Rulebreaker (Marquis Club Book 1)

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Rulebreaker (Marquis Club Book 1) Page 11

by Marlee Wray

  He peppered hard blows onto her defenseless cheeks until she started clenching and trying to escape. Then he dipped his thumb in her pussy to wet it and slid it up to her asshole. He popped it inside, while shoving thick fingers into her gushing pussy. She moaned and buried her face in the mattress.

  He pulled his thumb out only to push it back in slowly, teasing her ring. She groaned.

  “A little pain first is a good thing, huh, baby? Then getting your pretty holes stuffed feels even better. Maybe I’ll stretch you out naked on a spanking bench in the club,” he said in a low voice. “Show off what a gorgeous little whore you are for me.” His fingers and thumb worked in and out slowly, while she writhed and panted. “Think I should?”

  “No,” she said.

  He pulled his fingers out and slapped her ass. “No, what? What do you call me?”

  “Master Rory, please!”

  He pushed his fingers back into her. She raised her hips and then pressed them down, trying to get him to penetrate her harder and deeper. When his hand moved roughly, she moaned.

  “Please,” she begged.

  He pushed his other hand under her so his palm was pressed against her clit.

  “Mmm. Please, Sir.”

  “Go on, kitten,” he said, cupping her pussy. “Ride my hand. Make yourself come.”

  It was all the permission she needed. She rubbed against his hand, moving back and forth while his other hand doubly penetrated her. The dull ache in her heated buttocks added another delicious sensation.

  It took almost no time for her to come, soft screams escaping her mouth unexpectedly, her arms aching from the struggle against her restraints.

  So good, she thought as the last throbs of ecstasy eased.

  “Thank you, Sir,” she murmured, melting onto the mattress.

  “You’re welcome, kitten.”

  “Maybe we can go back to sleep for a while,” she mumbled, trying to raise her arms so he’d remember to un-cuff them.

  “Nah, it’s morning. I’m gonna have coffee while I watch you eat oatmeal.”

  “Or we could sleep a little longer. Please?”

  His laughter was a low rumble. “If you want to sleep in, don’t wake me up by sucking on my cock.” He raised her off his lap so he could stand.

  “You want a shower before or after you have oatmeal?”

  “I really don’t like oatmeal much, Rory.”

  “So it’ll be good practice doing something just to please me.”

  That thought did give her a little thrill.

  “You like that idea?” he asked.

  She nodded with a small smile. “Can I take a shower before and after?”

  “Before and after?”

  “Well, I really want to take a shower now. But if I’m crawling around on the floor, eating oatmeal without my hands, I’ll want another shower after. Can I?”

  He shrugged. “Yeah, sure.”

  “Can I take one of my showers with you? And maybe wash you?”

  “You wanna wash me?” he asked with a smirk. “Gonna use your hair on my feet, Mary Magdalene?”


  “Never mind.” He un-cuffed her wrists. “Come on, kitten.”

  When he led her into the shower, she smiled. “Yay,” she whispered.

  “Yay, huh?”

  She nodded.


  She shrugged, not ready to say all the things that were running through her mind. She wasn’t ready to admit out loud how much he already mattered to her.

  Under the hot water, he pushed her against the wall and pinned her arms over her head, making her heart pound with anticipation.

  “Yeah?” he murmured as she rubbed her soft, slick body against his harder one. “You hungry for more?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

  “Me too,” he said. “I’m going to fuck you hard against the tiles until it hurts,” he said, gripping her sore buttocks and making her cry out. “Yeah,” he growled, pushing his thick cock into her. She felt almost too full, impaled and trapped.

  “Sir,” she gasped.

  “I don’t care if you’re sore,” he husked, making her head swim with excitement. “You’re mine. To use however I want.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whimpered, her clit tingling and throbbing as he drove in and out.

  She came long before he did.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Kate’s bruises had changed color and lightened up. He’d resumed spanking her hard, though not as ruthlessly as he had the first night since he wanted her skin a normal color when they returned to the club.

  There had been a few texts from Shay and others on various days, asking if he planned to be in. He held off. Better to let things die down, and for him and Kate to spend some time together alone. He did want to get her into the club. There was a lot of equipment there he liked to use.

  She had a couple of exams she was supposed to be studying for, but she never seemed to settle down to work for very long when she was at his place. She wanted to see what he was doing. She wanted to cook. She wanted to clean something, even though the maid came twice a week. He walked into the bathroom at one point to find Kate washing the walls. The walls? Whatever. He’d wanted her, so he’d plucked her off the stepladder.

  He was going on a business trip to Austria and was really tempted to take her with him, but he knew if he suggested it she would come and miss her exams. He didn’t know how that would play out in terms of her grades. If she could make them up, he’d gladly take her, but if not, it could screw her grades and potentially her GPA. He wouldn’t have been a good dom if he started letting her do things that weren’t in her long-term best interest. They had plenty of time together.

  Still when he told her about the trip, she started crying and he couldn’t get her to stop. He’d very nearly caved. It was funny how when they were at play, he could keep going even if she cried or screamed, but when it came to real life, sometimes he babied her more than his little nieces. It seemed to him there were two Rorys and two Kates in the relationship. Or maybe it was just that they had two very different relationships going on at once.

  He was at the airport on the phone with her, and she was sniffling again. He’d woken her from a nap, and she sounded groggy and sad.

  “Hey, I’ve gotta board.”

  “Okay. Be safe. I love you.”

  “Yeah, you too. Be good and study hard tonight, Kate. I’m going to make you show me your scores. They better be as good as the grades you got before we met.”

  “I’ll try. Will you call me as soon as you land?”

  “I’m sure I will, but I’m not gonna have anything new to tell you. Gotta go,” he said, hanging up the phone.

  * * *

  Kate had been so upset and anxious, she’d taken a Xanax. She didn’t tell Rory. She didn’t think he would like it. The only pill bottles in his medicine cabinet were Tylenol and Motrin.

  Kate didn’t take Xanax often, and it caused her to oversleep. She arrived for her French exam just before the doors closed, and she had trouble concentrating. She wasn’t sure if she’d gone back to the questions she’d flagged or if she’d submitted an unfinished exam.

  By midday, she felt worried and sick. She didn’t want to disappoint him. She drank coffee to wake herself up, which made her feel worse. She walked around campus for an hour to get some fresh air. When she finally started studying for her science exam, she felt like she wasn’t as far behind as she’d thought. In the end, she did have to stay up until three in the morning. She texted Rory, knowing he was six hours ahead and would be starting his day.

  His response had been: Why are you awake? Go to bed.

  She’d replied, I’m studying. How are you? I MISS U!

  Business all good. Not gonna talk about what I miss. I’ll show u when I get back. Go to sleep, k.

  k for kitten, she thought. She missed him so, so, so much.

  She did go to bed, but her thoughts chased themselves around in ci
rcles. And it was too late to take a sleeping pill.

  * * *

  The science exam went okay. Rory texted that he was going to an underground bar. He thought she would’ve liked the scene. She knew that meant he’d found a BDSM club to explore. She pictured him with tall blue-eyed blondes with big breasts. He wouldn’t have to hold back. He was the master and could play with whoever he wanted whenever he wanted.

  She wished she could go to the Marquis Club. Even just to help Nikki at the door. She wanted to be around people like them. She never felt like she could get really close to anyone on campus. She didn’t want the same things. When she’d gotten to college, she’d just finished that relationship that had gone so badly. The last thing she’d wanted was to be around young guys who drank and got loud and out of control.

  It was one of the many things she loved about Rory. He was always in control of everything, even when he was angry; especially when he was angry. He never broke things or hit her. He never did things to terrorize her.

  She’d always said no to breath play. It was a hard limit and always had been. She swallowed, remembering the last night with Brandon when he’d choked her into unconsciousness. At the time, she’d believed he was killing her. He could have accidentally. He’d been drunk.

  When she’d regained consciousness seven minutes later, he’d tried to make a joke of it. “Oh, good. I was starting to worry that I’d have to bury your body.”

  There had been nightmares for a long time, and anxiety when she was awake. It took her so many months to get herself back. Thankfully, she didn’t have the nightmares anymore, but she still remembered those moments of fear so clearly.

  Bran still texted her sometimes, as if he didn’t know that he’d destroyed her that night for months to come. She did not text him back.

  Master Rory had never said if he wanted to do any of the things she couldn’t. Did he like to control a girl’s breathing during a scene or during sex? If so, did he miss it? Could he get that in an underground Austrian club? She did not want to picture him standing between the thighs of a girl with pale eyes and cheekbones as high and sharp as icicles, but she did.

  There was noise in the common room. Her college was having a party. She turned off the lights so her suite mates wouldn’t see it and bang on the door.

  She couldn’t be awake any longer. She took two sleeping pills and crawled under her covers.

  * * *

  Something was wrong. There were long gaps between messages, and Kate seemed to be avoiding talking to him on the phone. The girl who had been desperate for him not to leave, now didn’t ask what time he’d come for her when he got back.

  Rory had signed the contracts with his new partners and had a drink with them, but rather than staying on for the last day to celebrate and have a final planning meeting, he’d had his assistant move up his flights.

  His mind was like a photograph with only Kate in sharp focus. Other things were scattered around the edges in an inconsequential blur. What had happened in the past forty-eight hours? A lot of scenarios went through his head. None of them good. He didn’t know her friends, so no information could be gotten that way. He considered sending Nikki or Shay to check on her, but with the way things were with the club, he didn’t want them in his business.

  It was a really long flight.

  He did not go home from the airport. He also did not tell her he was back. He would see the lay of the land unfiltered.

  He’d never been in her suite, but he knew where it was. He’d been to the door to get her because he wanted to know exactly where she lived and slept when she wasn’t with him. In case he ever needed to get to her in a hurry. He hadn’t expected the circumstances to be as they were.

  He knocked, and a girl with copper dreadlocks opened the door.

  “I’m here for Kate.”

  “Hi, I’m Maya, one of her suite mates. I take it you’re the him with the capital H? The new boyfriend?”

  He nodded. “Rory.”

  “Well, I don’t think she’ll see you.”

  “Yes, she will,” he said, every muscle tightening. Wouldn’t see him? What the fuck was going on?

  “She’s been holed up in her room for hours. She hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday. I had to threaten to call someone to get her to text me back that she’s okay.”

  “What happened?” he asked in a low voice, following Maya to Kate’s door.

  He knocked.

  “I don’t know really. Did you guys have a fight? I thought maybe you broke up with her.”

  “Do you have a spare key?” he said.

  She shook her head.

  Rory knocked louder. “Kate, it’s Rory. Open the door.” The silence was like a knife driving into him. “Plan B,” he said, putting his shoulder against the door. He popped it open, splintering it at the lock.

  The room smelled like bleach. She was on her side in the bed, completely still. Too still.

  Jesus Christ!

  He crossed the room to her and rolled her onto her back. She was warm and limp, her breathing very slow. Was she just very sound asleep? No, it was more than that. She never slept that soundly at his house. He shook her gently, then harder when she didn’t rouse. He didn’t know how many times he said her name before her lids finally rose halfway.

  She smiled. “I miss you.”

  “Kate, what did you take? Answer me,” he said sharply.

  Her eyes seemed to focus. “Ambia. For sleep.”

  “Ambien? How many?”

  Her head lolled, and she drifted off.

  “How many?” he demanded, giving her another shake.

  “Should I call an ambulance?” Maya asked from the doorway.

  “No, she’s talking. I’ve got her.” Rory stood and went to the door. “Thanks for checking on her. Do me a favor and keep this quiet.”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t. Maybe she needs help so that she doesn’t—”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  Maya looked up at him, trying to decide.

  He nodded. “She’ll be all right.” He closed the door on her and pushed Kate’s desk chair against it to hold it closed. He called the driver who waited downstairs and gave him instructions, then he turned on the lights and acquainted himself with the contents of Kate’s dorm room. It smelled like bleach because she’d apparently been cleaning every surface with Clorox wipes. The little white trash can was full of them.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Why was her room so hot? She tried to move, but couldn’t. That’s when she realized she wasn’t alone in the bed.

  It took her a moment to realize it was Rory in the twin bed with her, which meant they were in the dorm room. What were they doing in the suite? They never stayed here. And he was supposed to still be in Austria.

  Oh, God, how long had she slept?

  How was he here? Had she let him in? Some people walked and talked in their sleep on Ambien. She vaguely remembered taking a Xanax as well. Or was it two?

  “Hi, Sir,” she whispered and pressed her lips against his.

  He woke and ended the kiss by turning his head. He looked at the clock.

  She put her face in the crook of his neck. “I missed you.”

  Rory slid his arm out from under her and sat up, one leg off the bed on the floor.

  She watched him, not sure what to say or do. She needn’t have tried to decide. A moment later, he stood and said, “Get up.”

  When he flicked on the light, she gasped. Things were everywhere. Someone had swept everything off the shelves and dumped all her storage boxes and bins. There were piles of clothes and papers, boxes of colored pencils and markers that had spilled.

  “What happened?”

  “I happened.”

  Her eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

  “I did this to make sure I had them all.”

  “All what?”

  “The pills.”

  She froze, her thoughts finally crystallizing. She looked at the door.
There was a chair pushed against it and splintered wood sticking out from where it closed.

  “Yes. I broke the door to get in.”

  She sank to the bed. He’d broken into the room, and she’d slept through it. She could feel his eyes on her. She thought she might faint.

  “I don’t know how this happened. I just took a sleeping pill and something to relax because I couldn’t sleep. I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I slept until Sunday.”

  “You didn’t. I came home early.”


  “Get up and get dressed.”

  He was angry and disappointed. He must have been so tired after the trip, and he’d had to come to her dorm suite and find her unconscious from drugs. Oh, God. It was the most horrible thing she’d ever done. And he’d stayed with her. Had he been forced to talk to her suite mates? What had he told them?

  “Kate, I told you to do something. Do it. Now.” He said the words in that voice.

  She lurched to her feet. She dressed, used the suite’s bathroom, packed her laptop and schoolwork and the things she’d need for the weekend. Rory had called someone to come and pick them up.

  All her suite mates were standing in the common area when she and Rory emerged. He let her introduce him to them, not bothering to put down her duffle bags as he shook hands with each girl, except Maya who he’d apparently already met. There was a look that passed between them that made her wonder.

  The girls might have made a fuss if not for the way Rory maneuvered their way through the group. They tried asking questions, but he moved her in front of him and turned.

  “She’s fine. Have a good weekend,” he said, before they walked out.

  “I’m so, so sorry,” she said when they were out of the building.

  “Stop apologizing. Start explaining.”

  “Things didn’t go well. I was having trouble. I just wanted to sleep.”

  “For how long? Forever?”


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