Wolf's Surrender: Part of the Immortal Ops World (Shadow Agents / PSI-Ops Book 1)

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Wolf's Surrender: Part of the Immortal Ops World (Shadow Agents / PSI-Ops Book 1) Page 10

by Mandy M. Roth

  “Yes. Yours. And you’re mine.” Alice raked her nails over his upper chest, making blood well. He felt her mouth on the area and her magik increased tenfold, leaving Brad slamming into her, releasing deep, filling her as she hit her climax as well, her magik wound tightly around them.

  The wolf roared with victory and then rushed back, allowing Brad full control of the situation now that the deed was done. Now that Alice was his woman.

  His wife. He’d bitten her while expending his seed in her and he’d said the word “mine” during it all. For a shifter male, that was it. Brad didn’t need the nonexistent manual on being a supernatural to know that. It was inborn.

  He licked where he’d bitten her and watched with great satisfaction as the area healed over at once. He stared down at her, feeling whole and content for the first time in his life. It was as if the void he’d always felt had been waiting to be filled by Alice.

  He stayed buried deep in her as he continued to look down at her, locking gazes with her. He grinned. “Thank you.”

  She scrunched her face. “Wait? You’re thanking me for that? Uh, no, it’s me who needs to thank you. That was great. I want to do it again.”

  Chuckling, Brad withdrew slowly from her and then lay on the bed next to her, drawing her frame against his. He kissed her temple. “So there are no misunderstandings later, you know what we just did, right?”

  Alice kissed his upper chest. “Bradley, you’re being boring again. Stop. I know what we did. I know what it means.”

  He took a deep breath. “Alice, I get you’ve got a stubborn streak and I love that about you, but can you possibly do me a favor and avoid feeding your succubus side with other men?”

  She propped herself on an elbow and gave him a look that said she was trying not to laugh at him. “Took all of you to say that in the form of a question and not demand it, didn’t it?”

  With a sheepish grin, he nodded. “Oh yeah. I’m learning that when I let my alpha side out to play, you see it as a challenge and accept it.”

  She winked. “Keeps things interesting, don’t you think?”

  He touched her cheek. “Seriously though, as much as it goes against my nature, I will beg.”

  “Bradley, my inner harlot only wants you for good. So do I,” she said, leaning and kissing his lips affectionately, setting his mind at ease. She ran her hand over his torso and then over his cock, working it to a state of hardness quickly. “Though, I might be too much for you.”

  He laughed as he yanked her up and onto him. “I don’t doubt that for a minute. You’re a handful, but I think I’m up to the task.”

  “Good,” she said, sliding down onto his cock. “Because I’m only just getting started.”

  She moved on him in a way that left her tits bouncing before his face. He reached up and cupped them, loving the feel of her on him. The more she moved on him, the more he realized something deep down.

  I’m already totally in love with her.

  She bent, her lips nearing his. “I know. And ditto.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Brad laughed as he left Alice in the car with the radio going as he stepped out to head into the rest stop. She was busy mouthing the words to a song he remembered being popular some fifteen years or so ago. She’d been full of energy from the moment they’d woken. They’d spent three days in the seedy little roadside motel, only venturing out to the diner when they needed food before they’d moved on to the safe house Ezra had told him about. There had been no sign of Ezra there and Brad knew what that meant.

  Something bad had happened to Ezra. He’d not said as much to Alice, but he got the sense she suspected the same thing. Her worry for Mae had increased, as had her desire to check in with her parents. Brad had held her off for as long as he could. They’d been in hiding for over a week. They’d spent the entire time exploring one another fully. He’d spent himself in her in every way possible and still wanted to do it again. He’d never tire of her.

  The time had come to move forward and see if the life she’d known was safe to return to or if they’d be on the run for good. Brad didn’t give a shit about his life prior. Though, he did want to find out what happened to Vic and he wanted to try to reach out to Kim to make sure she was well. First, he’d see to his mate’s needs.

  Alice rolled down the window and leaned out a bit, letting her blue gaze rake over him. “Hey, stud muffin, can you grab me a coffee while you’re in there?”

  “Stud muffin?” Brad groaned at her new pet name for him. He hoped it wouldn’t stick. “I’m not sure you need caffeine. You’re hyper enough as it is.”

  “Because you’re keeping my harlot good and fed. I’ve never felt so alive.” Alice laughed, gifting him a smile that tugged at his chest. She winked and they both knew he’d be getting her a coffee. It didn’t matter how hyper she was. He’d give in. He knew and so did she.

  My wife has me wrapped around her little finger.

  Shaking his head and chuckling, Brad headed into the rest stop. He made Alice a cup of coffee, paid and headed back to the parking lot. He stepped out, coffee cup in hand and was confused. The car had been parked not far from the entrance when he’d gone in. Had Alice moved it? Glancing over the nearly empty parking lot, his breathing increased. The morning after their escape, when he’d come to and found her missing, he’d stupidly assumed she’d run out on him. He’d not acknowledged the bond between them and had nearly let his wolf chase her away when she’d returned to him with food. Now that they’d been a couple for several days, he knew better. Knew she wasn’t going to up and leave him high and dry.

  He also knew Alice was smart enough about his shifter side that she wouldn’t try to scare him for no reason. She wouldn’t risk him wolfing out in public or at all. No. She’d not moved the car for fun.

  He stared around more as dusk settled in fully. His senses picked up, increasing as he took in the sights and sounds around him. It was quiet. Too quiet. While the rest stop hadn’t been packed, it had been filled somewhat upon their arrival. It was nearly empty now. Something was wrong. He felt it then, the telltale feeling of being watched—of being stalked by a predator. Not just any bad guy either. He knew this one well.

  The smell of cigarettes and indigestion hit him hard, bringing with it flashes of Albin. The fucking guard from Brad’s first facility had found him. Fear for Alice’s safety nearly caused Brad to do something stupid and tip Albin off that he knew he was close.

  “Alice, baby, this isn’t funny,” he said, pretending nothing was amiss.

  When he knew Albin was in striking distance, Brad spun and threw the hot cup of coffee in the man’s face. Screaming, Albin grabbed his eyes and staggered backwards. Brad advanced on him and ripped him up by his shirt front. The man’s feet dangled off the ground and Brad had to be mindful not to snap the bastard. He needed to know where Alice was before he killed him.

  “Where is my woman?” demanded Brad, his wolf pounding at him, wanting released.

  Albin snarled at him. “We’ve got your bitch. Kill me and you’ll never find her.”

  With a sniff of the air, Brad’s lip curled. “Funny, I smell at least six more of you fucks. I’m pretty sure if I kill enough of you the last guy left standing will tell me what I want to know.”

  Albin paled.

  Brad lifted him higher off the ground, his wolf there giving him additional strength. Their mate was not to be harmed. They would kill anyone and anything that threatened her.

  He was on the verge of ripping out Albin’s throat when he heard the muffled sound of Alice’s screams. Brad’s attention was pulled to the right. There, in the center of the parking lot, was Alice. Two men had her and one had his grubby hand over Alice’s mouth. Her blue eyes were wide with fright. They widened more a second before electricity shot through Brad’s side.

  Hissing, he dropped Albin and doubled over, the pain nearly taking him down fully. As he raised his head he found Albin there with a handheld electric prod, a sick smi
le on the man’s face as he rammed the end of the device into Brad. Jerking, Brad was powerless to stop the effects as they took him to the ground.

  Albin leaned over him. “Had them amp up the voltage for animals like you, Durant.”

  “Bradley!” screamed Alice before she cried out, “Let go of me!”

  Albin sneered more, glancing in Alice’s direction. “Got yourself a hottie there. Bet she’ll feel fucking awesome under me tonight.”

  Brad did something he’d never dared do in his life—he totally and completely surrendered to his wolf. He actively sought out his wolf, yanking it up from within, demanding it come and do what it wanted to the bastard. He’d risk himself and being locked in wolf form for eternity if it meant Alice was safe. The wolf wasted no time. It surged up and Brad assumed it would take full control and force him to do a complete shift. It didn’t. It shifted enough of his body to overcome the effects of the prod and to make Brad good and lethal.

  Confusion knit Albin’s brow and he rammed the prod into Brad once more. With the wolf and adrenaline riding him high, Brad didn’t even respond to the jolt this time. He slashed out with his clawed hand, his nails raking through the tender flesh in Albin’s wrist. The prod and the asshole’s hand fell to the ground with a sick thud. Satisfaction filled Brad and his wolf as Albin’s scream filled the area.

  Brad spun and extended his hand once more, this time going for Albin’s throat. The guard would never hurt or threaten anyone again. His days had come to an end. Turning, Brad set his sights on the men holding Alice.

  Four other men came moving in, all armed, all walking in formation as they came at him from the left side of the parking area. With the wolf in control, it took Brad a moment to realize what he was seeing as a large black van came speeding in at the guards with weapons. The van never slowed as it struck the men, sending two into the air and leaving two others pinned under the front of it.

  Brad wasted no time. He used the distraction to charge in Alice’s direction. He was almost to her when she twisted and slammed her fist down and back, hitting one of the men in the groin with enough force that Brad heard it. The man doubled over and screamed. Brad reached Alice just as the other guard near her made a move to use his weapon.

  Alice shook her head and then pushed her hands up, hitting the man’s arm, making his shot go wide and miss Brad just as Brad grabbed for the man’s neck. With a twist, the threat was eliminated.

  His woman grabbed for him, seemingly unconcerned with the fact he was partially shifted. She clung to him, shaking and hugging him tight.

  “They said they had you,” she confessed. “I thought you were dead.”

  “No,” he said, shocked by the wolf’s quick draw back. It allowed Brad to take full human form again and seemed quite content with itself. Brad wrapped his arms around Alice and kissed the top of her head. “I’m fine, baby.”

  She patted his chest and then tensed. “Um, is it me or did a pimp and a pirate just come to our aide?”

  “Huh?” Brad turned to find the two men from the motel lobby exiting the black van. The wiry-haired guy came from the driver’s side and grinned, showing off his crooked teeth.

  “How ya doing?” he asked. “Gus here was worried we wouldn’t make it in time to help save you, but I told him we’d be fine.”

  Confused, Brad shook his head. “What?”

  The pirate looked off in the other direction, seeming agitated. The wiry-haired one shrugged. “Oh, right. I never introduced myself. I’m Bill or Wild Bill as most call me. And this here is my best friend Gus. We’re working our way towards being special operatives. We’re really good at it. Rescued a princess once too.”

  Alice laughed. “You were at the motel.”

  Bill nodded and then blushed. “Might have peeked in the window to check on you both and got an eye full.” He looked Brad up and down slowly. “Did the government make you too? That how you got a willy that big? I’ve been asking for an enhancement. All I got was drugs. Lots of them, but they didn’t make my dick bigger.”

  Brad wasn’t sure how to respond. Even his wolf was stunned by the statement.

  Alice broke into a fit of laughter.

  Gus faced Alice’s direction and lowered his head. Alice gasped and grabbed at Brad’s shirt. “He knows Mae. She’s not dead!”

  “What? Wait, you can read him?”

  “I can,” said Alice. “But he’s not like others either. Less noise in his head. Can’t say the same for Bill. His head is pretty much chaos.”

  Bill smiled wide. “Oh yeah, we know Mae. We just met her. She believed us when Gus told her you were alive.”

  Brad held tighter to Alice. “She’s okay? She made it out of the explosion?”

  “Got herself mated to the one with the pink tips on the ends of his hair, but other than that, she’s good. I mean, if you like your men British and all. I don’t. Corbin is good to her. He and his friends are looking for you two, but they’re looking in the wrong places. Gus here knows things, don’t ya, Gus? He knew to go to the motel. Knew you’d need our help here tonight too. I told the others we’d get to save Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. They never believe me though.”

  Alice pulled free from Brad and went towards the men. She stepped over a downed guard and walked right up to Gus, pulling him into a hug. She then did the same for Bill, making the man turn a few shades of pink in the process.

  Alice looked to Brad, unshed tears of joy in her eyes. “She’s okay.”

  Bill tugged at his lower lip. “James, the doctor back were we came from, says she’s probably related to Brad. Something about an Asia Project or something. I don’t know. But they think you were all tested on as babies. Think you got good drugs then too?”

  Brad stiffened, thinking back to how overprotective he’d been of Mae and how his feelings for her had been on the opposite spectrum of sexual. Hearing the suggestion that she was somehow related to him fit. It felt right.

  Alice beamed. “Can we go home now, please?”

  He nodded. “I think so.”

  Bill threw his hands in the air. “I’ll drive.”

  Gus stood perfectly still, his gaze meeting Brad’s briefly. Bill groaned and then looked back at Brad. “Gus says hurry up. The place the guard with no hand or head came from has a tracking device implanted in you. It’s tiny and they couldn’t get a read when you were being held at the other place, but they can now that you’re in the open. Gus says James can take it out without a problem.” Bill opened the front of his leather jacket and pulled out a small baggie. “I got some of the good shit here if you want it for the pain. Helps me every time. But, uh, don’t let the others there know. They take my stuff away all the time. They’re big meanie heads.”

  They’d planted a tracking device on him? His gaze snapped to Alice. He’d put her in harm’s way. He’d get her killed if he didn’t put distance between them.

  Running solves nothing.

  Brad froze, the voice in his head new, one he’d never heard before. With a clear understanding of who had spoken to him mentally, he looked to the man dressed as a pirate.

  Come with us now and our friends can see to your safety and the safe removal of the device. Run and you will forever run.

  “They’ll hurt her if they find me,” said Brad, ignoring the questioning look Alice gave him.

  Gus never moved as he spoke in Brad’s head again. If you come with us, she’ll be safe and so will you. Run and she’ll follow.

  Brad took a deep breath and then walked in the direction of Bill. He put his hand out. “Fine, but I’m driving. I saw your entrance and I’m pretty sure you’re on drugs as we speak.”

  Bill tipped his head. “Are you saying you aren’t?”

  “Get in the van,” barked Brad, liking the two men despite the fact they were both clearly crazy. He snorted. His rescue team looked like they could join the Village People at a moment’s notice.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Alice sat, watching her husband ta
lk with the group of men who had swarmed them within minutes of arriving. They’d barely gotten in the door before it seemed like they were sandwiched in the center of a group of muscular men, all of whom fired off question after question. Alice had yet to get all their names straight—though she was trying. She’d taken to thinking of them in terms such as, the Goth, the Scot, the Blond, the Grump and the Doctor.

  Two of the men gave Bill and Gus quite a scolding about running off on their own. Bill maintained they’d had it all under control and that they should be made full-fledged special operatives as they had saved “Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf”.

  It was hard to see Bill and Gus as anything other than adorable. Though, Brad would have said otherwise after having to deal with the two men on the ride to PSI Headquarters. Alice hid her laugh as she thought back to Brad having to pull off to the side of the road to allow Bill to pee. It had taken some convincing, chasing, tackling and then flat out throwing the small man over Brad’s shoulder to get Bill back in the vehicle. Gus had sat quietly in the van with Alice, his attention on something else entirely.

  It was easy to see Bill and Gus were important to the PSI operatives. Even the grumpy one seemed worried about their well-being. If she was right, the Grump’s name was Duke. After appearing relieved to see the two men alive and then questioning why they were dressed as a pimp and a pirate, Duke had yelled at them for daring to go off on their own in the first place.

  Bill had yelled right back, accusing Duke of being a “big fat meanie-head”.

  Everyone at PSI seemed to really care for one another. They’d welcomed Brad and Alice with open arms and, it seemed, open hearts. The Doctor, or James if she had his name correct, had insisted he be allowed to check her and Brad over to make sure they were medically okay. Brad had been difficult to deal with during her exam, more than likely because alpha males tended to have issues with other men around their women. Plus, they liked to worry about everything to do with their mates. Thankfully, he finally calmed enough to speak with the others and answer their questions.


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