Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows

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Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows Page 14

by L. A. A. Law

  “I know that you are looking for answers, but I assure you that what allows my son to transform is not what allows David to change.”

  “How do you know? I understand that you want to protect your family, but if there is a new breed of vampire that could transform into anything they want, the way we transform from human to wolves; I need to know. I understand that your son is not evil, but those in the family that is near our territory are monsters and if you have answers, you need to share them please!”

  Feeling around for his hand, he puts it in mine knowing what I am searching for. “I know that you are frustrated and I can understand why, you have an evil force that is a constant threat to your family and all future generations and feel helpless to stop them because even when you get some, there are others out there and new ones being created all the time. I understand that feeling very well, but I assure you that what allows my son to change is not what allows David to transform. What he does must be a type of illusion and it must have limits, otherwise, he wouldn’t need answers from Jacob. Grant, the information that I am withholding from you can’t help you with this problem and may only bring more problems to you if you knew.”

  Before he responds, Kenneth enters, but his are the only footsteps. My heart sinks at the thought of it only being Grant and I. Despite our willingness, my impairments and his solitude against only who knows how many on the estate is a recipe for defeat. The cushion bows and Kenneth is next to me. “They have all left the hospital. I was speaking to the nurse at the front desk and she told me that they were a family that came to help out temporarily and were returning to their home. I had commented to her how that was too bad because we had a new parishioner who was very ill from the states and that I had heard some of the family were specialists in rare cases and wanted to see if they could come and see if there was anything that could be done to help. Antoinette informed me that two of them had let her know that they would be returning later on to finish up here, so I asked her to convey my plea that they come and see me. I explained that it was a matter of utmost importance and their assistance may save a life. I’m sure that they will come. In the meantime did you eat or would you like me to show you where you can rest? I think that it would be best if you and Grant waited upstairs, sister Christopher will be back shortly with father John. We were supposed to go over the schedule for visiting the patients at the hospital. Normally, I would reschedule, but he is a visiting priest and when I could not reach him at St. Steven’s rectory, the receptionist told me that she believes he is already on route.”

  “Thank you for trying father.”

  “It’s Ken and don’t worry, my meeting will be short and I’m sure that your friends will come when they return and get the message, especially if their concern for helping people is anything like yours.”

  Grant takes my hand. “Let me help you upstairs.”

  “Thank you.” With each step, the thought of having to wait weighs upon me. Any delay could lead to disaster.

  Reading my thoughts, Grant pulls me from my introspection. “I think it would be best if we are patient. I’m scared too, but on our own, I don’t think that we are equipped to save them.” Despite his words, his voice reveals his own distraction at this new conundrum.

  “If we wait and they don’t come, we will have wasted more time. We should try to get onto the land and see if there is anything that we can do to help them.”

  “Mia, be reasonable, you can’t see, the only one outside of my pack is Ken and he is no match for even the weakest among them. I can call my son and see if they have heard anything from the ones we sent out for help.”

  As Grant talks to his son, my mind reels at the possibilities of what my family, both those here and now headed for home could face. If we could only free those here, they could easily grab the two who would be isolated in our territory. It’s quite ironic. Grant and I isolated here and Marlena and her family member isolated there with everyone’s lives hanging on which pair of lone fighters are victorious.

  Grant’s aggravated tone pulls me from my reverie. “We can’t wait that long...Don’t they understand that Julianne and Paul will be dead by then...We have already allowed this family to live too long and cause too much carnage...”

  His frustration rises with each word. He is getting louder. I reach and touch his arm reminding him of why we came up here and his tone turns hushed. “I do realize that the world does not believe we exist and that it would be dangerous for us if they learned about our existence and whereabouts, but maybe by giving into this fear, we have handicapped ourselves and allowed their reign of terror to flourish. If we were to get together and attack them, even if some of theirs escaped, who would they tell?...I understand that if they left the land they could attack in public and risk everyone, but I can’t sit idly by as I lose another family...No, you stay there. When a plan is in place, if I need you, I will call.

  The phone clicks and he is pacing wildly in what I can now tell is a small room.

  “Grant, please sit down. We don’t want anyone to hear that we’re up here.”

  A guttural growl escapes before he is next to me.

  “What happened?”

  “The others returned with a small contingent who will hear our plea and take it back to their elders. Although they understand that two of ours are captured, they want more information on the family before deciding whether to attack. They too know of what happened when Elizabeth tried to attack and do not want to be caught underestimating the family. They sent out scouts who will report back to their pack before a decision is made, but that could take days and I don’t think we have that kind of time.”

  “Grant, what did you mean when you said that you wouldn’t lose another family?”

  His tone turns distant. “About fifty years ago, Amanda had returned to place the spell on our children. My son had just turned twenty-one and my wife, my two sons and I were on the outskirts of our land so that he could practice. We were trying to see if he could transform at will and track us. We heard screams in the woods and my first wife and oldest son ran to help. David and Kristen caught them before they could transform and they were gone before Jeffrey and I could reach them. We saw it all, the brutality and horror in Gwyneth’s eyes before they took her life. Jeffrey was so distraught after that, I sent him to live with a family we knew in Virginia. He never came back and now I’m faced with losing more of my children. You’re right, we can’t wait.”

  “So when do we leave for the estate. They shouldn’t be expecting us and maybe, we could get to the others undetected. I know some spells that we can utilize if someone gets too close and maybe with some luck, if we can get to my family, they can help us get the children and get out of the estate.”

  He places his hand on mine. “Mia, I want to go but I need to get us a little help, otherwise, we are sure to be caught or killed.”

  He is on the phone again, his tone conveying his impassioned plea. “Elizabeth, it’s Grant Sheffield, I need your help to save my children.”

  Listening, I wish I could hear her response as he reiterates what has occurred. He thanks her before telling her where we are.

  “She and some of her pack will be here in a few hours. In the meantime, I need you to stay here.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I need to sneak back onto our territory in order to retrieve stakes and some makeshift guns which we retrofitted to shoot them.”

  “You can shoot them?”

  “Yes and no. You see, I know that David is untouchable with something like this, he can repel it. Also, some of the older ones are very quick and their hearing is so good that they can hear the stakes flying at them. However, I am hoping if their younger ones are out patrolling on their own, we can incapacitate them long enough to get the children out.”

  Although I’m relieved we have a plan in place, his returning to his land fills me with fear. “Didn’t you say that it was dangerous for you to be caught by them, that they would lo
ck you up? Can’t you just call your son and have him bring you the weapons?”

  “No, I need more than the one that each of our households are equipped with. I am going to have to break into our armory in order to have enough for Elizabeth and anyone she brings. I can’t get him involved in something like that. I will be back before Elizabeth.”

  “Grant it’s too dangerous for you to go back now.” I can’t do this alone. If he gets caught would Elizabeth even listen to me or would she think that I bewitched him and then got him locked up. “Can’t they smell your scent?”

  “They could if they are looking for me, but I don’t think that they would ever think that I would sneak back on to our lands. Anyone detecting it may think it is something residual.”

  Remembering the spell we told the kids would make them undetectable to werewolves for a while, I hope it also works on a werewolf. “Grant, can I use a spell on you that may mask your scent for a while?”

  “Anything that might help, I’m all for. Go ahead.”

  I cast the spell and then hear the window open just before his fur brushes across my legs. He must be jumping out the window. Alone in the darkness unable to move for fear that those below will detect my presence, I decide to try to connect back with Jacob.

  All of a sudden, I feel as if I am back in the car accident so many years ago with my body being tossed about and broken. I am hitting a wall and being thrust against cold, metal bars.

  Fog clouds my consciousness as David’s menacing voice pierces through the encroaching darkness. “Maybe that will teach you. Tell me what I want to know now.” His voice is closer and I feel myself moving upward.

  Gabriel shouts. “He can’t tell you anything, you knocked him unconscious. If you drop him again, you may kill him and then where will you be!”

  I’m descending and David’s response is even more distant. “Do you know anything about this boy and what he does?”

  “I know that if you kill him with your temper tantrums he will not be able to give you the information you are looking for.” I heard a crunch, a door slam and an anxious voice.

  “David, three werewolves have been detected at the outer perimeter. What do you want us to do? The young ones are nervous and will not go on patrol after what happened to Alexandra, Alex and Kristen?”

  His angry response echoes off the walls. “Must I do everything myself! Who caught the scent is it from their pack? Do we know which ones are on the grounds?”

  The sudden rattling of shackles, a thud, and scream shock me and I almost lose my connection. “Stop it!” There is more rattling and another thud. “Stop, they are just children!”

  “I don’t have time to deal with this, but maybe when I come back I will deal with you and then I will get my answers from the boy. Paul, I asked you if the wolves are from the pack.” I shudder hearing the deafening crash, His weak response is barely audible even to Jacob’s remarkable hearing.

  “Only one scent is familiar, the other two are not.”

  Quick footsteps retreat as the door slams again. Jacob fights through the fog to hear their fading conversation. “Get Nathaniel and Edward, we will kill two and send the one from their pack back bitten with a message that any further interference will result in the death of our captures and their lands will no longer be safe. Tell their member, they are to turn the woman over if she is alive or her body if dead. We need to make sure that there is no interference in our plan!”

  Shackles fall and Gabriel’s hushed voice is in Jacob’s ear. “How badly are you hurt, do you think that you can transform. I need you to try now.”

  After several moments, I feel Jacob’s tears trickling down. “I’m sorry, it isn’t happening.”

  “It’s alright, you can do it, you have to concentrate on releasing your fear, I know it is difficult, but Jacob, I know you felt your mother, you know she is alive and I’m sure that so are the others, we need to get out of here while they are occupied!” His tone is strained, probably to sound calm for Jacob, but he too is fearful.

  “But Emma and the others, we can’t leave them here, they’ll kill them.”

  “We won’t leave them here, Eva and I will work on the shackles, but you need to leave, these people are dangerous and if they find...” He stops short. I know why he doesn’t finish and am sure so does Jacob.

  “I can’t go out there on my own. They are too scary. If I involuntarily come out of my transformation and they find me, they will take me somewhere else.”

  He stiffens, paralyzed by fear.

  “Jacob it’s alright, we will work on the others’ restraints and leave together.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I just can’t...”

  “It’s alright, relax. We are here. It’s alright.”

  Eva’s panicked voice alerts Gabriel. “I hear footsteps approaching, you have to return.”

  Gabriel must have shifted out of his shackles and I now understood why they haven’t all shifted to leave.

  David’s aggravated voice is close. “Make sure you do not move from here and they don’t escape or I will kill you both myself and promise you that it will be slow and piece by piece.”

  Others run past as David barks orders. I wonder if Emma’s abilities are strong enough to protect them if David returns before they escape and if they do, can they get off the land. Knowing that it is extensive and not knowing how many brutal vampires remain frightens me. As the realization of David’s orders strike me, my own fear couples with Jacob’s, overloading my senses and I have to fight with everything I have to hold on to my connection. If Grant is still on the land when the remaining werewolf returns, he may be too afraid to leave his family to return or if the vampires don’t wait to attack, he could be caught in the middle of it. I need to warn them, but don’t even know how to get in touch with them.

  Breaking my connection, I start to rise hoping Ken can reach and warn them of the possible impending attack. A cold hand clamps around my mouth and someone’s cool breath is at my ear.

  Chapter Seven - A Fight To Rescue The Captives

  “Mia, it’s me, don’t scream.”

  His hand quickly retreats. I turn and throw my arms around Jackson and whisper. “How did you know? How...”

  He sits down taking me with him and someone sits on the other side.

  “We were returning to the hospital to retrieve the map of the area when we caught your scent off of someone who entered. We listened and heard him inquire about us and then followed him here, but we had to wait until the werewolf left and we were sure no others were present.”

  Rising quickly, he is next to me. “Jackson, we need to warn the wolves! Help me downstairs.” Thrusting my hands out in front of me, I begin walking, searching for the door.

  Damian stops me. “Mia, what’s wrong?”

  “I can’t see, you have to help me downstairs, we have to warn the wolves that their party is or has been attacked and they may be attacked too!”

  Mia, the wolves are the ones that bit Nicholas and Kayla.”

  “It was a mistake, they didn’t mean too, please, I don’t have time to explain right now, just get me downstairs.”

  He lifts me and we are downstairs just as a door shuts. I call out to Kenneth. “How did you two get in here? Where is Grant?”

  “Father, please, you have to call Grant’s sister and warn them that their search party is being attacked and if they interfere, they will be attacked. Grant is there trying to get supplies to rescue his family, they can all be hurt.”

  As he leaves a message, Jackson questions me. “What’s going on?”

  “The werewolves that bit the children thought they were part of the family that was shooting at one of their own. The wolf that was shot rescued me and his children are trapped with Jacob, Gabriel, Eva and Emma in a dungeon somewhere on that estate. The family is pure evil and they are going after the wolves because of me. You have to warn them, their scouts are being hunted and they are going to send one back bitten demanding that th
e wolves stay out of their plans and turn me or my corpse over to them immediately.”

  I hear paper unfolding.

  “Can you show me where the wolves are located?” Damian must be asking Ken.

  “Mia, are you safe to stay here?”

  “Yes, go please.”

  The door flies open, but I feel someone’s back to my front, as several angry growls fill the room. Someone has backed me up to the wall and I can feel a hand around me. The growls turn even more vicious. There are too many, this is not Grant. One must have lunged at whoever is before me, I’m pushed into the wall and there is a yelp.

  Realizing who it must be, I scream. “Elizabeth, these vampires are part of Lucas Master’s family, not the ones that hunted you! Stop please, everyone!”

  The growls continue, but movement seems to have stopped. Jackson’s voice rings out. “We mean you no harm. Our family is being held by those vampires and we were leaving to warn you of their attack.”

  A woman’s authoritative voice inquires, “What attack.”

  I interrupt. “Elizabeth, they are attacking a search party that the elders from Grant’s pack sent out to assess the situation and will attack the wolves if they try to interfere, they have to be warned. It may have already happened.” I grumble before Elizabeth retorts. “Why should we believe this is any more than a trick so that you can escape? Where is Grant?”

  “He went back there for weapons. He may even be caught in the middle of it now.”

  “How do we know that you didn’t kill him and are now trying to escape?”

  Ken intervenes. “They just arrived and the girl came in with Grant, she is injured and he is helping her. He said he trusts her and that some family has her children and his.”

  A pounding on the door silences us all. Grant bursts into the room. “Elizabeth, we have to get on to the estate now, they attacked one of our pack members and two in the scouting party are dead. David has two of my children and will kill them if we don’t rescue them.”


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