Wedding Night With the Earl

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Wedding Night With the Earl Page 20

by Amelia Grey

  “So am I.”

  “I do worry, though,” he said. “I think perhaps you should have a parasol to keep the sun off your face.”

  Katherine smiled and hoped it wasn’t as sad as she suddenly felt. Lord Rudyard had said exactly what her aunt had said earlier when she’d started outside without her parasol. “I believe the rim of my bonnet is sufficient to take care of that, my lord. It’s quite wide.”

  “I’m sure you know best,” he conceded, and extended a small bouquet of colorful flowers to her.

  She took them, carried them to her nose, and inhaled with a gentle smile. “They are lovely and fragrant. Thank you, my lord.”

  “I’m pleased you like them.”

  “Do you want to walk around the grounds or would you prefer sitting down with my aunt for a chat?”

  “I would very much like to walk with you. But we’ll only do it for a short time. I don’t want to overtire your leg. I’m sure it pains you if you stand on it too long.”

  It would probably always give her some discomfort, but recently it was mostly when she first awakened in the mornings. “No need to worry about me, my lord. I’m finding that exercising it often is actually good for my leg. Besides, it’s not paining me at all right now.”

  “Splendid! I was hoping for a chance to talk to you alone for a few minutes.”

  Oh dear.

  She knew it would be for the best if he mentioned marriage to her again, but still, she wished he wouldn’t. It wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have, because her heart longed for Lord Greyhawke.

  Katherine looked down at the flowers she held in one hand and her cane in the other. She wasn’t ready to give up the cane yet, but she felt even more confident that one day she would. And it would be because Lord Greyhawke had questioned her reliance on it and then had faith in her that she could walk without it.

  They strolled down the stone pathway that ran beside the yew hedge on both sides of the garden. Every shrub in the knot had survived the winter. Its intricate pattern was already beautifully green. The flower gardens had been newly planted and the colorful flowers were beginning to sprout and bud. A few had already bloomed.

  “I was hoping you might enlighten me as to what I might do to win your favor and encourage you to agree to accept my proposal of marriage.”

  “Marriage is not something to take lightly, my lord.”

  “I agree, but I made the proposal to your uncle more than a year ago.”

  She grimaced. “Was it truly that long ago?”

  “Probably longer.” He chuckled. “But in any case, I understand that a lady must take her time and consider cleverly about something that will affect the rest of her life. Still, I believe I have given you plenty of time so that you can’t think I’m rushing you.”

  It was her uncle who had put a time limit on her. It wasn’t that she blamed him. And she understood. Her aunt and uncles were tired of being a chaperone and guardians to a twenty-year-old lady who couldn’t make up her mind whom she wanted to marry. They were tired of the Season’s endless parties and balls, preferring small, quiet dinner parties like the one where she had met Lord Greyhawke.

  Katherine glanced over at Lord Rudyard and wished she felt that all-consuming need to be with him that she felt whenever she was with Adam. If only she felt that desire, she would give Lord Rudyard her answer this very afternoon.

  “I don’t feel that you have rushed me,” she told the viscount. “And in truth, I am seriously considering your proposal, my lord.”

  “I’m honored to hear that, Miss Wright. I know you have many other gentlemen wanting the promise of your hand. But I want you to know that none of them would take better care of you than me. I will cherish and shelter you dearly, just as your uncle has done all these years. I will treat you like the delicate flower you are.”

  But Katherine had no desire to be treated delicately. “I am not that fragile, my lord. I assure you, I am strong and very healthy. Now tell me, do you want to have children?”

  He gave her a look of surprise. “Of course. All men want a son to carry on their name.”

  Adam didn’t and that puzzled her. She couldn’t understand his reluctance about something that was as natural as breathing for most gentlemen. Perhaps because of the death of his first wife, he was reluctant to try for a family again. She had firsthand knowledge of how devastating it was to lose all you held dear.

  “And,” Lord Rudyard continued, “as in my case, a son to carry on the title as well. Why do you ask? Do you fear motherhood, Miss Wright? I know that some ladies do.”

  “No, of course not.” She laughed because he had so misunderstood her reason for asking. “I want to have children. Many children.”

  And she would honor her brother and her sisters by naming her children after them.

  “We will have as many as you like. It matters not to me, because they will be with the nanny most of the time and not bothering us anyway.”

  Katherine frowned and her hand tightened on the bouquet of flowers as well as her cane. “I don’t think I would ever consider my children a bother to me, my lord.”

  He stopped and smiled down at her. “Of course, they can be. You wouldn’t know because you grew up in your uncle’s house without small children around, a house with civility. I grew up in a house with three younger brothers and two younger sisters, and it was quite chaotic most of the time.”

  But that was the kind of life she was looking forward to.

  “I remember,” Lord Rudyard continued, “I always felt calm and peaceful once all the little ones were put to bed for the evening. And I was never happier than when I was too old for my bedchamber to be in the nursery wing of the house. So no need for you to worry, Miss Wright. We will enjoy our quiet evenings by the fire, reading and playing cards. And of course we’ll want to travel a few months each year as well.”

  A sudden breeze blew down Katherine’s neck and she wrapped her pelisse tighter about her. The life the viscount described was not the kind she was dreaming about, but she remained quiet. She couldn’t forget her promise to be betrothed by the end of the Season. Complaining would make her ungrateful for all her uncles and aunt had done for her. She couldn’t do that. She would tell anyone that they had done what was right by her. Taking her in as a child and now supporting her through her third Season. She couldn’t ask them to give her another year, but oh, how she wanted to.

  “Look what we have managed to accomplish, Miss Wright.”

  “What’s that?” she asked, thinking it must be that she was more uncertain than ever that she wanted to marry Lord Rudyard.

  “We are standing behind the fountain. Do you know what that means?”

  The tall, urn-shaped fountain stood near the back gate, in the center of the garden. The rim was flanked by two large cupids with their wings spread wide. The cupids appeared to be drinking water from the overflowing urn. An abundance of freshly planted flowers surrounded the base of the fountain.

  Katherine shook her head. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean.”

  “I can’t see your aunt, can you?”

  She looked around. “Not without moving.”

  “Good. I think this is the perfect place to steal a kiss from you. You don’t mind, do you?”

  Do I?

  No. I want him to.

  She looked into his handsome face and thought, Yes, please kiss me. Kiss me and make me feel the soul-wrenching, delirious feelings that Lord Greyhawke made me feel when he kissed me. She wanted the viscount to gather her in his arms and hold her so tightly that she ached. She wanted him to make her feel desired.

  He reached down and kissed her briefly, softly, on the lips. It was much the same way Lord Greyhawke had kissed her when he’d said it was the way a young lady should receive her first kiss. It was pleasant enough, but certainly not earth-shattering.

  Lord Rudyard looked at her and smiled. “Did that make you happy?”

  She ignored his question and said, “May w
e share another before we continue our walk?”

  His brows rose. “Indeed.”

  He moved to kiss her again the same way he had the first time, and she put up her hand and stopped him. He backed away. “No, don’t move. This time I want you to kiss me with your arms around me. You know, holding me tightly to your chest.”

  At those words, he frowned. “That wouldn’t be proper, Miss Wright. We can’t start anticipating the wedding night.” He smiled again. “I fear your uncle would throw me out of his garden by my ear if your aunt should look around and see us embracing and tattle. But I am pleased to know that you want me to hold you.”

  Adam had no such fears. “Of course, you’re right,” she said, and they started walking again.

  “I hope you aren’t too disappointed. You see, I believe we will be married, and I don’t want to do anything to upset the duke and ruin my chances with you.”

  “I understand, my lord,” she assured him. But she didn’t. If he truly desired her the way Adam did, he would take the risk of getting caught just to hold her in his arms.

  In a way, she was glad he had not taken her up on her offer. Somehow, deep inside, she knew he couldn’t make her feel the way Adam had, even though life would be so much easier for her if he could.

  It had been a few days since she had heard from Adam. For all she knew, he could have already left Town. An ache grabbed her stomach, and she inhaled deeply at that possibility. She couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing him again.

  Katherine heard the back door open and saw a servant bringing out the refreshments tray.

  She sighed as they turned the corner and started up the pathway toward her aunt. The viscount was a good man, and he would be a capable father. And if she married him, maybe one day she would develop stronger feelings for him than she had at present. But as of right now, there was nothing about him that excited her senses or caused her heart to trip in her chest.

  And all that left her with was a feeling of sadness and the wish that she could see Adam again.

  Chapter 24

  The very instant that I saw you, did

  My heart fly to your service …

  —The Tempest, act 3, scene 1

  Adam surprised himself sometimes, and never more so than since he’d met Katherine. He was sitting in his slowly rumbling carriage, making the block around her house for at least the tenth time, giving him plenty of time to ponder. He’d actually managed to stay away from her for several days. It hadn’t been easy. It had been damned hard. Denying himself something he wanted had never been one of his strengths.

  That day at the orphanage, he’d come so close to making love to her. The thought of getting her with child scared the hell out of him. He didn’t trust himself where she was concerned. But after he’d watched Katherine’s uncles sit down at a gaming table for a hand of cards at the Heirs’ Club, he knew what he wanted to do.

  She would be safe from his advances at her home—somewhat safe, anyway—unless for some reason she was alone. He could spend an hour or two with her, if—and it was a big if—fate decided to smile upon him and let him find her at home. There was always the possibility that she could be at one of the popular afternoon card parties or taking in the sights and sounds at one of the parks with Lord Rudyard or someone else.

  When he’d arrived at her house, he’d seen Lord Rudyard’s landau waiting in front of it. The dandy was visiting her. Adam chuckled to himself. And here he was circling her house, waiting his turn to go to her door.

  His patience paid off when, in less than half an hour of his arrival, Rudyard’s landau was gone.

  Adam knocked on her door, and it was opened by a short, slender butler.

  “Good afternoon,” Adam said, removing his hat. “I’m the Earl of Greyhawke, here to see Miss Wright.”

  “Is she expecting you, my lord?” the spry man asked.

  “Yes, she is,” Adam said with all certainty that Katherine wanted to see him.

  “Come in,” he said. “She’s in the garden. Let me show you into the drawing room and I’ll let her know you are here. I believe her aunt has already retired to her chambers for the afternoon, but I’ll let her know you are here.”

  “I ask that you please not disturb Lady Leola,” Adam said, having little hope the butler would take his suggestion. Still, it was worth a try. “I won’t be staying long. Why don’t you show me to the garden? The afternoon is so fair, there’s no need for Miss Wright to come inside for such a short time. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “I respect your suggestion, my lord, but think I should leave it to Miss Wright to decide that.”

  Sometimes Adam hated the proprieties of Society.

  “All right. I’ll go with you to ask her.” Adam smiled and handed the man his hat, then stuffed his gloves in the pocket of his greatcoat as he followed him down the corridor to the back door.

  When the butler opened the door, Adam saw Katherine standing toward the back of the garden near a large fountain, holding a teacup in one hand and her cane in the other. She looked up at him and his stomach did a slow roll. Every long, boring lap he’d made around the block waiting for the viscount to leave had been worth it for this moment alone.

  Katherine looked so incredibly fresh and lovely, he wanted to grab her in his arms and swing her around. She was like a ray of sunshine on a bleak and dreary day. He remembered how she’d responded to him, how soft and passionate she’d felt beneath him when he’d been with her at the orphanage. He hungered to feel her in his arms again.

  She started walking toward him.

  “No need to announce me,” he told the butler. “She sees me.”

  “But my lord,” the butler said, “I really should.”

  Paying him no mind, Adam hurried down the steps toward Katherine.

  “Lord Greyhawke,” she said, meeting him halfway up the path. “This is a surprise.”

  “Don’t tell the butler that.” Adam looked back and saw that the man was going back inside the house. “I told him you were expecting me. I hope you don’t mind that I came without an invitation.”

  “No, of course not. But after our last meeting I wasn’t sure I’d see you again.”

  “Neither was I.”

  “Has there been a change in your feelings or plans since we last talked?”

  “No, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t want to see you. To see how you’re doing.”

  Her hopes dashed, she inhaled deeply and said, “You know I’m always happy to see you, but I—why are you here? Is something wrong?”

  Yes, I was aching to see you.

  “Nothing’s wrong. I saw your uncles sit down to a card game at the Heirs’ Club and I decided to take the chance I could see you alone for a few minutes.”

  “My aunt went up to her chambers to rest a few minutes ago. I’m sure Hanson will tell her you’re here and she’ll be down shortly.”

  “Then we will have to make the best of the time we have. Was Lord Rudyard here?”

  Her brows raised. “Yes. He joined us for tea earlier.” She walked over to the table and placed her cup on it.

  Adam followed her. She was still miffed at him, and he didn’t blame her. “How long did Rudyard stay?”

  “I’m not sure. Perhaps an hour and a half.”

  “He stayed that long?” Adam asked. “You must have had a lot to talk about.”

  She smiled. “I guess we did.”

  “What kinds of things did you discuss?”

  “That is a personal question, my lord, and you know what I think about personal questions.”

  “You enjoy his company.”

  It was impossible to not be affected by Adam’s charm, and she couldn’t hold on to her ill feelings concerning him, either. Katherine laughed and her eyes sparkled delightfully. “Did you just ask another personal question?”

  “No,” he admitted. “I was making a statement.”

  She shook her head and said, “I’m afraid the tea is cold now, but I’ll ha
ve hot tea brought out.”

  “I didn’t come for tea, Katherine.”

  She looked up at him and asked, “Why did you come?”

  She knew, but he didn’t mind her asking. “I’ve already told you. To see you. To see how you are doing.”

  “I’m well.”

  “Still using your cane.”

  She cleared her throat and lifted her chin. “When I’m not alone. But I’ve been practicing walking without it in my room. Besides, I’m not ready to let my aunt and uncles know I’m not using it faithfully as I used to. I know it would upset them.”

  “I understand. I’ve seen how they dote on you.”

  “Because they care,” she said softly. “Everything they have done for me for the past twelve and a half years has been because they thought it was best. They simply want me to be safe.”

  “No one could doubt that,” he said, and moved closer to her. “Let’s dance?”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth opened in silent shock. “We can’t do that here in the garden.”

  He looked around. “Why not? We’re alone. For now, anyway. It’s a beautiful day. It’s beautiful here. The grass, trees, and shrubs are budding and flowering. The ground is level. Show me your shoes.”

  She lifted her dress up to her ankles and they both looked down.

  “Flat slippers,” he said. “Perfect for outside dancing.”

  “Have you ever danced outside?”

  “I can’t say I have. I’m always willing to try new things. How about you, Katherine?”

  She hesitated.

  “Say yes,” he whispered huskily.

  “You know there is a good possibility we could get caught dancing in the garden.”

  “Yes.” He took hold of her cane and laid it against the table. “And there is always the possibility we won’t. Who knows how long it will take your aunt to rouse from her nap and join us in the garden?”

  “You are forgetting about the servants. They are very loyal to the duke.”


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