Samuel Pepys: The Unequalled Self

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by Claire Tomalin

  6. Childhood and Cambridge

  Harris, John, ‘Durdans’, Country Life (8 Sept. 1983)

  James, Ch. W., Chief Justice Coke, 1929 Thorne, S. E., Sir Edward Coke, 1957

  Seager, Francis, The Schoole of Vertue, and Booke of Good Nourture for Chyldren, and Youth to Learne Theyr Dutie by, 1619

  Brinsley, John, Ludus Literarius, 1612

  —A Consolation for Our Grammar Schooles, 1622

  Hoole, Charles, A New Discovery of the Old Art of Teaching Schoole, 1660

  Dickinson, Philip G. M., Huntingdon Grammar School, 1965

  Mead, A. H., A Miraculous Draught of Fishes: A History of St Paul’s School, 1990

  McDonnell, Michael, History of St Paul’s School, 1909

  Ackermann, R., History of the Colleges of Winchester… The Schools of St Paul’s &c, 1816

  Costello, W. T., The Scholastic Curriculum at Early Seventeenth-Century Cambridge, 1958 Heywood, J., and Wright, Thomas, Cambridge University Transactions during the Puritan Controversies of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, 2 vols., 1854

  Cooper, Charles Henry, Annals of Cambridge, 5 vols., 1842–53

  Purnell, E. K., Magdalene College, 1904

  Mayor, J. E. B. (ed.), Cambridge under Queen Anne, 1911

  Mullinger, J. B., Cambridge in the Seventeenth Century, 1867

  Uffenbach, Zach Conrad von, London in 1710, Quarreil, W. H., and Mare, Margaret (trs.), 1934

  Benson, A. C, Magdalene College: A Little View of Its Buildings and History, 1923

  Cunich, P., Hoyle, D., Duffy, E. and Hyam, R., A History of Magdalene College, Cambridge, 1428–1988, 1994

  7. Medical

  The British Library, Sloane MSS, 1536, fols. 56V., r. These are the prescriptions ‘for Mr peapes who was cut for ye Stones by Mr Hollier March ye 26 and had a very great stone taken this day from him.’

  Power, Sir d’Arcy, ‘The Medical History of Mr and Mrs Samuel Pepys’, Occasional Papers Read by Members at Meetings of the Samuel Pepys Club, vol. I, 1917

  Keynes, Milo, ‘Why Samuel Pepys Stopped Writing His Diary: His Dimming

  Eyesight and Ill-health’, Journal of Medical Biography, vol. ν (Feb. 1997), pp. 25–9.

  Lithotomia Vesicae, 1640 (English tr. from Dutch)

  Tolet, F., Traité de la Lithotomie, 1693, and English ed. 1683

  Nathaniel Hodges, Loimologia, Quincy, J., (tr.), 1720

  Robinson, Nicholas, A Complete Treatise of the Gravel and Stone, 1734

  Ellis, Harold, A History of Bladder Stone, 1969

  8. Naval History

  Anderson, R. C. (ed.), Journal of Edward Montagu, 1929

  Campbell, John, Naval History of Great Britain including History and Lives of the British Admirals, 8 vols., 1818

  Capp, Bernard, Cromwell’s Navy, 1989

  Chappell, Edwin, Samuel Pepys as a Naval Administrator, 1933

  Charnock, John, Biographia Navalis, 6 vols., 1794–8

  Davies, J. D., Gentlemen and Tarpaulins, 1991

  —‘Pepys and the Admiralty Commission of 1679–1684’, Bulletin of the Institute for Historical Research, vol. lxii (1989), pp. 34–53

  de Beer, E. S., ‘Reports of Pepys’s Speech in the House of Commons, 5 March

  1668’, Mariner’s Mirror, vol. 14 (1928), pp. 55–8

  Harris, G. G., The Trinity House 1514–1660, 1970

  Ollard, Richard, Man of War: Sir Robert Holmes and the Restoration Navy, 1969

  Padfield, Peter, Maritime Supremacy and the Opening of the Western Mind, 2000

  Pool, Bernard, Navy Board Contracts, 1966

  Powell, J. R., and Timings, E. K. (eds.), The Rupert and Monck Letter Book 1666, 1969

  Rogers, P. G., The Dutch in the Medway, 1970

  Tanner, J. R. (ed.), Samuel Pepys’s Naval Minutes, 1926

  —A Descriptive Catalogue of the Naval Manuscripts in the Pepysian Library, 4 vols., 1903–23

  Tanner, J. R., Samuel Pepys and the Royal Navy, 1920

  —‘Samuel Pepys and the Trinity House’, English Historical Review, vol. xxxxiv

  (1929), pp. 583–5

  Tedder, A. W., The Navy of the Restoration, 1916 Wilcox, L. Α., Mr Pepys’s Navy, 1966

  9. The Diary and Pepys Material

  The manuscript of the Diary is held at the Pepys Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge. Of the three transcriptions, John Smith’s manuscript is also held at the Pepys Library. It was the basis of the first edition, Lord Braybrooke (ed.), Memoirs of Samuel Pepys… Deciphered by the Revd John Smith… and Selection from Private Correspondence, 2 vols., 1825. Mynors Bright’s transcription, finished in 1875, has been lost; it was published 1875–9. Henry Wheatley’s edition of 1893–9, which drew on both Braybrooke and Bright, has notes and a good index; I have found the 1926 edition useful. The complete and definitive edition, edited and transcribed by Robert Latham and William Matthews (1970–83), is in 11 vols., one containing an index, vol. X a companion.

  Pepys’s Memoires of the Royal Navy 1679–1688, 1690; also Tanner’s edition of 1906 Occasional Papers Read by Members at Meetings of the Samuel Pepys Club, 2 vols., 1917 and 1925

  Smith, John, The Life, Journals and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, 2 vols., 1841 Firth, C. H., ‘The Early Life of Pepys’, Macmillan’s Magazine, vol. lxix (1894), p. 32 Wheatley, H. B., Samuel Pepys and the World He Lived In, 1880

  —Pepysiana, 1899

  Tanner, J. R., ‘General Introduction to Pepys Library Catalogue’ of 1903

  —Samuel Pepys and the Royal Navy, 1920

  —Mr Pepys: An Introduction to the Diary together with a Sketch of His Later Life, 1925 Tanner, J. R. (ed.), Naval Minutes of Samuel Pepys (from Pepys Library), 1926

  —Private Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers of Samuel Pepys 1679–1703, 2 vols., 1926

  —Further Correspondence of Samuel Pepys 1662–167c, 1929 Whitear, W. H., More Pepysiana, 1927

  Howarth, R. G. (ed.), Letters and the Second Diary of Samuel Pepys, 1932

  Chappell, Edwin (transcriber and ed.), The Shorthand Letters of Samuel Pepys, 1933

  —The Tangier Papers of Samuel Pepys, 1935

  Chappell, Edwin, Samuel Pepys as a Naval Administrator, 1933

  —Eight Generations of the Pepys Family, 1936

  Bryant, Arthur, Samuel Pepys: The Man in the Making, 1933

  —Samuel Pepys: The Years of Peril, 1935

  —Samuel Pepys: The Saviour of the Navy, 1938

  Heath, H. T. (ed.), The Letters of Samuel Pepys and His Family Circle, 1955 Ollard, Richard, Pepys, 1974

  Latham, Robert (ed.), Catalogue of the Pepys Library, 10 vols., 1978–94

  Rogers, T. D., Sir Frederic Madden at Cambridge, 1980. Madden’s account of his visit to the Pepys Library in 1831 and again in Nov. 1842, when he observed the wife of the master and other ladies ‘all pulling down P’s volumes, and doing just as they please, because they are privileged persons!’

  Latham, Robert (ed.), and Knighton, Charles, and Matthews, William (transcribers), Samuel Pepys and the Second Dutch War (containing Pepys’s ‘Navy White Book’ and his ‘Brooke House Papers’), 1995


  Scott, Walter, review of Diary, Quarterly Review, vol. xxxiii (Mar. 1826), p. 264 Jeffrey, Francis, review of Diary, Edinburgh Review, vol. xliii (Nov. 1825), p. 54 Review of Mynors Bright transcription, Athenaeum (29 Jan. 1876) Stevenson, Robert Louis, ‘Samuel Pepys’, Cornhill (July 1881).

  Text and Illustrations Permissions

  The publisher would like to thank the following photographers, organizations and collections for their kind permission to reproduce the copyright material in this book:

  Extracts from The Diary of Samuel Pepys, edited by Robert Latham and William Matthews (copyright © The Master, Fellows and Scholars of Magdalene College, Cambridge, Robert Latham and the Estate of William Matthews, 1983), are reproduced by permission of Peters Fraser and Dunlop on behalf of the Master, Fellows and Scholars of Magdalene College, Cambridge, the Estate of Robert Latham
and the Estate of Lois Emery Matthews.

  1. View of St Paul’s and the City from rural Islington, by Hollar, 1665. Pepys Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge.

  2. Detail of Milford Stairs, by Hollar, 1640s. Pepys Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge.

  3. Durdans House, Epsom, oil painting by Jacob Knyff, 1673. Berkeley Castle Will Trust. Photo: Photographic Survey, Courtauld Institute of Art.

  4. Destruction of Cheapside Cross, 1643. Pepys Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge.

  5. The north-east view of Hinchingbrooke House, 1730. From The Victoria County History of Huntingdonshire, vol. II.

  6. Jemima Montagu, c. 1646. Earl of Sandwich 1943 Settlement.

  7. The young Edward Montagu, oil painting by Peter Lely, c. 1646. Earl of Sandwich 1943 Settlement. Photo: Roderick Field.

  8. Pepys House, Brampton. From The Victoria County History of Huntingdonshire, vol.III.

  9. Execution of the earl of Strafford on Tower Hill, 12 May 1641, by Hollar. Pepys Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge.

  10. Oliver Cromwell. Pepys Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge.

  11. Execution of Charles I at Whitehall, 30 January 1649. Private collection. Photo: The Bridgeman Art Library.

  12. New Palace Yard looking towards Whitehall Palace, 1664. Pepys Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge.

  13. Samuel Morland, by Peter Lely, 1659. In possession of the Gibbes Museum of Art, South Carolina, USA.

  14. George Downing. By permission of the British Library.

  15. Magdalene College in 1690 by David Loggan. Pepys Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge.

  16. List of plate in Pepys’s hand. Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, Carte MS 73, fol. 201r.

  17. Frontispiece of Edward Phillips’s The Misteries of Love and Eloquence, 1658. By permission of the British Library.

  18. ‘Extraction of the stone out of the bladder’, print from François Tolet, Traité de la Lithotomie, English edition of 1683. Photo: Wellcome Library, London.

  19. Elizabeth Pepys, engraving by T. Thomson after John Hayls’s portrait of 1666. National Portrait Gallery Archive Engravings Collection.

  20. Samuel Pepys, oil painting by John Hayls, 1666. National Portrait Gallery, London.

  21. First page of Pepys’s Diary, 1659/60. Pepys Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge.

  22. Will Hewer, an engraving from vol. II of the first edition of Pepys’s Diary, 1825. By permission of Robin Hyman. Photo: Nathan Kelly.

  23. Susan Gill, red chalk drawing by Charles Beale, 1670. © The British Museum.

  24. Admiral Sir William Penn, by Peter Lely, oil painting. Photo: © National Maritime Museum Picture Library, London.

  25. Thomas Povey, by J.M. Wright. The Blathway Collection, National Trust. Photo: Photographic Survey, Courtauld Institute of Art.

  26. Sir William Coventry, by John Riley, oil painting. Reproduced by permisssion of the Marquis of Bath, Longleat. Photo: Photographic Survey, Courtauld Institute of Art.

  27. John Ogilby presenting to King Charles II and Queen Catherine the list of subscribers to the map he and William Morgan were preparing, 1682. Museum of London.

  28. St Olave’s Church, Hart Street, London, c. 1670. Reproduced by kind permission of the Reverend John Cowling.

  29. ‘Greenwich from the Park’, by Hendrick Danckerts, mid 1670s. Photo: National Maritime Museum Picture Library, London.

  30. The Great Fire of London, 1666 (Dutch, artist unknown). Museum of London.

  31. Memorial bust of Elizabeth Pepys, attributed to John Bushnell, c. 1670. Photo: Fleming.

  32. Jemima Montagu, countess of Sandwich. Earl of Sandwich 1943 Settlement.

  33. Edward Montagu, earl of Sandwich, school of Peter Lely, c. 1670. Earl of Sandwich 1943 Settlement. Photo: Roderick Field.

  34. James Houblon. Private collection. Photo: Richard Greenly.

  35. Sarah Houblon. Private collection. Photo: Richard Greenly.

  36. ‘Mrs Pepys’? Reproduced by kind permission of the Witt Library, London.

  37. Anthony Ashley Cooper, first earl of Shaftesbury, artist unknown, c. 1672–3. National Portrait Gallery, London.

  38. James, duke of York, as lord high admiral, by Henri Gascar, c. 1675. Philip Mould, Historical Portrait Ltd, London/Bridgeman Art Library.

  39. John Evelyn, print from the Kneller portrait, c. 1689. Pepys Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge.

  40. William Petty, by Isaac Fuller, c. 1640–51. National Portrait Gallery, London.

  41. Marble bust of Isaac Newton, by Louis F. Roubiliac. © The Royal Society.

  42. Bust of Sir Christopher Wren, by Edward Pierce, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.

  43. and 44. Two views of Pepys’s Library in Buckingham Street. Pepys Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge.

  45. Letter by Pepys presented to James II and signed by James, 17 November 1688, with docket and tracing of watermark. The Denys Eyre Bower Bequest, Chiddingstone Castle, Kent.

  46. Lines from Pepys’s account with Hoare’s Bank. By kind permission of C. Hoare & Co.

  47. John Jackson, an engraving from vol. II of the first edition of Pepys’s Diary, 1825. By permission of Robin Hyman. Photo: Nathan Kelly.

  48. Samuel Pepys, by John Closterman, c. 1700. National Portrait Gallery, London.

  49. Ivory medallion of Pepys, by Jean Cavalier, 1688. Courtesy of the Clothworkers’ Company, London.

  50. The first page of John Smith’s transcription of Pepys’s Diary, 1819. Pepys Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge.

  Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders. We apologize for any unintentional omission and would be pleased to insert the appropriate acknowledgement in any subsequent edition.


  ‘EΡ’ indicates Elizabeth Pepys and ‘SP’ Samuel Pepys.

  Admiralty 76, 102, 105, 106, 109, 136, 304, 318, 319, 332, 351, 379, 452n

  Albemarle, duke of see Monck, George

  Alcock, Tom (cousin of SP) 21, 392n

  Aldeburgh, Suffolk 280, 282, 287

  All Hallows Church 231, 319

  All Mistaken; or, The Mad Couple (Howard) 247

  All Saints’ Church, Huntingdon 23

  Allen, John (clerk of Rochester Ropeyard) 149

  Allen, Rebecca (later Mrs Jowles; daughter of John) 150, 209, 250

  Allen, Sir Thomas 293

  American Revolution 15

  Anderson, Charles 44

  Andrews, Sir Matthew (Master of Trinity House) 364

  Anglesey, earl of 381, 448n

  Anglo-French treaty (1655) 50

  Anne, Princess (later Queen) 349, 350, 356, 372

  Antelope (ship) 350

  Archer, Betty 40

  Archer, Mary 40

  Arlington, Lord 286, 410n, 418n army junta 90, 91

  Ashburnham, Lord 433n

  Ashtead, Surrey 10, 11, 238, 292

  Ashwell, Mary (companion to EP) xxi, 150, 151, 152, 154, 155, 157, 158, 160

  Ashwell cousins 69

  Atkins, Samuel (clerk to SP) 316, 317, 333

  Aubrey, John 96, 406n

  Axe Yard, Westminster 67–70, 72, 75, 78, 82, 89, 98, 109, 113, 122–3, 160, 200, 242, 243, 283

  Aylmer, Gerald 111

  Aynsworth, Elizabeth 40, 395n

  Ayscue, Sir George 420n

  Backwell, Edward (banker) 291, 293

  Bacon, Francis 20, 41, 81, 253–4

  Bagford, John 363

  Bagwell, Mrs 169, 187, 209, 233, 275, 290, 330, 423n

  Bagwell, William xxi, 169, 208, 304, 330

  Ballard, Mary (cousin to Mary Skinner) 374, 457n

  Ballard, Samuel 457n

  Bank of England 356

  Banks, Lady 323

  Banks, Sir John xxi, 291, 301

  Banqueting House 34, 60, 67, 217, 365

  Bantry Bay 353

  Baptists 14

  Barbados 329, 330, 410n

  Barebones, Barbon (architect) 437n

  Barebones, Praisegod 14, 45,
100, 437n

  Barebones parliament 44–5, 437n

  Barker (servant) 417n

  Barkstead, Sir John 117–18

  Barlow, Mrs (Lucy Walter; Charles II’s mistress) 35

  Barlow, Thomas 135

  Barn Elms 189, 197, 247

  Barnwell Abbey 42

  Bastwick, Dr John 13

  Batten, Lady 125, 142, 245

  Batten, Sir William xxi, 32, 123–6, 134, 139, 141, 142, 143, 151, 165, 207, 229, 230, 261, 287

  Batten family 149

  Beadle, John: The Journal or Diary of a Thankful Christian83–4

  Beale, Mary (artist) 434n

  Beard, Thomas 20, 21, 392n

  Beaumont, Francis and John Fletcher: Philaster; or, Love Lies a-Bleeding 10, 11

  Bechsteiner, Conrad 454n

  Becke, Betty 156, 159–61

  Becke, Mrs (of Chelsea) 156

  Bedford 24

  Behn, Aphra: Oroonoko179

  Belasyse, Lord 229, 415n

  Benn, Tony xxxviii Berkeley, Sir William 420n

  Berkeley, Lord 111, 134

  Berkeley family 390n

  Bernard, Charles 257, 368, 378

  Bernard, Revd Francis 392–3n

  Bernard, William 393n

  Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 284

  Berry, Sir John 343

  Bethnal Green, London 230, 232

  Betterton, Thomas xxi, 87, 136

  Bickers & Son 384

  Birch, Jane (later Edwards, then Penny) xxi, 89, 98, 120, 200, 201, 208, 227, 242–51, 270, 272, 283, 290, 345, 386, 402n, 427n

  Elizabeth’s letter to SP xxxiii

  duties of 68–9, 243

  personality 69, 244, 251

  leaves the Pepys family 150, 244

  during fire of London 227, 231, 232

  engaged to Tom 248

  harassed by SP 249

  marries Tom 249–50

  returns to Pepys family 250–51

  helped by SP after Tom’s death 251

  remarries 251

  and SP’s death 379

  Birch, Colonel John 193

  Birch, Wayneman 69, 120, 151, 157, 243–7

  Birch, William 246, 247–8

  bishops 14, 27, 28, 35, 320, 346–7, 357

  Bishop’s Stortford 395n


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