Turn Right at Machu Picchu

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Turn Right at Machu Picchu Page 32

by Mark Adams

  Mould de Pease, Mariana. “Un día en la vida peruana de Machu Picchu: avance de historia intercultural.” Revista Complutense de Historia de América, 2001.

  Murúa, Martin de. Historia General del Perú. Edited by Manuel Ballesteros. Madrid: Historia 16, 1986.

  Poole, Robert M. Explorers House: National Geographic and the World It Made. New York: Penguin, 2004.

  Prescott, William H. History of the Conquest of Peru; with a Preliminary View of the Civilization of the Incas. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1861. (First published in New York, 1847.)

  Reinhard, Johan. The Ice Maiden: Inca Mummies, Mountain Gods, and Sacred Sites in the Andes. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 2005.

  Reinhard, Johan. Machu Picchu: Exploring an Ancient Sacred Center. Fourth revised edition. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology (UCLA), 2007.

  Savoy, Gene. Antisuyo: The Search for the Lost Cities of the Amazon. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1970.

  Starn, Orin, Carlos Iván Degregori and Robin Kirk, eds. The Peru Reader: History, Culture, Politics. Durham: Duke University Press, 2005.

  Theroux, Paul. The Old Patagonian Express. New York: Penguin, 1980. Thomson, Hugh. Cochineal Red: Travels Through Ancient Peru. London: Wiedenfield & Nicolson, 2006.

  Thomson, Hugh. The White Rock: An Exploration of the Inca Heartland. London: Weidenfield & Nicolson, 2001.

  Titu Cusi. A Sixteenth Century Account of the Conquest. Translation by Nicole Delia Legnani. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2005.

  Valencia Zegarra, Alfredo. Machu Picchu: La Investigación y Conservación del Monumento Arqueólogo Después de Hiram Bingham. Cusco, 1992.

  Vargas Llosa, Mario. Death in the Andes. Translated by Edith Grossman. New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 1996.

  Vargas Llosa, Mario. Making Waves. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1997.

  Vega, Garcilaso de la. Royal Commentaries of the Incas. Translated by Harold V. Livermore. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co., 2006.

  Von Hagen, Victor. Highway of the Sun. New York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1955.

  Wilson, Jason. The Andes: A Cultural History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.

  Wright, Kenneth and Alfredo Valencia Zegarra. Machu Picchu: A Civil Engineering Marvel. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2000.

  Wright, Ruth and Alfredo Valencia Zegarra. The Machu Picchu Guidebook: A Self-Guided Tour. Boulder: Johnson Books, 2004.

  Ziegler, Gary and J. McKim Malville. “Machu Picchu, Inca Pachacuti’s Sacred City: A multiple ritual, ceremonial and administrative center.” Self-published, 2006.


  Abancay, Peru

  Abril, Emilio

  Abril, Roxana

  Across South America (Bingham)

  Adams, Alex

  Adams, Aurita

  Adams, Lucas

  Adams, Magnus


  Age of Discovery


  Bingham on

  and celestial orientation of Inca sites

  and climate theories

  and the hacienda system

  and land reforms

  and Machu Picchu

  and terrace structures

  Aguas Calientes

  Ales Hrdlicka

  Almaro, Diego de


  altitude sickness

  Alvistur, Tomás

  Amazonas Explorer

  American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions

  The American Mercury

  American Museum of Natural History

  Amundsen, Roald

  Andean spectacled bears

  Andenes (terraces)

  Angkor Wat

  Angrand, Léonce

  animal sacrifice




  Antisuyo (Savoy)

  Aobama River

  Aobama Valley


  Apurimac River


  at Choquequirao

  at Choquetacarpo Pass

  and the Ice Maiden

  and the Inca Trail

  and location of Inca sites

  at Machu Picchu

  and Machu Picchu theories

  most revered peaks

  at Phuyupatamarca

  and religious syncretism

  at Vitcos




  Arteaga, Melchior

  and Bingham

  and Giesecke

  guiding to Machu Picchu

  and Lost City of the Incas





  Aztec Empire

  Balboa, Vasco Núñez de

  Bandelier, Adolph

  Bell, Alexander Graham

  Berns, Augusto

  Besley, J. Campbell

  Betanzos, Juan de

  Billinghurst, Guillermo

  Bingham, Alfred

  Bingham, Alfreda


  correspondence to

  family fortune

  father’s death


  Bingham, Clara

  Bingham, Hiram

  Bingham, Hiram

  Bingham, Hiram

  and academic life

  at Aguas Caliente

  ambition of

  and Andean culture

  on animal sacrifices

  and antiquities dealing

  and artifacts controversy

  birth of

  and book revisions


  and Choquequirao

  and climate of Peru

  and coca

  and Concevidayoc

  Connecticut home

  discoveries in Peru

  dissertation topic


  and Espiritu Pampa

  expedition notes

  family life of

  first expedition in Peru

  first trips to Machu Picchu

  and food in Peru

  health problems

  and the Inca Trail

  journey to Espiritu Pampa

  Leivers on

  and Machu Picchu

  and Markham


  and media coverage

  and Mount Coropuna climb

  and Mount Machu Picchu

  and music of Peru

  organizational skills

  and the Pan-American Scientific Congress

  and “Peruvian Time,”

  and Phuyupatamarca

  and politics

  and Puquiura

  religious beliefs

  research on Inca sites

  returns from expeditions

  at Rosaspata

  and Savoy

  second expedition in Peru

  and self-promotion

  and Tincochaca

  Venezuela Colombia expedition

  and Vilcabamba

  and Vitos

  Bingham, Woodbridge

  Boehm, Sydney

  Bolivar, Simón

  bones. See huaqueros (grave robbers); skeletal remains

  Boorstein, Daniel

  Boston Globe

  Boston Post

  Bothrops pit viper

  Bowman, Isaiah

  Buenos Aires

  Burger, Richard

  Burton, Richard



  Calancha, Antonio de la

  and Bingham’s research

  and Machu Picchu

  and mummies of Inca rulers

  and Vilcabamba

  and Vitcos

  Campa Indians

  Canari Indians

  Capac Ñan

  Capra, Frank

  Carrasco (sergeant)


  ceja de selva

  celestial orient
ation of Inca sites. See also

  solstice lines

  astronomical observations

  and Bingham’s theories

  and Choquequirao

  and the Inca Trail

  and Intihuatana shrines

  and Llactapata

  and Machu Picchu

  and Patallacta

  and Sacred Center theory

  and sundials

  and Vitcos

  Central African Republic

  Cerro San Gabriel


  Chepstow-Lusty, Alex


  Chichen Itza


  and Bingham’s expeditions

  camp at

  compared to Llactapata

  hike to

  and Inca roads

  and Leivers’s preservation ethic

  Machu Picchu compared to

  and orientation of Inca sites

  and proximity to rivers

  and route planning

  site described

  and treasure hunting

  viewed from Phuyupatamarca

  Choquetacarpo Pass

  Christian missionaries. See also Catholicism

  Cieza de León, Pedro de

  City of Z

  climate of Peru

  Bingham on

  and cloud forest

  garúa (cloud cover)

  and mountain passes

  and rain forests

  climate of Peru (cont.)

  variety of zones

  and Vilcabamba site

  and Vitcos

  Cobos, Benjamin

  Cobos, Flavio

  Cobos, Florencia

  Cobos, Juvenal

  and altitude fitness

  and anniversary of Bingham’s trip

  and coca

  at Concevidayoc

  daily hiking routine

  at Espiritu Pampa

  first visit to Machu Picchu

  and hike to Choquequirao

  home of

  and Inca Trail trip

  and insect attack

  at Kolpacasa Pass

  and Leivers’s injury

  and muleteer injury

  and muleteer work

  and “Peruvian time,”

  popularity of

  preparations for trip

  at Quillabamba

  on Savoy expedition

  at the Sixpac Manco

  and start of trip

  at Valentin farm

  and water supplies

  at Yanama camp

  Cobos, Rosa


  and altitude endurance

  and Andean diet

  Bingham on


  expedition’s use of

  and folk medicine

  and Inca royalty

  Cock of the Rock (tunki bird)


  Columbus, Christopher


  Condore, Samuel


  conquistadors. See also specific individuals

  and Bingham’s expedition route

  brutality of

  conquest of Inca empire

  and Cusco

  and guerilla warfare

  and the khipu

  and Lost City legends

  and mit’a system

  and siege of Cusco

  and treasure hunting

  and Vilcabamba

  and Vitcos

  Conway, Hugh

  Cook, Frederick

  Cook, James

  Coolidge, Calvin

  Cordillera Vilcabamba

  Corona Borealis

  Coronica Moralizada (Calancha)


  Cortés, Hernán

  Cousteau, Jacques

  “Cradle of Gold,”

  creation myths. See also Tampu Tocco

  Crowley, Aleister

  Cura Ocllo


  and artifacts controversy

  and Bingham’s expeditions

  and civil war

  and earthquakes

  and the Inca empire

  and Inca roads

  and Inca stonework

  and Koricancha temple

  and New Age spiritualism

  preparations for trip

  and Quechua language

  and routes to Machu Picchu

  and Spanish conquest

  topography of

  and tourism

  and water quality

  Dana, Richard Henry

  Darien Colony

  Darwin, Charles

  Davis, Richard Harding

  Dead Woman’s Pass

  Death in the Andes (Vargas Llosa)

  The Discoverers (Boorstein)

  Doyle, Arthur Conan

  Earhart, Amelia


  Eastman, George

  Eaton, George

  ecology of Peru. See plants of Peru; wildlife of Peru

  The Economist


  Edgar (Gudiel)

  drive to Santa Teresa

  at Espiritu Pampa

  at Inca Trail trip

  at Llactapata

  preparations for trip

  at Santa Teresa

  Efrain (Valles)


  on condors

  guiding style

  and Machu Picchu

  and Patallacta

  and Phuyupatamarca

  and porters

  preparations for trip

  El Dorado legend

  El Sol

  Encounter Overland

  Enigmatic Window

  Eromboni Pampa

  Espiritu Pampa

  and Bingham’s expeditions

  and celestial orientation of Inca sites

  and Leivers’ preservation ethic

  and Machu Picchu theories

  and orientation of Inca sites

  and proximity to rivers

  and route planning

  and Savoy’s theories

  site described

  and usnus

  viewed from Phuyupatamarca

  and Vilcabamba name

  “The Explorer” (Kipling)

  Exploring Cusco (Frost)

  Farabee, William

  Fawcett, Percy

  Fejos, Paul

  Fisk, Carlton

  Fitch, Ezra

  Foote, Harry

  Forgotten Vilcabamba (Lee)

  Frost, Peter


  Fujimori, Alberto

  Funerary Rock

  Garcia, Alan

  Geographic Journal


  Giesecke, Albert

  Gilbert Islands


  Greer, Paolo

  author’s dinner with


  on Bingham’s popularization of Machu Picchu

  on celestial orientation of Inca sites

  and preservation efforts

  Grosvenor, Gilbert

  and artifacts controversy

  and Bingham’s trip reports

  and lost city tales

  and Machu Picchu articles

  on scope of Bingham’s work

  Guevara, Ernesto “Che,”

  hacienda system

  Hadley, Arthur Twining



  Hartford Courant

  Harvard University

  Hay, Clarence

  Heaney, Christopher

  Hemming, John

  Heroic Age of Exploration

  Hilton, James

  Hints to Travelers (Royal Geographical Society)

  Hippie Trail

  Hiram Bingham Highway

  History of the Conquest of Peru (Prescott)

  House of the Sun

  Huadquiña hacienda


  Huamani, Nati


huaqueros (grave robbers)


  Huatanay River

  Huayna Capac

  Huayna Picchu

  and Bingham’s expeditions

  hike on

  and Machu Picchu theories

  view from

  viewed from Sun Gate

  Huayna Pucará

  human remains. See huaqueros (grave robbers; skeletal remains)

  hydroelectric plant at Machu Picchu

  Ice Maiden

  “In the Wonderland of Peru” (National Geographic)

  Inca Land (Bingham)

  Inca Tambo

  Inca Trail

  and Andes weather

  author’s hike on

  and barefoot hiking

  and Bingham’s expeditions

  and celestial orientation of Inca sites

  and Choquetacarpo Pass

  and Concevidayoc

  and Huayna Picchu

  Justo on

  and Machu Picchu

  and Machu Picchu theories

  marathon on

  and modern development

  and Mount Machu Picchu

  and Ollantaytambo


  and road to Vilcabamba

  and routes to Machu Picchu

  and the Sun Gate

  and trip planning

  and Vitcos

  The Incas of Peru (Markham)

  Inkarri myth

  Instituto Nacional de Cultura (INC)

  and access to rare sites

  and the Capac Ñan

  and Choquequirao

  and Espiritu Pampa

  and grave robbing

  and Huayna Picchu

  and Machu Picchu

  and Peabody collection

  and Vitcos


  Inti Pata

  Inti Raymi festivities

  Intihuatana ranch

  Intihuatana shrines

  and celestial orientation of Inca sites

  damaged by film crew

  and Llactapata

  and Machu Picchu

  Island of the Sun

  The Islands of Titicaca and Kosti (Bandelier)

  Javier (INC worker)

  Jones, Indiana (character)

  The Journal of an Expedition Across Venezuela and Colombia (Bingham)

  Julián (Bolaños)

  at Concevidayoc

  daily hiking routine


  at Espiritu Pampa

  at Huancacalle


  and muleteer work

  Kant, Immanuel

  Karp-Toledo, Eliane

  Kasdan, Lawrence


  Kipling, Rudyard

  Kolpacasa Pass


  and adventure films

  and Atahualpa’s ransom

  and celestial orientation of Inca sites

  and Cusco

  and Machu Picchu

  Prescott on

  and treasure hunting

  la hora peruana (Peruvian Time)

  Lake Parinacochas

  Lake Titicaca

  Landis, Deborah Nadoolman


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