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Girth Page 27

by Savannah Rylan

  But I could just as easily get to-go trays for them from here.

  I decided to stay just in case my brother showed up. I hadn’t seen him at all since I’d gotten home and I got the distinct impression that he was avoiding me. Even though we patched things up over the years and even though he came to my graduation, it still felt like he was trying to erase me.

  And if he didn’t want to come over to the house, then I would simply inhabit the places I knew he enjoyed until he showed up.

  I found an empty place up at the bar that suited me just fine. People were staring at me. Men were raking their eyes up and down my body. And while most women would roll their eyes and scoff, I drank it all in. It reminded me of my job in college. Of the connections I made and the men I served and the protected atmosphere they created. Yes, they were dogs. Whistling at me and tapping me on the ass so I could secure a nicer tip. But if shit ever started in that bar, they were the first to jump to my rescue. The first to throw themselves in the line of fire to make sure I was okay. They worked hard, and they partied hard, but they defended those they cared for hard as well.

  I never took it to heart. Especially when it lined my pockets with money that helped save up to help my parents.

  I rolled my shoulders back and started for the bar, my eyes settling on the man I was going to be sitting beside. His frame was strong, and his hair was dark. It accented the sun-kissed element of his skin as he talked with the guys that sat beside him. They were all murmuring to one another as their eyes traveled my body. But his eyes were different.

  His eyes stayed connected with mine. Never once dropped to my breasts or my ass or my thighs.

  I sat down beside him, my eyes taking him in. His posture was unassuming. Unguarded in a way the rest of the guys weren’t. There was something familiar about the entire situation. There was something familiar behind the hazel eyes staring back at me. The bartender approached us and asked me for my order, peeling my attention away from the handsome man beside me.

  If I weren’t so thirsty, I would’ve been annoyed at the intrusion.

  “What’ll it be?” the bartender asked.

  “Whatever beer’s on special,” I said.

  “You didn’t strike me as a beer drinker,” the man said.

  “Yeah? And what kind of drink did you think I would enjoy?” I asked.

  I had his attention, and I wasn’t letting it go. I could hear my beer sliding towards me, and I reached out for it, clocking it in my peripheral as I caught it between my fingers. The man’s eyes fell to my hand as I brought the beer to my lips, his eyes following my every move as I tilted my head back.

  I made a show of how easy it was for me to swallow the liquid down as the men behind him groaned.

  “I don’t know. A fireball?” he asked.

  Now his grin matched mine as I set my beer back down on the table.

  “That a quip on my hair? Good one,” I said.

  “I’ve got more if you’re interested.”

  “Assume I am, Clever Boy,” I said.

  “Boy?” I asked. “What makes you think I’m a boy?”

  “Your charm.”

  He was a fun one to play around with. And I was surprised at how attracted I was to him. The rough bad boy type had never been my thing, especially since Colt kept me shaded from that life. Even if it was my thing, I could never get within a mile of someone like that before my brother stepped in. He didn’t want to spend time with me and hang out, but he sure as hell was ready to come in between me and a piece of nice cock.

  But now, Colt was nowhere to be found, and I was falling into the hazel embrace of the man sitting next to me. His legs were strong, and his chest was broad. His forearms were flushed with veins that were bulging for my viewing pleasure. I felt my body yearning for him. I felt the heat rising up my back and threatening to choke my air supply off. There was something that drew me to him. An invisible force that felt both erotic and recognizable.

  I knew he had to be one of Colt’s friends, I just didn’t know from where. He wasn’t wearing a leather cut so he couldn’t be a part of The Fallen Reapers. But he looked familiar somehow.

  The guys he was with had leather jackets, but they were tossed over the chairs they were sitting in. If they were leather cuts, I couldn’t see any names or logos on them. I pulled my eyes back to the man sitting next to me, his body now turned fully towards me as one of the men spoke up behind him.

  “Hey, you guys wanna go shoot some pool?” someone asked.

  “I’m in.”

  “Get me a stick ready, I gotta piss.”

  “Don’t get lost. Pretty sure our friend’s slumped against a wall or something.”

  “Or found some chick to bang.”

  “That, too,” the man with the hazel eyes said. “You guys go enjoy yourselves. I’ll be over in a bit.”

  “Take your time,” someone said.

  So there was another one of them. Interesting. But I knew what they were doing and they sure as hell were obvious about it. They wanted to give me and their new little friend some time by ourselves. Which I was grateful for. I hadn’t come out with the intention of finding someone to sink my teeth in, but I wasn’t going to deny myself the pleasure I was sure he could bring if he wanted it as much as I did.

  His group got up and made their way into the other room as the two of us sat there, nursing our beers and staring at one another.

  Most women would find interaction like this uncomfortable, but I didn’t. I enjoyed looking into the eyes of the men I wanted. It helped me to read their truthfulness in a situation. A man who was willing to open himself up to the idea of a woman reading him was a man worth screwing. It meant he wouldn’t play games. It meant he wouldn’t fuck around with my body. It meant he was willing to get down to business and treat me with the respect I deserved from him.

  I never fucked around with men who couldn’t look me in the eye.

  An easy silence descended upon us as I turned back towards the bar. The man with the beautiful hazel eyes followed my movements, turning himself back to the bar. I finished my drink and beckoned for another one as the bartender came over.

  “The same? Or you wanna try something different?”

  “The same. And could you bring me some chips and salsa as well?” I asked.

  “You’re gonna want a different beer with those,” the bartender said. “The beer you’re drinking now will taste like shit.”

  “Then bring me what you think will go well with chips and salsa, since that’s a thing now with drinks,” I said.

  I rose my eyes and caught Mr. Hazel Eyes in the mirror that made up the wall behind the liquors. He was grinning as he tipped his beer up to his lips. I snickered and shook my head, suddenly feeling like a giggling school girl sitting next to my high school crush.

  What was this man doing to me?

  “You got a name?” the man asked.

  “Zoey,” I said.

  “Seems to be a common name around here,” he said.

  “What’s yours?” I asked.

  “Depends. Usually, people call me by my last name. At least, they did.”

  “What would you prefer I call you, then?” I asked.

  “Whatever your heart desires,” he said.

  “Okay then, hot stuff.”

  I winked at him in the mirror, and he smiled and shook his head. His smile lit up his eyes and exposed the cute little dimples in his cheeks. They were deep. So deep they cast the smallest shadow upon his features. Those dimples turned his rough, rugged face into a boyish beauty right in front of my eyes.

  I used to know someone like that. Someone from very long ago.

  “Everything okay?” the man asked.

  “Yeah. Sorry. Just… thinking about someone,” I said.

  “Ah. So you have a someone.”

  “Nope. But your smile. When you smiled, you reminded me of someone I knew awhile back.”

  “He a good someone?”

  “What makes yo
u think it’s a ‘he’?” I asked.

  “With beautiful women like you, it’s always a ‘he.’”

  “Down boy. There’s no competition here. Just some friendly flirting with some drinks and chips,” I said.

  “Your chips aren’t-”

  “Order up,” the bartender said as he slid the chips and salsa my way.

  I turned my head and grinned at the hazel-eyed man as he shook his head.

  “Used to work in a bar,” I said. “They’re all different, but they all operate off the same rhythm. The same pulsing vein.”

  “You make a dive bar sound romantic,” he said.

  “Just because the word ‘dive’ is in there doesn’t mean it can’t be.”

  “You lookin’ for a bit of romance tonight?” he asked.

  “Not really my thing. Gets in the way of what people really want.”

  “And what is it you want?” the man asked.

  I picked at a few chips before I drained the rest of my beer.

  “To share my appetizer with you. Hungry, hot stuff?” I asked.

  The man smiled at me and slid his chair closer, allowing his fingers to gravitate towards my food. I watched as he scooped some salsa onto his chip, then placed it in his mouth. His lips were pink. Twinged with life and pulsing with a need of its own as I watched him eat. We shared the appetizer together and nursed another beer, allowing the comfortable silence to settle between us.

  Then, it was him who broke the silence.

  “Has anyone ever told you that your hair matches your personality?”

  Chapter 5


  I was thankful the guys went to go play pool because I didn’t want them thinking I’d ditched them for a piece of ass. And fuck, was I staring at a beautiful one. I didn’t go for most kinds of women. The men of the group enjoyed one particular kind, and those were the innocent women with the big eyes. The ones with the quiet dispositions and the fidgeting fingers. To them, there was something about corrupting a bit of innocence that was appealing to them.

  But I didn’t enjoy those types of women.

  I liked mine bold. Confident. With a bit of meat on her thighs. I liked mine a little louder and more sultry, with a dash of sass. I enjoyed silencing their arguments with my cock and hearing them cry out for mercy in my ear when they found out the man with the fake leg had a big ass cock. I loved hearing them choke on it. I loved watching their fiery eyes fill with tears as they fell to their knees to please me.

  And fuck, did I love the way they took control when they were on top.

  “Has anyone ever told you your hair matches your personality?” I asked.

  I saw her eyes studying me as I plucked a chip from the basket.

  “Can’t say I have,” she said. “Though I’m impressed. Most men don’t ever care to learn my hair color.”

  “Do you fuck a lot of blind men? It’s pretty hard to miss.”

  “Not sure if that’s a compliment or a quip.”

  “Take it as either,” I said. “I don’t care.”

  The two of us picked at the chips as we stole glances at one another. The way her lips wrapped around her beer was sensual, and it tugged at something carnal in me. My eyes scanned her body, taking in every valley and curve I wanted my hand to grasp onto. I wasn’t trying to hide it. It was stupid for men to do that kind of thing. If a woman didn’t like it, all she had to do was speak up. Tell me to stop. I was a gentleman. I would stop if she wanted.

  But this beautiful woman was devouring me right back, her eyes telling the same story of her own wanton desires.

  She grabbed her beer and downed the rest of it before she slid from her stool. I watched as she grabbed onto one more chip, her lips making a show of eating it in front of my eyes. A bit of salsa dripped onto her lips and she licked it off with her tongue. I groaned internally, thinking about that tongue wrapping around the head of my cock.

  Fuck. This woman was going to be the death of my tonight.

  I watched the swaying of her hips as she made her way to the bathroom. I watched her closely, hoping for that one little motion. That one little signal that told me she wanted me to follow her. I could feel my hips warming and my cock rising. I could taste the saltiness of her pussy and feel her warmth around my dick. My eyes followed her as she stopped at the women’s restroom, her hand descending onto the doorknob as she froze.

  Then, her eyes rose and connected with mine.

  There it was. The signal was coming.

  She nodded her head as she pushed into the restroom and the game was on. I wiped my hands off and chugged the rest of my beer, feeling it work its way through my body as I steadied myself on my leg. I wiped my mouth off and tossed the napkin onto the bar, then made my way to the bathroom.

  I pushed through the door and locked it behind me, listening as a sultry giggle wafted from the last stall.

  “I was wondering if you got the hint,” she said.

  I pushed open each and every bathroom door, allowing the metal to clang against metal as I made my way for her. She giggled with every sound as I approached the last stall, my cock at full attention behind the confines of my jeans. I pushed through the door and saw her standing there, her shoes and jeans already cast aside as she leaned against the wall.

  “Why don’t you shut that door and come here?” she asked.

  I shut the stall door and locked it as my eyes raked over her body. Her legs were full and toned, with her thigh muscles ever-so-slightly defined. I wanted to drop to my knees and taste all of her.

  I wanted to fuck her, make her beg, then leave her with my come dripping down her thigh.

  I strode to her and crashed my lips down onto hers. I felt her sharp intake of breath, surprised at the control I ripped from her. My hands snaked underneath her shirt, feeling her soft stomach as I made my way to her tits. My hand worked its way underneath her bra, feeling her luscious mound pebbling for me as I massaged it.

  Her body was so warm, and I could already smell her delicious pussy.

  My lips worked their way down her neck, nipping at her skin and messing up her clothes. My free hand explored between her thighs, feeling her wetness gathering at her panties as she rolled into my hand. I grinned against her skin. At how desperate she was for any sort of friction. I could feel the goosebumps cascading along her skin as I bent my lips down to her nipple.

  She moaned the sweetest sound I had ever heard as my lips wrapped around her tit.

  I marked her breast and sucked her tit until she was begging me for more. I slid my hand into her panties, my fingertips dipping into her wetness. My cock was dripping against my boxers, aching to be inside of this beautiful woman whose name I didn’t know.

  Or couldn’t recall.

  Whichever was the right one.

  “Shit,” she said breathlessly. “Fuck, that feels so good.”

  I swirled her clit slowly with my wet fingertips as I tugged at her nipple with my teeth.

  “I need… I need more,” she said.

  “Do we have any manners?” I asked.

  I lifted my gaze to hers, reveling in the glassy-eyed stare of a woman who was giving herself over to me.

  “Please,” she said in a whisper. “Please give me more.”

  I slid my hand from her, and she whimpered at the loss of contact. I brought my fingertips to my lips, licking her arousal off my skin. She groaned with lust, her pupils blown wide as I held her gaze. Her hands dropped to my pants and pulled my cock out, through my zipper.

  She gripped the meat of me tightly as I held onto her thighs, prompting her to jump as I pinned her against the wall.

  My thick girth was dripping as I slid into her. She was warm and wet. Tight as fuck for a woman who was so skilled at the way she was seducing me. I pinned her to the bathroom wall with my hands as my knees faltered, her pussy taking me by surprise.

  It was better than any I’d ever had, and it took me a second to steady myself.

  Her hands were gripping int
o my ass as I rolled into her. I could feel her legs contracting around my waist as she pulled me deeper into her body. Our lips collided in sloppy kisses, our teeth clattering as our tongues battled for dominance. My hands rushed to her thighs and gripped them, looking for any sort of leverage as I began to pound into her.

  “That’s it. Just like that. Don’t stop. Oh, fuck. Give it to me. I love it hard. Rough. Fuck!”

  Skin slapping skin filled the women’s restroom as I watched my cock disappear into her body. Her white arousal was slicking my skin and splattering all over my pelvis. She was wet for me. Drenched and dripping down my balls as I plowed into her. I was having a hard time catching my breath as her scent filled my nostrils.

  She smelled so divine she almost choked me.

  Her hands threaded around my neck and brought me back to her lips. Our foreheads rested together as I began to roll deeply into her. I felt her entire body trembling as my balls pulled into my body. I was so close I could taste my own fucking climax. This woman felt heavenly cradled around my cock. Her curves were warm, and her skin was inviting. Her warmth and wetness created a sound that was earth-shattering every time I sank my cock into her.

  But it was her eyes. How vulnerable and desperate they were whenever I caught sight of them.

  It was her eyes that kept me hooked as I approached my end.

  “So close,” I said with a grunt.

  “Come with me,” she said. “Let me come around your cock.”

  I thrust one last time into her body and stilled. My legs trembled as I bit down onto my lip, stifling my groans as she threw her head back into the wall. Her pussy fluttered around my dick, sucking the hot threads of come I had for her as I unloaded into her body. I gripped hard onto her thighs with a touch that would leave bruises behind for her in the morning. I pressed her as far into the wall as I could get her as my lips peppered her chest with kisses.

  I panted into the side of her neck as our mixture of arousals dripped down my balls.

  We stayed like that for a while, her body collapsing against mine. I released her thighs and ran my hands up her curves, memorizing them one last time. I brought my lips up to hers for one last kiss before I helped steady her on her feet, then I tucked my cock back into my pants and pulled my sleeve down my arm hiding my scars that had been slightly exposed.


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