Beautifully Broken Life

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Beautifully Broken Life Page 12

by Catherine Cowles

  “Liam, be reasonable. Your record is due in two months, and you have almost nothing. This is the solution that makes the most sense.”

  I stood, beginning to pace. “This isn’t how I work, and you know it. Look, I’ve given you guys four multi-platinum albums. You know my work is good if you don’t rush it.”

  Dan’s voice lost all levity. “We’ve already extended the deadline once. If you don’t deliver, you’ll be in breach of contract.” That was the thing about these people, they shifted on a dime. You were their best friend one second, and their sworn enemy the next.

  My blood began to heat. “I tell you what, Dan. I’m going to get my lawyer and accountant on the phone. I’ll make sure you have the album advance back by the end of business tomorrow. We can just call this one a loss and realize we never should’ve been working together in the first place.”

  Silence. A throat clearing. “That’s not necessary. If you need a little more time, we can work with that. We know true artistry can’t be rushed.”

  Exactly what I thought. It all came down to money. Money and power. My label wanted the claim to my music. It wouldn’t do if I left them and went to another label. How would that make them look? After all, appearances were everything.

  I ran a hand through my hair. “I appreciate that, Dan.”

  “Of course. Now there’s something else I need to talk to you about.”

  “What?” My mind was already on the call I was going to make to my lawyer after this. I’d let Dan think I’d been placated, but I wanted out of this contract. I was done. I’d still make music, but I wanted to do it on my own schedule, without anyone trying to control my art.

  “It appears we might have another issue with your stalker.”

  A sour taste filled my mouth. “What do you mean?”

  Dan cleared his throat again. “We had some comments on your blog and social media accounts that our security experts believe are Ms. Speakman. There is no definitive proof, but the posts are of a threatening nature. We think it’s best if you return to the city and have your security detail with you at all times.”

  I blew out a harsh breath. I lived with threats on my social media accounts every day. It was part of the gig. People wanted to see you rise, others wanted to see you fall. This was nothing new. And it pissed me the fuck off that my label was using a mentally unstable girl as an excuse to call me back to LA. “No.”


  I gripped the railing of the deck. “I said, no.”

  “Well, at least tell us where you are so we can send your security detail there.”

  More like so they could leak it to the press and capitalize on a spike in record sales. “I said no. I’m perfectly safe where I am. If you can’t find me, then whoever is making these threats won’t be able to either.”

  Silence. More shuffling of papers. “You’re a pain in the ass to deal with, you know that?”

  I chuckled, but it had a feral quality to it. “Right back at you. Look, I need to go work on some music so that you can have that album you’ve got such a hard-on for.”

  “Fine.” The word was said through what sounded like gritted teeth. “Let me know when you need me to block out some studio time.”

  Like hell, I would. I was running fast and far from anything to do with Dan and his minions. I was done. Instead of telling him that, though, I lied like the best of them. “Will do.”

  “I’ll be in touch.”

  I ignored Dan’s sign-off and just hung up. I fought the urge to throw my cell phone into the creek below. I was through with being a puppet while the powers that be held my strings and forced me to dance.

  My jaw worked as I stared at the horizon. It was time to take back control of my life. Step one was getting out of this contract. Once that was done, I’d have all the freedom in the world to explore how I wanted to make music.

  The golden grasses of the field rippled in the wind. Maybe I’d buy property here. I’d always wanted to build a house somewhere with enough land to have a separate recording studio. A place where I could have total creative control. Land with room for horses and cattle. A home my parents would love to visit.

  I chuckled remembering the first time my mom had come to my place in Malibu. “It’s lovely,” she’d said with a look of confused horror on her face. It was pretty modern. No real personality. Not me.

  I needed to build a retreat. A true home. Tessa’s face flashed in my mind. I wondered what she’d want in a house. An art studio for sure. Maybe space for her own horses? I shook my head. I was losing it. It might help to have the girl agree to a date before you start building a house with her in mind.



  A lightness had engulfed me since my conversation with Jensen yesterday. I hadn’t realized just how much I needed to release my burden. To tell someone my story. It wasn’t like any of my problems had been solved. Garrett could still find me at any moment, but I felt freer than I had in almost a decade.

  The simple power of feeling seen. Heard. Understood. Believed.

  Jensen had reassured me that she wouldn’t tell anyone what I’d shared with her, but she made me promise that I would think about going to Walker at some point. My muscles tensed at the thought. I couldn’t. It was too risky. I wouldn’t put it past Garrett to kidnap me and bring me back to DC where I had no one in my corner, no one who would believe my claims.

  A chill skittered over my skin. That wasn’t going to happen. I was safe.

  The late-afternoon wind picked up, so strong it lifted my braid off my back. Phoenix whinnied against the air’s force, the mare’s mane flying wildly around. I set my sketchbook on the boulder, careful to weigh a corner down with my bag so it wouldn’t fly away.

  I hopped off the rock. “Come on, Phee. You need a good grooming before you get dreadlocks in your mane.”

  Phoenix seemed to give me the side-eye as though she knew what I was suggesting. It had taken months for her to allow me anywhere near her with a grooming kit. Now, she at least enjoyed a good brushing of her coat. But she still wasn’t crazy about me tackling the knots in her mane.

  “Come on now,” I coaxed. “I’ll give you a carrot if you stand still for me.”

  Phoenix’s ears twitched. I swear the mare could understand everything I said and was negotiating. “Okay, fine. Two carrots.”

  Phoenix started trotting after me. I let out a laugh. “You’re a smart little troublemaker.” She huffed.

  I led the way down the fence line to where I’d left my assortment of brushes. I bent to slide under the fence. Phoenix slowed her pace. “Come on, now. No use dragging your feet. The sooner we get started, the sooner you get your treat.”

  Phoenix edged closer. I scratched between her ears. “Good girl.” I made quick work of using a curry comb to rid her coat of any dirt or mud. As the weather was getting warmer, the horses were losing more and more of their winter coats, which meant…horse hair everywhere. “Geez, you needed this big time.”

  Phoenix nibbled playfully at my shoulder. “You grooming me, too?”

  My head snapped up at the sound of gravel crunching under tires. The movement made Phoenix paw the ground anxiously. Jensen wasn’t supposed to pick me up for at least another hour. My stomach dropped to my toes. Dark Escalade. Tinted windows. Liam.

  I ran my hand along Phoenix’s neck. “Everything’s fine.” I’m not sure who I was reassuring, her or me.

  Liam hopped down from the SUV. My heartbeat picked up its pace. He was dressed simply in dark jeans and a flannel. Like everything else about him, it was casually sexy, as if he weren’t even trying and still looked like he could grace the perfectly-styled cover of a men’s magazine. I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry.

  Liam ducked between the rails of the fence. Shit. There was no avoiding this. I straightened my spine and headed in his direction. Liam deserved an explanation of why I’d run out on him. I couldn’t give him that, but I could at least give him an apology.

nbsp; We met at the boulder, my safe space. My hiding place. I wasn’t sure how I felt about having Liam here.

  He grinned, and my stomach flipped. “Hey, Tessa.”

  I fidgeted with the zipper on my fleece. “Hi.”

  “I hope you don’t mind, Jensen said you were up here.”

  Traitor. I’d get her back for that. “No, it’s fine.”

  Liam’s gaze roamed over the pasture. “It’s beautiful up here.”

  I followed his line of sight. “It is.”

  His eyes moved to something behind me. “Looks like you’ve got a protector.”

  I shifted to glance over my shoulder, but before I could, Phoenix moved beside me. I patted her neck, and she scooted closer, resting her head on my shoulder. “This is Phoenix.”

  Liam took a step closer. “Hey there, Phoenix.” He slowly reached out a hand.

  “I wouldn’t—” My words were cut off when Phoenix gave his hand a sniff. My eyes widened. The mare usually avoided men like the plague. And if they insisted on invading her space, she’d let them know her displeasure with a nip or a swift kick.

  Liam’s gaze came to my face. “Is she a bit skittish?”

  A small smile tipped my lips. “She normally bites men who hold out a hand to her. You’re lucky you’ve still got fingers.”

  Liam’s brow furrowed, and he slowly pulled his hand back. “Maybe I’ll just wait till we know each other a little better.”

  I chuckled. “Not a bad idea.”

  Liam studied my face. “So, how are you feeling?”

  I could feel color rising to my cheeks. “I’m fine. I’m really sorry about the other day—”

  Liam held up a hand, silently cutting me off. “You don’t have to explain, I just wanted to make sure you were all right.”

  I couldn’t believe that he wasn’t pressing for more information. I sure as hell would’ve wanted to know why someone freaked out and took off. It was my turn to study him. Liam knew I wasn’t ready to share my secrets with him, and he wanted me to share with him freely, not because he’d coerced me into it. “Thank you.” The words came out softly and were almost carried away on the breeze.

  Liam’s expression softened. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” His shoulders seemed to relax with that knowledge. “So, tell me what you do up here.” Liam searched the wide-open space stretching around us.

  “Well, I—” My words cut off as Liam’s gaze settled on my sketchbook. The wind had blown it open, and a sketch of Phoenix was facing up.

  Liam moved to the book, picking it up quickly. “You did these?”

  My stomach twisted. “It’s just something I do for fun. To relax.” I stepped forward, trying to grab the book from his hands.

  Liam twisted out of my reach as he flipped through the pages. “Tessa, these are incredible.”

  I froze. No one had ever told me my drawings were anything special. Garrett had always thought the hobby was cute but nothing worth pursuing. The churning in my stomach intensified. I snatched the sketchbook out of Liam’s hands. “They’re just for me.”

  “They shouldn’t be. You should be sharing that gift with the world.”

  I stared at him, trying to figure out if he was pulling my leg or trying to manipulate me in some way. Liam’s eyes seemed to dance with excitement. I hated that I questioned it. I mentally cursed Garrett for ruining my shot at something with Liam. For twisting my mind in a way that made me second-guess every male’s actions.

  I pushed down the bitter taste of resentment. “Thank you.”

  Liam took a step closer. “I want you to do the cover art for my next album.” He chuckled. “Well, if I ever make another album.”

  My mouth had fallen open at the first statement, but it was the second that had me drawing closer to Liam. “You might not make another album?”

  Liam ran a hand through his hair. “I have a bit of a case of writer’s block. And being past deadline isn’t exactly helping.”

  He said the words carelessly, but there was something in his eyes and the way he held his body, an underlying tension. I had the sudden urge to relieve his burden the way Jensen had eased mine yesterday. I edged a little bit closer. “I’m sorry. That has to be incredibly frustrating. I don’t know much about music, but I would think it would be hard to write when there’s a lot of pressure to produce and to do it quickly.”

  “It’s pretty much a disaster.” Liam looked out at the land around us. “My label is trying to force me to record music that isn’t mine.” He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I hadn’t realized, but I was starting to lose my voice on the last album, giving in to changes the label wanted. Letting them cut songs I believed in.” Liam turned his gaze to me, and it held me captive. “I don’t want to give them the power to dull my voice anymore.”

  I knew what it was to have your voice taken from you. It was about the most intimate betrayal I could imagine. “You shouldn’t let them.” I spit out the words like bullets, surprising myself with the ferocity in my tone.

  Liam’s eyes widened. “Maybe I should let you at them instead of my lawyer.”

  I grinned. “Your lawyer might be better with the actual legal terminology.” Liam returned my smile. “Do you think you’ll be able to get out of the contract?”

  Liam moved a touch closer. There were only inches between us now. I could feel the heat coming off his body, smell the faint scent of his cologne. I so badly wanted to lean in to him, to feel his strong arms wrapped around me.

  Liam’s gaze held mine. “My lawyer’s a shark. He’ll get me out.” He broke the stare, looking out at the view again. “The question is, will I be able to write once I feel a little freer? That, I’m not sure about.”

  My heart squeezed. If he only knew what a gift his vulnerability was. Sharing his doubt, his fears, Liam was different from any man I knew. I wanted to laugh. I’d really only known one other man at that level. But I wasn’t going to bring Garrett into this and ruin the moment.

  It didn’t matter anyway. Something told me that Liam was uniquely special. Masculine. Protective. But with the most tender heart at his core. One that cared deeply for others. A heart that yearned for authenticity and truth. Liam Fairchild was a potent mixture of hard lines and smooth edges. And I knew I was sunk.

  My fingers itched to reach out, to give Liam some form of physical comfort, but I couldn’t quite work up the nerve. Instead, I opted for simple truth-telling. “You’ll find your voice again. And I can’t wait to hear what you have to say.”



  Her words cut right to my core. Her face, so full of light, of hope, of belief in me. In that moment, I felt like I could’ve written a hundred songs. And they would’ve all been about Tessa.

  I forced a chuckle, needing to break the intensity of the moment. If I didn’t, I worried I’d end up kissing the life out of her, and then I’d really freak her out. “So, your kitten is ready to be picked up.”

  Tessa’s eyes danced in the sunlight, the rays making the purple in them stand out even more. “Really?” Her brows pulled together. “You paid for all his surgery. Don’t you want to keep him?”

  I fought the laugh that wanted to surface. “Uh, no. I’m not really a cat person.” If I was going to get a pet, it’d be a dog. A big one. A Golden or a Lab.

  Tessa stroked a hand down Phoenix’s neck. “Not manly enough for you?” she asked, laughter in her voice.

  I grunted. “Just not my personal choice.”

  Tessa looked at my SUV and then moved her gaze back to me. “Would you have time to take me to get him?” The uncertainty in her voice made me want to wrap her up in my arms. I resisted the urge.

  “I’d be happy to take you.” I’d been about to offer to take her, but the fact that she’d asked had me wanting to pound my chest with pride.

  “We’ll need to stop at a pet store first so I can get some supplies.”

  I inclined my head towards the SUV. “I’ve got you covered.”

sp; Tessa’s brows rose. “You do?”

  “All good to go.” I looked around the pasture. “Do you need to do anything here before you leave?”

  Tessa followed my gaze before giving Phoenix another pat. The mare nuzzled Tessa’s neck. And now I was jealous of a fucking horse. Tessa scratched under Phoenix’s chin. “You’ve been saved from a grooming for another day.” The horse seemed to snort. “Yeah, yeah. I know you’re thrilled.”

  Tessa turned back towards me. “I just need to put my grooming kit away and grab my bag.”

  I reached towards her large purse. “I can grab that.”


  Her words halted me in my tracks.

  Color rose to her cheeks. “Sorry. I mean, I’ll get my bag. You can grab the kit over there if you want.”

  “Sure. No problem.” My gaze traveled from Tessa to the bag and back again before I headed to pick up her grooming supplies. What was in that bag that she didn’t want me to see? I wanted so badly for Tessa to truly let me in. But whatever had happened to her meant trust did not come easily. And I knew it had to be a gift freely given. Patience. I just needed to have patience.

  I picked up the grooming kit and ducked between the rails in the fence. “Where should I put this?”

  Tessa motioned to the open door of a small storage barn. “You can leave it in there.”

  I rested the box of grooming supplies on a bale of hay. “Good?”

  She nodded, nibbling on her bottom lip. “Thanks.”

  “No problem. You ready?”

  Tessa nodded again. “Just need to lock up.” She slid the heavy door closed, flipping a padlock into place. Tessa was stronger than she looked in every sense of the word.

  We headed for the SUV. Tessa glanced in my direction as we walked. “Do you have everything we need in the car?”

  “Yup.” I pulled open the back hatch of the vehicle.

  Tessa’s jaw dropped. She looked from the storage compartment to me and back before dissolving into laughter. Her laughter was quickly becoming my favorite sound. “Did you buy out the whole store?”


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