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Blaze Page 5

by Christa Tomlinson

  Excitement pulsed through Jordan. There. He had an in. “If you have questions, I can help you. Unless you’re waiting to meet with someone else...” He let the sentence trail away, hoping that Danny didn’t already have a Dom he was there to meet.

  “No. I’m not. And that’s really nice of you to offer, thank you.”

  “Come with me. There’s a booth over here in a quiet corner where we can talk.”

  Danny hesitated only a moment before nodding.

  They walked together, Jordan slightly in front to lead the way and clear a path through the crowd. When they reached the booth, he held a hand out, indicating that Danny should slide in before him. Jordan sat next to him, but not wanting to scare the little sub he kept some distance between them and settled near the edge of the booth. He would have loved to sit closer to Danny, thigh pressed against thigh, but simply being here with him gave Jordan a thrill, awakening needs and desires that had lain dormant for far too long.

  Danny fiddled with the napkin holder before pulling back and folding his small hands together on the tabletop. “Sorry, I’m nervous.”

  “It’s understandable to be nervous. We all feel that way sometimes, especially as we’re learning to navigate the scene.”

  “I can’t imagine you nervous and new.”

  “Even Doms have to start from the beginning.”

  “So, you are a Dom,” Danny said with a nod. “I thought so. I didn’t know if that was okay to ask.”

  “You can ask me anything you’d like.”

  Danny bit his lip for a moment. “How do you normally tell if someone is a sub or a Dom?”

  “Sometimes it’s easy to read in a person. The way they carry themselves or the vibe they give off will let you know. Sometimes it’s not as easy to detect. Or, people can surprise you.”

  “Can you tell what I am?”

  Looking down at Danny’s open expression and eager to please demeanor there was only one answer Jordan could give. “I’d say you’re a submissive.”

  “Yep.” Twin dimples appeared in Danny’s cheeks when he smiled. “I guess I’m obvious there too.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “That’s good to hear. I feel awkward and new, like the new kid showing up half way through the semester and hoping someone will ask me to sit with them at lunch.”

  “I’ve already asked you to sit with me,” Jordan pointed out.

  Danny breathed a soft laugh, his shoulders relaxing. “True.”

  “What are you interested in trying now that you’ve taken the first step in entering the D/s world?”

  “Sensation play. I like to be touched.” Danny ducked his head and looked up at Jordan through his lashes. “Is that okay to say?”

  Another beat of excitement pulsed throughout Jordan’s body. Sweet. He was so sweet. “Yes.” He held a hand up over Danny’s bare forearm. “May I touch you?”

  Danny nodded.

  “Out loud, Danny.”


  Jordan realized how eager he was to touch Danny when his power rose, tempting him to let loose enough to give the smaller man a pleasant buzz. But he held it back. He’d been given permission to touch, nothing more. And letting his power free would instantly blow his cover. Jordan kept his electromagnetic power tightly leashed as he began running his fingertips over the bare skin of Danny’s arm.

  “Sensation play is a wonderful place to start. There are many different things to feel. The brush of a feather. Silk. Heat. Ice. Which would you like to try, Danny?”

  “All of them. I want...” Danny’s lids fell closed and he drew in a shuddering breath before he finished. “I’ve wanted it for so long.”

  Jordan let his fingers dance up Danny’s arm to his shoulder, then further, brushing them over his nape. He caressed him there for several heartbeats. When Danny leaned slightly into the touch, Jordan wrapped his fingers around the back of his neck and gently squeezed. Danny gasped before quickly stifling any other sounds by biting his lip. Jordan wished he could take that lip between his own teeth. He settled for lowering his head to whisper against Danny’s ear. “You deserve to be teased and touched until you tremble from the pleasure of it.”


  “Look at me, Danny.”

  Long, thick lashes rose to reveal warm brown eyes gone soft with arousal.

  As Jordan gazed down into those eyes, he accepted that it wasn’t simply adrenaline from the fight driving his attraction to Danny. This untrained submissive was simply gorgeous and sweet and innocent and Jordan absolutely needed to see him past this one introduction. And it appeared Danny shared his attraction. The other man didn’t have the knowledge that technically they’d met before yet he still reacted to Jordan’s touch with honest, open arousal. If the chemistry between them was this intense after a short conversation and brief caresses, what would happen if they had time to explore their attraction in private?

  Jordan made a swift decision. One night. If Danny was interested, he would take one night to introduce him to sensation play. That would have to be enough for him, because he couldn’t afford to become involved with Danny beyond a single evening. He asked the question that would hopefully gain him what he sought. “Would you like to try any of them with me?”

  Danny swallowed before nodding slowly. “Yes.”

  “I’d like that too. I’d like one night to show you how good it can feel to give yourself up to touch. To sensation.”

  Danny’s lips parted on a silent sigh, forming a little o. Jordan smiled. He sensed that Danny was one he’d have to coax to get him to verbally express himself when he was lost in pleasure. Jordan liked that. There was so much about Danny that he liked.

  “When can we...”

  Jordan leaned back and dropped his hand from Danny’s neck, giving him physical and mental room to breathe. “There are a couple of things I want you to do before we scene together. First, you are going to ask the club’s staff about me and vet that I’m a safe Dom to work with.” He took out a card from his wallet that had his name and picture. A secret special addition had been added to it. “Then you’re going to go home and think this over to make sure it’s what you want. If you decide you do want to scene with me, meet me back here tomorrow at nine. I’ll book us a play room. However, if you change your mind, I will understand. You are under no obligation to see me again. Okay?”

  “I won’t change my mind,” Danny said as he accepted the card.

  Jordan had to hold back a growl of pleasure, happy that Danny shared his attraction. “I hope you won’t,” he said as he brushed a thumb over Danny’s cheek. A quick glance at the clock showed that he was out of time. He needed to get down to the riverfront for his reconnaissance mission. He reluctantly pulled his hand away. “Unfortunately, I have to go. Will you be all right?”

  “Yes. I’m fine.” Danny gestured with the card. “Thank you for this.”

  “You’re welcome.” Jordan slid out of the booth. “I hope to see you tomorrow night.”

  Danny graced him with that sweet smile again before he answered.

  “You will.”


  Danny practically floated into the house. Scott lay on the couch in the front room, watching TV, and eating from a box of Crunch ‘N Munch. He sat up when Danny came through the door.

  “Whoa. What’s got you all dreamy?”

  “I met someone.”

  “Okay. Who has got you all dreamy?”

  Danny shook his head. “Not yet.”

  “Ah, I see. You want to keep your new crush private while you let it soak in.” He held up the box of Crunch ‘N Munch and shook it. “When you’re ready to spill I’ve got the snacks.”


  Danny went upstairs to his room and closed the door. He leaned back against it and sighed. Jordan Wells. He reached into his pocket for the card he’d slipped into his wallet earlier that evening, wanting to see Jordan’s picture again.

  The man was gorgeous.
And big. Easily six feet tall with shoulders and arms that filled out his black dress shirt in the very best way — like one flex and the sleeves would explode into shreds, revealing bare naked muscles. His light brown skin tone was a warm contrast to the inky black of his shadow beard and dark brows. And golden-brown eyes had watched him with an intimate gaze that made him feel as if they already knew each other.

  Jordan Wells also had the deliciously commanding air of an experienced Dom. Danny had readily obeyed the simple instructions he’d given and eagerly awaited more. The feelings Jordan had aroused in him simply from his fingertips sliding up and down his arm... Danny shivered at the remembered sensation. That simple touch had set off sparks of desire in his belly. He could only imagine how it would feel to be touched in other places by those big, rough hands.

  He’d been instructed to think it over but his mind was already made up. Going back tomorrow night was a forgone conclusion. Danny couldn’t wait to try sensation play with the sexy Dom. He hadn’t expected to meet anyone at Club Decadence so soon. Or to have such electric chemistry with a stranger. But it had happened and he was going to take advantage of it. Before he’d left the club, he’d vetted Jordan with Vivian and a few other employees and patrons. Now, there was nothing holding him back from returning to see Jordan again.

  Danny tucked the card back into his wallet. He went over to the nightstand to put his phone on the charger, then stripped out of his club clothes, haphazardly tossed them in the laundry basket, and fell into bed wearing only his briefs. The room was dark and quiet as he lay there thinking, too riled up to sleep. He was glad he’d met Jordan. But the only reason he’d had the opportunity to do so was because of Blaze.

  Rolling onto his side, Danny picked up his phone so he could scroll through his mentions, first on Instagram then on Twitter. He didn’t really expect to see anything from Blaze, still, he hoped... But there was nothing. Not even an imposter account trying to make him think they were Blaze. Disappointed, Danny put the phone down and flopped onto his back. He wasn’t obsessed. He simply wanted to thank the hero for what he’d done.

  Danny lay there staring at the ceiling for all of a minute before he flung off the covers and got out of bed. He went over to his dresser for a t-shirt and shorts to throw on, then grabbed his wallet and phone. If he couldn’t connect with Blaze online, maybe he’d have a chance reaching him in person. The odds were slim but it was worth a try.

  The house was dark and silent as he crept down to the first level. Scott must have gone to bed right after Danny had run upstairs. Feeling as if he was on a secret mission, Danny stepped out onto the porch, locked the front door, and quietly ran to his car.

  Thanks to the late hour, traffic was light. He made the trip downtown in minutes, parking in the same lot as that fateful night. There was no guarantee that Blaze would be in this area again but maybe it was part of his patrol route or something. Danny got out of the car and locked the door. This time he made sure to keep his keys out, his hand wrapped around the tube of pepper spray, thumb ready on the trigger.

  He didn’t venture too far from his car, staying close to the parking lot and not going beyond the lit areas. An old truck drove past. A group of college-aged kids staggered down the other sidewalk, clearly drunk based on the way they laughed and clung to each other. They straightened up when a pair of P-Bots approached, then gave the bots the finger behind their backs once they passed without incident. But there was no sign of Blaze.

  Danny sighed. This was a dumb idea. Even if he yelled Blaze! Help! the man wasn’t likely to show up. He could be on the other side of the city for all Danny knew.

  Giving up on his foolish quest, he started back to his car. At a quiet noise right behind him, the scrape of a boot on concrete, Danny whirled back around. He raised the pepper spray, ready to blast the presumed criminal in the face before he could be attacked. But instead of the red vest he expected to see, it was skin tight black leather. Blaze. “It’s you.” Danny breathed the words out as he lowered the spray, hardly daring to believe his plan of stand there and look helpless had worked, and Blaze was right there in front of him.

  Blaze crossed his arms over his chest. “Why are you out here alone again?”

  “I’m armed this time, see?” Danny shook the tube of pepper spray. “I learned my lesson.”

  Blaze gave the little canister a sideways glance. Danny didn’t need to see his full expression to know that he didn’t think the spray was worth much in the way of protection. He lowered the keychain to his side. “I wanted to say thank you for saving me, and for the Club Decadence membership. You didn’t have to ask them to do that for me, and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it.”

  Blaze nodded slightly. “I saw your artwork.”

  “I hoped you would!” Danny said with a happy smile. “I know you don’t have any public accounts on Twitter or Instagram but I figured someone would eventually show it to you.”

  “Someone did. I noticed there were hardly any Blaze pictures on your timeline. Lots of Ignite and Helios.”

  Blaze sounded almost disappointed. An image popped into Danny’s head of this six foot plus man scrolling his feed and pouting when he didn’t see any artwork of himself. Danny managed to smother his giggle at the mental picture, but couldn’t resist teasing the superhero. “They’re both very popular. Much more than you. You need better PR people.”

  Danny caught a slight twitch to Blaze’s lips. Apparently, he’d managed to amuse the gruff superhero. That gave him the confidence to ask a question that had been on his mind for days. “Would it be okay if I drew more of you? I want to but you seem pretty private and I thought that I should ask before I went wild with the fanart.”

  “I don’t mind,” Blaze responded in his deep growl. “Make sure I look good.”

  Danny ran his eyes over Blaze, taking in the big, hard body wrapped in supple black leather. He assumed the suit was two pieces, as the pants had a belt and zipper but the top had no openings or fastenings that he could see. Thick padding on Blaze’s thighs and shoulders, and armored plates on his elbows, forearms, and knees gave the suit added protection. And that cowled helmet. It served to protect Blaze’s head, but Danny loved the way it so perfectly framed the hard line of the hero’s bearded jawline, drawing attention to full, sensuous lips. What would it be like to kiss a man who had such strength and power? Danny’s knees nearly buckled at the thought of it. Taken all together, Blaze looked like a gift from the leather fetish gods and he would love to unwrap him.

  “I don’t think there’s any worry about that,” Danny finally said with unabashed admiration. As soon as he spoke, the cloud of lust cleared from his brain and he realized what he’d said and how he’d said it. Mortified, Danny clapped a hand over his mouth. He did not just attempt to flirt with Blaze. Lord, the man was going to think he was some superhero fanboy. Which he was. But he didn’t want to be blatant about it in front of an actual superhero.

  “I only meant that your fighting style is really cool. I noticed that the other night with the sparks and everything.” Danny waved his fists around in a wild attempt to demonstrate Blaze’s electrified punches, nearly knocking himself in the face with his keyring in the process. He abruptly dropped his hands before he put his eye out.


  Again, that noncommittal noise that could have meant anything. Danny suspected this time it meant Blaze was trying not to laugh.

  “Anyway, I should get back home. I’m sure you’ve got crime to stop and villains to catch.” He started backing away, still rambling. “Thank you again. You’re the best, really. I promise there’ll be lots more Blaze art on my profile from now on. Good night and uh... be safe!” He gave a little wave before spinning around and hot footing it back to his car.

  Danny was so focused on his getaway, he didn’t realize until he’d sat down in the driver’s seat and closed the door that he’d neglected to ask for a way to contact Blaze. But what reason could he give for needing to? H
e’d had the chance to express his gratitude like he wanted, so that should be it between them. No reason for them to interact again.

  He drove to the edge of the parking lot, pausing to let a van go past before pulling out. As he sat there, the ticking of the turn blinker loud in the quiet of his car, he again had that feeling that he was being watched. Danny slowly raised his eyes from the road to check the rearview mirror. Blaze stood there, still as stone, half-hidden in the shadows of the building behind him. And he was definitely watching Danny as he drove away.

  Chapter Five


  anny spent a big chunk of his Sunday afternoon drawing Blaze. It was supposed to be a day off from art work but now that he had the elusive hero’s blessing to portray him, he had to get something down. Besides, working was the perfect way to keep from obsessively checking the clock all day, wondering if it was time for his date with Jordan.

  He kept it simple with sketches only — limited color and no backgrounds. The sketches gave him a feel for drawing the hero, which would help for future projects. As Blaze had pointed out, he had a portfolio full of superheroes like Ignite and Helios. Danny was practiced in drawing those two, and had cultivated an aesthetic to fit each man. But Blaze was so different, his gear, his fighting style, his entire mood. It would take practice to get him right. For now, he uploaded a few of the finished sketches with a short caption. Hey guys! I’m really inspired to draw Blaze right now. Can’t wait to create some amazing art of this hero for you.

  After sharing the posts across his social media, Danny mostly wandered aimlessly around the house. He called a few family members to say hello. Spent time researching what to expect for his first scene. Ate a meal that he barely tasted. Then finally finally it was time to get ready for his night with Jordan. He ordered an Uber, then ran upstairs to get dressed.

  Assuming he’d have to get at least partially naked, Danny looked through his closet for an outfit he could easily pull on and off, but was also sexy enough for a date with a BDSM Dom. He decided on a dark purple romper. The tight shorts called attention to his thighs, and his package looked nice too. Turning around, he peeked over his shoulder to check out his butt in the mirror. Stellar as always, thanks to his weekly squat routine and visits to spin class. Danny grinned and slipped his feet into a pair of leather loafers and fastened his handcuff pendant around his throat.


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