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Page 11

by Love, Amy

  "I'll be out here with Jeff; see you in an hour," he told her, and gave her a kiss.

  Doc gave her a smile when she was shown into the office by the secretary. The secretary asked if she wanted a coke or something else to drink, but Chelsea shook her head and said, "No, thank you."

  "Hi Chelsea, how are you feeling today?" Doc asked as soon as her assistant turned to go.

  "I'm fine. Better. Much better, really. Much less confused," she reported.

  "Before we go any further honey, I want you to know that what we talk about in this room is just between you and me. I'm not going to discuss it with anyone else."

  "Not even Elias?"

  "No, not even Elias. This is your time. You can say anything, or tell me anything you want, and it is safe in here," she told her.

  "Not even John? I know you like him."

  "Yes, I like John. Very much in fact, but no, not even John."

  "Alright," she conceded.

  "Can you tell me what you were confused about?"

  Chelsea shifted a little in the chair. "About Elias. About why he still wanted me to be at his house and in his bedroom," she said softly. "I'm still not certain I'm good for him, but I love him and I don't want to leave. Is that selfish?"

  "Selfish?" Doc asked.

  "I feel selfish. I feel like he deserves much better, and he could get much better if I just left, or moved into the guest room."

  "How does he feel about that?" Doc asked.

  "He wants me to stay in his room," she said, and then corrected herself. "Our room. He says he loves me, and that he needs me. That it is his turn."

  "His turn?"

  "His turn to protect me, since I hurt myself protecting him and the club by coming clean," she explained.

  "You did, you know," Doc told her. "Both things. Your breakdown was bound to happen sooner or later Chelsea, but you did help the club a great deal by telling Elias what you did."

  "That's what Elias says. But you think I would have… um… broke, even if I didn't?"


  "I know I'm broken, Doc, I can feel it. Things aren't like they were inside me anymore. I can't think clearly sometimes, I forget things. I get confused about things. So don't tell me I'm not broke, okay?"

  "Alright. I'm not sure I like the term, but really, it is as good as any," she allowed. "So, yes, I do think you would have broken even if you didn't come clean—and probably very soon. A few weeks from now, or maybe a month, but this was bound to happen. It is good that it happened with Elias, because he can help you, and he does care about you a great deal. He told me that night that it was his turn as well."

  "He did?"

  "Yes, he told me that he's not leaving you, and he was going to do whatever it took to see that you got better, no matter how broken you were," Doc replied.


  "Why what, darling?"

  "Why would he do that? I'm just a…"

  "Just what Chelsea?"

  She looked at her hands, "I'm just a used piece of ass. That's all I am. I'm not even a woman, not a real one. Not anymore. I use to be, but not now."

  "Chelsea, baby, you are not only a woman, and a real one, but a very strong one."

  "I don't feel strong. I couldn't do anything."

  "You left him. You got away."

  "No, not really. He's still out there, and now Elias, and John, and Larry, and even you, are in danger. I have men watching the house all the time now, did you know that? Five of them, all day long. So, I didn't really get away. He's still going to kill me. But know, he might kill Elias as well, and that's not fair. Not over me. Not something like me."

  "Someone Chelsea. Someone."

  Chelsea nodded. "Someone like me," she said weakly, and not convincingly.

  "We're all a lot safer now that you did what you did," Doc offered. "Just because you hurt yourself doing it, doesn't make you less of a person. It doesn't mean that Elias wants you less, or needs you less."

  "But I'm less now," she said.

  "Do you still love him?" Doc asked.

  "Yes, very much."

  "Then you aren't any less, Chelsea, and you are going to get better. I promise you that. That's what we're going to do together, alright? We're going to get you better."

  "Alright. That would be good. But…"

  "But what?"

  "What will I be when I'm better?"

  Doc sat back, and looked her over. "You're going to be Chelsea again."

  Chelsea's eyes watered up, "Is that… can that…?"

  "Happen? Yes, Chelsea. It can happen, and I'm going to help you do it."

  "I would like that. I would like to be Chelsea again, so I can be Chelsea with Elias, so he can know who I was."

  "Good. So, let's talk about that, about who you were," Doc suggested.

  They talked for the rest of the hour about her dad, and growing up in Boston. When the hour was up Chelsea was given a prescription to have filled.

  "Those will help with the confusion and some of the memory problems," Doc explained.

  As she was leaving she turned and asked, "How long before I'm Chelsea again?"

  "That's hard to say, but I think you made a really good start today, and we'll keep going next week. Alright?"

  "Ok," Chelsea said, and left the room.


  Larry was at the house with the two men they left behind when Chelsea and Elias came into the door. He gave them a wave from the chair he was in and seemed to be all smiles.

  "Hello Larry, how are you today?" Chelsea asked as she passed him on the way to the kitchen to get some drinks for the men. "You look happy."

  "Oh, I am happy. Tomas is in jail for five days, and on suspension for thirty," he told her.


  "Yep, but also, while he was in court John said we hit one of those stash places you gave Elias and we came away with a good amount of his resources. About eight hundred."

  Elias whistled. "Now we have some play money."

  "Yep. Also, I made a friend down at Internal Affairs and passed him some of the victim names. Just a couple, just to see what he was going to be able to do. We still want to use some for the other side, right?"

  "Right. So, what did he say?"

  "Well, he's a cop, and you know they don't tell you much, but after a quick search on his computer with those names he was very interested in talking to Chelsea and learning more about her story." Larry said. "Of course I told him that wasn't possible right now—doctor's orders—but still, the fish was hooked I would say."

  Chelsea listened and tried to understand what he was saying, "He wants to talk to me? Is that a good idea?"

  "No baby, not right now, and you don't have to worry about it until you are much, much better, alright? Doc's not going to let them bother you," Elias told her.

  Chelsea nodded, still processing. She remembered her pill and went back to the kitchen to take one.

  "He doesn't need to talk to you Chelsea," Larry called after her, and walked a little toward her so she could hear him. "He's got enough to get started. He's a cop, he'll do his job."

  "Okay." She nodded. "I'm not sure I want to talk to him, either. Every time I've talked to a cop I've gotten a ticket or have been arrested. Not the funnest thing I can think of doing."

  Larry laughed. "I hear you. You know, speaking of that, Duffy mentioned to me that he was looking for someone to work his counter down at the shop for him. Seems his girl now is taking off for California."

  "California? I’ve always wanted to go there. Someday I want to ride out there and see the Ocean. Maybe San Diego."

  "Yeah, that would be a nice ride, huh? But you know, Duffy might like you to work for him if you are thinking you might want a job." Larry continued.

  "Work for Duffy? He's funny. Did he mention anything about my Shelby? Has he sold it yet?" Chelsea asked.

  "I think he has a buyer for you, yes. You might want to give him a call and find out," Larry told her.

  "I'll do that, thank you," Chelsea said as she brought a tray of drinks out for Jeff, Dave, Tom, and Elias.

  After she served them, she said to Elias, "I'm going to call Duffy and see what's going on, alright?"

  "Sounds like a good idea," Elias told her.

  Elias watched her walk back to their room, and then he turned to Larry. "I don't think she's quite ready for a job yet, buddy, but thanks for the effort."

  "Yeah, she didn't seem that interested did she?" Larry mused.

  "We just got back from Doc's. She's probably got a lot on her mind right now," Elias offered. "So, tell me about this Internal Affairs guy."

  "Oh, he's not the interesting one, the interesting one is Tomas' partner. The one and only Mike Wilson."

  "I know that name," Jeff said, taking a sip of his cola. "Guy’s a hound that hunts, is what I hear."

  "Oh yes," Larry said. "Guys practically a legend in the department. I didn't want to slip him anything until I talked to you Elias, but I think that's our real man on the inside. If Wilson gets something in his teeth, he's not going to let go until it's torn to shreds and very dead."

  Dave nodded. "That's what I hear as well. If we could get him on Tomas' trail he could be a real benefit to us, especially with Tomas being his partner and all."

  "A dirty partner of a legend cop," Elias mused. "Interesting. I'm getting good feelings about that. Let's make a move. Go ahead and send him over some information. See if you can cross-check a bust that he was in on, that Chelsea might have on her list, and feed him that."

  "Ouch," Larry said. "That will stick in his craw if we could pull that off. I'll get on it. Also, John raised my budget to one hundred grand with the success of the raid this morning. With that, I should be able to get a bull’s-eye if there's one to hit."

  "Wow, that's some serious cash there, mister lawyer man." Elias smiled.

  "Hey, I'm keeping good books," Larry complained.

  Elias laughed and raised his hands in surrender. "Never crossed my mind otherwise. Ease down on that throttle, shit."

  "Sorry," Larry chagrined. "I guess it makes me a little nervous having that kind of budget. No offense."

  "None taken. I might be a little worried about it myself. So, is John going to try to hit one of the other stashes?"

  "Tonight," Larry said with a nod. "With Tomas in jail, John's thinking the more we take, the less he'll have, and it might piss off a partner or two of his as well. Cause some chaos for him."

  "Any feelings on what the trio has decided as far as the club backing Chelsea?" Elias asked.

  "I think that would be under the heading of 'talking out of class,' my friend. He did say that he wants to see you and Chelsea tomorrow down at his office. He asked me to see if seven o'clock would be alright with you," Larry told him.

  "Seven will be fine. Should I call him?"

  "I'm heading back to talk with him when I leave here. I'll let him know," Larry offered.

  "Thanks. Yeah, seven will be fine. Chelsea too, huh?"

  "Yeah. He said it concerns her, and she should hear it from him," Larry said.

  "Yeah, alright," Elias agreed, not really liking the sound of that.

  Chelsea came skipping out of the hallway, wearing a light blue, very short sun dress, and her hair pulled back in a pony tail that bobbed behind her. "Duffy sold my Shelby!" she announced.

  "Nice; how much?" Elias asked, turning toward her and noticing that Jeff and Dave both suddenly had other things to look at, which amused him greatly. She did look very sexy in a girl-next-door sort of way.

  "Nineteen!" She laughed.

  "Sweet," Larry said. "That'll get you a nice Sportster. Hell, you could go new with that."

  "Yep!" she said with a smile. "But I'm thinking that the guys are right—maybe I would be happier with a Softail. You know, larger gas tank, better range, and the belt drive for a smoother ride."

  "I love mine," Larry agreed. "Let me know if you would like to try it out sometime."

  "Oh? Well, then, I'm letting you know!" she said with a grin. "I love your bike. Very sexy. It's no wonder you get the young girls."

  Dave coughed into his fist and Jeff chuckled. Larry blushed a little. "Yeah, that's probably it," he said, and then shot warning looks at the other two men. "Well, I got to get going. I'll come by tomorrow and let you take it for a spin."

  "Perfect!" she laughed and then bounced over and gave him a hug. "See you soon."


  "I think I've decided on the Deluxe, but the Heritage is really nice too," Chelsea said to Elias as they rode over to the Log Cabin in his truck Wednesday evening for dinner and then to meet John and the trio.

  "So you are set on the Softail though, right?" Elias asked.

  "Yep. With as much riding as the club does, I don't think a Sporty is going to be a good long-term investment. I'd just be trading up in a year or so," she reasoned.

  Elias nodded. "Sounds reasonable."

  "Thank you," she said with a smile. "Why do they want to see me?"

  "John wants you to hear the news from him personally, since this is personal to you."

  "What do you think he'll say?"

  "I honestly don't know, but whatever it is, it won't change a thing between me and you, alright?"

  "Alright," she said, and looked out the side window. She felt very nervous going to see John as the president of the club, rather than as a friend. But, John was John, right? Like Elias was Elias?

  Maybe. She couldn't really get the two images to merge.

  Behind them were two riders, with two more in the front. Elias had cut the house crew down to two a shift until Sunday when Tomas would be back out on the street again. But anytime they went anywhere, at least four riders were with them now. This made much more sense to Chelsea, as she really didn't feel that Tomas was stupid enough to come to the house once he found it—if he found it. Elias was pretty careful about where people thought he lived, it seemed. At least, people outside of the club.

  Even though they were down to two a shift, however, either Jeff, Dave, or Tom was always stopping by, saying hello and looking things over. She liked all three of them and all three were with them now.

  The fourth was named Eric, and he was new to her, but Elias said he was one of his best men. An ex-mercenary. Eric kind of scared her. He wasn't mean, exactly, but he wasn't nice either. He was also hard, all the way through, like some old oak tree. His skin was tanned in a weathered sort of way, as if he was seasoned by wind and sun and desert. He did have a marvelous mane of red hair though that was wild and thick. She imagined that Thor would have had red hair like that—the real Thor, not the comic book Thor, according to Elias.

  They all ate at one long table, with her sitting next to Elias on the side where he could see the door. The other men, as if they arranged it beforehand, all watched other areas of the bar and restaurant as they ate, talked, and laughed. It was kind of eerie, really. They smiled, and laughed, and at the same time scanned the room with non-smiling eyes. They kept their gun hands as free as possible, drinking and eating with the other hand. It was like being in the Wild West with a bunch of quick-draw fighters. A fly couldn't get near her. They seemed relaxed, but they weren't, not at all. It made her nervous.

  But what really made her nervous was waiting for seven o'clock in the bar. She tried to drink her beer and relax, but there was too much energy in the room. Everyone seemed to know that this was it—the night that the trio would make the decision about her, a decision that would affect all of them. Even Marvin, the bartender, was a little on edge, and he was the most relaxed man she had ever met in her life other than her dad. Even Sally, the waitress, was a little jumpy. Chelsea was on pins and needles.

  Finally seven o'clock arrived, and Elias got up from his stool and she followed. Four Guards followed behind, but when they came to the back office door, the four remained outside and only she and Elias went in.

  The trio was John, Wild Bill, and Steve-O. When they walked
in, John was behind a large wooden antique desk. Wild Bill was to his right and that could only mean that the third man was Steve-O, who she had never met before. He was on the left. There were two chairs in front of the desk. Elias closed the door behind them and then took her hand and guided her toward the chairs.

  She kind of expected that John would get up and greet them, or smile, or something, but he seemed to be all business tonight. So, no, John wasn't just John. Tonight he was the president of the White Wolves. Chelsea wondered if she would like John the President. She wondered if Doc would like him as well.


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