Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)

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Charming The Warriors (The Charmer) Page 9

by Sanderson, Danielle

  “No worries. Are you looking forward to coming to work Friday Zara?”

  “Oh yeah, I can’t wait to get stuck in, it will be fun.”

  “Fun is one word for it,” He laughs, “What do you want to drink?”

  “Oh thanks, a white wine and soda please,” I say to Mickey, who winks at me, I feel the familiar blush creeping up my face. Damn, I was doing ok!

  “Here you are gorgeous,” Mickey passes me the glass with a grin covering his handsome face.

  “Thanks Mickey, hey thanks again for last night I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun.”

  “Yeah me to babe, can’t wait for next time. Maybe we could get Den to leave his friend behind next time.” He says teasingly whilst looking at Den. Silently taking about Candy.

  “Hey man, she isn’t that bad!” Den says with a grin.

  “Nu I’m only joking.” He makes a funny face at me, making me laugh at his silliness.

  I try to suck an ice cube out of the glass when the damned thing falls between my breasts. I start to get boob freeze, as I try to get the slippery thing under control. I get hold of it, place it in my lips, and stop when I realize they have all gone dead quiet, looking around at the four men, who have their eyes firmly fixed to my mouth. I push the ice-cube into my mouth as I still had it balanced in my lips. God, they look like they all want to retrieve it, even Den!

  “Um, is Sallack in his office? I said I’d see him as soon as we arrived.” I say to Julian.

  His gaze travels back to meet my eyes as he says, “Um what?”

  I laugh aloud at him, knocking them all out of their trance. MEN!

  Sallack is walking out of his office as I’m walking down the small corridor as I stop in my tracks, heart beating dangerously. He is so sexy it’s hard to look at him in the eye.

  “Wow look at you, stunning,” He tells me eyeing me head to toe.

  My face heats and I look down at my heels so he doesn’t see my gleeful expression. I’m wearing a red-strapped dress with small-heeled open toed shoes, trying to impress Sallack, and working.

  He takes my chin in his big strong hand and brings me up to meet his eyes, his large body dwarfing mine.

  “I’m a lucky man.”

  “I’m the lucky one.”

  Trying to push my nerves down I close the gap between us, kissing him gently on the lips, Sallack takes me in his powerful arms kissing me as if I’m the only Person in the world, which is exactly how I feel when he holds me in his arms. We break away when we hear the breaking of a glass in the bar area making me jump as I was so transfixed on the gorgeous man in front of me. He chuckles, taking me by the hand and leading me to the bar. I feel so lucky to have Sallack want me in return.

  “Have you got a drink yet?” He asks, smiling at me.

  “Yes thanks; Julian got me one when we arrived just now.”

  As we get to the bar, some of Sallack’s other friends are there. Sallack keeps his arm round my waist, until I pull him up to dance with me where couples already have been dancing a while. I love dancing, and singing but singing is something I don’t do anymore, I got too much attention at school when I sang, so now I only sing at home where no one else can hear me, except for Den.

  “Come on I love this song.”

  He lets me drag him over to the make shift dance floor. We sway to the song, gazing into Sallack’s eyes as we’re dancing closely, my legs feel weak, and my heart picks up speed, then it hits me, I’m falling in love with him. After such a small amount of time, it sounds impossible, but it feels so right, like it’s meant to be. I can’t imagine not being around him.

  Sallack tells me of his house and large land he owns, that he has other smaller houses built on, where all his family and close friend’s live, which I find very sweet, that there all together, taking care of one another. Julian, Ruk, Mickey and Dom live together with Sallack in the main house. He speaks highly of all of them, It comes across that they are all very close.

  After we dance to a few songs we go back to the others, everyone has moved to a table for more room. I see Abbey and speak with her awhile, gossiping about how hot Sallack is and how happy I am that he wants me to be with him. Abbey gets back to work and promises to come by in the day tomorrow. While I go over to Sallack who has had his eyes on me the whole night, he pulls me by my hand to sit in his lap, now my favorite place in the world.

  He kisses me sweetly on the cheek and rests his hand on my knee.

  “You ok beautiful?”

  “Oh I couldn’t be better.” I tell him before I place a gentle kiss to his lips and getting a soft growl in return. If I hadn’t grown up to hearing growling I think I would probably find it strange, but I don’t. Mary comes over with our drinks slamming them on the table, receiving a glare from Sallack and the others as she just looks on at Sallack and me in an embrace.

  “Nice one Mary,” I tell her with a wink, just to piss her off.

  I know I shouldn’t but I’m sick of that woman starring at me like I’m a piece of rubbish, she obviously thinks I’m not good enough for Sallack, but that is tough because I make Sallack happy and he makes me happy.

  “Whore.” She whispers as she walks away.

  “Mary, watch yourself!” Sallack growls at her at the same time Den stands up angrily. Mickey puts his hand on Den’s shoulder instantly calming him, while Sallack watches Den with a frown.

  “Don’t listen to her Beautiful, ok?”

  “Ah I have had worse, trust me I can handle her.”

  “Yeah I can see that.” He tells me as he holds me tighter and kisses me neck.

  We sit together in an embrace for a few hours chatting and joking with everyone. I hear a low growl not from Sallack, but from Julian, who is gazing out of the front window.

  “Sallack, can I speak with you outside?” He asks, not taking his eyes from outside the window.

  “Give me a minute!” He tells him while pulling me up by my arms and leading me to his office door down the hallway away from everyone. He spins me around so that my back is against the door and comes close to my face breathing heavily, not to mention turning me on.

  “Zara I need you to be safe, stay away from Mary she is a spiteful bitch, and anyone else that could cause harm. I care for you beautiful.”

  “I have dealt with girls like her my whole life Sallack, she doesn’t scare me don’t worry about me ok, I’m fine I have you” I smile mischievously at him and receiving a stunning smile in return as his lips descend on mine as he kisses me with passion.

  “Come on they will think we’re having a quickie” I tell him laughing while walking back down the corridor, just before we walk back into the bar Sallack’s wraps his arms around my middle whilst standing behind me with his face in the crook of my neck.

  “Ah that sounds like a good idea.” He tells me sexually.

  Is he trying to kill me? Even though we have haven’t known each other long I just feel like this is so right, I do want to sleep with him, which is a feeling I have never had towards anyone but Den.

  I turn in his arms to face him again as I’m taken back by his eyes glowing a brilliant gold. I put my hand to his face as I look at him in awe.

  “What are you doing to me Sallack? I have never wanted anyone as much as I do you.”

  “Sallack!” Julian shouts loudly.

  “Fuck it. Beautiful I have to go now but I will see you tomorrow. Ah Zara…” he take a deep breath and I think he is going to say something but he doesn’t he just takes my hand and leads me to the bar where all eyes are on us. Sallack leans into me and kisses my forehead while he makes his way to Julian. Ruk is already with Julian and Sallack as they walk through the exit and away from prying eyes.

  “What’s going on do you think?” Den asks me.

  “Not sure.” I shrug my shoulders.

  The air feels lighter around me and I feel a shiver run all over me, when a man’s mesmerizing voice enters my head.

  ‘Little one, come to me please

  Then it’s as if it was completely cut of, because the feeling of spacing out has vanished, now I’m freaking about the sexy voice in my head. Maybe I made it up! On the other hand, I could I have been hallucinating? Maybe Den is messing with me.

  “Zara what’s wrong?”

  “Did you say something?” I look into his eyes, and I see the worry, so my smile falls from my lips, not thinking it was a joke anymore.

  “Yeah I said ‘what’s wrong’.”

  “No not that, little one? Did you call me that?”

  “No.” His eyebrows pull together in a frown.

  “Let's go home you need rest, it has been an exciting day for you babe?” He says sniffing the air.

  “Yeah you’re probably right.”

  “Hey you guys leaving?” Mickey asks as he walks over to us.

  “Yeah, were see you soon man.”

  “Cool, look after her good.” He tells Den while he hugs me goodbye.

  “Always.” Den tells him with a pat on the back.

  “See you soon Mickey, you take care.” I tell him getting a nod in return.

  We say our goodbyes to everyone and head out to Den’s truck. We see Mickey slip out the door and head to the wooded area to the side of the bar. What’s he up to?

  I climb up to the passenger seat, and scoot over close to Den, as we drive home.

  When we are indoors talking in the kitchen we hear howling so Den gets up first, opening the front door.

  “What the hell?”

  There are five Wolves, one being my new friend. They’re growling fiercely and howling between them, it’s a little frightening.

  “Look Den, that Wolf there in the centre I’ve seen him twice now, he’s lovely isn’t he?” I say pointing to ‘my Wolf’ as I stand at Den’s side.

  “Yeah, he’s real cute” He says rolling his eyes, “Come on let’s get in, their properly trying to chase a fox or something.”

  “Ok, Good night Den,” I tell him giving him a hug before running up stairs.


  “Yeah” I turn to see him. I don’t know why but he looks a little deflated! He comes to the top step, taking hold of my hands in his.

  “I want you to be careful with Sallack and his friends, not that I think there bad, it’s just they all have their eyes on you all the time. They’re very intense, powerful in a way!”

  He is right they are intense and powerful. When Sallack or his close friends enter a room they get respect, and if there is not respect all they need is to give a look and they have grown men looking petrified. Den is much the same but I just do not think he realizes that he is just Sallack and his close friends in every way.

  “I know you don’t have to worry about me I’m a big girl now, I’ll be careful, I have only known Sallack a little while, but I get a good vibe off him?” He closes the space between us, pulling me tightly into him for a hug.

  “Promise me if you need me you will just say. I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide things from me Zara.”

  “I promise Den. love you.”

  A few hours later, I awake from a peaceful sleep to the voice from earlier this evening, back in my mind speaking gently.

  ‘Come out side little one, to the edge of the woods.’

  Control over my own body has gone, as I obey the sexy dreamy voice without apprehension. With only moonlight guiding my way, I walk to the edge of the woods. That is when I see him, Parrise! He steps out from the cover of trees wearing black jeans and long sleeved white shirt. He is breathtaking; I struggle to get my breathing under control before I can speak.

  “Parrise I really don’t like you being able to do this to me, why don’t you just knock on my door if you want to speak to me? It’s so creepy when you speak in my head like that.”

  “The dogs wouldn’t let me close enough,” He says simply.

  Dogs! He must mean the Wolves that were out here howling earlier, was he the reason for their unrest?

  “Why would you worry about the Wolf?”

  “He thinks he is watching out for your safety.”


  “Do not fear my love, you’re safe with me. I’m sorry, again I only have a few moments, please come to me my love.”

  Parrise holds out his hand for me to take. Shaking my head I tell him ‘No!’ I must get myself together and gain some control back. Before I can utter another word, he is right in front of me and his mouth is on my lips in a split second, cradling my head with one hand and my lower back with the other.

  The kiss is demanding but wonderful, why did I even try to resist him, I am not myself around him. Kissing him back with the same intensity and running my fingers through his glorious hair, pulling him closer. As I let out a moan of desire, our tryst is rudely broken by the close sound of a feral snarl. Whipping my head around in fear, I inhale a shaky breath. Standing right before us is a massive black Wolf, looking even bigger with its heckles up, wild eyes glowing gold. It is magnificent, nevertheless, scary as hell.

  “Shit” I scream and turn in Parrise’s arms so I’m front on facing the Wolf, hoping if it sees and doesn’t attack.

  “Leave dog!” Parrise commands, making me jump. I wish I were back inside the house, in safety. Why does Parrise keep doing this to me?

  “I’m sorry love! I thought we had a little longer.”

  The big black Wolf starts howling, as if he’s calling to the pack. My fear is kicking up a notch looking at the glorious but deadly beast.

  “Do not fear them little one, you’re safe, it is me they want!”

  He turns me to face him. I eye him from underneath my lashes; his body speaks to me demanding I look at him.

  “Please don’t keep doing this to me,” I whisper, with a single tear running down my cheek from knowing he is about to make me forget.

  “Love please forgive me?” He signs sadly, “We will be together soon I promise you but till then forget me till next time.” He says and turns me away from him.

  “What the fuck!” I’m outside with a massive black Wolf growling at something behind me, I quickly look over my shoulder, nothing’s there.

  “Den!” I scream at the top of my lungs as the Wolf runs into the night so fast I only see a blur.

  “Den!” I scream again, running to the house.

  Why the hell has this happened again! Like the night the club when I went through the fire exit, I knew I was lying to Ruk about how I got there and why.

  “Zara where the fuck are you?” I hear Den shout with fear in his voice. The porch light is now on so I can see him, running up to him I throw my arms and legs around his massive body, instantly calming me.

  “Babe what’s going on? Why are you out here?” He puts me down and takes my face in his hands, searching my eyes.

  “I don’t know Den! Something’s wrong with me. I don’t know how I got here! I’m upset and I don’t know why!”

  Tears fall softly from my eyes; Den puts his arm over my shoulder holding me close to him as we walk back inside the house and straight to his bedroom.

  “Your safe babe, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I know Den.”

  “You’re staying with me tonight baby so relax nothings gonna happen to you, not without getting through me first!”

  He pulls me down to lay with him in his bed. He won’t get any argument from me, I need him tonight as I don’t understand what’s going on, but I feel like everything is about to change and I don’t think I want it to, the feeling puts me on edge.

  The following morning I awake alone in Den’s rumpled bed; I had a restless night even with Den’s comforting presence. The strong smell of coffee and bacon drifting upstairs is making my stomach growl, definitely time to get up I think. Sitting up and rubbing my eyes, I recall the happenings of last night. What is going on? I really don’t like the thought of my mind going blank the way it did last night. What happened in that small space of time? Why would I go outside? I’ve nev
er sleep walked in my life, but that seems the only plausible explanation.

  Jogging down stairs to see what Den’s been up to, I’m surprised to see Julian at the table pouring himself a coffee.

  “Hey Julian,” I say smiling down at him.

  “Zara… wow do you always sleep like that?” Julian asks, looking intensely at me from head to toe. I look down at myself, I’m wearing a sports bra, and little black sleep shorts. Shit! I might as well be in underwear. How long has he been here, why didn’t Den tell me he was here?

  “Yes it’s very hot at night, I’m still trying to get used to the weather here.” I smile back at him and go to the fridge to get out some juice, but mostly to hide the embarrassment showing on my face. I’m going to kill Den for not warning me we had company.

  “Where’s Den? And what are you doing here so early?” I ask smiling at him trying not to sound rude, just curious, as I sit with him at the table.

  “I’m here babe,” Den calls as he walks in from the hallway, he bends and kisses my cheek before sitting beside me at the table.

  “I wanted to check on you Zara, Miss Bellwood who lives over the other side of the clearing thought she heard shouting last night, so I wanted to see everything’s ok?”

  “Umm oh, well yes I’m fine, just a little clueless as to why I was outside in the night, I must be sleepwalking. Why would Miss Bellwood ring you?” I ask a little suspiciously.

  “I and a few others patrol the area,” He replies simply. I nod my head understanding, neighborhood watch.

  “I need to ask a favor from you Zara if that ok?”

  “Of course it is.”

  “Would you be ok start work tonight, as we’re a little short staffed. I know you’re meant to start tomorrow, but we would appreciate it. Thursdays are normally a fairly relaxed night and we don’t normally have a DJ playing but tonight’s a big night and we have a lot of people coming down?”

  “Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll look forward to it; will it still be from 9pm?”

  “Thank you Zara, 9 would be perfect. I must go, I’ll see you tonight.”


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