Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)

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Charming The Warriors (The Charmer) Page 20

by Sanderson, Danielle

  After having the best shower ever, with my ‘Hot Alpha’, we reluctantly say our goodbyes and he heads off to work.

  Feeling guilty for Den seeing our little display this morning and he’s reaction to us, I decide to drive into town to see him on his lunch break and clear the air. As I pull up to the garage, he is talking to Candy, the girl he’d slept.

  I pull up on the road, staying in the truck to give them space. Den sees me parked there as he turns to Candy and practically eats her face and making my stomach lurch! Is this a show for me? Did I piss him off falling around with Sallack this morning? Surely he hasn’t changed his mind on her. When she walks away, I jump out the truck and head straight to him.

  “Hey Den, do you fancy getting some lunch with me?”

  “Hi babe, yeah sounds good. Let’s go. See you in 40 John!” He shouts over his shoulder to John, I don’t see him, he must be inside, and Werewolves have amazing hearing so I guess it makes sense.

  We eat at a little burger joint by the garage. Den seems fine now, maybe I’m just over thinking the fake smiles.

  “So you and Candy hu?”

  “Yeah sort of. You ok with that?” He asks, as if he needs my praise.

  “You don’t need my permission, but if you haven’t guessed already; I don’t like her,” I say shrugging my shoulders.

  No God why candy? Anyone but her. She is not the girls for Den. I want him to be with someone who deserves him. I won’t say this to him, I don’t want to hurt his feelings.

  “So you think she is the one?” I ask.

  As we lock eyes I inhale from my nose from the pure beauty of his eyes glowing back at me. He smiles at me stunningly instantly making me blush, Damn it!

  “No babe, she is not?”

  “Ok.” I wink at him. Thank God!

  “So have fun with Sallack last night?” He playfully winks back at me, but there is something behind his eyes.

  “Yes, I love him Den.” His eyes go wide, I carry on, “But I won’t let anything change with you Den, I will always be there for you, I love you so much. I’m sorry if made you feel uncomfortable this morning with Sallack; I’ll make sure it does not happen again.”

  His smile increases as I finish speaking, but then drops as he asks me,

  “It’s a different love you feel for him?”

  What sort of question is that! Do I love him like I do Sallack, Well the only thing different is that Sallack and I are in a physical relationship. I love Den for his heart, mind and he is stunningly handsome.

  “Well I guess on the physical side it’s different, but yes I love you in the same way.”

  “Zara I want to be the one to keep you safe, the one to look after you. I want you to come to me when you have problems.” He tells me while watching intensely for my replie.

  This is where I want to tell him everything about Parrise, being the Charmer and my lovely Dallah having to bond with the man of her nightmares, but as much as I want to, I can’t.

  “Nothing is going to change between us Den, if that’s what you’re worried about, I just have Sallack to share things with now as well?”

  Den looks at me, really looks at me as I smile and take his hand.

  “I really do love you Den with all my heart. Don’t ever think any different?”

  “Ditto babe.”

  “Den, there is something else, I have known you since we were little, so I know when something’s up. Den have I done something?”

  He rubs his hands up and down his arms, something that he does when he is nervous.

  “Nu you’ve done nothing babe.” He tells me sadly.

  I rub my hand over my face and leaning my face on my hand I look at him trying to work out what’s different about him, but I don’t have powers like Dallah, I really wish I did in this instance.

  “Ok, but I am here for you, if you ever need someone to talk to I’m here. I know a lot has changed but we won’t.”

  He nods his head, as tears brim in his eyes. I want to cry for him I can’t stand seeing him this way and I hate that he thinks he can’t talk to me.

  I walk around the table and sit next to him cuddling his side as I know the close contact will make him less stressed, which it does from the smile that spreads over his handsome face.

  Tonight at the club is R&B/hip-hop night, my favorite kind of music. When I get back home, Dallah is already looking for something to wear. I sit on her bed watching clothes being frown over her head, with her making little discussed noises.

  “Dallah, I don’t know what your stressing for, you could go dressed as a banana and you’d still be the sexiest thing there.”

  “Banana! Really Zara?” She says with a laugh.

  “Hey Dallah, have you noticed Den acting a little weird lately?”

  “No not really. Why would you say that?”

  “Oh well there are a few things; fake smiles, strange questions. Oh and then there’s his eating Candy’s face off today!”

  “Ewe, Really? What questions did he ask?”

  “Well at lunch today he asked me if I loved him like I do Sallack!” I tell her. She looks at the dress in her hand for a split second then meets my gaze. She is hiding something; I can feel it in my blood. Does she know something about Den that I don’t.

  “Sweetie, men are strange creatures. I know he loves you, maybe he is a little envious of the way you and Sallack are together.”

  “Do you think he wants that with someone?”

  “I do,” She says almost sympathetically, taking a seat beside me on her bed as she takes my hand in hers.

  “I’m sorry that upsets you, and before you say it doesn’t! I know it does.”

  “I want him to be happy and with someone who loves him wholly, like he deserves. It’s just that I wanted to be that person for such a long time, it will be weird seeing him in a real relationship.”

  “Uh sweetie,” She sighs sadly.

  “He seemed upset today and he wouldn’t let me comfort him, will you try for me. I feel like I am losing him Dallah.”

  “I’ll speak with him, but you won’t lose him sweetie you mean too much to each other.”

  We sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes when Dallah stands up pulling me to my feet with a grin.

  “Come on, no more being sad, let’s get sexy!”

  I laugh aloud as she pulls me to my feet to make our way up stairs to my bedroom.

  I wash and dry my hair and Dallah kindly helps me curl it in big waves. I put my cute uniform on, which is the best uniform I have ever had, I slip the tight tank top on and slip into the even tighter pencil skirt and my new heels from a previous shopping trip. As it’s the R&B and hip-hop night at the club tonight, I put a little more makeup on my eyes to bring them out and red lipstick. Once I am ready, I smile to myself as I look and feel sexy.

  I’ll be working but I want to enjoy the night and have a little fun, so instead of walking to the tables I will be dancing.

  Dallah is wearing a purple low cut dress and killer heels while Den has on a white shirt and dress jeans. Since Den came home from work he has been back to his normal self, I hope he was just having a funny moment, as we all do, god knows I have had my fair share.

  “Wow you two are so freaking hot,” I tell them as I come to the bottom of the stairs where they are waiting.

  “Not too bad yourself babe,” Den says with a cheeky smile. I hold Dallah’s hand walking down the porch steps and onto the grass, to stable each other in our lovely new shoes. Den notices our shoes sticking in the grass and lifts us both in his strong arms as our feet dangle inches from the ground. Dallah and I laugh hard at the face Den is pulling; lips pressed into a kiss, nodding his head.

  “Oh yeah this is the life, a beautiful girl in each arm. Living the fucking life.”

  Chapter 18

  After being at work an few hours, the club is in full swing and everyone is drinking, dancing, and laughing. I have made so much money in tips tonight especially from the VIP area,
I am ecstatic. I swing my hips to every song, enjoying speaking to the partygoers.

  “Hey why don’t you take a half hour break, go enjoy yourself, you’ve earned it,” Ruk says to me with a wink, turning to leave.

  “Oh you have no idea how much I love you Ruk” I grab his arm and pull him into the middle of the dance floor. Ne-yo ‘one in a million’ just come on, which happens to be my favorite song, ever.

  “Ahh, you’re dancing with me!” I tell him. Ruk laughs and lets me pull him into the crowded dance floor. I sway my hips and sing along to the song, we dance to the song and another after that.

  “Beautiful! As much as I’d love to dance with you all night, Julian needs me at the bar. I’ll see you in a bit.” He says close to my ear.

  “No, I’ll come back to.”

  “No you won’t! We can handle it, you have fun.”

  I can’t say no to that, I dance my way over to Dallah and Den, and we have a great time dancing together.

  When my break is up, I head back to the bar to get my tray and pad.

  “Hello sweet.” Angus appears in front of me, making me jump.

  “Angus what are you doing here, how did I not know you were here? Where’s Parrise?”

  I shoot out my questions with speed. I feel sad seeing him, bringing with him the love for Parrise I hold in my heart. Why would he come here with a club full of Werewolves?

  “Ah sweet, so many questions! Dance with me?” He wiggles his eyebrows at me. I smile widely up at him. There is something different about Angus, he must be one of the Warriors Dallah has spoke of, I feel extremely safe with him, just as I do the brothers’, not to mention I find him extremely attractive.

  “Ok,” I say stepping into him. He pulls me closer putting his cheek to mine as we dance. He doesn’t speak for a moment so I jump in first.

  “How is Parrise?”

  “He misses you sweet, but he knows what’s best…for now.”

  “Ok. So why did I not feel you near, and the pack brothers’?”

  “Ah, you’re the only human who feels Parrise’s presence, you my sweet are something else. As for the Wolves, well they cannot sense me because it is my gift, to go undetected.”

  He talks as if he knows something, but he couldn’t know he called me human after all. As strange as it is to admit to myself, I am not actually human!

  “Thank you for telling me Angus, telling me the truth.” I pull back from him with a smile on my face.

  “Sweet I have something for you.” He reach’s in to his pocket, pulling out an envelope with my name on it. It has to be from Parrise. I take it and put it in inside the waistband of my skirt.

  “I have to leave now, take care.”

  “Yes I will. Thank you for coming to see me Angus, will you give Parrise a message for me?”

  “Yes.” He smiles at me sweetly, as if he feels my distress.

  “Tell him, I’m sorry, that I will love him always.” I say with tears falling from my eyes. This Charmer business sucks!

  “Ah sweet you truly do bring a heart back to a ruthless monster.” He tells me stroking his fingers down my cheek. I can’t help but close my eyes feeling him close to me.

  “Remarkable, how do you do it sweet?” He asks with compassion dancing in his eyes.

  “What?” I blink up at him, standing at 6 foot 2.

  “Bring back the long since forgotten feelings of love.”

  I don’t know what to say, I have lost my tongue. He sees the worried look on my face, looking at me intensely he speaks again,

  “I won’t pry. Stop being sad, Parrise would hate to see you this way, as do I. You can keep your secret sweet, we all have them.” He tells me before he turns to leave. I take hold of his hand gently to stop him leaving as he turn to face me once again.

  “You’re not a monster Angus, far from it. Don’t think of yourself in that way, I don’t see you that way.” I tell him, meaning every word.

  He winks at me, as he turns and walks away and out of the club. Angus couldn’t be one of the Blackened hearts, I just can’t imagine him being any other way, but if he was, he most definitely isn’t now.

  I walk back to the bar as I see Sallack is standing staring at me looking damn right scary and for the first time I feel afraid of him.

  “Who the fuck was that?” He shouts at me making me flinch.

  “That was Angus, a friend,” I say with a frown.

  It is not a lie, I hold him as a friend from now on, I felt no danger being with him, and I feel safe around Angus.

  “So you gunna call this FRIEND?” He see’s my expression and elaborates, “I saw you dancing closely then you took his number, you gunna Deny it Zara?” He says fuming.

  “What the fucks got into you? I love you; I want to be with you!” I shout back at him. I have given up the love I have for Parrise to be with him, and he treats me like this in front of a crowd of people. It did look bad, I’ll give him that, but there’s no need to shout at me, he could have asked me privately. He looks like the Alpha he is, fierce! In addition, damn right scary.

  “Zara are you ok?” Dallah comes up behind me and places her hand protectively on my arm, staring daggers at Sallack.

  “Yeah I’m fine. I need to get back to work,” I say looking at her through the tears in my eyes. I feel like a baby keep crying but the emotion of Angus being so kind to me and Parrise’s letter, then I have Sallack shouting at me is too much to handle in the space of 10 minutes.

  “You’re a prick you know that don’t you Sallack? How dare you treat her like this?” Dallah screams angrily at him. He just stands there looking at me in the eye.

  Soon after Ruk, Julian and Dom join us. I’m still looking back at Sallack not wanting to break eye contact with him, feeling a pang of pain in my chest. Dallah starts to answer their questions as a tear falls from my eye; I quickly wipe it away not wanting to draw further attention to myself. Sallack sees it fall and moves to comfort me, feeling bad for making me cry, but decides to stay standing. The pack brothers’ let out a little growl, as Sallack sways on his feet.

  “You’re drunk! What the fuck Sallack! Can’t you see what this is doing to her? You will lose her, speaking to her this way!” Julian speaks angrily.

  I feel like such an idiot, I just want to go home, away from all of this mess.

  “Shut the fuck up Julian! This is none of your concern, any of you!” Sallack shouts spitefully. Before anyone can say anything, I step forward to him speaking angrily myself.

  “Don’t you dare speak to him like that; you’re being such a dickhead Sallack! Fuck you.” I shout at him fearlessly, with tears now falling freely. Dallah comes to my side placing her hand into mine. Just as I hear an almighty roar, we disappear.

  We are back in my bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed crying into her shoulder as she hugs me with the love of a sister. My sister.

  “The people at the club would have seen us disappear. Oh my God!”

  I scream panicked, getting up to run to the door, to get back to the club

  “It’s ok Zara. When a Witch or Warlock use their magic, it’s only seen by those who are supernatural, it’s my fault anyway I know you wanted to go and I took the easy way.”

  “Thank you Dallah,” I sigh, “Did you see me speaking with Angus?”

  She shakes her head ‘No’. Dallah knows whom I mean, as I have told her everything from when I went to see Parrise.

  I replay the events of the evening, with clouded eyes, as I start to get upset thinking of everything that’s happened.

  “Have you read the note?”

  “No, here.” I pull it out for her to read to me.

  “Are you sure you want me to read this?”

  Seeing my expression, she opens it and reads aloud.

  ‘Little one

  You have given me a heart and I have filled it with you, I will always be here if you ever need me. Thank you for giving me what I have never had, your good friend, Parrise.’

words touch my heart so deeply, to hear he doesn’t hate me for leaving the way in which I did, fills me with joy, but the thought of me giving him his heart is upsetting to hear because it’s always been there, he just filled it with anger and hate.

  “Try not to over think Zara, be happy he is well and wants your friendship in return.”

  “I will.”

  “Listen things will work out with Sallack. I have a feeling he will be very upset with himself in the morning.”

  He overreacted. However, why was he so drunk? Where is he now? I can’t deal with this now I’m so tired with everything. If I were to be selfish, I would walk away from it all.

  “Oh shit, Den! I didn’t see him he will wonder where we are!”

  “The brother will explain what happened to him, don’t worry.”

  “That is what I am worried about.”

  “Good point!” She says as she disappears.

  Dallah is on my right snuggled against my side and Den is on my left with his arm around my waist and head in my neck. I don’t remember Dallah and Den coming back last night as I cried myself to sleep soon after Dallah disappeared.

  I’m so lucky to have them here with me caring and loving, it makes it all worth it. I get up and head down stairs for a cup of tea; I take my tea out on the porch in the beautiful morning sun to clear my mind. I just want to forget about Parrise and Sallack.

  Ruk is in his Wolf form when he comes over nudging my hand; I stroke his face as he licks my wrist in return with a silky growl.

  “Hey Ruk, you wanna join me.” I point to my tea; he takes a step back to let me up, so I head to the kitchen and make him a coffee how he likes it. Den and Dallah are still fast asleep, I didn’t have the heart to wake them up, they looked so cute all snuggled up together.

  Ruk is sitting on the swing chair he pats the space next to him as I pass his coffee to him joining him on the chair.

  “I’m sorry about yesterday.”

  “What are you sorry for Ruk, you did nothing, I’m sorry that I left in the way I did.”


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