Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows

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Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows Page 24

by L. A. A. Law

“Unlike my former family, those that I am with now utilize our strength to protect people against such atrocities. We have gone up against William, one of David’s older creations and the covens he has sired many times. We almost succeeded in destroying William himself in Louisiana last year, but he eluded us. His coven there was not so lucky. Can I ask you something? My father said that David died a human, is that true?”

  “We are not entirely sure if he was human, but what we do know is that his heart was beating and blood began to course through his veins.”

  Jeff’s mouth opens as if to speak, but then he freezes. After a moment, he shakes his head. “That can’t be. I saw him kill my mother, nothing human could have ripped at her like that. He couldn’t have been human. It’s not possible.”

  Grant joins us. “You’re right. When he attacked your mother he wasn’t human. I don’t know what happened, but I can assure you that he is dead. I saw it myself.”

  A woman holding a young child follows him out. Reaching Jeff, he kisses the child and then her. “Mia, Andrew, this is my wife, Sarah and daughter, Andrea.”

  “It’s very nice to meet the ones who finally convinced Grant to come.” She smiles.

  Grant takes the young girl in her arms and holds her up in the air. She smiles and his whole face lights up.

  I can hear Sarah ask Jeff. “Where are Charlie and Mark?”

  “They went exploring with the children. They’re not too far. Don’t worry.” He wraps his arm around her waist.

  I turn to Grant. “How is Amelia feeling this morning?”

  “She seemed fine when I checked on her, but said she wanted to sleep in. Have you heard anything from your friend, has she found Amanda?”

  “We haven’t heard anything back yet so I am going to take Nicholas and Kayla to a cabin that we have at the base of the mountain range.”

  “Mia, you can’t be alone with them and Andrew can’t be with them, it will be too dangerous during their first transformation. I know he can heal, but I don’t think it would be safe and truthfully, you are not equipped to contain them.” Grant’s worry for my safety is apparent.

  A look passes between Grant and Jeff and then Jeff and Sarah before he nods. “Mia, I don’t know if you have made any arrangements with your friends, but we would be happy to help you, if you trust us.”

  Andrew interjects. “We have done some research and one of ours has been involved with a transformation before, but this is something that is out of our realm, any information and help that you could provide is greatly appreciated.”

  Grant turns to Andrew. “Have you any leads on where Amanda is yet?”

  “Cecil has a lead on her that she is following up. I’m hoping that she can find her before the first full moon and help.”

  “Even if she does come, she wouldn’t be able to do anything during their first transformation that has to happen on its own without interference. One of our members insisted on her help before the child had undergone the first transformation and returned back to his human form. Amanda tried to warn him that she didn’t know what would happen and didn’t want to do it, but he insisted.”

  “What happened?”

  Grant shakes his head as if trying to rid himself of a disturbing memory. “Jack’s body began fighting itself, transforming in and out without any control until one day, his organs began to shut down. It was terrible, nothing like that has ever happened since. We found as long as the first transformation is completed, the spell is fine as long as Amanda herself does it. We have run across other witches and they have tried to perform the ritual, but to no avail.”

  Jeff turns to Andrew. “Does this cabin have any reinforced walls or steel doors?”

  “No, but if you tell me what is needed I’m sure that we could get something along those lines together in the next few days. Is there any possibility that you know of for the children to begin transforming before the night of the first full moon?”

  “I have never seen anyone, even those who were bitten, change before the first full moon, nor has there been any stories which I came across which would indicate that possibility. Could you show me the cabin so that I can get an idea of what is there and tell you what we may need?”

  Andrew kisses my cheek. “I’ll show Jeff. It will be quicker if we go alone. Let Eva know that no patients should go beyond the recreation building today. We have a lot to accomplish and will be faster on foot if we don’t have to worry about who may see us.” He asks Jeff. “Would you mind going on foot?”

  “Are you kidding, I love to run.”

  Grant interjects. “Would you mind if I come with you?”

  “Are you kidding, any help you could provide would be invaluable.” Andrew puts his hand on Grant’s shoulder just before the three of them are off.

  I turn to Sarah. “It was nice meeting you. If there is anything you need, please don’t hesitate to call extension twelve and we can get you anything you need. I have to go and ensure the patients don’t go into the woods today.” Her facial expression changes and she is staring at me.

  “Sarah, is something wrong?”

  Her voice turns cold. “No, it’s just nice to put a face to the name finally. I heard you and Jeff speaking on the porch and Jeff telling your son he knew your family in medical school, it finally clicked as to who you are.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”

  “You’re Mia Angelis. You’re the one Jeff fell in love with in medical school.” Her tone is full of disdain.

  “He knew my whole family. We were friends. That’s all.” Her face turns harder and I wonder what Jeff really told her, but I don’t have time to inquire or fix her misapprehension. The patients are going to be out soon and I can’t have our plans hindered or their seeing creatures which they have come to associate with destroying their lives. “I really have to go. It was nice meeting you. I’m very glad you came.”

  Walking away, I hear her mumble. “I bet you are.” Although I would like to stop it, I have no time to deal with this blooming issue right now.

  I let Eva know and then check on the children who I find playing in the recreation building. It is nice to see them smiling.

  Andrew returns and we lead the children over to the kitchen for lunch. “Where are Grant and Jeff?”

  “They went back to check on Amelia and Sarah and then talk.”

  “Were they any help as far as the cabin was concerned?”

  “Yes, Gabriel is going into town with Ryan and Jason to secure some metal reinforcements for the windows and a stronger door to make the cabin more secure.”

  When the children finish, Jacob asks if they could show the others the lake and cabin, so we walk up there. As they play hide and seek in the trees, Andrew hugs me. “Mia, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  “Was Jeff the friend you told me about that you needed but who had moved on, all of a sudden, when you couldn’t move forward?”

  His remembering this story catches me off guard. “He was, but that was so long ago, what made you think of that now?”

  “I was thinking about what he said about hanging around with you, Katrina and David and then it clicked as to who he was.” Sadness flicks across his features and his voice turns soft. “It’s my fault that he moved on and you didn’t stay in touch. That night outside of your window, after our little scuffle, I warned him to stay away from you. I was trying to keep you from our kind and from being part of this existence. I didn’t realize that wolves could have normal families like his. I thought he was going to drag you in, I thought he would change you and ...”

  As frustration wells within him, I place my fingertips up to his mouth. “Andrew, stop. It was a long time ago and you didn’t do anything wrong. You were trying to protect me. Besides, I would have never moved on with him that way. I told you, my heart was always searching for you after Lake Anna and I’m so grateful that I found you and for our family.”

  He hugs me tighter. “But if I
hadn’t interfered, maybe he could have helped you when you needed it. Maybe you wouldn’t have ...”

  I stretch and kiss him before he can work himself up any more. “I thought we agreed you would try not feeling so guilty about everything all the time. Really, Andrew everything is fine. I’m just glad that I’m with you and that he is here now, because I remember what a decent soul he is. I think he and Grant can help us.”

  “You are right about his soul, his aura is very bright, even brighter than Grant’s, but Sarah is jealous of you and is angry that Jeff wants to stay and help. She had no idea that you were here and Martina says she’s pretty upset knowing you are involved.”

  “How can she be jealous of me? She’s married to Jeff and has a wonderful family. Couldn’t she see how much I love you and my own wonderful family?”

  “She is Jeff’s second wife. He was married to her best friend. Charlie is not hers and Jeff and his first wife are friends now, but I guess she married him when he was still struggling with some issues and he cheated on her with Sarah.”

  “How did you get all of this? It was going through her mind when Martina came to track me down because Gabriel couldn’t reach me. I let my cell die again.”

  I laugh. For as meticulous as Andrew is about everything, he is forever allowing his phone to die. Leaning into his chest, he hugs me tightly. “Maybe I should talk to her? Let her know that I’m not trying to cause any trouble for them. All I want to do is get answers to help Nicholas and Kayla. Maybe I should just take Grant.”

  “Mia, you are going to need them both during that first transformation.”

  “Why, what did they tell you?”

  “When the children first transform their animal instincts are going to tell them to hunt because they will be ravenous. We are reinforcing the walls, window and door, but I don’t want to put them in a cage or prison type environment. After what they have gone through, it may cause even more problems. This will be traumatic enough for them and we are unsure how it would register in their subconscious if we place them in a barred room the way the wolves usually handle a transformation until they can learn to control themselves. In our case having them more agitated and wanting to run from their surroundings may be a recipe for disaster. I know Grant said they may not remember, but we are crossing lines, the children are not just human, they have other powers and that may affect their memory, so I don’t want to take any chances, but if they do break free, they will be too strong and too fast for you. You are going to need Grant and Jeff both in case the children split.”

  “Are you sure that I couldn’t keep up with them?”

  “Grant told me he is not even sure if they could keep up with them because young wolves are much faster than matured ones, but he says they are not as silent so they could track them if they get away. Mia, I think you and I should do this together. I’m sure that I could heal, even if they did bite me and I don’t like the idea of you trying to handle this on your own, too much can go wrong.” His tone is laced with worry and fear.

  Withdrawing from his embrace, my voice is louder than I wanted. “Absolutely not! You need to stay with Nicole and Jacob. You saw what happened to him last night. He needs to have at least one of us with him because you know that the nightmares aren’t over. They will probably get worse as he thinks about Nicholas and Kayla changing. That is going to be frightening enough for him and then to worry about you, it’s too much. Besides, you are not sure if you could heal. Andrew please, you can’t take that risk and you have to be here to protect Nicole and Jacob in case something goes terribly wrong. For everyone’s sake, you have to stay here and you know it.”

  After what feels like an eternity, I hear his resigned sigh. “I just don’t like you out there exposed.”

  “I’ll be fine and maybe because of my connection to them, they will be calmer.”

  He appears skeptical. “From Reginald’s account, they may not recognize you when they first transform, they may even try to attack you. You need to prepare yourself for that.”

  “I don’t mean connect with them after they have changed. I’m talking about during the transformation. Jacob felt me when he got caught for the second time.”

  Andrew’s features register his shock. “I thought you could only feel them, but that they couldn’t even sense you.”

  “I thought so too, but when Jacob became really frightened, he felt me. Maybe I can make the same connection to Nicholas and Kayla. If I could somehow communicate with them while they were transforming on another level, they wouldn’t have to be so alone and maybe they wouldn’t be out of control. I’m hoping that I can help them.”

  “Mia, you know how much that drains you. If you fail and something went wrong, you would be vulnerable.”

  “That’s why I thought I would take these few days to try it. If I can’t do it, then I would still have a few days before the full moon, but if I could do it, then maybe it would make it easier for them, less traumatic, and less dangerous.”

  “When do you want to try?”

  “I thought I would try tonight as they are falling asleep. Their minds will be more open then. If it works, then we could try again tomorrow when they are more awake.”

  That afternoon, Andrew meets with Gabriel and the others to work on reinforcing the cabin.

  I’m surprised to see Jeff coming toward me alone.

  “I’m sorry about Sarah’s behavior earlier. I hope she wasn’t too unpleasant.”

  “She wasn’t unpleasant at all. I should be apologizing to you. I hope I didn’t do or say anything to upset her.”

  “No, it’s not you at all. She gets jealous sometimes. It’s my fault. I have been really stupid sometimes and haven’t made her feel secure in our relationship, but I really do love her.” He shakes his head and changes the subject. “I’m glad to see that you’re doing well. Although I do have to say I am surprised to see you with Andrew. The night I met him, he seemed so determined to keep everything from our world away from you. He practically bit my head off swearing you would have a normal life and nothing from our world would ever touch you.”

  “Sometimes life takes a very strange turn of events and things you never expected happen.”

  “Yes, I would have never pegged you for a witch, but Grant tells me he thinks that you are one of the most powerful ones he has ever come across, especially after what you did to David.”

  “I must have just caught him off guard.” Disbelief that anyone could really think I’m strong resonates in my tone.

  “No. Trust me nothing ever caught him off guard. It had to be something you did.”

  “Jeff, not to change the subject, but in the short time I have known your father, I know he feels very bad about what passed between you and feels he failed you by not being there for you when your mother and brother passed. He feels very guilty that his inability to deal with the situation and loss caused you to be left to grieve on your own. I hope that your coming here can be a new start for you two and that you can both begin to heal. I know how difficult it can be to lose someone. I wish I had known about your mom, you could have talked to me.”

  “Mia, I couldn’t talk to anyone then. How would I be able to tell anyone that vampires killed my werewolf mother and brother?” He shakes his head. “If I tried to talk about it but hide what really happened that would have only made me angrier and more frustrated than I already was. Besides, you were dealing with a bad issue of your own.” Sorrow once again flickers across his features and my stomach is queasy as I realize now what he is referring to. “In fact seeing the way you shut down, despite how close we had become is what first led me to realize what was going on with Grant. Watching you close yourself off, isolate yourself from everyone, even me after...” He ceases suddenly when I involuntarily shudder. “I’m sorry. Sometimes I run off at the mouth. It’s just that watching you helped me realize that everyone deals with bad situations differently. My father shut down and tried desperately to hold on to my mother’s memory, whi
le I got angry and had to run, but you can’t run from yourself can you?”

  “No, you can’t. However, sometimes we do try, don’t we?” I say hoping to lighten my now darkened mood.

  “I tried running from myself and ran directly into my first wife. I should have realized though that I wasn’t really ready or stable enough to know myself, let alone share a life with another person. We are friends now and I wouldn’t trade Charlie for anything, but I really put her through hell.”

  “Charlie looks just like you.”

  “Almost, he has his mother’s green eyes and thankfully her temperament.” We both laugh. “I can’t believe how much Nicholas looks like David. Is that how you learned about Andrew? I heard that you were in the accident with your sister, was he close by when it occurred?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Mia, the night he was out your window was not the only time I saw him watching you. After our encounter, he was not the only one who was observing you. I knew what he said, but for a while, I still wasn’t convinced that he wasn’t hunting you. It was only after I began to watch him that I came to realize he was a watcher, a guardian. I had heard of it, but never saw one before him.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “There have been stories of werewolves and vampires who sometimes can’t help but be drawn to a human with such a strong desire to protect them, to ensure their safety that they become their guardians. The connection they feel to protect them and keep them from harm can’t be ignored, it’s like a compulsion and they stick to that individual until they move on to the next plane. However, they usually go unseen, undetected to the human they are protecting because they don’t want that person to be frightened or to become aware of our existence. Although in your case, I guess Andrew couldn’t help but reveal himself to you. I could see he was falling in love with you and that’s when I finally left. I just assumed that when you got into the accident, he rescued you and you became aware of what he was.”

  “No, he was with me in the accident, but you’re right, he also saved me that evening.”


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