illusion of consciousness
imagery, lack of
Imlac room
Imp, claim of infinitude of perfect numbers; contrasted with KG; hypothetical secondary meaning of; truth and unprovability of
inability to see low-level brain activity, as central to the strange loop of “I”-ness
inaccessibility of interiority of others
inaccessible core of passing strangers
inanimate matter, as substrate for animacy
incarceration, as indicative of soul-size
incompleteness of PM: deriving from PM ’s strength; due to system’s expressive power; following from Gödel’s formula’s existence
incomprehensibility of low-level view
inconsistency of PM following from any provable falsity
“indescribably”, as paradoxical adverb
index, ordeal of making a good
indexicality: barred by Russell; bypassing of, by Gödel; of “I” as magical; not needed for self-reference
Indian dinner chez Carol and Doug
“Indian hot” dishes
Indiana University
indirect motor control
indirect perceptual feeding
indispensable illusion of “I”
indistinguishability: of content-free loops; of self-containing singleton sets; of Universes Q and Z
inferiority complex as incommunicable feeling
infinite coincidence: apparent, in Fibonacci sequence; nonexistence of
infinite regress,; bypassed; of index entry; risk of
infinitely long formula
“Infinity, ho!”
influences of others on one’s growing soul
informational properties of molecules
inhabitation of several brains, see living
“inner light”, slowly turning on
inner voices, conflicting
insects, respect for lives of
insertion of elephant’s DNA into matchbox
insertion of huge number’s short description into PM formula
instantaneous jumping: across country; into someone else’s world
integers: describability of; flexibility and richness of; as underwriting video games; universality of, as missed by Whitehead and Russell; very large
intentionality, as synonym for having an “I”
interaction of unrelated-seeming notions in mathematics
interchangeable terms for “I”, soul, etc.
interesting vs. uninteresting integers; blurriness of the notion
interiority: entering into another’s; of Frédéric Chopin; of Carol Hofstadter; of Robert Hofstadter; of knee; of mosquitoes; preserved, by critical mass of surviving shards; of robots; secondary instantiations of; of symbols for other people; of tomato; varying levels of importability of
internal model of someone else as “wrong kind of structure” to be an “I”
internalization of outer world in brains and in careenium
interpenetrating human souls: denied by ordinary language; extent of; image of; as result of many intimate conversations
interpenetrating national souls
interword spacing, exerting control over content
Introduction to Logic (Suppes)
intuition pumps
inventors not foreseeing consequences
inverted-spectrum riddle; as fairy tale; floral variation; political variation; sonic variation; sports variation; timidity of
invisibility of numbers in today’s computers
irrelevance of lower-level details
isomorphisms: as formal analogies; as mediating reference
“is white”, color of
“It ain’t the meat, it’s the motion” (Mann and Glover)
Italian translation of Bach aria words
Italy, unclear boundaries of country and of nation
iteration in complex plane
James, William
jealousy, as causal agent
Jefferson, Thomas
“Jetzt bin ich ein strahlendes Paar”
Jewish sense of humor as explanatory device
Jews during Diaspora
“jilted”, as essence of Nicole episode
Jim (friend’s father)
Joan of Arc
jogger, in thought experiment
jokes, as causes of laughter
Jones, Peter
joystick control of remote robot (or dog)
judo, exploiting adversary’s strength
Jupiter, approached by comet
“just too very Berry”
k (Gödel number of Gödel’s formula fragment)
Karen, see Greg
Kasparov, Garry
Kennedy, Robert
Kern, Jerome
KG or KH, see Gödel’s formula
killing of animals
Kim, Scott
King, Carole
King, Jeannel, poem by
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
kits, electronic
KJ, Himalayan peak, unscalability of
Klagsbrun, Francine
Klee, Paul
Klüdgerot, the
Klüdgerotic condition
knees: awareness level of; as candidates for consciousness; reflex behavior of
knobs of Twinwirld
knowing, elusive nature of
knurking and glebbing; not physical processes but subjective sensations; reliably evoked independently of brain’s wiring
Kolak, Daniel
Krall, Diana
Kriegel, Uriah
Külot, Gerd, drama critic, review of Prince Hyppia: Math Dramatica by
lambs as edible beings
landmark integers
language: acquisition of; as unperceived code; without self-reference
“language”, vagueness of the term
lap loop; photo of
large-souled vs. small-souled beings
leaf piles: as endowed with Leafpilishness; intrinsic nature of; as macroscopic entities
Leafpilishness, Capitalized Essence of
leather, purchase of
leatherette dashboard
Leban, Roy and Bruce
leg that is asleep
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von
Le Lionnais, François
Leonardo di Pisa (Fibonacci)
letters of the alphabet, as meaningless
level-confusion, prevalence of, in discussions of brain/mind
level-crossing feedback loops
level-shifts, perceptual
levels of description: causality at different; oscillation between
Lexington (in “Pig”)
liar paradox
liberty and imprisonment as flipped sensations
life: defined; as illusion; in Universe Z
Life, John Conway’s Game of
“light on inside”; suddenly extinguished
linguistic sloppiness in reference to robots
Linus (“Peanuts”)
lions: compassion of; conscience of; possible vegetarianism of
lists: abstract patterns having great reality for us; abstractions in brain having causal powers; accidental attachments of Leafpilishness dollops; actions launched by self; brain structures, in descending order; Carol’s losses; causes and effects; composers whose style the author borrowed from; concepts in canine minds; concepts involved in “grocery store checkout stand”; concepts involved in “soap digest rack”; conscious entities, according to panpsychists; copycat actions by the author; determining factors of identity; emotionladen verbs; entities without selves; epiphenomena at human size; episodes in one’s memory; famous achievements influencing the author; high-level causal agents; high-level phenomena in brain; high-level phenomena in mind; ideas beyond Ollie’s ken; importable mannerisms of other people; items of dubious reality in newspaper; ite
ms in hog’s environment; leaf-pile enigmaslist of principal lists in I Am a Strange Loop; low-level phenomena in brain; macroscopic reliabilities; macroscopic unpredictables; magnanimous souls; memories from Carol’s youth; mentalistic verbs; mundane concepts beginning with “s”; mythical symbols; names morphing from “Derek Parfit” to “Napoleon Bonaparte”; objects of study in literary criticism; obstacles that crop up at random in life; Parfit book’s chapter titles; people with diverse influences on the author; phrases denying interpenetration of souls; physical phenomena that lack consciousness; physical structures lacking hereness; potential personal attributes; potential symbols in mosquito brain; problems with Consciousness as a Capitalized Essence; prototypically true sentences; qualia; questions triggered by Gödel’s theorem; rarely thought-of things; realest things of all; recipients of dollops of Consciousness; scenic events perceived by no one; self-referential sentences; shadowy abstract patterns in brain; simultaneous experiences in one brain; small-souled beings; stuff without inner light; synonyms for “consciousness”; synonyms for “eagerness”; things I wasn’t but could imagine being; things of unclear reality beginning with “g”; traits of countries; unlikely substrates for “I”ness; video-feedback epiphenomena; video-feedback knobs; what makes the world go round; words with ill-defined syllable-counts; words for linguistic phenomena
literary criticism, objects of study in
Little Tyke, allegedly vegetarian lion
living inside someone else; see also survival; visitation
Löb, Martin Hugo
locking-in: of epiphenomena on TV screen: of “I”; of perceptions; of self
lockstep synchrony of Gödel numbers and PM formulas
logic of simmballs’ dance
Logical Syntax of Language, The (Carnap)
logicians’ use of blurry concepts
long sentence
loophole in set theory, Russell’s
love: for children leading to soul-entanglement; halo of concepts with which we understand love; as cause for marriage; inseparability from “I” concept; poorly understood so far in terms of quantum electrodynamics; profound influence on us of those whom we
“lower” animals, see hierarchy
lower-level events, see substrate
lower-level meaning of Gödel’s formula; ignoring of
low-level view of brains
low notes gliding into rumbles
low-resolution copies, see fidelity
Lucas, see Natalie
Lucy (“Peanuts”)
Machine Q vs. Machine Z
machines: with beliefs about free will; confused; conscious; creative; dedicated; downloading of; emulating other machines; with linguistic capacity; as necessarily unconscious; with opinions; reading and interpreting description of own structure; with souls; universal; who think vs. that think
Machines Who Think (McCorduck)
Macintosh, emulating Alienware machine
MacLaine, Shirley
macroscopic boundaries, irrelevant to particles
macroscopic forces as patterns
Magellan, Ferdinand
magic genie for all mathematical questions
magic square, ill-definedness of the notion
magical realism
magical thinking connected with “I”-ness
“magical” vs. “ordinary” entities
magnanimity; etymology of the word
“Mahatma”, etymology of
“main brain” of a given soul
Malagasy language, presumed opacity of
Mallory, George
Malraux, André
mammals as dividing line for food
Mandelbrot, Benoit
Mann, Lois
Mantle, Mickey
mapping: of colors to color sensations; at core of life; giving rise to meaning; of PM patterns into the world of numbers
“marbelous”, too much for words
marble, illusory, in envelope box; see also Epi
Margolin, Janet
marital bond, tightness of
Marot, Clément
marriage: of Carol and Doug; as soul merger; as third patient in counseling for a couple
Married People: Staying Together in the Age of Divorce (Klagsbrun)
Mars, teleportation to
Martin, Mary
Martin, Richard M.
Marx, Groucho
mathematical causality
mathematical community, blurriness of
mathematical reasoning unified with logic
mathematicians: as coffee-to-theorem convertors; as conjecture-to-theorem convertors; as cousins of Einstein; as pattern-seekers; perseverance of; as reason-seekers
Mathematician’s Credo; contradicted by Gödel’s formula; empirical confirmation of; flip side of; presumably mechanized in PM
mathematics: blurry borders of the discipline; graduate school in; modeling itself; reasoning about itself; as study of patterns
Maxwell, James Clerk
maze, see hedge maze
McCorduck, Pamela
McCullers, Carson
McMahon, Miss (first-grade teacher)
meaning: as always mediated by mappings/analogies; in arbitrary substrates; as by-product of evolution of brains; as cause; as consequence of reliable alignment; as criterial for “I”-ness; emerging upon zooming-out; made from meaningless constituents; molecular, mediated by mapping; in music; unintended by author
meaningless marks on paper
meaninglessness: alleged, of self-reference; of low-level brain activity; of PM symbols and strings
meat: different types, mixed; perception of; see also “It Ain’t”
mechanical symbol-shunting rules imbuing symbols with meanings
mechanization of reasoning
medical care, unequal distribution of
medium vs. message
“mega inconsistency”, see omega-inconsistency
members vs. non-members of number clubs
memories of a loved one: coarse-grained copies in oneself; as infinitesimal soul-shards
memory: episodic; in reverberant barking; short-term and long-term; in video reverberation
memory organization packets
me-ness, see hereness, “Where am I ?”
Mendelssohn, Felix
mental spaces
mentalistic notions vs. physical substrate
metallic strip in Video Voyage I
“Metamagical Themas” column
metaphor salad
meteorites, absorption of, as metaphor for accretion of self
metric between minds
Michigan, University of
micro-events: invisibility of, in brain; irrelevance of
microscope examining own lenses
“might makes right” as moral principle
Mignotte, Maurice
milk-pouring, predictability of
mind and matter, chasm between
mind–body problem for tomatoes
Mind’s I, The (Hofstadter and Dennett)
minerals, emergent properties of
Minsky, Marvin
mirage of consciousness
mirrors mirroring mirrors
missing a plane, memory of
Mitchell, Melanie
mixed metaphors: for author’s plight; for Gödel’s construction
modus ponens
modus tollendo tollens
molecular biology reduced to physics
Molecular Gods: How Molecules Determine Our Behavior
molecules: existence of; irrelevance of; life stories of; submissive to desires; vs. thoughts; virtual, in computers
Monet, Claude
Monroe, Marilyn
moonroof, power, as distinct from consciousness
Moravec, Hans
morphing between two people
mortality, one’s own
Morton Salt, (blocked) infinite regress on label of
mosaic portrait of another person’s essence
Moser, David: admiration for Carol Hofstadter; brilliant wit of; grousing about lousy hosts; likened to devil incarnate
mosquitoes; complexity of brains of; equally conscious as humans; experience of blood of; experience of purpleness of; friendlessness; having no conscience, mercy, or pity; “I”-ness of; likened to flush toilets; likened to heat-seeking missiles; likened to thermostats; nondistributedness of; not deserving of rescue; qualia and; soullessness of; as swattable; symbols in
Mother Teresa
motorcycle roar, experience of
Moulin, Jean
mountaineers’ view of scalability of peaks
Muldaur, Maria
multiple “I” ’s in one head
multiple personalities
multiple simultaneous locations of self
music as cause for neuron (not) firing
music boxes, dedicated and universal
musical meaning, as outcome of patterns
musical styles, contrast between
musical taste (likes and dislikes) as deep aspect of human soul
mutual-avoidance dance of powers and Fibonacci numbers
mutual control and mutual perceptions lead to blur of identity
mutual inaccessibility of first-person cores
“my”: as concept of dog; as concept of human
“my brain”, meaning of
My Brother’s Place
myopic view: of domino chainium; of traffic jam
myself vs. others; see also hereness
mysteriousness of video reverberation
Nabel, Roy and Bruce, twinns
Nagel, Alexander (“Sandy”)
Nagel, Ernest
Nagel, Thomas
naïve view of self, as analogous to Newtonian physics
names of expressions
naming conventions as reinforcing naïve ideas of identity
Natalie and Lucas, Twinwirld twildren
needle in groove, timing of
neither fish nor fowl
Nemo, Captain
nesting of concepts
Nether Wallop
Neumann, John von
neural loop in brain
neurology, bypassing of
neurons; as wrong level of brain at which to seek consciousness
neuroscientists’ view of brains and “I”; see also Sperry
Nevada desert as testbed for robot vehicles
Newman, James R.
Newtonian physics, as analogous to naïve view of self
Nicole, prospective graduate student
Night at the Opera, A
I Am a Strange Loop Page 56