Georgia's English Rose

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Georgia's English Rose Page 5

by JT Harding

  “It’s okay, Georgia,” I said. “Everyone’s at the other end of the house.”

  “Oh fuck, honey,” she gasped. I had never heard her curse before, but the sound excited me wildly. It wasn’t the same as when the soldiers swore, didn’t sound coarse coming from Georgia’s beautiful lips.

  I lifted up from my waist and did what I had wanted to do since Georgia straddled me. I put my mouth around her wonderful nipple and sucked. Georgia put her hand behind my head, holding me against her, rocked against my belly, her pussy flat on my skin, her juices slicking me.

  She pushed me down and said, “Again. I need to go again. You ready for seconds, Lil?”

  I nodded, lifting my hands back to her breasts. It was impossible to stop touching her now.

  “That was unbelievable,” she said, her fingers touching my skin, exploring my body. “I have never felt anything so wonderful in my life. I want more. Lots more.”

  “I love you, Georgia,” I said, scaring myself because I hadn’t meant to say the words aloud.

  But she grinned. “I know, honey, I know.”

  I waited, but she didn’t say the words I wanted to hear, not then.

  I was bereft when she rolled away from me, but it was only for a moment. She lay on her side facing me, pulled me toward her. I pushed my hand down between my legs, ready to go again but Georgia’s hand grabbed mine and moved it across, placed it over her bush.

  She let my hand go and her fingers brushed against my sparse pubic hair.

  “I want to do you this time, Lil,” she said as she kissed me again. “Is that okay, honey? Can I do this thing to you?”

  I nodded, unable to speak.

  “And you gotta do me back,” she said huskily. “I want you to touch me down there, Lil. Will you do it for me, honey?”

  I nodded again, croaked, “I want to, Georgia. I want to so much.”

  “Yeah… I know you do.”

  Her long fingers brushed my puffed outer lips, toying with me. She searched and found the hard nub of my clitoris and pressed and I almost died.

  Georgia’s pubic hair was denser than mine, but still soft. I ran my fingers through the light down, on to the dampness between her thighs, found her clitoris, much larger than mine, poking from beneath its hood, simply demanding to be touched.

  “Oh yeah, Lil, rub me there honey.”

  I tugged her clitoris between my fingers and Georgia pushed against me. I turned my hand to press her, my fingers curved down to cup the closed slit between her legs.

  “Oh honey,” Georgia breathed. “This can’t be wrong.”

  She had her fingers inside me already, moving over my oiled inner walls, waves of pleasure exploding outward from her touch. I parted her pussy lips and pushed a finger inside and she groaned. We lay face to face, our lips pecking kisses as our hands pleasured each other. Georgia’s breasts trembled against mine. Her hand stroked my side, my neck, my face. I touched her breasts, hardly believing we were doing what I had secretly dreamed about for so long. I loved this girl. Loved her more than anything in the universe.

  Georgia panted hard, sweat beading her neck, and before I was ready she pulled me hard against her and gasped a muffled cry into my neck.

  “Yes honey… like that… rub me there… Right there honey… just there… oh sweet Jesus, Lil…”

  She shook against me and I pushed my fingers deep inside her, her legs closing around my hand as she tightened inside. Georgia threw her head back and arched to one side, arms spread as she pushed her hips against my hand. I believe she completely lost control for a moment, her entire body shaking, breasts quivering so wildly I was unable to look away.

  Somewhere inside muscles gripped my fingers, tightening around them. Georgia pulled her hand inward and bit the heel of her thumb as she tried to hold a cry inside.

  Only slowly did she stop shaking, releasing a long, deep sigh, but when I started to withdraw my hand, disappointed because I thought our lovemaking over and I had not reached my peak again, Georgia gripped my wrist and said, “Again, Lil. I’m gonna be ready again any second. And you haven’t come yet, honey. Lie down, let me do you now.”

  She turned, my fingers slipping free, moved around until her backside was next to my head. I slipped my hand between her legs and slid a finger back inside. Georgia put her fingers into me again, working them hard.

  She leaned over and pulled on one of my nipples with her teeth and I nearly died. I nearly died again when she kissed my belly. She leaned over me, kissing down my body and I was scared, didn’t know if I wanted what I thought she was going to do, afraid she might not.

  I worked my fingers inside her and heard her breathing grow faster. I thought she might reach her peak again at any moment, and I wanted to join her. But I didn’t think I could wait, because her mouth had gone beyond my navel and her lips found my pubic hair. Georgia stopped, perhaps uncertain herself because she hesitated, kissing the point at the top of where my little bush faded into my belly. Her fingers dipped into me and I knew I was there.

  “Georgia,” I gasped. “Oh Georgia, yes…”

  My own fingers probed between her legs, my hand slapping between her thighs, the back of my arm touching between the cheeks of her backside each time I lifted my hand. I reached across with my free hand and held her breasts, letting them bounce and jostle against my palm.

  “Oh honey,” Georgia muttered. “Do me again, honey, I’m about to explode.”

  “Mm,” I said, as the fire lit deep inside me and spread rapidly outward. “Mm-mm-mm.”

  She kissed my belly, licked her tongue through my sparse pubic hair and this time she went further, her tongue finding my clitoris and I gasped aloud as the most unbelievable orgasm filled me, my entire body shaking. I couldn’t keep my legs still and they twitched and trembled uncontrollably. I don’t think Georgia can have felt anything as powerful I did, but she did manage three to my two which only seemed fair.

  I stopped rubbing Georgia but left my fingers inside her as she slid down onto the bed, her head down by my toes. We lay curled together as our breathing slowly returned to normal. Georgia turned and came back up the bed, lay tight against me and pulled me to her. We kissed.

  “What was it you said earlier, Lil?” Georgia asked me.

  “I don’t know. What did I say?”

  The light had almost completely gone now, but I saw her eyes searching my face. “Did you mean what you said, Lil?”

  “What did I say, Georgia?”

  “You know. You remember. Did you mean what you said? I need to know, Lil.”

  Suddenly my heart started hammering in my chest. Every point our bodies touched raised an aching flame. My hand rested against Georgia’s waist, the touch burning my palm. She kissed me.

  “ I love you, Georgia,” I said again.

  She smiled. “Good. Because I love you too, Lil. I love you so very much.”

  “Georgia,” I said, and my voice broke as tears welled in my eyes.

  “Hey, don’t cry, honey. I meant what I said. I really do love you.”

  “I’m so happy, Georgia. So happy.”

  “Yeah. But we’re gonna have to be careful, Lil. If anyone finds out what we’ve done they’ll split us up. You know they will. You remember what happened to Angie Turner and Becky Miller? They got caught, and they were only kissing. They sent one to Scotland and one to Wales. If anyone saw us like we are now I don’t know what they’d do.”

  “Send us further than Scotland and Wales,” I said.

  “I guess they would.”

  She kissed me again and I kissed her too. We did that for a while, then Georgia said, “What time do your folks get up in the morning?”

  “About six. Mummy always gets up and makes breakfast before Daddy goes out.”

  “Will she come in here?”

  I shook my head. “I expect Mummy will bring us a cup of tea, but not too early. About eight, probably. Why?”

  “I want to sleep with you like this as long a
s I can. I want your skin against mine all night.”

  I looked at her and rolled away. “I’ll set the alarm for seven,” I said, rolled back as Georgia enveloped me in her arms.

  When my mother came in with a tray holding two cups, a teapot, a small jug of milk and some biscuits, we were dressed again. Mummy put the tray on the box at the foot of the bed and drew the curtains. We had only closed them after the alarm woke us to get dressed.

  “Did you sleep well, girls?” she asked, smiling at us from the window.

  “This bed is wonderful,” Georgia said. Her accent was strong this morning, and I thought she was deliberately exaggerating for Mummy. “I can’t remember the last time I slept so well.”

  She sat up against the pillows and I caught Mummy glancing down as Georgia’s breasts moved inside her negligee. My old cotton pajamas covered me completely. I couldn’t even begin to guess what Mummy thought of Georgia.

  “Take your time, girls,” she said as she made for the door. “Breakfast in about an hour. Mikey’s having a lie in too.”

  “Lovely,” I said, and Georgia grinned.

  As soon as we were alone Georgia turned and kissed me, her tongue seeking its way into my mouth and I returned the kiss, growing instantly wet between my legs.

  I pushed her away, laughing. “Good grief, Georgia, at least let me have my tea first.”

  Georgia laughed. “That’s so very English, Lil. But you taste better than tea. Much better.” But she let me crawl to the bottom of the bed and pour tea into our cups.

  I was aware of my bottom sticking up and knew Georgia would be studying me. I hoped I wasn’t a disappointment. My backside might seem a little skinny in comparison to hers, but she had said she loved me. My stomach filled with butterflies as I remembered her words.

  I handed a cup to Georgia and sat back against the pillows, crossing my ankles as I sipped the too hot tea.

  “What have you got planned for today, Lil?”

  “Nothing at all,” I said. “You don’t want to do anything special, do you? I thought I might show you some of the farm, and there’s a nice walk down by the river.”

  “Suits me, honey,” Georgia said, pulling a face as she sipped her tea. I knew she would prefer coffee, but that wasn’t an option anymore. “It’s great to be able to kick back and not have to think about anything. Great to be able to sleep next to you, sweet thing.”

  I felt myself blushing. Even after last night I couldn’t quite believe what we had done, couldn’t quite believe Georgia liked me that way.

  Mummy must have been saving eggs and bacon for weeks for our breakfast, and I was glad Georgia showed her appreciation. Afterward we were sent packing with sandwiches and a flask for lunch. I pulled on my old Wellington boots and Georgia discovered Mummy’s fit her so we stomped off across the fields, an odd sight in our summer dresses and boots almost to our knees, as I led the way up the low rise behind the house. From the top Georgia would see almost all of the farm.

  As soon as we were out of sight of the house Georgia’s hand searched for mine and I smiled, a warm glow settling in my chest.

  A narrow copse grew along the shallow ridge above the house. We stopped where a clearing in the trees presented a view across the rolling farmland beyond our own. In the distance the tall spire of the village church rose into the sky. Hardly a sound broke the stillness, no tractor, no car, only a faint soughing of wind in the treetops. As we followed the ridge I pointed out where our farmland stretched to, pointed to another line of trees that wound through the far valley floor.

  “That’s the river. I thought we might walk through the woods up here then drop down and go along the riverbank.”

  “Sounds neat,” Georgia said, and kissed me quickly.

  I glanced around, blushing. We were out in the open, but no one was likely to discover us. Even so I felt wicked.

  The ridge stretched for over a mile and then we walked downhill on a track that curved back toward the village. The sun was hot as we moved from beneath the shelter of the wood. We walked side by side along an old pathway, moving away from our farm. I knew this track well and Georgia walked beside me, for once having nothing to say. We continued holding hands, our palms growing sweaty as the warmth caused us to glow.

  We might have believed ourselves alone in the world until a droning sound made us stop and shade our eyes. Far to the south specks in the sky trailed exhaust fumes. German bombers, making their way toward Coventry or Reading, perhaps. We stood in a field of green wheat starting to turn gold and watched as other, smaller shapes pursued the bombers. Fighters. The airplanes were too far to hear much but now and again the rattle of gunfire came to us. The fighters swooped and dived, twisting between the bombers and as we watched one plane gouted dark smoke which trailed behind as it began to lose height. We watched the plane sink lower and lower, but it dropped from sight and even though we listened we heard no explosion. The bombers droned on and disappeared, the fighters weaving in pursuit.

  “I’d almost forgotten we were fighting a war,” Georgia said.

  “Me too.”

  We walked on for a while before I said, “That might be Michael next week.”

  Georgia squeezed my hand. “He’ll be fine, Lil, I know he’ll be fine.”

  I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

  We were both sweating by the time the path swung all the way around and re-entered the shade of the lower wood. The track was deeper here, worn down by centuries of cattle making their way for milking, lined with hawthorn bushes and the remains of stone walls showing in places where the old drover’s track ran. Georgia took my hand again. After a while we heard the sound of running water, then turned a bend and the river was below us.

  Georgia caught her breath and said, “Lil, it’s gorgeous.”

  I had brought her this way deliberately, knowing this presented the best view of the river. To the right a small run rippled fast over gravel, opening into a wide, deep pool. On the far bank willows arched over the water, their branches dipping as though drinking from the stream. On the near side old oak, beech and elm framed a small clearing which sloped to a shingle bank. The pool stretched to our left until the river turned into another run. Dotted over the smooth surface dimples showed where trout rose for insects.

  “I thought we could eat our picnic here,” I said.

  “Great idea, Lil. I’m hungry now, too. I didn’t think I’d want to eat all day after that breakfast, but I’m starving.”

  “I’d better feed you up then,” I said. “I don’t want you losing any weight from… well, you know where,” I said, rolling my eyes and glancing down to take in her cleavage.

  Georgia stared at me and burst out laughing. “Lil, I do believe you made a joke! Oh my God, there’s hope for you yet.”

  I blushed and went on ahead, opened the canvas shoulder bag and pulled out sandwiches and the flask of tea.

  “Which do you want, Georgia?” I asked. “There’s ham and cheese, or beef and mustard.” I held a sandwich in each hand and watched as she strode down toward me, the hem of her dress swinging as she kicked her legs, a narrow band of skin showing above her wellington boots.

  “Don’t care,” she said, sitting down and pulling her boots off. “God, my feet are so hot! I’m gonna put my toes in the water. But first,” she turned to me, grabbed my arm and tugged me toward her. I squealed and dropped both sandwiches onto the grass. Unbalanced, I landed on my side and Georgia pushed me flat and lay across me. Her mouth met mine, her tongue probed and her hand closed over my breast. When she broke for air I gazed into her gorgeous face and knew there was no one else for me.

  “Never mind lunch,” she said softly. “These lips are all I need.” Her words so echoed my own thoughts a tremor ran all the way through me.

  Georgia broke the mood as she rose, tucked her dress into her panties and waded into the water.

  “It’s cold!” she squealed. “Come on, Lil, come and give it a try.”

  I picked up t
he sandwiches, which still looked edible, and wrapped them back in brown paper. I kicked my boots off, pulled my dress up and followed her. Round stones moved beneath my feet and minnows came exploring whenever I stood still, tickling at my toes. We giggled and splashed until our legs became painfully cold, then climbed out and ate half our sandwiches, leaving our dresses tucked up as our legs dried. I poured tea and we shared the single mug.

  Sunlight filtered through the trees and shimmered on the bank of grass. A kingfisher flashed, traveling downstream like a bright arrow. Fish dimpled rings on the surface and we lay back and looked up at the leaves rustling above us. The grass bank formed a small hollowed cradle where we sat, sheltering us on both sides. I had slept little the night before, too enraptured by the presence of Georgia lying next to me, and I closed my eyes and dozed. I don’t know for how long, but some time later I became aware of Georgia leaning over me. She had her hand on my thigh, stroking me, and when my eyes opened she kissed me suddenly, making me gasp.

  “I’ve been a naughty girl, Lil,” she said, “Look what I’ve done.” She showed me her panties in her hand before tossing them on the grass.

  “What if someone comes, Georgia?” I said.

  “Who’s to know, honey? I still got my dress on. Try it, Lil. It feels so wicked. There’s a breeze blowing right up onto my pussy.” She gave a little shiver of delight. “Come on, honey, slip ’em off and join me.”

  I looked around. We were probably safe enough. The river ran through our land and it was unlikely anyone would come along. Besides, we would almost certainly hear someone if they approached.

  Georgia looked at me and grinned. “You’re gonna do it, ain’t ya?”

  I grinned and nodded, reached under my dress and tugged my panties down. I noticed a small damp patch on them I tried to turn under so Georgia wouldn’t see before I dropped them next to hers.

  Georgia lay back and lifted her knees, drawing the hem of her dress up with her fingers.

  “Try this, Lil,” she said. “There’s a breeze coming off the water. It’s positively indecent.”


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