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Girth Page 85

by Savannah Rylan

  “I haven’t seen that fact in play.”

  “Because all you see is what you want to see. You want to convince yourself this will never happen because you were shocked to see me that day after the night we spent together. And I get it. Maybe you wanted me to wake up next to you and kiss you through your morning breath and tell you how beautiful you were with the sunlight pouring against your skin. But that type of language is reserved for my wife. The woman I marry. No other woman deserves that from me other than the woman that’s going to put up with me for the rest of my life. I wasn’t giving it to you that morning because you weren’t my wife. Then I met you that afternoon and realized you would be, and my tune changed. Not because I was trying to save face or hide things from our families, but because your status in my life changed. Immediately. So, I changed along with it.”

  His words hit me like a slap across my face. I wanted to be angry with him. I wanted to yell at him and scream at him and berate him for what I saw. But if what he was saying was true, then it defined him as a decent man. It meant I had called off a wedding to a decent human being. Which meant I was the one that overreacted.

  And I wasn’t ready to admit that yet.

  That I was in the wrong with this one.

  “I don’t believe you,” I said.

  “It doesn’t matter if you believe me, Serena. The only thing that matters is that I’m telling the truth. And despite how you think I feel, I’m not angry with you. Confused and frustrated, yes. Because marriage requires communication.”

  “We aren’t engaged.”

  “Doesn’t change the fact that any relationship requires communication. And you’d rather ignore my calls and send your father after me than talk with me like a woman should. You’d rather run for the shadows and live comfortably in your parents’ home for the rest of your life than take a chance on something you keep tossing away because you won’t communicate when you think I’ve screwed up.”

  “This is not my fault,” I said.

  “No. Because nothing’s the daughter’s fault. If you want to be a grown woman, Serena, then start acting like one.”

  I felt my anger flare back up. I didn’t have to stand there and take that kind of language from him. I didn’t have to stand there and listen to some sexy asshole reprimand me like I was a child.

  “Are you done communicating?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Enzo said.

  “Good. Because so am I.”

  Then I turned down the alleyway, put one foot in front of the other, and stormed off.

  The only issue?

  Enzo was hot on my heels.

  Chapter 17


  “We’re not done talking.”

  “Why the hell did you follow me?” Serena asked.

  “Because unlike you, I can conduct myself like an adult!”

  “I don’t want to talk to you. I have nothing to say. We are no longer engaged and you have no claim to me.”

  “No man has claim to any other woman!”

  “Then why the hell did you beat that guy down in the middle of the club!?”

  “Because he didn’t deserve to touch you,” I said.

  We were standing on the porch of Serena’s parents, and I was glad they were gone. I didn’t know where they were or when they would be back, and I didn’t care. Things were still unresolved between me and their daughter and if things were going to work, we had to hash this out from beginning to end.

  No matter what.

  “Just go away,” Serena said.

  “No. I’m not.”

  “Would you really have been this annoying had we gotten married?” she asked.

  “And then some.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I broke it off,” she said.

  She opened the door to her house and I followed her in. I closed the door behind me and followed her through to the kitchen. She was slamming cabinets and pulling out something from the fridge. She poured herself a drink and chugged it back. I could see her hands were shaking and I hated she felt this way with me. I hated that I put her on edge as much as I did.

  “Go home, Enzo.”

  “Not unless you come with me,” I said.

  “You’re never getting me back to that place,” Serena said.

  “Then we’ll find another home and buy it.”

  “We aren’t engaged. There is no ‘we’.”

  “Not in my book,” I said.

  “Oh, so even though my father called yours and called off the engagement, you think I’m still yours.”

  “What is this thing with you and ownership?” I asked. “I don’t own you. No man does. I want you to be mine because I care about you, but you’re not property.”

  I watched her set her glass down on the counter as her brow furrowed together. Her beautiful, seductive stare panned over to me and I stood my ground. If this was what it took, then so be it. If I had to admit how I was beginning to feel for her in order to get her to listen, then I would do that.

  Because I wasn’t afraid like she was. I wasn’t scared like she was.

  “Say that again?” Serena asked.

  “I want you to be mine because I care about you. But you’re not property, Serena.”

  “You care about me,” she said.


  “Did you care about me when I woke up in that bed by myself?” she asked.

  “I cared enough to make sure you had everything you needed to get yourself cleaned up.”

  “Did you care enough about me when you left me in your apartment without so much as a goodbye?” she asked.

  “No,” I said.

  “Then why the hell should I believe you now?”

  “Because when we went back to my place after the club that night, you were a final venture. Just like I was to you. A last ditch effort to explore the world around me before being tied to another person forever. You want me to be a saint, Serena. But you know better. I’m no saint. And I never will be. But that night, you were a fling. Like I was to you. Then I stepped into your home and saw you standing in the corner and you were introduced as my fiance. So things changed. And you can’t fault me for that, because just that morning you were with another man as well. Even though I was the same person, that man you were with that morning was nothing more to you than a way to pass the time. So what are you really angry at, Serena? What is it that’s got you so damn bothered?”

  Her hand was trembling around her glass as she relinquished it to the sink. I watched tears rise to her eyes as she leaned heavily against the kitchen counter. I wanted to run to her. To go to her. To wrap her in my arms and stroke my fingers through her hair and tell her that whatever this was, it would be all right. That I would help her navigate it and we would get through it together.

  All she had to do was let me in.

  “I had these… rules,” Serena said. “Rules I never broke with men. I never went back to their place, I never saw them more than once or twice, and if we ever met up to have sex it was somewhere neutral. Usually a hotel.”

  I leaned against her kitchen table and crossed my arms over my chest.

  “It was to keep from getting attached. Because I knew what my future was going to bring. I knew my parents were going to find my future husband for me. And I painted it to myself that I would never have to get my heart broken. I’d never have to volley through all the other horror stories my friends have of guys they’ve dated. But I broke my rule with you that night. The one rule that’s probably the most important.”

  “Why?” I asked. “Why did you break that rule and come back with me? You could’ve said ‘no’. I would’ve footed the bill for the hotel. Hell, I would’ve put you up for the whole damn weekend.”

  “Because I liked you,” she said.

  I watched a tear stream down her cheek as she turned her back to me.

  “There was something about your stare. Your eyes. They… sucked me in. Mesmerized me. I enjoyed the way you touched me. The way you kissed
me. The way you… saved me from that guy at the bar who wouldn’t take the hint. And that night was a fairytale. I experienced things with you I’d never had with any other man before. But I woke up that morning in that empty bed with you already clothed and leaving and it…”

  “Brought you back to reality,” I said.

  “I thought I was being stupid, so I got up and went home. But I couldn’t stop thinking about you and I couldn’t stop trying to figure out why you were so intriguing to me. I was even contemplating calling off the engagement before I even met you that afternoon simply because I wanted a chance to find you.”

  I felt my heart swell with pride as I buried the grin growing on my face.

  “You know I’m standing right here. In your kitchen. I haven’t changed. Not much, anyway.”

  “That’s my fear,” she said breathlessly. “You’re a player. A womanizer in ways. In a classy way, but you still are. And the worst part is you don’t even see it. You don’t see that your respect for other women goes so far as to make it look like you’re hitting on them. Cousin or not. Your love and want to be with other women will be the downfall of us, and I care about you, Enzo. More than I should. So much more… and-”

  I pushed off the kitchen table and began walking towards her. Serena’s entire body was trembling as tears rushed down her cheeks. I gripped her hips and lifted her with ease, placing her on the edge of the counter. She tried to push me away, but I stood my ground.

  I wasn’t going anywhere.

  My future wife needed me, even if she didn’t understand it.

  “Once a player, always a player,” Serena said. “And I won’t marry a man like that. No matter how much I care about him.”

  “I won’t be controlled. No one will tell me what I can and cannot do. Can and cannot have, Rena. But when you were gifted to me, that life stopped. I had one last fling that night-- with you-- and then it was over. But you haven’t given me a chance to show you that. You made an assumption based on an interaction you saw while drinking with friends.”

  “Like you did tonight?” she asked.

  “He was touching you, Rena.”

  “And so was she.”

  I pressed my forehead against hers and felt her melt into me. Our lips slowly connected, my hands running up her smooth, bare legs. Her fingers were running through my hair. Her shaking hands were exploring my body. She slit my suit coat off my shoulders as it fell to the floor, our bodies longing for one another.

  We removed what was necessary and I scooted her to the edge of the kitchen. I was going to feel my fiance tonight. I wanted to have her pussy clamping down around my cock as she clung to my body. I loved it when she did that. Gripped me so tightly it was hard to breathe. My cock was pulsing and her pussy was dripping and the sighs falling from her lips concocted the symphony that I wanted my life backdropped with.

  I slid into her wet warmth, feeling her legs tremble as she wrapped them around me.

  “Enzo. Oh… yes.”

  “You’re beautiful, Rena. And you’re mine. And so long as you’re mine, you will always come first.”

  I wrapped my arm around her lower back and slammed into her. Her heels were propped up on the counter and her body was bared for me. Her juices were dripping down my balls as I pounded into her, reminding her of what her future would consist of. Nights of endless passion and arguments that would never go unresolved. An attentive man who loved her and would do anything to build a life with her.

  Because that was what Serena deserved.

  Her arms flew around my neck and I encompassed her in mine. She clung to me. Desperately. Panting in the nape of my neck and kissing my skin. I tangled my hand in her hair as my cock dove in and out of her body. I could feel her walls clamping down around me as my toes began to curl. I buried my face into her hair, murmuring obscenities only said in my wildest dreams.

  The things she pulled from my body were salaciously beautiful.

  Harder and harder. Faster and faster. Until her entire body was jumping against mine. She was a moaning, whimpering mess as we leaked onto her parent’s kitchen counter. My hands fisted her ass and rolled her deep into me, her legs dangling helplessly as she whispered my name.

  “Enzo. Enzo. Don’t stop. Never stop. Yes. Oh.”

  I felt her pussy throbbing with relief as her head fell back in ecstasy. I held her tightly in my arms, watching her entire form jolt with pleasure. I stuffed her full of me, my cock swelling against her walls and painting her body with my come. Hot threads that pumped deep and filled her until we were spilling onto the kitchen floor.

  I captured her lips with mine, feeling my body being filled with a lifetime of love for this woman.

  “I love you, Enzo.”

  The sentiment was soft. Whispered. Like it was meant for only her to hear. I kissed down her cheek. Nipped at her neck. Kissed down to her breasts and mouthed over her clothed nipples. She tugged at my hair, pressing me deeper as her body rode out her pleasure against mine.

  Then our eyes connected and I nuzzled my nose with hers.

  “I love you too, Rena.”

  She collapsed against me. A panting mess as we leaked onto the floor. I stood there in the middle of the kitchen, listening for any signs of her parents while she recuperated. I loved this woman. I was taken by her. No matter how she felt or what she wanted with our future, all I required was a place in it. No matter how long it took us to get married, I wanted her.

  I wanted her to be next to me in this life and the next.

  “Can we get this over with?” Serena asked.

  I furrowed my brow as she leaned her head up to look at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “The wedding. Could we just… elope or something?”

  I felt my heart thunder with anticipation as I watched her intently.

  “You want to get married,” I said.

  “Isn’t that what a woman does when she loves someone?” Serena asked.

  I grin crossed my face as I slid out from between her legs. The two of us took some time to clean up before I helped her off the counter. I took her hands within mine and brought them to my lips, watching her neck flush with lust. Then I got down onto one knee as her eyes widened and looked up into her beautiful hazel eyes that were stormy like the sea and glistening with wonder.

  “Serena Gambani, will you marry me?” I asked.

  She nodded her head, her hands gripping my button-down shirt and pulling me from my knelt position. Our lips crashed together as my arms cloaked her back, bending her body backwards until she was scared she would fall. But instead of bucking against me and trying to wiggle away, she merely clung to me tighter.

  Because she knew I would catch her.


  “Let’s get this wedding over with,” I said into her lips.

  “Music to my ears,” she said.

  Chapter 18


  With the help of my parents, we threw together a wedding within the week. My mother’s wedding dress needed a bit of altering, but only a few changes were necessary. I planned to wear Enzo’s mother’s veil as a sign of the two families merging, and my mother couldn’t stop crying. My father was beaming with pride, telling me how proud he was of the decision I was making for the family.

  But I wasn’t making it for the family.

  I was making it for myself.

  My parents left the room and I took a good look at myself. The dress had this beautiful sheer print on the back of it with satin buttons lining my spine. It hugged my torso before draping over my hips, then fell into a trumpet billow at it hit my ankles. The veil I was wearing was lace and long. It left a grand trail behind me wherever I went and was attached to a comb I stuck in my hair.

  Which was piled high on my head and hairsprayed to perfection.

  A knock came at the door before it started to open. I figured it was my father coming to get me, but once I saw the tuxedo I freaked. What the hell was he doing here? Was he insane?
br />   “Don’t come any closer, Enzo.”

  But he stepped into the room and shut the door behind him.

  “Are you crazy? We aren’t supposed to see each other before the wedding!”

  His eyes locked onto me, slowly roaming my dress and taking it all in.

  “You look… phenomenal, Serena.”

  “And you just ruined the surprise,” I said.

  “You could never be ruined,” Enzo said.

  “This is bad luck, you know. You’ve doomed us to seven years of bad marriage.”

  “I think I have to break a mirror for that one,” he said.

  “That’s seven years of bad luck. It’s different.”

  “How so?”

  He slowly walked towards me, his eyes dancing between mine. He looked wonderful in his tux. Tailored to his muscles and pressing lewdly against his cock. I could practically see the outline of it as it grew at the mere sight of me. I felt shivers run down my spine as I backed into the mirror I was looking at not too long ago.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Taking a good, long look at my wife,” Enzo said.

  “We aren’t married yet.”

  “But we will be soon.”

  His hand dipped down to my waist, fingering the satin fabric against my skin. I looked up into his eyes and saw the want he had for me. It robbed me of my breath as his hand trailed up my body. Fondling my waist and cupping my breast before his palm cradled the back of my neck.

  “We can’t,” I said with a whisper. “My father’ll be back any minute.”

  “Then I guess we better make it quick.”

  In an instant, I was bent over the table next to me. My bouquet was on the floor and his hands were tossing the fabric of my wedding dress over my head. I felt alive against him. Trembling with anticipation as his pants fell to the floor. His cock slipped between my swollen pussy folds, their wetness in anticipation for what was to come.

  “Always so ready for me,” Enzo said. “I like that.”

  He slid into me, pushing me hard against the table. I gripped the edges with my hands, trying to keep a lid on my sounds. I couldn’t bite down on my lip because I would ruin my makeup and Enzo couldn’t grab my hair without ruining it. His fingertips sank into my hips as he settled against me, then I felt him lean his lips down into my ear.


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