Possessed by the Bear

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Possessed by the Bear Page 5

by Fel Fern

  “Hi,” he chirped.

  Danny wanted to smack himself for sounding like some love-sick teenager. For crying out loud, he’d walked on runways all around the world for a living. He was more put together than this, and yet since day one, this particular bear seemed to possess the ability to smash aside all his shields.

  “Morning,” Connor said, eying his coffee. “That for me?”

  Danny nearly tripped on the porch steps while making his way to Connor but managed to balance himself before he embarrassed himself any further. Connor accepted the mug before letting out a sigh. Danny itched to touch his man, to run his fingers all over those yummy hard planes of muscles. His cock hardened in his pants.

  Realizing he hadn’t said a thing and Connor simply watched him with those intriguing half-gold half-green eyes, he blurted the first thing that came to mind. “Aren’t you cold?”

  “The cold doesn’t affect us much, and besides, smelling your arousal is worth it.”

  Danny blushed. “Who wouldn’t get a little excited seeing such striking eye candy in the morning?”

  “Most sensible men run away as soon as they discover there’s a monster lurking under my skin,” Connor said.

  “There you go again, trying to frighten me. It won’t work.”

  Connor let out a breath. “You might change your mind after I tell you what I did to you last night.”

  “Last night was the best sex I ever had.”

  Connor raised an eyebrow, then a rumble tore out of his chest. God. Danny found that incredibly hot, as well as the other growly noises Connor made. Rough man. Gorgeous bear. His, if Danny wanted. No. It wasn’t wise being presumptuous.

  “Best?” Connor asked.

  He shivered as a cool wind whipped at his face and body. Even with his thick sweater, Danny was freezing.

  Connor narrowed his eyes. “Let’s get inside. Why didn’t you wear a coat?”

  Connor walked up to him and led him back to his cabin.

  “Well, you were too distracting,” Danny said.

  “You needed wood. Wait here.” Connor left only to bring in an armful of chopped wood. The werebear did two more trips before making a neat pile by the fireplace. By then, Danny made them more coffee and breakfast.

  Connor had found a shirt, too, which disappointed him slightly. They settled by the kitchen sink. Connor glanced at the two plates and made a face. “Pop-Tarts?”

  “Well, I don’t know how to cook very well.”

  “Let me.” Before he could say anything, his bear opened the fridge and began pawing through the items there.

  “All junk food,” Connor muttered, shutting the door. “I’ll get stuff from my cabin.”

  “Why don’t we go there to save you time?” he asked.

  “Well,” Connor drawled, eying him up and down. Danny didn’t exactly think he looked particularly sexy in his old gray jogging pants and loose sweater. However, Connor’s searing gaze made him aware of his fast beating heart and his dick straining against his pants. Connor continued, “Seeing as I planned on having two breakfasts today, I rather my brothers don’t scent you in the kitchen.”

  “W-wait, kitchen, really?” he asked, feeling his entire face heat up.

  First the living room, and now his bear wanted to do him in the kitchen? Why was he so turned on that he could hardly hear himself think? Dirty images clashed in his head, and his adrenaline spiked.

  “Seems to me you like that idea,” Connor said.

  Then the werebear left the cabin, only to return with eggs, bacon, and bread.

  “Can I help?” he asked, amazed this huge sexy man was capable of cooking.


  They worked in complete harmony for a bit, with Connor giving him instructions. A strange feeling came over him, one of complete contentment. He could imagine waking up every morning like this, making breakfast with his man and not needing to worry about the calories he could consume in a day.

  Danny realized he usually spent the earlier part of the day anxious and worried about his shoot later. Despite having made a name for himself in the fashion industry, he still harbored the same doubts he did when he first began. Would he screw up his shoot? Had he exceeded his ideal amount of calories the day before?

  Thirty minutes later, they had plenty of bacon, eggs, and toasts on plates. His stomach rumbled. Danny was hungrier than he initially thought. They devoured everything within minutes.

  He let out a sigh of contentment as they put the plates in the sink. “Oh, that was really good. Thank you,” he murmured.

  “You can thank me by offering yourself as second breakfast.”

  On the heels of those words, Connor fisted his sweater and pushed him against the counter. He groaned at the contact of their bodies. Not wanting to remain a passive participant, Danny slipped his hands up Connor’s shirt, touching Connor’s pectorals, his rock-hard abs.

  Feeling mischievous, he undid the button of Connor’s jeans and finally curved his fingers over the massive erection Connor currently rocked. All that while, Connor watched him the way a predator would, with all the patience in the world.

  No longer afraid of the rough but also incredibly thoughtful man in front of him, Danny knelt. Connor could be easily misunderstood at first glance, but Danny knew the werebear a lot better now. He trusted Connor more than any man he’d been with before, too, and knew Connor would never hurt him or push him to do things he didn’t want.

  He leaned in close, only to feel Connor’s fingers in his hair, tugging him closer. Danny unzipped Connor’s pants and pulled out the werebear’s impressive prick. Eager to start, he flicked the pre-cum away from Connor’s cockhead and tongued Connor’s slit. He explored his bear from root to balls, enjoying every rumble and groan that came out of Connor’s mouth.

  Opening his jaws wider, he began taking Connor in. He bobbed his head up and down, his own shaft thickening between his legs.

  Connor gave his hair a tug, and he paused.

  “I need to take over,” Connor commanded, pupils glowing gold.

  He held his mouth open as Connor thrust his engorged dick in and out of his mouth. Soon enough, Connor let out a growl and came inside his mouth. Some cum spilled down the sides of his mouth, but Connor swiped it away. The werebear hauled him back to his feet, before claiming his mouth. The kiss was all heat and bite, exactly what he wanted. Then Connor pulled away, smirking as he gave Danny’s prick a squeeze through the jogging pants.

  “Clothes,” he managed.

  They undressed in seconds. Connor kicked their pile of clothing away and once more pressed himself against Danny, his groin between Danny’s ass cheeks. God, but his bear burned hot. Feeling playful, he rubbed his ass against Connor’s dick, already beginning to harden again.

  “Shifters are amazing,” he whispered, doing it again only to hear a growl from Connor.

  “Keep doing that and I’ll start pounding you against the counter,” Connor whispered against his ear. The werebear touched the bandage on his neck, peeled it away to unveil two neat fang marks on his neck. Somehow, seeing Connor’s bite there kickstarted his heart right away. It looked good, he realized.

  “What’s wrong?” he had to ask. Sensing something was wrong, he turned to face his bear and began to reach for Connor’s cheek, but Connor grabbed his hand and kissed it.

  “Later,” Connor said.

  Then the werebear kissed him again, obliterating every remaining logical thought left in his mind.

  Chapter Nine

  Danny kissed back, still tasting Connor’s need in his mouth. Tangling with this man, this rough and sexy werebear, was dangerous. He’d already established that earlier, but it was far too late to back away now. Connor’s touch, his kisses, and his love-making were like a drug he didn’t want to be weaned off. Danny only kept coming back for more, and when it came to Connor, he didn’t want to say no.

  Connor positioned his big hands on his ass and gave the globes a squeeze. He groaned, only for Co
nnor to turn him by the shoulder, so his front and groin dug against the counter. Danny felt incredibly turned on by the sheer power and confidence of the dominant werebear behind him, especially when Connor pressed him down gently on the surface.

  “Need you in me,” he murmured. Danny turned his head to see Connor picking up his jeans and grabbing the lube.

  Connor nudged his legs apart, exposing his balls and engorged cock. He rested his cheek against the counter. Hearing the lube being uncapped heightened his anticipation. Connor worked one, then two fingers in him, widening his hole. Moments later, Connor replaced his fingers with his prick. This time, Connor penetrated him without warning. It burned, but Danny knew Connor would soon replace the pain with ecstasy.

  Finally, Connor’s balls brushed against his ass. Danny took deep breaths, aware of Connor’s cock stretching him wide. Then his bear began to move, strokes quick and deep. Good thing, too, because Danny had a feeling he wouldn’t last long. He met Connor for every thrust, clawing at the counter as Connor rutted him.

  Heat radiated from his insides to his dick and the rest of his body. His balls tightened against him. So close. He moaned, incapable of words, but hoped Connor understood he was at his limit. Connor must have changed angles, because the next time Connor hammered inside him, he gasped. The werebear kept brushing against his prostate, and his climax climbed.

  He gasped when Connor’s mouth found the side of his neck again, kissing and sucking at the spot.

  “I’m close,” he whispered.

  Connor moved his lips from his neck to his mouth, the kiss quick and unexpectedly soft and tender. “Come for me,” Connor ordered.

  Just like that, Connor buried his dick inside his ass again, and the pressure building inside him shattered. He cried out, screamed himself hoarse as his mind flew and he emptied out his balls. Connor pounded in and out of him several more times, before filing his ass with jizz.

  He slumped against the counter, smile on his lips. Connor pressed a kiss to the nape of his neck, and he stood shakily to his feet, only to fall into Connor’s waiting arms.

  “Mine,” Connor whispered against his ear.

  “Yes,” he murmured. The words felt right. Perfect.

  Then Connor had to ruin the perfect moment by swearing, then pulling away. His pupils were a burnt gold now, wary with emotions he couldn’t read. Danny bit his bottom lip, wondering if he did something wrong.

  “Fuck, I haven’t told you what this mark means,” Connor said, pointing to the bite mark on his neck. Connor scrubbed at his face. “It’s just when you’re around, all I want is to bury my cock in you, be with you, because you make everything better, especially my bear.”

  Relieved Connor hadn’t run, he awkwardly grabbed their pants and offered Connor his. “Please,” Danny added. “I can’t think very well when you’re naked. You’re too distracting.”

  That made Connor chuckle and shattered the tension that suddenly rose up between them.

  “How about shower first?” Connor asked. “Meet you back here in ten.”

  He nodded. The conversation they were about to have felt important. Danny hopped in the shower, hoping Connor would join him, but no such luck. He rested his head against the tiles, wondering what went wrong. It certainly had been a strange but wonderful morning, with breakfast and hot sex after. Something was bothering his bear though, and he intended to find out what.

  What if Connor was going to tell him he had a boyfriend? Worse, was in a committed relationship? This wasn’t good. There was no use coming up with theories. He’d wait for Connor to fess up.

  By the time he came out of the bathroom, freshly showered and dressed, Connor looked contemplative, sitting on the kitchen counter. A fresh pot of brewed coffee was on the counter.

  “Sorry for the wait, and for cleaning up,” he said, noticing everything looked sparkling clean.

  “Sit,” Connor said, gesturing to the unoccupied seat on the counter. The werebear poured them new cups of coffee.

  He took his mug, sipped, and mentally prepared himself for whatever came next.

  Connor blew out a breath and said, “I gave you my mating mark last night.”

  He froze. Whatever Danny had been expecting, it wasn’t that. Danny might be human, but even the average human heard about those. Shifters mated for life, and they marked their mates so any other shifter would know their chosen was taken and off-limits. When he heard that, he’d been stunned and a little envious. Cheating was something only humans worried about, and yet shifters had this special unbreakable connection to their mates.

  Now Connor just told him the bite on his neck was a mate mark. Needing to process this, he sat down, legs shaky. Connor wasn’t the kind of guy who joked, and the werebear looked far too serious now, awaiting his reaction.

  “I don’t know what to say,” he blurted. “I mean, how—”

  “My bear knew from the beginning you were meant to be mine. That’s why I wanted you gone. I couldn’t understand my reaction, but I do now.”

  “I need time,” he finally said.

  “Time isn’t a luxury,” Connor replied. “Not for the both of us. In two months’ time, you’ll be gone, and I can’t follow you.”

  “I—” His head spun, because Connor just dropped a huge atomic bomb on him. They only just met each other. True, he never felt this way with any other guy. Danny could even envision his life with Connor in it, except he hadn’t been completely honest with Connor, either.

  “I get it. I’m not mate material.” Connor sounded so cold, so distant, that Danny knew if he let his bear walk away, he might risk losing Connor forever. Danny leapt out of his chair and encircled his arms around Connor. He pressed his head into the Connor’s powerful but tensed up back muscles.

  “It’s not that. I’ve been hiding something big from you, too.”

  At those words, Connor turned, frowning at him. “What do you mean? Don’t tell me you have a guy waiting for you at home.”

  A snarl accompanied those words, and Connor had narrowed his eyes with anger.

  “It’s not that,” he quickly said. Possessive bear, but he sort of liked it.

  “What then?”

  He took a deep breath. “I came to the Red Mountains for a reason, to hide, because of a death threat.”

  Danny told Connor the truth, who he really was and why he had to run. By the time he finished, the coffee pot had been emptied out and Connor looked at him like he was a stranger.

  “Say something,” he finally said after Connor hadn’t spoken for what seemed like forever.

  “You lied to me,” Connor said, pupils lit with flecks of yellow. “And this, has all this just been a lie?”

  Connor gestured to all of him, and it felt like he’d taken several blows to the chest.

  “Of course not! This is the real me, the side my fans and most of the people in the industry seldom see,” he blurted, incredibly hurt Connor would think he was merely acting.

  “I fucking hate liars.” Connor got off the stool.

  “Hey, don’t you dare run,” he accused.

  “I need some air, to be around nature, little human. My bear’s this close to coming out of my skin,” Connor said, words barely human. The werebear exited via the back door. He hurried after Connor.

  “Connor!” he yelled, but he moved too slow. By the time he caught up, he saw shredded clothes on snow-covered ground.

  He called Connor again, but was only answered with a snarl, then the monstrous brown form disappeared into the woods.

  “So, you finally told him who you are?” asked a familiar voice.

  He spun, angry and confused at Connor for leaving and hating the smirk on Mac’s face. Connor’s younger brother leaned against his truck, not to be underestimated in a thin reindeer sweater.

  “You know who I am?” he finally asked, making sense of Mac’s words.

  “I had a sneaking suspicion. I only had to go online and confirm the truth. Your disguise is awful by the way,
Danny Denver.”

  Danny thought for a second. Mac didn’t seem to be all that bad. He waited for a member of the press to jump out of a tree and start taking pictures or bombard him with questions. When nothing happened, he guessed Mac had kept the secret to himself—at least, he hoped so.

  “He’s never even heard of me. Hell, Connor says he doesn’t own a TV,” he finally said.

  “All true,” Mac said. “My brother’s not interested in technology, and he doesn’t care that you’re famous. This changes things though.”

  “Because he mated me?” Danny touched the mark on his neck. It ached a little now, as if he could sense a little of Connor’s pain.

  Mac whistled. “So, you guys had it all out in the open, huh?”

  “What do you mean this changes things?” he demanded. God. It was freezing out here. Danny forgot his jacket again, and damn Mac for looking so comfy.

  “Mated pairs need to be within close vicinity of each other. When February comes around and you pack up and leave, you’re going to leave my brother a broken bear.”

  “Connor’s stronger than you think,” he said, pissed Mac would say that about his own flesh and blood.

  Mac shook his head, looking dead serious. “Right now, you’re the only thing keeping his bear stable. I doubt you’ll change your entire life around, not when you’ve achieved a huge level of fame.”

  “Connor can come with me to the city,” he said, then remembered Connor admitting he couldn’t follow Danny to the city. Softly, he went on, “His bear needs these woods, doesn’t he?”

  “Connor’s bear has always been different, wilder than ours and harder to control, especially after our parents died,” Mac explained, pinning his gaze. “If you leave, you won’t just break his heart. You’ll kill him.”

  Chapter Ten

  “Kill him? What do you mean by that?” Danny demanded.

  Just imagining his proud, strong, grumpy bear dead scared him shitless. It felt like a fist tightened over his heart, making it hard to breathe. Mac didn’t look like he was joking around, either, not with those grave yellow eyes, which were so like Connor’s when intense emotions rode his bear.


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