Samuel Pepys: The Unequalled Self

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Samuel Pepys: The Unequalled Self Page 65

by Claire Tomalin

moves to Surrey 362

  on Hewer’s Clapham house 368

  gentle piety 370

  John Jackson’s proposal to his granddaughter 376, 458n

  sees SP for the last time 376

  tribute to SP 378

  compared with SP 383

  Evelyn, John, snr 7

  Ewers (under-clerk) 47

  Exchequer 46, 48, 68, 69, 73, 87, 95, 111, 150, 186, 293

  Excise Office, Bartholomew Lane 187

  Exclusion Bill 23 5

  Fairfax, Lady 33–4

  Fairfax, Thomas, 3rd Baron Fairfax of Cameron 33–4, 45, 97

  Fanshawe, Anne 86, 296, 307, 436n, 439n

  Fanshawe, Sir Richard 307, 436n

  Feake, Mr (a preacher) 60

  Ferrer, Captain Robert (cornet, master of horse to Lord Sandwich) xxiv, 150, 156, 160, 161, 198, 245, 283

  Feversham, earl of 379

  Fifth Monarchists 60, 410n

  Finsbury Fields, London 15

  Fleet River 3, 234, 366

  Fleet Street, London 3, 100, 150, 232

  Fleetwood, Lord 72, 75

  Fletcher, John see Beaumont, Francis

  Fogourdy, Father 283, 315, 400n, 441n visits EP 315

  Ford, Sir Richard 231

  Four Days’ Fight 185, 430n

  Fox, Charles James 382

  Fox, Elizabeth (née Whittle) 40, 396n

  Fox, Stephen 40, 396n

  Fox Club, King Street 47


  Anglo-French treaty (1655) 50

  in the Second Dutch war 185

  SP and EP visit 280–81

  B. de St Michel visits 281

  William III declares war (1689) 353

  war with England ends (1697) 365

  John Jackson visits 367

  Frederick, king of Bohemia 11

  French Revolution 15

  Frost brothers 47

  Gale, Barbara (‘Babs’; née Pepys; SP’s cousin) xxix, 290, 333, 345, 359, 445–6n, 447n

  Gale, Roger xxix, 447n

  Gale, Samuel (SP’s godson) xxix, 291, 379

  Gale, Dr Thomas (SP’s cousin by marriage) xxiv, 290, 333, 345, 359, 365, 429n, 445–6n, 447n

  Gardiner, Gerald (later Lord) 460n

  Garraway’s Coffee House 47

  Gatehouse Prison, Tothill Street 353, 356

  Gauden, Sir Denis xxiv, 146, 304, 414n, 438n, 453n

  George Inn, Huntingdon 23, 26, 393n

  George IV, King 384

  Gibbons, Grinling 340

  Gibbons, Samuel 361

  Gibraltar 335

  Gibson, Edmund 358–9, 373

  Gibson, Richard 145, 190, 235, 288, 298, 412n, 420n, 433–4n, 438n

  Giles, Sarah 205, 420n

  Gill, Alexander 28, 394n

  Glasgow 331

  Globe theatre 30

  Glorious Revolution 349, 350

  Gloucester (ship) 331

  Goddard, Dr 254, 428n

  Godfrey, Sir Edmund Berry 316, 317

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 210

  Goody Gorrum’s (ale house, Brampton) 392n

  Grafton (ship) 334

  Gravesend 174, 189

  great fire of London (1666) xxxvi, 86, 130, 179, 205, 211, 221, 227–35, 240–41, 247, 313

  great plague (1665) xxxvi, 9, 86, 167–78, 179, 205, 220, 229, 237, 238, 240, 255, 397n, 416n, 417n

  Greatorex, Ralph (instrument-maker) 254

  Greenwich 129, 138, 170, 172, 174, 176, 177, 182, 185, 189, 220, 275, 362

  Greenwich Park 138–9, 220, 239

  Grenville, Lord 382

  Grenville, Thomas 382

  Gresham, Sir Thomas 253, 284, 433n

  Gresham College 8, 253, 254, 340–41

  Groot Hollandia (ship) 294

  Gunpowder Plot 313

  Gurney, Mayor 15

  Gwyn, Nell xxiv, 51, 314, 331, 398n

  Hackney 9, 18, 197, 389n

  Hadderton, Samuel 381

  Haddock, Captain Richard 294

  Half Moon, Strand 47

  Halifax, Lord 317

  Halley, Edmund 257, 429n

  Ham House, Surrey 349

  Hampton Court 30, 70, 129, 170, 172, 220, 281, 313, 343, 369

  Hanby Grange, near Grantham 355

  Harbord, William 318, 320, 324, 328

  Harford, Robert (bookseller) 323

  Harp & Ball Inn 266

  Harper’s, King Street 47, 69, 98

  Harrington, James xxiv, 96, 97, 406n

  Oceana96, 406n

  Harris, Lady see Turner, Theophila

  Harrison, Major-General 101

  Harrison, Thomas 35, 110, 115

  Hartlib, Samuel xxiv, 69, 70

  Hartlib, Samuel, snr xxiv, 70, 72

  Harwich 134, 143, 185, 189, 295, 317, 342, 347, 349, 350

  Haslerig, Arthur 76, 95, 99, 100, 110, 408n

  Hatfield, Hertfordshire 307, 308, 320

  Hatfield House 306, 307, 439n

  Hatton, Captain Charles 357, 379, 451n

  Hatton, Christopher, 1st Viscount 451n

  Hawley, John 68, 69, 201

  Hawnes, Bedfordshire 173

  Hayls, John xxiv, 186, 198

  Hayter, Thomas (SP’s clerk at the Navy Office) xxiv, 111, 135, 137, 138, 148, 229, 231, 234, 235, 280, 283, 288, 298, 319, 420n

  Hazlitt, William 385

  Hely, Mrs 17

  Henderson, Thomas 355

  Henley 25

  Henrietta Maria, Queen 5, 13, 56, 112, 117, 128, 156, 217, 235

  Henry, Philip (diarist) 34, 85, 86

  Henry VII, King 225

  Henry VIII, King 3, 11, 67, 300

  Herbert, Arthur, later earl of Torrington xxiv, 336, 347, 350

  Hertfordshire 306

  Hewer, Thomas 121

  Hewer, William xxiv, 121–2, 135, 159, 174, 178, 269, 270, 283, 287, 322, 327, 328, 372–3, 376, 379, 380, 404n, 409n, 420n, 437n

  SP bullies 121, 122

  Navy Board’s complaint 121, 409n

  SP’s surrogate son and closest friend 122

  in love with Elizabeth Pepys 122, 129, 198

  declines to marry Pall 122, 132

  personality 122

  and Mercer 168

  and the great fire 230, 231, 234

  and Jane Birch 242, 247, 248, 249

  and SP’s liaison with Deb 273, 274

  chief clerk to the Admiralty 298

  house in Clapham 304, 365, 368

  SP moves into his house 320

  his mother lives in Buckingham

  Street 323

  Tangier trip 333, 337, 338

  moves out of Buckingham Street 341

  becomes an MP 342

  promises loyalty to SP 349–50

  resigns his position 351

  arrested 353

  SP’s executor 375

  Hewson, Colonel 78

  Heywood, Oliver 41, 85, 396n, 398n

  Hickes, Dr George (nonjuror) xxv, 356, 366, 373, 374

  visits James II in France 356

  attends SP on deathbed 376

  at SP’s funeral 379

  tribute to SP 379–80

  Hill, Joseph 365

  Hill, Thomas xxv, 435n, 438n

  Hillesden House 24

  Hinchingbrooke, Lord see Montagu, Edward

  Hinchingbrooke House, near

  Huntingdon 11–12, 19–24, 26, 30, 33, 42, 44, 45, 55, 60, 73, 76, 78, 96, 97, 100, 120, 126, 130, 150, 156, 157, 161, 185, 200, 283, 296, 327, 393n, 413n

  Hinchingbrooke Park 22

  Hoare, Richard and James xxv

  Hoare’s Bank 374, 409n, 454n

  Hodges, Nathaniel: Loimologia 417n


  Medway attack (1667) xxxvi, 180, 189, 190, 221, 265, 285, 348, 423n

  Dutch engineers advise on London fortifications 17, 391n

  Charles II in exile35, 95

  First Dutch War 45, 86, 124, 129, 445n

  Second Dutch War 143, 145, 169, 175, 179–94, 205, 223, 262

>   Third Dutch War 173, 289, 293–4, 445n

  John Pepys visits 17, 397n

  Holland, Lady 384

  Holland, Captain Philip 406n

  Holies, Sir Frescheville 261, 430n

  Hollier, Thomas xxv, 62–5, 78, 128, 157, 203, 281, 304, 306, 399n, 401n

  Hollins, John 44

  Holmes, Sir Robert 188, 255

  Hooke, Robert xxv, 234, 252, 253, 256, 304, 309, 362, 388n, 417n, 427n

  diary 85–6, 248–9, 306

  a founder member of the Royal Society 254

  contact with SP 255, 303

  advice to Mary Skinner on varnish 306

  Micrographia256, 334, 417n

  Hooke, Theophilus 44

  Hope Theatre 50

  Horsleydown, Bermondsey 17

  Hoskyns, Sir John 429n

  Houblon, Lady Alice Archer: The Houblon Family 434n

  Houblon, James 291, 379

  Houblon, James, the younger, later Sir

  James 291–2, 319, 321, 328, 332, 356, 369, 379

  Houblon, Sarah 291, 292, 298, 323, 369, 434–5n

  Houblon, Wynne (son of James and Sarah) 323, 379

  Houblon family xxv, 228–9, 291–2, 309, 323, 327, 333, 357, 367

  Hounslow Heath, Middlesex 346

  House of Commons 129

  Charles II’s performance in xxxvi, 394n

  Prynne and Burton released 13

  and the civil war 15

  a mob terrorizes MPs 29

  demonstrators outside 32

  SP defends the Navy Board 193

  the Great Fire 234, 235

  SP enters as MP 299

  SP attacked 299–301

  SP defends himself before 301

  SP’s performance in 302

  alarmed by knocking 315

  SP attacked again 316

  SP formally accused on treachery in

  House 318–19

  SP re-elected 342

  House of Lords bishops 14

  abolished 33, 35

  king’s speech 219

  Howard, Sir Robert: The Country Gentlemen224, 425n

  Howe, Will 103, 156, 159, 160, 329, 406n

  Hoyle, Thomas 361

  Huguenots 343, 446n

  Hunt, Elizabeth xxv, 70, 200, 283, 290

  Hunt, John xxv, 70, 99, 160, 198, 200, 260, 283, 290

  Huntingdon 19, 21–26, 30, 73, 74, 103, 158, 393n

  Huntingdon Comprehensive School 393n

  Huntingdon Free Grammar School 19, 20–21, 392n

  Huntingdon Gaol 25

  Huntingdonshire 18, 32, 45, 157, 288, 304, 342

  Hutchinson, Isobel see Boteler, Isobel Hutchinson, Revd Julius 439n

  Hutchinson, Lucy 86, 296, 436n

  Hyde, Anne, duchess of York xxv, 114, 265, 299, 448n

  Hyde, Edward, 1st earl of Clarendon xxv, 4, 105, 107, 110, 113, 190, 193, 223–4, 264–5, 372

  Hyde, Henry, 2nd earl of Clarendon xxv, 346, 356, 368, 372, 379, 435–6n, 450–51n

  Hyde, Lawrence see Rochester, Lord

  Hyde Park 239

  Impington, near Cambridge (home of Talbot Pepys) 43

  Inns of Court 4


  Cromwell fights in 35, 44

  James II in 353

  Luellin in 176–7

  Ireton, Henry 117

  Isle of Ely 24, 25

  Isle of Wight 30, 356

  Islington, London 129, 169, 197, 230

  Jack (black domestic servant) 125

  Jackson, Anne (née Edgley) 380, 459n

  Jackson, John (SP’s brother-in-law) 132, 304, 327, 354

  Jackson, John (SP’s nephew; died 1673) 433n

  Jackson, John (SP’s younger nephew) xxv, 257, 304, 356, 363, 366–9, 372, 375, 379, 381, 386, 433n, 443n, 454n, 455n, 459n

  attends Huntingdon School 327

  to Magdalene College, Cambridge 344–5

  comes to live with SP and assists him 354–5

  attacked by highwaymen with SP 361

  elected to Royal Society 362

  issued with official pass to travel to France 366

  sent by SP on Grand Tour 366

  on bad terms with Mary Skinner 368

  returns to England 371

  account of SP’s last days 376–7

  proposes marriage to Evelyn’s

  granddaughter 376

  and SP’s library at Magdalene 3 80, 460n

  Jackson, Paulina 380, 459n

  Jackson, Paulina (Pall; née Pepys; SP’s sister) 6, 11, 167, 288, 304, 316

  birth (1640) 8

  appearance 52

  a troublesome presence 98

  as a servant at Seething Lane 120–21, 131

  and Will Hewer 122, 132

  marriage 132

  quarrels at Brampton 157

  and Tom 164

  and Elizabeth Pepys 198, 199, 283

  birth of Samuel 283

  SP’s letter to 316

  despised mother of SP’s beloved nephew 386

  death and memorial stone 354

  Jackson, Samuel (SP’s elder nephew) xxv, 283, 288, 304, 327, 354, 370, 379, 433n, 449–50n

  Jackson family 288, 305

  Jacobitism 356, 365

  James, duke of York (later King James II) xxv–xxvi, 190, 217, 220, 288, 323, 339, 357, 362, 429n, 446n

  birth 6

  imprisoned 26

  escapes to Continent 32

  lord high admiral 108, 133, 145, 169, 179, 181, 293, 294, 299

  and Anne Hyde 114, 265

  and Hayter 137

  and slavery 180

  and Coventry 193, 224, 421n congratulates SP 193

  and Elizabeth Pepys 198

  gossip about 207

  and the great fire 229, 230, 235

  the Exclusion Bill 235

  personality 261, 342

  ambition 289, 342

  and Catholicism 299, 314, 341, 346

  mock siege at Windsor 303

  SP’s loyalty 315, 341, 385

  sent abroad 317

  high commissioner for Scotland 320

  Gloucester disaster 331

  coronation 342

  and the royal navy 343–4

  his infant son 346–7, 348, 448n

  senior officers desert him for

  William 348

  signs SP’s I.O.U. 348

  allowed to flee to France 349

  Hickes visits 356

  death 372

  James, John (SP’s butler) xxvi, 318, 321, 322–4, 439n, 442n

  James I, King 10, 11–12, 67, 72, 114, 340

  Jeffrey, Francis, on SP’s diary 383

  Jeffreys, Judge 346

  Jervas, Mr (SP’s barber and wig-maker) 236, 237

  Jervas, Mrs 236, 237

  Jesuits 60, 235, 315, 317, 320, 347

  Joliffe, Dr George 401n

  Jones, Inigo 5, 67

  Jones, John (Oliver Cromwell’s brother-in-law) 116

  Jonson, Ben 31, 260, 376

  Josephus, account of urban riots 77

  Josselin, Ralph (diarist) 85, 401n, 409n

  Jowles, Rebecca see Allen, Rebecca

  Joyce, Anthony (cousin of SP) 131, 162

  Joyce, Cornet 30

  Joyce, Kate (née Fenner) 131, 292–3

  Joyce, Mary (née Fenner) 131, 292–3

  Joyce, William (cousin of SP) 131

  Joyce family 165, 204, 261

  Joyne, John 322

  Keats, John 47

  Kempthorne, Sir John xxvi

  Ken, Bishop Thomas 333–4, 341, 346

  Kenyon, J.P. 405n

  Keynes, Milo 458n

  Killigrew, Henry 411n

  Killigrew, Thomas xxvi, 136, 213, 224

  King Street, London 45, 46, 67, 69, 397n

  King’s Bench, Southwark 319

  King’s College, Cambridge 38, 328

  Chapel 41–2, 270

  King’s Company 136

  King’s Head, Islington 9, 249, 250

sland 9, 18, 389n

  Kingsmill, Sir Francis 56

  Kirke, Colonel Percy (governor of Tangier) xxvi, 336

  Kirton, Joshua (bookseller to SP) xxvi,

  Kite, Ellen (SP’s aunt) 389n

  Kite, Margaret see Pepys, Margaret

  Kneller, Sir Godfrey xxvi, 340, 354, 372, 380, 456n, 459n

  Knipp, Elizabeth xxvi, 196, 198, 208, 290, 319, 398n

  La Hogue, battle of, SP’s response to 359

  Lambert, David 75

  Lambert, John 76, 90, 97

  Lane, Betty (later Martin) xxvi, 158–9, 185, 189, 201–2, 209, 210, 233, 261, 269, 274, 275, 290, 423n

  keeps draper’s stall at Westminster

  Hall 48

  liking for SP 48

  SP free with her 123

  meets SP in wine house 156

  pregnant 169

  SP urges to marry Hawley 201

  SP relieved she is not pregnant 205

  her character 207

  awarded pension 330

  Lane, Doll 275, 290, 423n

  Langley, John xxvi, 21, 26, 27–8, 31

  Latham, Robert 383, 385, 458n

  Laud, Archbishop 13, 27

  Lawrence, Goody 9, 389n

  Lawson, Vice-Admiral John 76, 79, 90, 91, 101, 104–5, 179, 410n

  Lea (Leigh), Matthew 47, 48, 69

  Lea (Leigh), Thomas 47, 48, 69

  Lea River 306–7

  Legge, George, 1st Baron Dartmouth 333, 334, 336, 337, 347–50, 356

  Leland, John: View of the Principal

  Deistic Writers that Have Appeared

  During the Last and Present Century 456n

  Lely, Sir Peter xxvi, 424n, 434n

  Lewis, Professor C.S. 460n

  Leycester, Peter 381

  Lilburne, John 3 5

  Lincoln 24

  Littleton, Sir Thomas 379, 458n

  Lock (Monck’s secretary) 100

  Locke, John (1632–1704) ν, 405n

  Lombart, Pierre (painter) 281, 432n

  London Bridge 3–4, 227

  London Gazette xxxvi Long Parliament 90

  Lorrain, Paul (clerk to SP) xxvi, 327, 355, 367, 369, 381

  Louis XIV, king of France 50, 152, 223, 281, 289, 314, 320, 343, 347, 353, 365

  Lovett (picture varnisher) 234

  Lowestoft, battle of 181

  Lowther, Anthony 143–4

  Lowther, Sir John 414n

  Ludlow, Edmund 116, 407n

  Luellin, Peter (friend of SP) xxvi, 48, 69, 97, 98, 102, 106, 176–7, 417–418n

  Macaulay, Thomas Babington: History of England384

  McCarthy, Senator 314

  Macpherson, David: History of the European Commerce with India382

  Madden, Frederic, on SP’s library 384

  Magdalene College, Cambridge 36, 38–9, 101, 270, 344, 366, 382, 454n

  Pepys Library 325, 374–5, 380, 383, 384, 404n, 406n, 420n, 456n, 459n

  Manchester, earl of 24–5, 33, 43

  Margeret (Tom Pepys’s maid) 166

  Mark Lane, London 298, 306, 307, 308, 436n

  Marsh’s, Whitehall 47

  Marston Moor, battle of 24, 110


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