Elastic Hearts (Hearts #3)

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Elastic Hearts (Hearts #3) Page 26

by Claire Contreras

  I tried to smile at her, but couldn’t, so I just nodded. “Everything looks great.”

  “Thank you. My mom did most of it,” she said.

  “And me,” the blonde said, coming back to where we were still standing. “I helped. A lot.”

  “You did a good job,” I said, catching Victor’s gaze over her shoulder.

  He was looking at me with an intensity that wasn’t appropriate while out in public, much less with his girlfriend standing right there. However, I felt the heat of his gaze everywhere.

  “Oh my God. I’m sorry. I’ve been staring at you since you walked in and haven’t even introduced myself. I’m Mia,” she said with a huge smile.

  “Nicole. Nice to meet you,” I said, returning her smile, though mine was much smaller, not as excited.

  “Hey, can you help me carry the drinks outside?” Estelle asked Mia.

  Mia gave her a sharp look. There was an exchange in their gazes, and Mia finally seemed to get whatever it was that Estelle was trying to tell her. I felt another pang in my chest. They were really, really familiar with each other. Clearly Mia had either been a part of their life a lot longer, or really hit it off with Estelle, much more than I had.

  “I’ll see you later,” Mia said, shooting one more smile my way before she turned around and punched Victor in the arm playfully. He rolled his eyes at her before looking at me again.

  “She’s really pretty,” I said once they walked away.

  “Not as pretty as you.” He took a step toward me. I swallowed.

  “You shouldn’t say things like that,” I whispered, tilting my face to look at him when he stood right in front of me.

  “I only speak truths,” he said, his voice low, making my heart stutter.


  “Hey, is that Nicole?”

  Victor groaned. “I’m in a house full of cock-blockers.”

  I sidestepped him until I reached his mom. She wrapped her arms around me. “Hi, Hannah.”

  “I’ve called you a couple of times so you could come over and see the dress. I can’t wait to show it to you. The seamstress was very, very impressed with your design. She really wants to meet you,” she said, her words fast and close together.

  “Mom, she just got here,” Victor said.

  “I was in Argentina for a little while.”

  “Oh, you visited your mom? How was it? Did you have fun?” She pulled me toward the back of the house, and I was glad for the intrusion of whatever moment it was Victor and I were sharing. We couldn’t have those anymore, especially now that he’d clearly moved on. I hated my dad right now. Why would he call me and tell me all those things if Victor had clearly moved on? He should have just kept his mouth shut, then I would have never known that Victor had thought about me at all.

  Hannah took me around the yard, introducing me to the people there, which was interesting in and of itself. Some of the people were artsy, painters and such, others were doctors, architects, housewives, you name it, they were at the party. I’d already met Oliver, so I said hi to him, and he introduced me to some of his friends. At least there were hot guys there. Maybe they’d help me keep my eyes off Victor.

  I excused myself and walked back to the drink table to pick up a glass of wine.

  “I’m assuming your dad told you we spoke,” Victor said, his voice making me shiver. I took a long sip of wine, hoping it would calm my nerves.

  “He did.”

  He put his right hand over the handle of the pirate sword sticking out of its holster. I couldn’t imagine how he thought he looked ridiculous. I’d never seen a sexier pirate in my life.

  “What did he tell you?” he asked. I tore my gaze away from his hand, those long fingers of his, and looked back into his eyes. Big mistake.

  “Are you going to cut off my tongue if I don’t tell you?” I asked, smirking. His gaze heated as quickly and my breath caught in my throat.

  “I can think of more than a few things I’d like to do with your tongue. Cutting it off isn’t one of them,” he said, bringing the hand he had on the sword up to my hair, pushing some of it behind my ear. I closed my eyes as he adjusted the bandana I had on.

  “I really don’t think it’s nice for you to say things like that,” I whispered, eyes still closed.


  “Because you have a girlfriend, and I don’t think she’d appreciate it,” I said, opening my eyes to look at him. He frowned.

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Really? You’re going to the ‘let me pretend I don’t have a girlfriend’ route while she’s here?” I paused to take another sip of wine and tipped my head a little to glare at him. “I’m not a good candidate for bullshit, Victor. I see right through it.”

  He balked at me. “And as you know, I’m not good at practicing patience. What the fuck are you talking about, Nicole?”

  “Mia,” I said, a little louder than anticipated. His face morphed from confusion, to amusement, to anger, and back to amusement as he started to laugh.

  “You’re fucking insane.”

  “Yeah, well—” I started. Before I could finish, he was pulling my hand and practically dragging me to where Mia was standing with Oliver and the hot guy crew. “Victor.”

  “No,” he said, stopping in the middle of the yard to look back at me. “If you’re going to accuse me of something, you should have the sense to get your facts straight. Do you know how fucking mad I am at you? Do you know . . .?” He stopped to take a deep breath before pulling me again. “We’ll discuss that later. Just . . . come.”

  Oliver, Estelle’s husband, turned around with a frown. He pushed his long hair out of his face and looked between Victor and me.

  “Everything okay?” hot guy number two said to our right.

  “Mia, why are you here?” Victor asked, his voice strong.

  Mia pulled a face. “I’m not sure I’m understanding the question.”

  Hot guy number two, I was pretty sure his name was Jensen, hid his smile behind the bottle of beer in his hand.

  “Jensen, stop fucking laughing. Tell Nicole why Mia’s here,” Victor said.

  Jensen started laughing and shaking his head, then Oliver joined in, and the other guy they were talking to followed.

  “I told you,” Jensen said when he finally stopped laughing.

  “No, I told you,” Oliver said.

  “Fuck you. I said it first.” He paused, wiping his eyes and looking over at Mia. “Babe, what did I say about Victor last week?”

  Babe? My eyes widened. Oh fuck. No.

  Mia frowned. “I don’t know, Jensen.”

  “You need to remember.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Are we done here? I need to go see if Grey’s still sleeping.”

  “You have the video monitor attached to your ass. I’m pretty sure he’ll alert you when he wakes up,” Victor said. “Can you answer my fucking question before I punch your husband?”

  Oh motherfuck. She was not. And she was a mom?

  “Estelle’s my best friend. I’m not going to miss her birthday,” Mia said.

  “Okay, and who did you come with?” Victor pressed.

  “Jesus Christ. With this idiot,” she said, pointing at Jensen, who started laughing again. “Why?”

  “She thought you were my girlfriend,” Victor said, his eyes cutting to me. I wasn’t looking at him, but I could feel them on me.

  “What?” Mia said, laughing now. “Oh my God. That’s disgusting.” She paused and looked at me. “No offense or anything.”

  I opened my mouth to say something, but there was absolutely nothing I could say.

  “Don’t worry, this one right here is your brand of crazy,” Jensen said, pointing at Mia with his thumb. She pushed him.

  “Shut up,” she said, then looked at me again. “Why . . . oh. Is it because our pictures in the tabloids? I told you we were famous. I’m a huge fan of yours. Well, I was a huge fan of Gabriel, but then all that . . .
stuff happened, so I’m not as big a fan as I used to be, but I still like him as an actor because he’s really good.”

  Jensen wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her to him. “Babe.”


  “Your fangirl is showing.”

  She buried her face in her hands and took a breath before looking at me again. “I talk a lot when I’m nervous.”

  I smiled. “That’s fine. I’m sorry for probably giving you the biggest bitch face earlier. I really didn’t know you guys were just friends.”

  “Totally fine. Totally cool,” Mia said. I smiled at her and everyone else before excusing myself once again. As I walked away, I heard Mia say, “She’s officially my new best friend,” and I had to laugh.

  “You thought I was dating someone?” Victor asked when he caught up to me. “And you didn’t even fucking think to ask?”

  “How would I ask?”

  “You could have called.”

  “You broke up with me.” And it broke my heart.

  He narrowed his eyes, jaw set. I raised an eyebrow, daring him to take a different approach. “You’re going home with me.”


  “Tonight. You’re going home with me, and we’re going to have this fucking conversation. Either you go with me, or I go with you. You pick, but I swear to God if that Brent guy shows up at your house I’ll get arrested, and you’ll have to bail me out of jail.”

  I bit my lip to keep from laughing but was unsuccessful. “You’re the lawyer.”

  He scoffed. “If I get to keep my license.”

  My smile dropped. “What do you mean?”

  “Your dad didn’t tell you?”

  I blinked and shook my head slowly.

  “We’re having a meeting with the associates on Monday to see if they want to keep me on board as partner.”

  My stomach dropped. “What?”

  “What did he tell you?”

  “That you told him you had feelings for me.”

  “He didn’t tell you what we argued about?”

  “No,” I said, frowning. “What the did you argue about?”


  “Me?” I asked. My head was spinning. I needed to sit down for this. I needed an entire bottle of wine for this.

  “Come home with me,” he said. “I’ll tell you everything.”

  “Okay.” I paused. “Okay, but I need to call Marcus.”

  Victor growled. “Always calling some guy.”

  “He’s security detail, and a friend,” I said, rolling my eyes as I took out my phone and dialed. “Marcus, you don’t have to pick me up tonight.”

  Before I could explain anything, Victor snatched the phone from my hand. “Marcus, this is Victor. If you must know, she’s coming home with me, and she’s staying until, and if, I let her go. If I let her go, I’ll be the one driving her home, so if she fucking calls you before five in the afternoon tomorrow, ignore the call. Thanks. Bye.”

  He hit the end button before handing the phone back to me and all I could do was stand here, holding my hand out to take it.

  This. Fucking. Guy.

  WE STAYED AT the party long enough to sing happy birthday. Long enough for Victor’s friends to tell him he was whipped and make fun of him. Long enough for him to send them all to hell. And long enough for me to witness Victor holding a baby with so much care and love, I was afraid my ovaries would explode right there. Neither one of us said a word on the drive to his house, me because I was afraid I would say the wrong thing. I wasn’t sure what his silence was about, but it was making me nervous. He hadn’t touched me either. Not since we were outside, when he would do the occasional drift of his fingers along my bare shoulder to call my attention. It made my stomach dip every time and even though I tried to focus on the wine, after two glasses I didn’t even want any more.

  His house was dark except for the porch light when we got there, and I was so worked up I was sure if he touched me I would jump out of my seat. He switched off the engine and sighed as he glanced over at me.

  “Let’s go.”

  I nodded and stepped out of the car, taking caution with my heels in the gravel of his driveway. He seemed to notice, or maybe he’d had many women in heels over, because he came over and grabbed my arm to steady me and help me inside. I thanked him and let him open the door and switch on the inside light for me. I looked around and crossed my arms as he locked the door behind me and gasped when he walked back over and dropped a kiss on my shoulder.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that all night,” he said, his voice a rasp behind my ear. I closed my eyes to savor the moment. “Turn around.”

  I opened my eyes, my heart pounding in my throat as I did.

  “I’m so mad at you, I don’t . . .” He sighed. “Maybe we should talk in the kitchen.”

  I felt like I was being sent to the principal’s office on the first day at a new school, like everything was riding on this conversation. My nerves were shot to hell because whatever I’d done would never truly be forgiven. But I hadn’t done anything wrong. Not really, anyway. I’d tried to save his job, and he was possibly being demoted anyway. We sat beside each other on the barstools after he served us each a glass of water.

  “So you’re meeting with my dad and the other guys on Monday,” I said, figuring I’d start where he left off earlier.


  “How’d that come about?”

  Victor looked down at the floor for a long time before tilting his face to lock eyes with me. “I’m not sure I want to start at that part.”

  “Okay,” I said, lifting the glass of water to my lips to take a sip and setting it down. “Start, then.”

  He clasped his hands on his lap, his leg bobbing rapidly. “What’s going on with you and Gabriel?”

  “Nothing.” I paused. “You’re handling my divorce. Why don’t you tell me?”

  His eyes narrowed. “It wouldn’t be the first time you kept something from me.”

  “That was different, and there’s nothing I’m keeping from you. Everything’s on paper,” I said.

  “Him holding your hand, putting his arm on your shoulder, hugging you, kissing you, that shit is on paper?” he said, his voice rising.

  “He didn’t kiss me,” I said, but he ignored my comment and stood suddenly, the top of the chair hitting the edge of the counter with a little bang. I flinched. He started pacing, taking off the pirate sword and vest, and I watched.

  “If I knew that shit was going to be part of the agreement, do you really think I would have let you sign? What else was part of the fucking agreement, Nicole? Did you fuck him too? How does one get into that kind of contract with you? Is being an asshole a requirement? Cheating on you? Being a drug addict? Treating you like shit? Tell me. Tell me because I wanna know where the fuck I’m going wrong.”

  I blinked. And blinked. Trying to make the stupid tears I felt forming in my eyes go away. I swallowed the lump in my throat and swung my legs to and fro to distract myself from crying, because I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t cry.

  “Tell me,” he seethed, walking over and placing his arms on either side of me, his face at a reachable distance from mine. I swallowed again.

  “If those are the requirements, I’d say you fit at least two of those categories,” I whispered. His eyes widened as he stood straight and rubbed his face with both hands. “You know what? Fuck you, Victor. Fuck you for putting this on me when you pushed me to it.” I seethed, feeling hot tears burning my eyes.

  “Just like I pushed you to marry him five years ago?”

  I flinched again. I’d seen Victor angry. I’d seen Victor annoyed. I’d seen Victor let loose and have fun. I thought I’d seen Victor in all of his elements, but I’d never seen him like this. I wasn’t sure what to do with this version of him, so I stayed silent and let him work out his issues in front of me. If this was his ugly, I wanted to see it. I wanted to see all of him. I needed to see all of him before I could deci
de whether I would stay or leave. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before coming over to me again and standing in front of me, farther than before, but still close enough for me to reach out and grab him. Or slap him. I took a deep breath. Long, deep breath.

  “What happened to your face?”

  I hadn’t asked him when I saw him last. Whatever it was looked like it was almost healed, but the scar was still there. He let out a chuckle, although it sounded anything but amused.

  “I had a difference of opinion with someone.”

  “A difference of opinion . . . Care to expand on that, or are we here to keep harboring secrets?”

  “I don’t know, Nicole. You tell me. You tell me what we’re harboring.”

  “I flew to Argentina with Gabriel because he was going and I wanted to go see my mom. I only saw him that one day. After that I spent the rest of the time with my mom. Look at the fucking pictures. We’re wearing the same thing in all of them.” I paused, taking a breath and letting it out, trying to calm down.

  “I’m here because you asked me to come. I’m here because I want to know what happened with you and my dad and your job, because the only thing I’m guilty of is helping you keep your goddamn dream alive.”

  He moved closer, standing between my legs. “My dream? You don’t know anything about my dreams. You never asked me what I wanted.”

  “You never asked me. You broke up with me. You broke things off because you were afraid you’d lose your precious career.”

  He closed his eyes and let out a harsh breath that caressed my face.

  “You made me think that us being with other people was the right thing to do, so I went and saw other people, like you did,” I added.

  “I didn’t see anybody else, Nicole. All I ever saw was you.”

  “I saw the way you kissed that blonde. Not Mia, but that other one, the one you took to the office party.”

  He growled. “Fuck that girl.”

  I tilted me head and shot him a look. “Did you?”

  “No! Christ, Nicole. How could you even ask me that?”

  “How could I not?” I said, my voice breaking a little. “How could I not, Victor?”


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