Michael's Awakening

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Michael's Awakening Page 6

by Jaclyn Osborn

  “Michael! Please. I need to…” My words trailed off into a loud gasp as Michael used his free arm and grabbed my dick. He pulled and stroked my leaking prick as his other arm tightened around my torso. “Ah! Yes! I’m gonna come.”

  Michael nibbled my neck as he pounded eagerly into me and jerked me off simultaneously. Then, he shifted his position slightly and caused his hard dick to brush over my prostate. Shudders overtook me. I was going to freaking lose it.

  “Come for me, Angel,” he growled into my ear, his warm breath sweeping across the back of my neck as his words drifted off into a soft moan.

  My balls drew up tight right before my orgasm hit me full-force and sent ripples of pleasure all throughout my body. Stars danced behind my eyes as I quivered from my release. Michael’s thrusts faltered as he hit his own climax and emptied himself inside me. His arm tightened around me as he groaned sexily in my ear, and it was the sexiest sound I had ever heard. After the shudders had left both of our bodies, Michael leaned me forward on the bed and nuzzled my shoulder with his forehead as he slowly pulled out of me.

  I shot my load all over my stomach and comforter, and I knew I needed to clean myself up, but I could already feel the pulls of sleep calling to me. My orgasms were always amazing, but rarely affected me the way that one did. Rolling onto my side, I curled up against my pillow as my breaths gradually began to slow down and my muscles started to get heavy with relaxation. I felt Michael get up from the bed, but my eyes had already started to close.

  I had experienced the most intense orgasm of my life and was more sated than I had ever been. I thought I heard the faucet running in my bathroom, but I couldn’t be sure. Sleep was already creeping up on me and within minutes, I was sound asleep.

  Chapter Nine


  The saying goes: you are the master of your own fate. But, I believe that whoever came up with that was full of shit. My fate was sealed from the first moment I laid eyes on Gabriel. I had no choice, no other alternative. I knew that I had to have this angel that had awoken a fire inside me with the beauty of his light. He had pierced the veil of my darkness that I was a prisoner within and awakened a small part of me.

  And now that I saw a shimmer of light– a shimmer of hope– I didn’t want to live in the dark anymore.

  After I could move again and came down from the high of my release, I laid Gabriel down on the bed. He was curled into a ball on his side as his small frame released slow, even breaths and I knew that he was about to fall asleep. Sliding off the condom, I tied the end of it into a knot and got up from the bed to discard it in the trash– wherever that may be.

  There was a door that connected to Gabriel’s bedroom that looked like it could be the bathroom so I walked over and cracked it open. I flicked on the light and grinned. Yep, it was definitely the bathroom, and there was purple and pink everywhere! The shower curtain was purple with a bright pink shower rod and matching curtain rings holding it up. On the curtain were pictures of diamonds, jewels, and tiaras with the word “Fabulous” written in a fancy white font. Catching a glimpse of a blue bottle, I scanned the label and smiled. It was an aromatherapy lavender-vanilla shower gel.

  That explained why he smelled like lavender.

  The rugs on the floor were a deep purple and the soap dispenser and toothbrush holder were hot pink with fake diamonds covering them. Shaking my head, I walked over and tossed the condom in the trash can before turning on the faucet to wash my hands.

  I hadn’t removed my shirt during sex for obvious reasons; I didn’t want Gabriel to be disgusted with me. I could tell that he had wanted to touch me like I was touching him, but I couldn’t allow it. Tonight was the first night I ever had sex with someone in that way. I had never kissed another man on the lips. I had never held another man close to me as I took him. It was passionate and I knew there was a deeper connection than just the powerful lust that had driven us both.

  However, I knew it couldn’t last.

  Glancing around, I looked for a washcloth. Gabriel had made quite the mess all over himself and I didn’t want him rolling around in it all night. I spotted a pink– no surprise there– hand towel by the sink and ran some warm water over it. When I walked back into the room, Gabriel was in the exact same spot I had left him. Something tugged at my chest when I saw him lying there. He looked so peaceful and beautiful when he slept that I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

  Yes, this would probably be the last time I saw him. Someone like him would never want someone like me.

  Pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind, I took a seat on the edge of the bed and gently turned him to his back. He was so warm and soft, but also strong. His stomach was lean, but I could feel the hard muscles underneath. It was obvious that Gabriel really looked after himself. Leaning forward, I placed a kiss on his chest.

  I used the washcloth to clean him up until the mess was gone, and then looked around for a dirty clothes hamper to toss the cloth into. Noticing a hamper by the closet door, I placed the washcloth inside and then turned back to look at Gabriel.

  Short, spiky blond hair was in disarray around his head as he cuddled into a cheetah print pillow. He still had those sexy-as-fuck shoes on and I could feel myself growing hard again at the sight of him. Taking a deep breath, I walked over and began unfastening his shoes and slid them off his feet. A soft sigh left his lips as he turned back over on his side and clutched the pillow tighter against him.

  My chest did that tugging sensation again and I knew that I was knee-deep in shit. I had broken all of my rules with Gabriel and I was going to have to pay for it.

  I approached the bed and grabbed the blanket he was laying on and gently pulled it up to cover him. He let loose another small sigh and I gazed down at him as my breath hitched in my throat. I had to let him go while I still could.

  Once he discovered the secrets of my past, he would just leave me anyway.

  Standing by his sleeping form, I lowered my hand and softly brushed my hand down his angelic face. He leaned into my touch and I felt something break in my chest. Fuck.

  I needed to get out of there…

  Turning around, I hastily left his room and grabbed my keys from the kitchen table on my way out the door.


  Monday morning, eight o’clock sharp, I walked into Dr. Robert Chase’s office. I was in a foul mood and the good old psychiatrist could sense it.

  “Want to tell me what’s on your mind, Michael?” He pushed his glasses back up on the bridge of his nose as he shifted around in his seat and clicked open a pen.

  “Doesn’t really matter what the hell I want. You’re just going to keep pressing until I cave anyway.” I sat in the seat across from him and eyed him with an uninterested expression.

  “Michael, you have been coming to me for a few years. You know that I would never pressure you to talk until you are ready.” He tapped his pen against his clipboard as he waited for me to respond.

  I didn’t. I just continued to stare at him with bored eyes and then I shifted my gaze to my lap where my hands were folded. The sound of the clock ticking was the only noise in the room.

  “Are you having nightmares again? About your mother?” Dr. Chase tried to reach me again with a different approach.

  “To use the word ‘again’ would mean that they had stopped. Which they haven’t. So, yes, I’m still having them. That’s not what’s bothering me though.” I lifted my gaze from my lap and looked out the window.

  The leaves on the trees had changed to vibrant shades of oranges and reds. I watched as the morning breeze ruffled them and caused a few to fall off the branches and glide to the ground below.

  “So, you admit that there is indeed something troubling you.”

  I looked back at the psychiatrist and inwardly groaned. Fuck, should have kept my mouth shut. I’m paying for this shit, I might as well talk. “Yes, and no. I don’t really know. I… I met someone over the weekend.”

  Dr. Chase stared at
me with a curious expression, which I had grown to refer to as his ‘I’m about to break out some psycho-babble bullshit’ look.

  “Do you want to tell me about him?” He lifted his pen and prepared to take notes. I informed him around the time that I began talking to him about my past that I was gay. It was a part of me that I didn’t intentionally hide, but I had never told anyone else that fact. I didn’t want the close-minded intolerance of the men I worked with to jeopardize my job.

  I sighed. “There’s not much to tell. I met him, fucked him, and then left him. That’s it.”

  “That’s not it, if you are still thinking of him. Do you want to see him again?”

  My stomach turned at his question. Of course I wanted to see Gabriel again. When I returned home Saturday night, I did nothing except think about him. And on Sunday, I did nothing except jerk myself off while thinking of him.

  Taking my silence as confirmation, Dr. Chase continued, “You have already grown so much over the past few years I have known you, Michael. You have taken the horrible abuse you have lived through and turned it around into something positive.”

  I cut my eyes at him, even though I knew he was right. I had become a criminal prosecuting attorney because I wanted to help put the sadistic assholes of this world behind bars and prevent them from hurting anyone else.

  “Seeing him again is out of the question, Doc.” I pulled out my cell phone and glanced at the time. I only had a few minutes left in this session and then I had to leave for work.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because he is too good for me.” The response was automatic and I snapped my mouth shut after the revelation.

  “Michael, what happened in your past was not your fault. Your mother was a very twisted woman. Don’t punish yourself because you are fearful of what might happen. This man that you met, who isn’t to say that he wouldn’t accept you for who you are?”

  His words touched that part of my chest that tugged and pulled whenever I thought of my angel Gabriel. What if Gabriel really could see past my scars? What if he really could want me even though I was nowhere near perfect?

  The time on the clock flashed to nine and signaled that the session was over. Standing up, I shook Dr. Chase’s hand. “Have a good day, Doc.”

  I started walking out the door and then stopped when he called back to me. “Michael, please think about what I have told you. I not only said it as your psychiatrist, but as your friend as well.”

  I halted in the doorway, but didn’t say anything. After he spoke, I nodded my head and walked the rest of the way out.

  Chapter Ten


  “Gabriel, will you go see if we have any more 3D Fiberlash Mascara in the back?” Kaylee, my manager, asked me as I was organizing the new display of lipsticks.

  “Sure thing, baby cakes.” I winked and walked from behind the counter I was stationed at to go check the stock room. She laughed as I wiggled my ass at her and sauntered off.

  Finding a new shipment of the popular mascara, I grabbed the box and brought it out and began restocking the shelf up front. I felt eyes on me as I stocked the shelf, but I didn’t react to it. A lot of people gawked at me, I was used to it.

  “Are you a guy or a girl?” A male voice abruptly asked, causing me to turn my head and look at him. He looked like the typical asshole-macho man type and was with a very pretty woman who I assumed was his girlfriend. They both sneered at me.

  “Are you blind or just stupid?” I snapped back. It may have been a rude retort, but the way they were both sneering at me– like I was a monkey in a circus– pissed me off.

  Macho Man took a step forward as if he was going to attack me, but the woman beside him put her hand on his chest to stop him. “Come on, Scott. Let’s just go.”

  “You better watch yourself, fag!” Scott spat at me before he turned around and barged off in the other direction, the woman trailed behind him.

  My scalp prickled as I tried to bite down my anger. I despised intolerant assholes like that guy. Unfortunately, a lot of people around here were like that. There was actually a bill trying to be passed in this state that would basically allow legal discrimination of the LGBT community based on people’s religious beliefs. It was some bullshit religious freedom law that would allow business owners to refuse service to anyone they saw that ‘violated their religious beliefs’. The whole situation was sickening. Why couldn’t people just mind their own damn business? If they didn’t want to live a gay lifestyle, they didn’t have to! No one was forcing them to do anything. Having gay people around them didn’t hurt them in any way. So, why force their beliefs on everyone else who didn’t believe the same as them?

  The thing that really pissed me off was how the intolerant idiots of the world use their religion as an excuse to spread their hate of things they didn’t like or understand. Not all Christians behave in that way, some of them choose to follow the more important gospels of their religion to live by– like love and non-judgment. But, those non-hypocritical Christians were difficult to come by. If there was a God, I honestly don’t think he would want hate being spread in his name. Also, I don’t see how he would have created people like me if he didn’t love us all equally.

  “Gabe…honey, you okay?” Kaylee came up and stood in front of me. She was in her late twenties and very beautiful. Her chin-length, dark brown hair was highlighted with blonde streaks and fell in soft curls around her face.

  “I’m fabulous.” I placed a hand on my cocked hip and smiled at her.

  She wasn’t fooled, though. “Alright, who did it? I’ll kick their ass out of my store right now. Point them out.” Kaylee turned her head as her hazel eyes scanned the customers for anyone who had an ‘I’m a Homophobe’ sign attached to their forehead.

  “Oh, stop it.” I laughed. “I’m great. Really. It was just some asshole, but he’s gone now.”

  She arched a thin eyebrow at me. “Okay…” She didn’t sound like she believed me. “Just know that I’m here for you and won’t tolerate that shit in my store. You are a great worker and you interact with everyone wonderfully, so who gives a flying fuck if you wear makeup and know how to dress yourself. This job requires knowledge like that. So what if you’re a guy? People can just go fuck themselves if they have an issue with you.” Did I mention that she had the mouth of a sailor? “Now, with all that being said, would you mind working the makeup station today until your hair appointments come in?” I opened my mouth to respond, but she continued, “Of course you don’t mind. It’s your favorite area to work. Now, go. Get your fabulous ass behind that counter and give all of us women a run for our money.”

  Damn, I loved her.

  “Right away, Captain.” I gave her a prissy salute and then walked over to the makeup station and went behind the counter.

  With it being a Monday, the foot traffic was a little slow which gave me too much time to think. When I woke up Sunday morning, Michael was gone. Even though I knew it had been a typical one-night stand, a part of me– a really big part– craved for it to have been more than that. The way Michael looked at me made me feel like he saw all the way through me, as if he could see into my soul.

  I’ve experienced a lot of great sex in my life, but no one had ever affected me like Michael. I woke up alone that next morning, just like I always did. But it was the first time that I had ever felt lonely when I did it. I remembered that I had fallen asleep right after Michael and I finished having sex, so I knew for a fact that I didn’t clean myself up. So, that meant that he had stayed long enough afterward to clean me, take off my shoes, remove my collar and bracelets, and tuck me into bed.

  Why? If he viewed me as just another screw, why had he taken the time to make sure I was taken care of before he left?

  I wracked my brain trying to figure everything out. The sad fact of the entire situation was that I missed Michael. Even though he was confusing and mercurial at times, he was also funny and caring. I remembered how pissed he had
gotten at me when he realized that I hadn’t worn a jacket that chilly night. And then how he had wrapped his strong arms around me and tried to keep me warm until we reached his car.

  Oh. My. God. I was already falling for him and I barely even knew him!

  Snap out of it, Gabe. I thought to myself. Hearing the bell ding above the door, I greeted a group of older women who entered the store. I hoped that by focusing my attention on something else, it would help shove all thoughts of Michael from my mind.

  Monday and Friday were the two days of the week that I had my music lessons, which required me to leave work a little early on those days. I got off work at three o’clock to make it over to my lesson by three-thirty, which worked out great because they weren’t far from each other. After my lesson, my stomach grumbled and reminded me that I had forgotten to eat. Again. So I walked across campus, grabbed some food from the college cafeteria and sat down at a table outside.

  The weather was amazing that day. A cool breeze drifted through the crisp air and the smell it brought with it was divine. I always loved the smell of fall: the scent of leaves, cinnamon, and pumpkin. It was my favorite time of year. Thoughts of the weather quickly transitioned to thoughts of Michael. Don’t ask me how the hell that happened, it baffled me as well. One minute, I was watching a leaf fall from a tree and the next minute, I was picturing Michael as he ravaged my dick. I was pretty positive that I needed mental help.

  After scarfing down a few bites of my blueberry yogurt parfait, I pulled out my phone and texted Melissa.

  Please kill me.

  My phone buzzed and I looked down at her reply, almost choking on a blueberry. That could be arranged…although orange prison jumpsuits are not the best look on me.

  Hun, they aren’t a good look on anybody. I don’t care how fine your ass is lol Please tell me you’re here. I need girl time.


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