Love Under Two Undercover Cops [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Love Under Two Undercover Cops [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Cara Covington

  “You completely wipe every thought out of my head when you kiss me.”

  “Do I?” He took her hand, kissed it, and led her to the shower. If I didn’t know better, I’d say I just embarrassed him.

  Eli studied the controls for a moment, and then turned the water on. It poured onto them from three different directions.

  Nancy reached for the shower gel and squirted a generous amount onto her palm. She rubbed her hands together to make a nice, rich foam. She grinned when she put her arms around him from behind and smoothed her soapy hands over his chest and stomach. It didn’t take her long to wend a trail southward.

  “Mmm, sweetheart, you have until the hot water runs out to quit that.”

  Nancy chuckled. “That could be a longer time than you think. There are two extra large water heaters in this house.”

  “Your family really does take…um…their lusty pleasures seriously.”

  “We do. But that’s not what the town is about. It’s not what we’re about.”

  “What are you about, then?”

  Nancy didn’t believe in making lovers or anyone, for that matter, jump through hoops. But she wanted, very much, to see if Eli and Jeremiah could answer that question themselves.

  She didn’t prevaricate. “I could tell you, but I’d rather see if you—well, you and Jeremiah—can figure it out yourselves.”

  “A challenge? I’ll take it, on both our behalves.”

  He stopped her hands from continuing their extremely thorough care of his cock. “Breakfast is going to be ready soon. And I’d rather give you a couple of more hours before I have at you again.” He turned around and tilted her head up. His body blocked the spray and she had no trouble meeting his gaze. In his eyes she read definite interest. But she could also see concern. “You told us it had been a long time for you, and we knew that it had been when we slid our cocks into you. As I said downstairs, we were greedy pigs with you last night. You’ve got to be tender.”

  “I am, a bit. But I don’t mind.”

  “I do.” Eli used his index finger to draw an imaginary circle. Obeying his unspoken command, she turned around.

  He took a moment to prepare and then treated her to the exact same kind of bathing as she’d given him.

  “Nancy? Maybe someday you’ll feel comfortable enough with us to tell us who did that to you.”

  “Who did what to me?”

  “Who changed you from being the brash, self-confident woman who left town for college. I think it’s a story Jeremiah and I both need to hear.”

  Nancy wasn’t used to parading her past humiliations for anyone. He was very wise, Eli was, to know that she didn’t particularly feel ready then and there to open up to them, heart and soul.

  She couldn’t, or maybe the right word was wouldn’t commit to doing that. Okay, they’d been here this morning, but who knows how long that will be the case? They’d made love through the night and it looked like she could expect more of the same, maybe at least for the next few days. But beyond that? She couldn’t or wouldn’t give her word. So she said, “Maybe,” and hoped that would be good enough.

  At least for now.

  Chapter 9

  “That looks painful as hell.” Jordan Kendall watched as Robert unwrapped and then began to clean and irrigate the wound on Alan Wilson’s hand.

  “Well, it sure doesn’t tickle,” Alan said. “I appreciate you taking the time to bring me here to the clinic, Jordan.”

  Jordan figured that Alan—one of the two ranch hands that Brain and Chase Benedict had hired a couple of months ago—was still too new to Lusty to really understand how things worked around here. Jordan had been out speaking to Brian and Chase about the final details for the barn raising they were going to have over at Cord and Jackson’s next week. They, along with their hired hands, had been among the first to volunteer to participate.

  Alan had ridden up, his left hand wrapped in a bloody bandana. Apparently he’d had a fight with some barbed wire fencing, and the fencing had won.

  “Don’t mention it,” Jordan said now. “I’ve had my share of miscues and ended up bruised and bloody from on the job accidents.”

  “Dad told me about the time you nail-gunned two of your fingers together,” Robert said. He looked up from his work and shot Jordan a grin.

  Alan looked at Jordan, one eyebrow raised. “I’ve worked construction. That would have hurt worse than this does.”

  “Yeah, it fucking hurt like hell. The only lucky thing was that I’ve always been a milk drinker—and I mean, I drink a lot of milk. That lifelong habit has given me very strong bones. Otherwise, they just might have shattered.” He held up his left hand and flexed all five digits.

  Alan looked down at his own hand, and Jordan followed his gaze. The gash was about an inch and a half long, and deep enough to need Robbie’s skills to sew it closed.

  “I got in a bit of a hurry, and didn’t make sure my hold on the twisted-up wire was secure. The wire snapped, tore off my glove and nailed me—sorry about the pun—on the rebound. It was my own damn fault,” Alan said.

  “I’ve got all the dirt out of it,” Robert said. “Now I’ll disinfect it, freeze it, and then stitch it up.”

  “Okay, then.” Alan turned his attention to Jordan. “I may not be able to give two hands to that barn raisin’ y’all are having the way I would like, but as I said, I’ve worked construction some—so, too, has Duncan. There are other things I can do on-site to help.”

  “I’m glad to hear you say that. I’ve got the specs and the lists in my truck. When you’re done here, what do you say we grab some lunch over at Lusty Appetites? We can talk about the logistics of this thing.”

  Alan huffed out a breath. “I’d be glad to. Chase said I was to take the rest of the day off.”

  Jordan grinned. “And you hate being idle more than anything else.”

  “Well, there is one thing I hate more than that.” Alan nodded to his hand. “Being stupid.”

  “I’ve worked with barbed wire,” Jordan said. “Sometimes it just decides it’s going to take a chunk out of you, and that’s it.”

  It didn’t take Robert very long to stitch up Alan’s hand. He inquired about whether or not he was up to date with his tetanus immunizations, and like most adults who showed up at the clinic to be patched up, he wasn’t.

  Jordan shook his head. “Your fathers both delight in giving those shots in the ass,” Jordan said. “Although I think Uncle Adam actually relishes them.”

  “Only the shots he ends up—and aren’t we all being punny today—giving under these circumstances.” Robert grinned. “Anyone coming in on a regular basis to have their immunizations maintained is treated to nearly painless arm shots.”

  Alan snickered. “I think I get that. If you’re going to be an ass and let your immunizations lapse, then you can take the shot in the ass?”

  Robert nodded. “Something like that. I’m going to prescribe some antibiotics, because you did have a fair bit of dirt in that cut. Do you know the signs of infection?”

  Alan shrugged. “Swelling, redness, hot to the touch.”

  Robert nodded. “You have any of those symptoms, please come back in, immediately. Otherwise I’ll see you in seven days. Try not to overuse that hand.”

  “Yes, sir. Thanks, Dr. Jessop.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  They stepped out of the exam room. Alan turned to Jordan. “Where do I pay?”

  “You don’t. You’re an employee of the Town Trust, so you’re covered for any visits here.”

  “Appreciate that.”

  Ten minutes later they were settling down at Lusty Appetites. Someone must have told his wife he was there, because Tracy came out of the kitchen, gave him a very tasty, smacking kiss, and then went back to work.

  Alan had held his menu up in front of his face and lowered it when Tracy went back to the kitchen. Damned if Jordan didn’t feel his cheeks heat in a slight blush.

  “Duncan and I hav
e traveled all over,” Alan said. “We knew Ricoh from his rodeo days, and we know your man’s brother, Julián, too. We’ve been here a couple of months, and I have to tell you, Jordan, this is the most unique place we’ve ever seen.”

  “We get that a lot,” Jordan said. He tilted his head to the side, because he hadn’t heard any censure in Alan’s voice. He knew that both Alan and his best friend Duncan Moore had passed the security checks. Julián had spoken highly of both men, too.

  Alan shook his head. “I’m not talking about the alternate lifestyles. How folks live, who they marry—that’s no one else’s business. This is a free country, and Duncan and I have always taken that to heart. No, it’s the sense of community, here, that we find the most remarkable.”

  “That’s really what we’re all about,” Jordan said.

  The kitchen door burst open, and Carrie Benedict came out, and headed straight to them.

  “Oh, Alan! Chase called and told me what happened. Your poor hand!” She reached for it then pulled her fingers back. “Does it hurt?”

  “Not too bad, Miss Carrie. Don’t you worry about it. I’ve had a lot worse.”

  “I guess Robert stitched you up? How many did it take?”

  “Yes, ma’am, he did, but I didn’t count. Truth is, I tried not to watch.”

  “Twelve stitches.” Jordan grinned. “I watched and counted.”

  “Oh, you.” Carrie gave Jordan a swat on his arm as he laughed. “Emily Anne will take your lunch orders in a minute. You take care, Alan. I’ll see you at home later.”

  “Yes, ma’am, Miss Carrie. Thank you for your concern.”

  Carrie shrugged. “You’re family.”

  Alan shook his head as he watched Carrie Benedict head back to the kitchen. He met Jordan’s gaze. “That right there is what I’m talking about. And Miss Carrie’s sister, Miss Chloe? She’s the same way. Even Chase and Brian treat us like kin. They’re the bosses, and they have no trouble telling us what to do. That’s work. But when the workday is done—hell, we’re staying in the house because they haven’t gotten around to building a bunkhouse yet, and more often than not, if there’s a game on, they invite us to sit and watch it with them—as if we really were family.”

  Jordan nodded. “Yep. That’s Lusty.” And he figured that both Alan and his best friend Duncan fit right in. They’d been among the first to volunteer to help build Cord and Jackson’s second horse barn.

  Emily Anne came over and they both ordered burgers and fries and Cokes. Jordan told Emily Anne there was no rush, and she just shook her head at him.

  He opened his briefcase and pulled out a copy of the specs, as well as the list of supplies that were ordered and due to arrive. “Let me show you what we’ve got. I thought that I’d use you as lead hand on this project—there’ll be a lot of folks helping who don’t have a construction background.”

  “We should make up teams with two or three men each, where one of the team members will have some building experience.”

  “That’s what I was thinking, too. The names on the list with a star beside them have some fair to middling construction experience. The materials are already being delivered. I think we can get this puppy up in a single day.”

  Alan took a look at the specs, and Jordan could tell, just by the way he was looking at them, that he could read the blueprints. “Up in one day?” Then he took a look at the volunteer roster. “You do have a lot of volunteers tapped for this.”

  “Like I said, that’s Lusty. And there’ll probably be more, yet.” Jordan made a mental note to find the opportunity to ask those two men who’d shown up last night, sniffing around his cousin, Nancy, to lend a hand. He grinned thinking about the way Peter had muttered about them all the way home from the party last night. To Jordan’s way of thinking, the best way to get a good idea of a man’s worth was to work beside him. That’s just what he’d do. Then he grinned, thinking of the phone call Peter had made to Adam first thing this morning. Yep, there was going to be a lot of the taking of the measure of those two men before the week was done.

  * * * *

  Nancy left Eli and Jeremiah with sweet kisses and a promise to meet in an hour at the museum. Grandma Kate had called and invited her to come to the library to meet the new librarian.

  She actually didn’t think it would be a bad idea if those two men arrived at the museum ahead of her. It would give them time to get to know her mother, and for her mother to get to know them.

  They’d only had one night together. Nancy had never had two lovers at the same time—and now that she’d made love with Eli Barton and Jeremiah Winthrop, she could say, without doubt, she finally understood what making love was all about. She wasn’t certain where this relationship was headed—she was afraid to hope—but this was home and if they were going to be a triad for any time at all, even on a temporary basis, which is all they were right now, they needed to know her family, her friends—they needed to know her home.

  Nancy Jessop was ready to sink down roots, and Lusty, Texas was where she wanted to sink them. Those two are going to want to head back to the District before too long. So I’ll just stop the heavy thinking and enjoy them while they’re here. She swallowed around the lump that thought caused.

  She stood on the sidewalk in front of the Lusty Library and took a moment to just stare up at the magnificent building. When she’d been a child, this enormous structure with its tan-colored bricks and glistening white Grecian columns had seemed like a castle to her. A magical castle filled with books that could take her anywhere she wanted to go! The library had been her place of refuge. Miss Ellie—Eleanor Parker-Jones—had not only tolerated her constant presence, she’d encouraged her love of books. Nancy had looked forward to the days she would come to read, to learn, and the days she spent in contented companionship with Miss Ellie, who would put her to work.

  I’m going to have to Skype her later. Miss Ellie had moved from Lusty to a senior’s complex in Port Aransas, on a trial basis, in December. In that town on the Gulf Coast was where the woman had always vacationed. She’d made friends there, and Nancy was sure that the trial basis would become a permanent one.

  Thoughts of Miss Ellie always put a smile on her face. The woman had been retired for a year, and in that time, Nancy knew, volunteers had operated and run the library. Then, just before she’d come home, the Town Trust had hired a new librarian.

  Nancy put away her mental ramblings. Opening the door, she inhaled the scent of knowledge, and took the six steps up to the main reading room.

  “Ah, there you are, sweetheart, right on time.”

  “Good morning, Grandma Kate.” Nancy promptly hugged her and kissed her cheek. One of the benefits of being home was regular hugs from Kate Benedict.

  “Nancy Jessop, I want you to meet Holly Bethune. Holly comes to us from Columbus, Mississippi.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you, Holly.” Nancy extended her hand. The woman looked like the stereotypical librarian, in that her brown hair was wound up into a neat chignon atop her head, and she wore little make up. Her half-frame glasses were perched on the end of her nose. Nancy wondered if she needed them only for reading. Holly was dressed in a simple dark blue skirt and cotton blouse, and the shoes on her feet were no-nonsense loafers, with a barely there heel.

  Holly’s grip was firm, and her palm smooth. She looks like a mild-mannered wallflower but I bet she’s got spine. Nancy also thought that the woman was a lot prettier than she made herself appear.

  “Likewise, Miss Jessop. Mrs. Benedict tells me you’re going to be opening a bookstore in town. I’d be delighted to give you whatever assistance I can. There can never be too many books, in my opinion.”

  “I’m Nancy, Holly. And thank you. I’d appreciate your help, and I feel the same way.” She took a moment to look around the room. There were desks for people to sit and work, and work stations with computers. There were also some desks, she knew, that had plugs so that anyone could use either their laptops, or their music
players—with headphones, of course. The book stacks were lined up neatly on both sides of the room. The Librarian’s desk—a massive, square fixture—reigned from the front, center. Nancy had always thought of it as a throne. “What do you think of your new home?”

  Holly mimicked Nancy’s perusal. “I’m positively delighted with it! I was just telling Mrs. Benedict that this is the best-equipped library I’ve ever worked in.”

  “Holly has some wonderful ideas for further integration with the school,” Kate said. “You know we already have several of the high school classes making use of the library on a daily basis. Holly would like to introduce story hours, here—both during the school year, and in the summer.”

  “When I was a kid, I practically lived here in the summer,” Nancy said. “I think a story hour sounds wonderful. Maybe we could get together and you could share your ideas. I’d like to give you a hand, too.”

  Holly pushed her glasses up onto her nose with one finger. “That sounds good.” She looked around the room. “I know I’m really going to love working and living here. I’m so grateful, Mrs. Benedict, for the trust you’ve placed in me.”

  “Now, Holly, there is just one thing. Just about everyone here in Lusty calls me Grandma Kate. I’d be pleased if you would do the same.”

  Nancy watched as Holly met Grandma Kate’s gaze. She couldn’t help but smile when the young woman’s hazel eyes seemed to go soft. It was almost as if Holly wasn’t used to being treated kindly.

  “Grandma Kate,” she said dutifully.

  Kate Benedict grinned, and then patted her hand. “Thank you, Holly. That means a lot to me. Just feel free to contact me—or Nancy, or Samantha Kendall—if you need anything at all.”

  Nancy knew that look on her Grandma Kate’s face. She couldn’t help but wonder what the young woman’s story was—and what Kate Benedict had in mind for her.

  Chapter 10

  Nancy let her gaze wander for a moment to the men. They were paying rapt attention to her mother. She thought Eli took her challenge very well, as did Jeremiah, when Eli told him about it at breakfast. She still couldn’t dismiss the niggling feeling that she was “testing” the two men. She’d always been so scathing of women who would do that.


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