Texas Wild (western romance and sex) (western romance)

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Texas Wild (western romance and sex) (western romance) Page 5

by Cristina Grenier

  “We’ll take care of that when we get home,” he said. “Amy’s got some salve that will heal that up by morning.” He was strolling toward her leading Sandy. “I just have one favor to ask you.”

  “What’s that,” she asked. “If you’re going to ride ole’ Charlie home, can we at least switch saddles first? Your stirrups are a little short for me.”

  The comment pushed away all of her nerves and she recalled the playful argument between him and Amy concerning “who” was allowed to ride her horse Sandy. “Not on your life,” she replied teasing him with gleeful giggle and slipping off of Charlie’s back to the ground.


  When they had returned to the ranch, Amy was sitting in a chair in the late evening shade of the barn waiting for them. She noticed right away that the ice had been thawed between the two of them as they came over the last hill leading to the ranch yard. She could see the two hats turned toward each other in conversation and saw by their movements that they were laughing and enjoying the beginning of a friendship. Most people wouldn’t have gathered nearly so much from the two riders at that distance, but Amy had better tuned senses than most people and the grin that spread across her face only broadened even more as the two came in closer and stopped in front of her. She had an idea come to her mind suddenly and it filled her with joy as she made up her mind to carry it out.

  “Seems the two of you are getting along quite well,” she commented.

  “She aint all that bad,” Matt commented.

  “I wasn’t talking to you dumbass,” she teased Matt.

  Reenie, picking up the game where it was left off chimed right in. “Actually, he’s not that bad for a dumbass either.” She turned and grinned at Matt.

  “I wasn’t talking about that princess,” she laughed.

  “What, exactly, were you talking about bitch?”

  Amy chuckled. “I was talking about you and Sandy getting along so well.”

  “Oh, him,” Reenie said, realizing that Amy was referring to how her and Sandy got along as horse and rider. “I love him. I may not be able to give him back.”

  “You don’t have to,” she answered. “He’s yours.”

  Reenie could only stare at her and try to decide if she had heard her correctly. “Huh?” she asked. “He’s mine? What do you mean?”

  “I just made him a gift to you,” she said. “He’s yours.”

  “Oh no, Amy, I can’t possibly…” she began.

  “You don’t have a choice princess,” Amy answered.

  “I don’t know what to say,” she replied. She was too stunned to add the “bitch” to the statement though Amy had just called her princess. In total honesty, she couldn’t call her a bitch after such a generous gift had been given to her, regardless of how their game had been played before. She actually was completely unable to answer her, because Amy was already striding away toward her house.

  The next few days that passed found Reenie in a completely different frame of mind. She had awakened the person that she had been hiding deep inside of herself for several years. The one who had been so easily fooled and led astray by that cheating bastard in Boston had been put to death along with so many of her previous attitudes and ideas. She found herself awakened to new possibilities. One of those possibilities was a deeper relationship with Matt.

  No words had been spoken about it, not had there been any further, more intimate action between them, but they spoke with each other easily and at times laughed hard. She went with him several more times to help him work cattle, but she finally stopped going with him one morning, because she had something else that she needed to do in town.

  After the gift that Amy had given her, Reenie realized that she could no longer take advantage of her friend’s hospitality and needed to get her own place. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that it was even better for the development of her relationship between her and Matt. Being in another place would make things move along better. It was some of the clearest thinking that she had done in quite some time.

  Though Amy had objected to it and offered to let her stay, she stood her ground and let her know that she was going to get a job and get her own place and do what was right.

  Thus, the errand that she needed to tend to was a job interview, which she conducted with perfect confidence and was immediately offered a job, similar to the one she had had in Boston, though not nearly for as much money. It was a small matter when she discovered that she was able to rent an apartment for considerably less as well. All in all, as she explored over the next few days and secured her apartment, she realized that the cost of living was considerably less than Boston, but there was an added benefit. Everyone treated her with a huge amount of respect and kindness. In Boston, she was just one of the numbers, but in the little town in East Texas, she was made to feel like a real person.

  The entire effect of the changes that she had gone through, the respect that she received from the people in town, her friendship with Matt and the gift which Amy had given her, combined to make her even more determined to become the best that she could become and so, though the decision was met with some disappointment from Amy and her brother, she said good bye to the little guest house at the ranch and moved into the apartment that she had spent the week setting up and making purchases for.

  There was no need to help her move, because she had little more at the ranch than the few clothes that she had bought for herself and the assortment of personal items that she loaded into the car that she had recently taken up payments on. To say that it was hers after looking over the thirty six month loan agreement seemed a little bit out of line, so she had decided to say that she had taken up payments on it instead.

  “I’m just in town,” she said in a quiet voice to the two of them as they stood, heavy hearted around her, sad to see her moving out of the guesthouse, but admiring her for being strong and independent at the same time. “You know where it is. It’s in that building on the corner of Cedar and 3, Number 206. In fact, yall are invited for dinner on Sunday.” She couldn’t believe that she had just used the word “yall”. Never in her life would she have used such a hick term and yet, there was something homey about it and it had grown on her.

  “Alright then,” Amy said, knowing that her friend was doing the right thing and building up even further admiration for her. “We’ll be there for dinner Sunday.” She leaned in for a hug, which was perhaps one of the most emotional ones the two had ever shared together. “I’m proud of you princess,” Amy whispered in her ear.

  “Thank you, bitch,” Reenie answered, laughing and wiping tears from her cheeks as she pulled away and turned to Matt. “Don’t be a stranger dumbass,” she giggled as she used Amy’s term of endearment for her brother for the first time. It seemed fitting after calling his sister a bitch.

  “I’ve always got work for you to help me with here,” he said. “Now that you got your own horse and all.”

  “You call whenever you need me,” she looked up at him. There was more of an invitation in it than to help him with the ranch work and she hoped that he would catch it as she leaned into his strong arms for a hug. She really didn’t want to leave those arms. She felt a surge of energy move through her in that moment and had to strengthen her resolve to leave instead of break down and beg him to take her with him, but she finally broke free of his grasp and turned to get in her car, unable to look back for fear of not being able to leave.

  “See you around,” he said awkwardly to her back, he wasn’t very good at goodbyes. She was really letting him off the hook.

  She could see him watching her as Amy leaned in the car window and said one last goodbye, tapped the hood twice and sent her on her way. Her eyes focused on Matt for as long as she was able to allow them to until she had to concentrate on her driving and then she was pulling onto the highway to go to her new home.


  As she drove into town, the haunting gaze that she and Matt had shared
while she was driving away was frozen in her mind. There had always been an intense chemistry between them, though she had kept it pushed down and under control in hope that they could allow the friendship to grow in place before giving into those stronger desires. As she carried the last things in her bag up the stairs and opened the door to her apartment, she wondered if giving into those stronger desires would ruin what they had already begun to build.

  As she put her stuff away in the loneliness of her new apartment, the question continued to sort itself out along with another. She froze as she suddenly allowed the question to form in her mind. Was she in love with him? At first, she pushed the thought aside, they hadn’t known each other long enough to be “in love,” but the question nagged at her as she arranged the bathroom items from her bag to their proper place in her new apartment.

  The answer came rushing to her with sudden clarity as the picture of him looking up at her as she held onto the tail of the rope frightened out of her mind. She did love him. The question wasn’t really that damned hard to answer. The moment that she admitted it to herself, she decided with sudden determination that she needed to tell him. She snatched up her bag, nearly running to the front door and grabbing the handle. When she opened it, however, she nearly jumped out of her skin from the start.

  Standing in front of the door with his hand raised to knock, was Matt. He jumped slightly as she startled him as much as he had startled her and then there was an awkward chuckle between the two of them as they recovered themselves.

  “I uh, need to tell you something,” he started off.

  “I need to tell you something too,” she said.

  “This is a whole lot better than the first time I knocked on your door,” he said. He started off awkwardly, grinning at the painful memory, but determined to carry out his purpose. “You know, to apologize.”

  “Yeah,” she smiled. She too was a little bit nervous in the moment.

  “I didn’t come to apologize this time,” he went on quietly, almost in a whisper. “I came to tell you that I love you, Reenie.”

  Hearing the words made a shot of lightening surge through her and she felt the euphoria of it as she blurted out the very same words. “Oh my god, I love you too, Matt.” She buried her face in his chest and allowed herself to be buried in those arms which were as strong as iron. Then she pulled away from him with a strong urge to kiss him. She stood on her toes and he bent toward slowly as they shared their first kiss.

  The fire that was released in that first moment touched off the explosion of chemistry between the two of them. Their kiss was full of a passionate desire that had lingered, known, but unaddressed for quite some time. The tension that had built up was rapidly becoming unraveled as their hungry mouths and tongues explored one another.

  They had the momentary presence of mind to step inside the apartment and close the door behind them or they would have been stripping each other and making love in the hallway. As it was, her hands began to instantly explore his firm chest and abs while he began to caress the gentle curves of her figure touching off yet another explosion of desire that began to run completely out of hand.

  She worked to remove his shirt as he worked the same task on her top and bra and they were soon topless before each other in their jeans and pressing their half nude bodies into each other with a renewed intensity. He attempted to lower himself to her breast and planted a soft kiss on each nipple and then having a better idea, scooped her off of her feet and carried her down the short hallway to her bedroom.

  He placed her on the bed and quickly began to devour her flesh with his kisses. Each of them burned her skin and made the heat which was building up down below ignite into a roaring flame of desire. When his mouth found her nipples and he began sucking on them and teasing them with his tongue, her eyes rolled back in her head and she felt the moisture begin to soak through her panties.

  After several delicious minutes with his mouth on her chest, his kisses continued down her stomach sending even more bolts of lightning into the mix of desire that was already burning completely out of control. She worked at kicking off her boots as she felt his fingers working the button on her jeans. In a mere moment, her boots were off and her jeans and panties were slipping over her ass and down her thighs. She reached down to help them come free of her lower-legs and feet and then lay back onto the bed.

  The delicious feeling of his kisses on her bare, soft mound caused a deep sigh to explode from her chest, but it was nothing like the feeling of his warm tongue penetrating between the lips of her soaking wet pussy. For that moment, her response was a gasp, followed by a soft moan as that very same tongue round the erect little bud of her clit.

  The pleasure that he gave her with his tongue and mouth brought her to an almost instant orgasm and her soft moans became more intense as she pressed on the back of his head, holding his mouth on her clit while the waves of her climax radiated throughout her body. He indulged her in two more, each more intense than the other before he pulled back from her and quickly slipped off his boots and jeans.

  She watched his large, erect cock spring free of his jeans and saw the firm, toned, triangle shaped body lowering toward her, however, her attention suddenly went from his physique to the penetrating view of his eyes locked upon hers as she felt him position himself between her thighs. The look that passed between them was not merely lustful desire, but a look of deeper intensity that in a mere twinkle communicated their love for each other. She was washed away in that gaze when she felt the head of his cock separate the lips of her pussy.

  All of the tension and unmet desires which had lingered between them due to their denial of the intense chemistry which their spirits shared came together in a moment of intensity that would unite them forever as his thick cock stretched her wet, smooth sheath. He moved slowly, reading the pleasure in her eyes as his own pleasure burst forth from his.

  From that moment forward their hips began to move in unison as their bodies worked that natural bond between and man and woman which can only be of such intensity between two people who are truly in love.

  Their eyes never left one another as he continued to build the rhythm, depth and force of his thrusts bringing her to another intense orgasm which drew a loud, long moan from somewhere deep inside of her chest.

  He grabbed her and pulled her hips up into him hard with a force that was consistent with the raw, animal strength of a man who was almost part animal in reality. His passion, intensity and strength all came pouring out of him as he gazed into her eyes and made love to her.

  He was not the same drunk who had come stumbling into the house that night forcing himself upon her, but rather, a strong man full of a type of character that went beyond that of any other man she had known before. She truly loved this man and in the very moment that the thought went through her mind, she heard him moan softly and close his eyes and then felt the hot, sticky liquid begin to shoot inside of her; the feel of which touched off yet another climax for her and the two were voicing their pleasure in unison.

  When his load was spent, he remained inside of her; turned over so that she was lying on top of him and wrapped his arms around her while they struggled to catch their breath. She lay there for a long moment listening to the beat of his heart slowing as the two of them began to relax. A sudden, devilish yet delightful idea popped into her head and she held back a giggle as she raised her head and looked at him.

  “Come on beautiful,” she drawled. “Just gi’me a lil’ kiss. You know yall wanna.”


  Cristina Grenier has been writing stories for as long as she could remember. She's a hopeless romantic and her writing reflects it. She loves to write Romance and Erotic stories. Cristina draws from her past experiences and from others around her when writing. She enjoys giving readers characters they can relate to and storylines that feel real.

  Besides being an avid writer, Cristina is also a talented artist. She enjoys painting landscapes and fig
ure drawing. In her spare time , she also likes to travel, shop, and enjoys music of all genres. She currently resides in Connecticut with her husband Steve and their daughter, Megan.

  If you wish to contact Cristina or keep up with her latest works, please visit her goodreads page at www.goodreads.com/cristina_grenier

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About The Author




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