Bring him to the car. I’m going check him out and pay the bill.”

  Teddy nods and walks Vin out. Walking up to the front desk, I tell them I’m checking out for Vin Stern and I will settle his bill. But they inform me the bill has already been taken care of for as long as Mr. Stern needed the room. I eye the man like he’s crazy. I mean, who does that? I guess rich powerful men do.

  Once I get in the car, Teddy asks for my address. The car ride is spent in silence. Vin doesn’t make a sound, but I feel his eyes burning through me. When we pull into my driveway, Teddy gets out of the car to help me bring Vin inside. I also ask Teddy to help me bring Vin upstairs before he leaves. Leaning Vin’s body against his, he slowly helps Vin, step by step, up the stairs and to my room. After he gets Vin seated in one of my chairs Teddy starts to ask me if I need anything else but is interrupted.

  “Get out!” Vin shouts to him.

  Teddy turns and looks at him and Vin says, “Leave!”

  Teddy looks at me, checking to see what I want him to do. I jerk my head towards the door letting him know I’ve got it from here.

  “If you’re sure sugar, then I’ll go.”

  “She isn’t your fucking sugar. Go already! She doesn’t have anything to fear from me.”

  “Alright I’m going, you don’t have to be such a brooding asshole.”

  Vin starts laughing, “That’s rich, coming from you.”

  “Yeah well, that might be true.” He then turns and tells me that if I need anything to call him.

  “She won’t need you!”

  Teddy takes one last look at him then leaves. When I hear the front door shut, I turn my attention back to Vin. All right, let’s do this. Taking a deep breath, I take off my heels and head to the bathroom. I run the water, getting it to the perfect temperature before I go back to collect Vin from my room.

  “Come on big boy, let's go.”

  He groans as I lift his arms to take his T-shirt off. He stops me and asks, “What are we doing?”

  “You stink!”

  “I stink?”

  “Yes, and if you want to sleep in my bed, you need a shower.”

  He lifts his arms, allowing me to slide his shirt off. He then stands, but I have to balance him. I manage to get his jeans undone, but when I bend to take them off, he’s wearing a smile because his large, engorged dick is staring straight at me.

  “None of that. Shower only.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. Come on. I need you to help me okay? I can’t hold you up like Teddy did.”

  He wraps his arm around my shoulder and starts walking. My shower is a custom, large walk in with multiple shower heads, but I don’t plan on staying with him. I help him walk inside, letting the water hit his naked body. When I start backing off, Vin pulls me back so fast, I never had a chance. I’m soaked from all directions. “Vincent!”

  My back is against his chest and I hear him whisper, “Don’t leave me.”

  Well shit. I grab his arm that’s wrapped around my waist and loosen its hold. Then I start removing my wet clothes. When I finally turn around, he is watching my every move.

  “I’m going to help you. Hold on to the wall.”

  He turns to the side and grabs the wall from above his head and leans his head on it. Lord, even with this man drunk and stinking, he’s gorgeous. And Vin wet is beyond hot. I can’t help but watch as the water flows down his sculpted muscles. Okay think Brittany. I need to remind myself what I’m doing here, and that is not to stand here admiring his body. With the soap in my hands, I gather enough lather to start rubbi
ng the back of his body clean. He never makes a move, but he moans with the pass of my hands. When it’s time to wash his front, I have to get my naked body smashed against him in order to reach around his chest. I wonder if he can feel how hard my nipples are? No matter, this is not why we’re here. I need to get him clean, so I ignore my desires and continue to wash him. Next, is the one place I hesitate on, but it needs to get washed too. I run my lathered hands down to his even harder cock now. I bypass it at first, heading straight for his balls then I slide my hands back up to his dick and start washing; feeling every ridge, leading to his smooth head. His moans become louder and more frequent. I might’ve washed him there a little longer than I should have. Before I can remove my hand, he grabs it, raising it to his mouth and kisses the back of my hand.

  “We better get you to bed.”

  He lets go of my hand, and I grab one of my shower heads and rinse him clean. After I shut off the water, he lifts his head and again holds on to me to walk out of the shower. I dry him and myself off then head to bed naked. Helping him to sit down, I swing his legs over. When I go to cover him, he grabs me again, pulling me down, over him. He doesn’t say anything. All he does is close his eyes and holds me tight.

  Lying here, on top his chest, I’m wide awake, when I hear him start to snore. I need to move. I’m not ready to allow myself to feel for him anymore than I already do. As his hold loosens, I quietly lift myself off him. Laying on my back, staring at the ceiling, I once again find myself trying to figure out how I got here. The man is nothing but a pain. He’s pushed his way in where no other man has ever been, forcing himself in every part of my life; interfering where he has no business. Why did I find him and bring him home? Damn feelings. I couldn’t leave him out there, not when he called, telling me he needed me. I’m a sucker for trying to fix everything and everyone, but I don’t know how or if I can fix him.

  Eventually, I fall asleep but am woken by his tossing and turning. He’s having another nightmare. This one must be bad. He starts talking like he always does when he’s sleeping but this time, I can make out more than usual. As I listen, I begin to feel guilty. He’s saying things I know he wouldn’t want me or anyone else to know.


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