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Girth Page 14

by Savannah Rylan

  She was moaning again as I started driving into her. My fingers found her clit and I stroked that sweet sensitive spot, teasing it and rubbing it till I knew that she wouldn’t be able to hold back much longer. Lila came violently. I could feel her juices trickling out of her. Her moans were loud in my ears and her whole body was shaking as she orgasmed.

  She had reached for my neck now and wrapped her arms around me. Her nails were digging into my back and it only spurred me ahead. I thrust my cock repeatedly into her, over and over again till I knew she was going to come again.

  “Oh my God! Girth! Oh my God!” she was screaming and I released as she came again. I growled. Clutching her breasts for support as I shot my seed into her. Lila’s body shook and she was staring at me slack jawed while she came. I couldn’t even stroke her clit anymore, all I could do was empty myself deliciously deep inside her till I was too spent to even remain standing.

  Once my orgasm began to die down, I pulled my cock out of her, staggered backwards and sat down on the floor. My back was against the kitchen counter and Lila was still on the table, watching me curiously.

  I knew what she was thinking. She was waiting for me to exclaim that this had been a mistake again. That we shouldn’t have had sex and I needed to do my job.

  But those words never came out of my mouth. I didn’t want to say them, because I didn’t believe in them anymore.

  With my eyes on her heaving bare breasts, I patted the spot beside me on the floor. I saw Lila’s eyes light up and that was all I needed to see. She jumped off the table and rushed towards me, sitting down on the floor beside me.

  “Invitation accepted,” she said with a giggle and I could feel my eyelids drooping. I hadn’t slept a wink the previous night, and now after sex, I felt totally drained, like I couldn’t even keep my eyes open.

  She leaned towards me, placing her head on my shoulder and I breathed in deeply so that her scent now filled my lungs.

  “You’re beautiful Lila, I think I’m falling in love with you,” I mumbled, but I couldn’t really hear what I was saying to her. I did hear her laugh though.

  “I think what you’re doing is falling asleep,” I heard her say and then she was tugging at my body, positioning me flat against the floor so that I had no other choice but to lay my head on her lap.

  Lila was stroking my head tenderly now and my eyes had drooped down.

  “But…” I managed to mumble and she shushed me. The shapes she was tracing with her fingers in my hair had a magically hypnotizing effect on me.

  “It’ll be fine. Just get some sleep. I’ll wake you up in a few hours and then you can go back to doing your job,” I heard her voice as my mind started drifting off to sleep. I could sense that it was going to be a deep peaceful sleep, in her arms, on her lap, with her fingers in my hair.

  Chapter 25


  Girth and I were standing in front of the doors of T-Bone. We could hear the voices of the rest of the MC inside. I wasn’t even sure if Hugh had said anything to my dad, my hope was that he hadn’t.

  Girth and I were holding hands, staring at the door and biding our time before we stepped inside.

  “Are you sure about this?” I whispered to him. I was looking at his sharp profile, his strong pointy nose, his scruffy beard thick and dark, his eyes shining bright as he glared at the entrance of the bar.

  “There is no way around it. We need to tell Lewis. I need to tell Lewis. I can’t keep doing this behind his back,” Girth said. He was repeating the same words he had said to me back in the house.

  He had slept on the floor of the kitchen, with his head on my lap and I had fallen asleep too. We had woken up a few hours later to discover that it was the late afternoon already.

  Girth was a different man now, once he had admitted his feelings for me to himself. We held each other, kissed and laughed and worked ourselves up to a heady state of desire again. It was only when I was about to take his cock in my hands again that he stopped me. He told me that he needed to speak to Daddy first, before we could take this any further.

  “Let’s just do it,” Girth growled now, and then dragging me along by my hand, he led me into the bar where nearly all the members of the MC were present.

  Some heads turned to us. I saw Abe and Rodeo standing near Daddy and their gaze immediately dropped to the spot between Girth and me where our hands were fused. I saw Abe gulp. He was already predicting the worst to happen.

  Daddy had his back turned to us while he sat at the bar counter, cradling a bottle of beer in his hands.

  “Daddy,” I called out to him and he looked over his shoulder, with the bottle at his lips.

  “Mouse! You’re back!” Daddy sounded jubilant and he was swiveling around on the bar stool. I could sense Girth tugging at my hand. He wanted to slip it out of my grip. I held him back.

  Daddy turned to us fully and he was smiling at me. I tried to grin at him too but I knew he would see it soon enough—Girth and me holding hands. Daddy’s gaze dropped to it soon enough, and when it did, I could see the rage brimming behind his eyes.

  Girth jerked his hand away from me this time and stepped towards Daddy with an apologetic look in his eyes.

  “Lewis, we have something to tell you,” Girth began by saying. Daddy’s brows were crossed and he was glaring at Girth and then at me again.

  “I can guess what you have to say,” Daddy’s voice was firm and there was anger brewing inside him. Every person in the bar could sense it and everyone was silent. I gulped. This had been a bad idea. I could feel it in my bones.

  Instead of stepping back, Girth held his ground and nodded his head.

  “I’ll walk out of here and never come back if you want me to,” he said.

  “No! Daddy! Don’t tell him to do that!” I cried and I could feel the tears welling up inside me. I knew Girth was capable of it. If Daddy told him to leave, he would do it.

  Daddy turned to me and his eyes were wide and angered.

  “Lila, stop talking,” he was talking with his teeth gritted. I clamped my mouth shut but my lips were quivering.

  “Lewis, I didn’t want anything to happen behind your back,” Girth said and Daddy turned to him again. There was a sour look on his face.

  “Looks like things have happened between the two of you already,” he snapped and all Girth could do was clench his jaws.

  “Daddy, you can’t keep telling me what to do or who to be with. I’m tired of not having a life of my own. I’m sick of being a prisoner in my own home!” I was screaming now, but my father seemed unaffected by what I was saying. He continued to glare at Girth.

  “It’s against the rules. The rules that apply to my men apply to you too. You’re working with us now or have you forgotten that?” Daddy’s voice sizzled as he spoke to Girth menacingly.

  “I haven’t forgotten and I know I’m breaking the rules, but…” Girth began to say but Daddy held his hand up to shut him up.

  “Don’t tell me you’re in love with Lila, I don’t fucking want to hear it,” Daddy hissed and I gulped before I spoke to him again.

  “I’m going to New York,” I said. Even though the bar had already been silent, it seemed like a new kind of silence had descended on everyone. Daddy seemed to be turning his head in my direction in slow motion.

  “What are you talking about, mouse?” he asked with his brows crossed and I licked my lips nervously. This wasn’t prepared. I had never thought I would actually say the words aloud to him.

  “I’m going to New York so I can get away from all this. So that I can finally lead my own life and you can’t stop me from being with the men I choose for myself,” I cried and Daddy looked more surprised than angry when he heard my words.

  “You’re being silly, Lila,” he finally said and I crossed my arms over my breasts and stuck my chin up in the air.

  “Tell yourself that, Daddy. Tell yourself that I’m being silly. I’m an adult and I can go where I want. You can’t stop me,” I s
aid and I met Daddy’s eyes with a new kind of conviction. For a few moments, Daddy still seemed more confused than anything, after which his eyes dimmed and he seemed to begin to realize that these weren’t just empty threats.


  “Dating my daughter is against the MC rules. Everyone knows that, and Girth like all the others must abide by these rules,” Daddy said. The aggression in his voice had faded a little, after he realized that he wasn’t going to scare me into submission this time.

  “Except Hugh, right?” I snapped and Daddy looked shiftily around, as though he was making sure that Hugh wasn’t in the room.

  “Hugh is a good man. He is responsible and easy on the eyes too,” he said with a grin and I arched an eyebrow at him.

  “Have you forgotten the little detail about me liking him, and him liking me back?” I asked and Daddy looked confused again.

  “He does like you, and I always thought you liked him too,” Daddy said and I rolled my eyes.

  “I spoke to Hugh this morning. He doesn’t have any feelings for me. Besides, I’m not even attracted to him. You can’t force us to be together,” I argued and I watched as Daddy drew in a deep dejected breath.

  “Everything that I do for you, Lila, I do to keep you safe and make you happy,” he said and I stepped towards him in a rush.

  “Then do this for me, Daddy, accept our relationship so that I can be happy,” I said and we were staring at each other. I was pleading him with my eyes and he gritted his teeth.

  “Girth is supposed to be your bodyguard,” Daddy said and I nodded my head.

  “That doesn’t have to change. Nobody can keep me safe the way Girth does. I trust him,” I said and Daddy’s eyes travelled to Girth again. He waited a few moments before he spoke again.

  “I trust him too,” he said and I tried to stifle a smile.

  “Then what are you worried about?” I asked and waited for Daddy to reply.

  I wasn’t expecting Girth to speak up, but he did.

  “It’s against the rules, Lila, and we need to respect that. Without these rules there will be anarchy,” Girth growled from behind me and I pressed my eyes close. I couldn’t believe he was actually on Daddy’s side. That his sense of duty and loyalty was so strong towards an MC that he had only recently joined.

  Daddy was watching me. I could sense that he was trying to figure out my true feelings. If he could truly look into my soul, he would see what I was feeling. He would know that this was for real.

  “Fuck the rules!” he exclaimed and my eyes grew wild. Those were not words I had ever heard Daddy use before. He was never the kind of man who wanted to fuck the rules, but here he was; actually saying them.

  I could feel the corners of my lips tugging in a smile.

  “Daddy?” I said, barely in a whisper and he threw his arms open for me to fall into.

  I sank into my father’s arms, smiling as he held me close to his chest. He was stroking my back now.

  “You have always gotten what you wanted, mouse,” Daddy said and I looked up at him with my cheeks flushed, my eyes sparkling with excitement.

  “But this time, darling Lila, I’m glad you’ve asked for something that I’m happy to give to you,” Daddy said and he pressed my cheeks with his thumbs the way he used to when I was little.

  “Happy?” it was Girth’s shocked voice that interrupted us and Daddy looked up at him now, over my shoulder.

  “Lila is right. There is nobody better to keep her safe. I’m sorry if I was hard on you yesterday, Girth, I had every intention of thanking you too. None of us could have chased her down and brought her back to safety the way you did. For that I am grateful,” Daddy replied.

  I turned to look at Girth with a wide smile on my face. He was still looking shocked, like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. I was surprised too, but I was too happy and relieved to express anything else.

  “So, what you are saying is that you will not have me lynched for being with your daughter?” Girth asked. Daddy, who was still holding me by my shoulders now broke into sudden laughter.

  Some of the men in the bar chuckled along too, while Girth continued to glare at my father. Still unsure about what the situation was.

  “No. You can breathe easy, brother,” Daddy said and then pulled me in for another hug and placed a kiss on my cheek.

  “Go on, go to him. I’m not going to stop you,” he said and gave me a light push.

  With my cheeks flushed, and my eyes heavy with excitement, I took a few steps towards Girth. He was looking too embarrassed to even meet my eyes now, but then he stretched his hand out towards me.

  My heart was racing in my chest as he kept his hand out, urging me to go to him.

  I rushed towards him and he pulled me into his arms.

  It was Daddy who started clapping, and within seconds, every person in the bar was clapping too. It was strange to be in the arms of a man, in the presence of the whole MC, and nobody was trying to shoot him down.

  I looked up at Girth, who surprisingly, was smiling too right now.

  “Can I say I told you so?” I asked him and he grinned.

  “Yes, Lila, you are always right. I’m slowly coming to realize it,” Girth said and we shared our first kiss in front of the MC.

  Chapter 26


  Lewis was behind the bar, pouring me a drink and my head was spinning. Within minutes of Lewis declaring that he was not going to protest against Lila and me being together, the celebrations began.

  It was only now that I was realizing that Lila had been single for years. Other than a few casual relationships she’d had in high school with boys who didn’t deserve her; she had never been in any serious relationships. So, even though it had taken the MC members and Lewis some time to warm to me being with her, everyone was in a good mood now just based on the fact that Lila finally had a man.

  When I looked over my shoulder, I saw that Lila was sitting down on a chair, in the middle of a circle made up of Abe, Rodeo and some of her friends who were forcing shots down her throat. Lila’s loud throaty laugh filled the bar and I was beginning to feel a little light headed. This was not the reaction I was expecting when I told Lewis the truth.

  I thought that I would have to leave Orlando, leave Lila and never come back. I was expecting Elwood to kick me out of the Rogue Rebels too. I didn’t think I deserved to belong to a brotherhood after I had broken the most basic rule. But instead, Lewis had filled a pint glass up with beer and now smacked it down in front of me on the counter.

  “You, sir, deserve a drink,” Lewis said and wiped his hand with a rag. I thanked him and gulped some of the beer down my throat and Lewis was watching me with studious eyes.

  “I don’t know what spell my daughter has cast on you, but you need my blessings and you need luck,” Lewis said and we smiled at each other.

  “I don’t deserve her,” I said and Lewis nodded his head as he started pouring himself a drink as well.

  “No, you don’t. Nobody does. In my eyes, in my world, Lila is a princess and she deserves to be treated like one,” Lewis said and I clenched my jaws.

  “I intend on treating her as one,” I said and he smiled.

  “I can see that you will. She has made the right decision and I’m relieved. I would have been happy to see her with Hugh too, but that was before I had even considered the two of you as a couple,” Lewis said.

  I was guzzling my glass of beer down thirstily. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a drink. So much had happened since I first arrived here. I’d met and fallen for a woman who brought me to my knees. Everything about this city was bloody insane.

  “I need you to know, Lewis, that I never intended on going against your MC or your rules,” I said, as Lewis took a sip of his drink too.

  “And I want you to know that if you ever hurt my daughter, or do anything to make her cry…” Lewis began to say but I was nodding already.

  “I’ll have your entire MC to answer to,
” I said.

  “And the Rogue Rebels. Elwood will not stand for Lila being hurt either,” he added.

  I knew he was right, but I didn’t have any intention of hurting Lila. I wanted to hold on to this feeling, the way she was making me feel; all my life and I would fight it to my death to keep it that way.

  Lila came up to us then, and I pulled her into my arms.

  “I think I’ve had three shots of tequila,” Lila said and laughed.

  “I think you have,” Lewis said and shook his head. Father and daughter smiled at each other, before they both turned to me again.

  “Your man here was just telling me how he intends on treating you like a princess all your life,” Lewis said and I looked at Lila with a smile. She was shaking her head and had her brows crossed.

  “I don’t want to be treated like a princess. I wanted to be treated like an actual adult woman. Can you do that for me, Girth?” she asked and I leaned towards her, drinking in the shape of her perfect pouty lips and the color of her clear blue eyes. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever set my eyes on.

  “You don’t have to ask me twice,” I said and Lila closed the gap between us and we were kissing again.

  When Lewis turned away from us, to talk to some of the other guys, Lila and I were staring into each other’s eyes.

  “What about New York?” I asked her. I couldn’t exactly forget about it. She had cried in my arms over it. I knew exactly how badly she wanted to go. Lila shrugged her shoulders.

  “What about it?” she asked and I looked at her with an indulgent expression on her face.

  “Lila, I don’t want to turn into your father. I don’t want to keep you from doing what you really want to do,” I said and she watched me with her sparkling blue eyes as I chugged down the rest of the beer. Lila licked her lips and drew in a deep breath.

  “The only reason I wanted to go to New York, was to have an adventure, to experience something new, to defy my father and to feel safe. I get all of those things from you, Girth and then some,” she said and she sank into my open arms again.


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