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Inferno Page 20

by Bianca D'Arc

  “All in all, I think the meeting went well.” Duncan sat in an overstuffed chair facing them. “They were better prepared for us than I gave them credit for. Kevin doesn’t let any grass grow under his feet. That’s for sure. He had not only verified our story with his Lords, but brought in two of the neighboring Alphas to look us over as well. He’s as cunning a wolf as I’ve ever met.”

  “Yes,” Dante agreed. “I think we can work with him. What was your take on Dominic and Clarence?” He squeezed Megan’s shoulders, asking her opinion.

  She started sleepily and turned her pretty face up to his. “I was surprised by them. They were Alphas in their own right. Yet they seemed to defer to Kevin. Of the three, he’s not the eldest, but he’s somehow superior. Probably by right of challenge. I’d guess either Clarence or Dominic, or maybe someone else of a higher rank we don’t know about, challenged Kevin and was defeated by him. That would have given Kevin the superior rank in the hierarchy. It’s a little different here in the city than it would be elsewhere. The individual packs probably interact often because of their close proximity. I could smell the way both Dominic and Clarence deferred to Kevin, though it wasn’t obvious. I also liked that he didn’t lord it over them. He included them more or less as equals in the discussion. From my understanding of were society, he could have easily pulled rank but didn’t. That says something for him.”

  Her level of insight amazed him. She was a keen observer of people, and her were senses and instincts told her things Dante had almost missed. He thought she was dead on in her assessment of the situation, but he still didn’t like the hint of admiration in her voice when she talked about the Alpha wolf.

  “Very astute of you to notice all that,” Duncan complimented her. “There’s something else about Kevin that I wondered about the first time we met, and confirmed tonight. He’s got something—almost like a Glamour—around him. I’d lay odds it has something to do with his job. I think, although I can’t be sure unless I see it in action, that he’s impervious to fire. Or at least has some natural magical protection from ordinary flame.”

  “Makes sense that someone with that kind of ability would become a firefighter,” Dante allowed. “He’s also an Alpha wolf. I know weres have some natural resistance to magic. I’ve never actually met any that had this kind of magic of their own.”

  “Neither have I, actually.” Duncan scratched his chin thoughtfully. “It could be something that’s developed since I’ve been away. Or it could be something special—something specific to Kevin alone, or perhaps to his family line. Perhaps a mating with a human mage somewhere in his ancestry that passed the ability to him. I really can’t say without further investigation, though I doubt he’d just come out and tell me if I asked.”

  “That ability could be why he’s superior to the other Alphas,” Megan said, nestling into Dante’s side.

  He could feel her fatigue. It had been a long night for all of them. Especially for her, since she couldn’t feed off the energies they’d released earlier like he could, and didn’t have a nearly unlimited supply of magic at her disposal like Duncan. She was mortal and subject to the rules that governed most mortals, though her strong were constitution helped a great deal.

  “Good point,” Duncan said, yawning. “I, for one, am going to sleep on it.” He stood from the chair. “I’ll let you know tomorrow if I think of anything else. For now, I wish you both good rest.”

  Duncan leaned down to give Megan a gentle kiss, then took himself from the room.

  Megan yawned. “I think I’ll turn in, myself.”

  She tried to get up, but Dante held her back with gentle insistence. She turned to look at him, surprise lighting her eyes.

  “Stay with me tonight, Megan. Sleep in my arms.” He didn’t know where the request came from but knew the moment he spoke the words they felt right. He wanted her with him. He wanted to watch her sleep until daylight drained him and when he woke at dusk he wanted to smell the scent of her shampoo on the pillow next to his head.

  She smiled at him and this time when she tried to stand, he let her, following close behind. She took his hand as she led him toward the hallway.

  “I’d like that too.” Her whispered words were a balm to his soul.

  He lifted her hand to his lips for a tender caress before sweeping her into his arms. He carried her to his room and laid her on the bed, coming down beside her. He would have done more, but the lines of weariness on her lovely face stilled his ardor. She was tired and needed rest. It would be selfish of him to make any more demands on her this night. She’d already gone above and beyond for him. The least he could do was allow her time to recover before he made love to her again.

  He tucked her next to his heart and stroked her arms in a gentle caress.

  “Rest now, my love. Allow me to watch over your slumber.” He wasn’t sure if she heard him or not, for the next moment she was sleeping peacefully in his arms.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Megan woke two hours before sunset, still held close in Dante’s warm arms. She loved waking to feel him next to her. It was something she'd love to get used to, even though she knew a relationship between them was impossible. Still, it was a nice fantasy, while it lasted.

  With a sigh, she left the bed to start her day. For one thing, she was famished. After the tumult of the last few days she’d missed a few meals. Shifters needed to eat more than the average person. Their high metabolism aided them when they shifted and helped them heal faster than humans. It just required a lot of fuel to keep their bodies running efficiently.

  After she cleaned up and dressed, she joined Duncan in the kitchen. He was already cooking.

  “Oh, you read my mind.” She joined him by the stove and peered over his shoulder to see what he was making. “Fettuccini Alfredo with chicken? That smells good.”

  “I spent a lot of time in Italy in the past. I prefer their cuisine to most others and pasta is simple enough to cook in this day and age when it’s all pre-made for you.” He snagged a towel off his shoulder to grab the hot frying pan handle. He tossed the chicken pieces, then flipped them expertly into the sauce pot. “This should be ready momentarily. Would you mind setting the table?”

  “Not at all.” Her mouth watered as she grabbed plates and utensils from the cupboards and placed them on the table.

  They ate in a companionable silence. Megan was focused on her hunger to the exclusion of all else, and she was thankful Duncan didn’t say anything about her wolfish appetite. Her table manners weren’t up to her usual standards. Then again, she usually wasn’t starving when she sat down with company either. She figured he’d cope.

  From the quantity of food he’d made, she knew he’d realized how hungry she would be and was thankful for his thoughtfulness.

  “How are you feeling? Aside from the giant hole in your stomach that we’ve just filled?” Duncan asked as he took another bite of the delicious pasta he had prepared.

  His teasing warmed her and set her at ease. “I’m all right. I was really tired last night—or should I say this morning—after we got in. I totally conked out and slept straight through, which is abnormal for me. Usually, the slightest noise wakes me. I’m a light sleeper.”

  “I think most were are the same. It’s all those innate animal instincts. They keep you on guard, even when you’re asleep. Not a bad defense mechanism actually.”

  “True.” She would have said more, but the ringing phone interrupted her.

  Duncan wiped his mouth with his napkin and rose to answer the phone. His expression was one of mild puzzlement. He knew as well as she did that any friend of Dante’s had to realize he wouldn’t rise for another hour at least. So whoever was calling either had the wrong number or wanted to speak to one of them, not Dante.


  Were hearing was sharp and Megan could easily pick up the other side of the conversation in the quiet house. She was only mildly surprised to recognize Kevin’s voice on the other end of the

  “Duncan. I have some information for you.”

  “That was fast.” Duncan carried the handset to the table and sat, shooting Megan a questioning look. She nodded, telling him without words that she could hear what was going on.

  “Yeah, I realize that and it does raise my hackles a bit. I figured you could use your own judgment. We turned up information about a yacht owned by the Vabians that’s currently moored out on Long Island. Port Washington to be exact. I called in a favor from some affiliated shifters that are water based out that way. They took a sniff around the boat this afternoon. A blonde matching Siobhan’s description was seen there about an hour ago. She was bringing supplies aboard. It smelled like food and probably some clothing. My friends think she was moving in for an extended stay.”

  “That would make sense if she’s been to her house. After what went on there, she had to know somebody had tripped the traps. Not to mention the fact that I took her books. She’s either running scared or really pissed off. Probably a little of both.” Duncan chuckled at his own observation.

  “My friends are there and will report back any movement to me. I thought I’d make you aware of the situation so you could discuss it with Dante when he gets up. If you’re going to make a move on the boat, let me know so I can warn my people.”

  “Do you think they’ll stick around to give us a hand?”

  “Hard to say. They’re not wolves. I can’t order them around. I can only request. They’re talented people and unparalleled in the water. To be honest, I haven’t had a lot of dealings with them. They keep to themselves for the most part. I can tell you they have a stellar reputation among our people. If they agree to help you, you’ll be lucky to have them on your side.”

  “I see.” Duncan looked thoughtful. “Well, I’ll give you a call back once we decide what to do. I’m pretty certain we’ll be taking a drive out to Long Island tonight.”

  “It could be a trap. In fact, I’d bet good money on it. The information was too easily obtained.”

  “Oh, I have no illusions on that score. It most likely is some sort of trap, but we must take our opportunities where we can find them. Dante is a man of action who prefers to do battle head on rather than wait for a better opportunity. I’m of a mind to be the same way in this case. Like I said, we’ll let you know. Probably in an hour or two.”

  “I’ll wait for your call. And I’ll be in touch if anything else develops.”

  “Thanks for your help, Alpha. It is more than I expected and greatly appreciated.”

  “No problem, but if this works out for you, I hope you’ll explain to me sometime how you got so tight with the Lords so fast. That’s a story I would love to hear.”

  Duncan laughed and assured the pack leader he’d be happy to regale him with the story over a pint of beer at the earliest opportunity. They chatted briefly about beer of all things, then hung up with a friendly goodbye. It sounded like the beginning of a friendship from where Megan sat. She’d never interacted much with other shifters and was unprepared for how congenial the wolf Alpha appeared to be.

  “You heard?” Duncan asked.

  She nodded. “It could very well be a trap, but I agree with you. I think we can handle her between the three of us. I’d rather go out and face her than wait for her to attack again.”

  Duncan agreed with her and they finished their meal in pensive silence, waiting for Dante to rise.

  When Dante entered the kitchen, he found a subdued wolf and grim-faced half-fey knight waiting for him.

  “What’s wrong?” He was expecting the worst.

  “Kevin called.” Duncan’s words were clipped, but he tried to put on a brave face. “His people found Siobhan, possibly hiding out on a yacht owned by her family.”

  “So what’s the problem?” Dante breathed easier, pouring himself a glass of wine.

  “It’s most likely a trap.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Kevin said the information came too easily.”

  “I see.” Dante took a sip, thinking hard. “So at least we’re forewarned.”

  “Damn, I knew you were going to say that.” Duncan shook his head, laughing softly.

  “Am I so predictable then? I’m not sure I like that,” Dante mused, sipping his wine as he stepped over to Megan.

  She looked at him with those worried wide hazel eyes he couldn’t resist. He bent down to kiss her, glad when she responded warmly to him. She was a beautiful thing to wake up to, and he liked having her in his home. Probably too much. He would have to deal with that when the time came.

  “What do you say, sweetheart?”

  “I’m with you, whatever you decide. I should tell you that we already assumed you’d want to check it out tonight. The wolf Alpha is waiting by the phone for your decision.”

  Dante laughed out loud at that. “Why does he need to be involved?”

  “It’s all very mysterious.” Duncan’s eyebrow rose as he grinned. “Kevin called in some help from water were of some kind. He didn’t say what kind, but they’re still there, watching the yacht. He wanted a heads up if we decided to move in and indicated if those water shifters decided to help us, we’d be glad to have their help.”

  “I wonder what kind of shifters are so good in the water?” Dante mused.

  “Tigers, certainly, but the tigre clans probably don’t interact much with the likes of Kevin. It’s more likely some obscure tribe of werefolk, but I didn’t think there were any polar bears or orca around Long Island, except their animal brethren imprisoned in zoos. Of course…” Duncan’s eyes narrowed as he thought, “…it could be selkies.”

  “Selkies? Like the Irish myths about people who turned into seals? They’re real?” Megan asked. The old fairy tales had always appealed to her, though she didn’t understand why people thought the shifters had to put on and take off their seal skins in order to shift. Because of that aspect of the story, she hadn’t believed such creatures really existed.

  “Aye, they’re real enough but rare. Very rare indeed,” Duncan confirmed. “I didn’t realize they’d made it to the new world and settled here. The last time I was in this realm, most of their leaders were convinced they should isolate themselves from humanity. The last I knew, they were hiding out in enclaves in the most inaccessible areas of the Irish coast.”

  “Maybe they moved?” Megan puzzled it out. “They could probably blend in on Long Island. Although the area isn’t known for seals, there are miles and miles of coastline—much of it privately owned. If they struck it rich and were able to buy a place along the shore, they could come and go as they pleased and no one would be the wiser.”

  “Very likely,” Dante agreed. “Myself, I’ve never met a seal shifter. According to legend, they’re supposed to be among the most handsome of beings. Yet I don’t know how good they’d be in a fight.”

  “Kevin seemed to think they could more than hold their own. He said, in fact, we’d be lucky if they agreed to help us,” Megan offered.

  “All right then.” Dante polished off his wine and put down his glass. “Give Kevin a call and tell him to let those water were know we’re on our way. If they want to help us, they’re welcome.”

  Duncan picked up the phone as Dante tugged on Megan’s hand. She stood and followed him from the room. Once he had her in the living room, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her the way he’d wanted to since the moment he rose.

  She was breathless by the time he let her go. Breathless but smiling. He loved the way she responded to him.

  “Now that’s what I call the right way to start my evening.” He rubbed her lower back with long strokes of his hands. He wanted to make love to her, but they had things to do and villains to catch. “After we take care of this business, tonight you’re mine. All right?”

  She nodded, her eyes wide and so innocent-looking he could almost cry. She was so young compared to him. Young and vital. She was like catnip to a tigre. Irresistible and seductive. And he
would have her again tonight. No Duncan. Not if he could help it. Just him…and her. Poisoned blood be damned.

  But they had work to do first.

  They took Dante’s car to the north shore of Nassau County, following the coast to the quaint and bustling town of Port Washington. There wasn’t much cover as they approached the marina, but that couldn’t be helped.

  Dante went first with Megan. He didn’t want her in the path of danger, but he needed her nose. If there were explosives on the boat, she’d be able to smell them. Likewise, she would be able to sniff out anything else he might miss, and she did have a natural defense to most magic. If Siobhan got the drop on them, Megan would probably be okay. She had fast reflexes and knew how to handle herself if fireballs started raining down.

  Duncan was acting as backup. They hadn’t gotten a straight answer from the wolf Alpha about the supposed water were who had been on site. If they were still there, Dante didn’t see them.

  “The yacht is the last one in this row, way at the end.” Megan reported after checking a diagram at the main entrance and walking a short way to the right arm of the complex docking system.

  He didn’t like this setup at all. They’d be too exposed on the final approach to the boat, which was moored at the very tip of one of the marina’s spindly arms. It was a prime location that must’ve cost a pretty penny. Not only was access to the open water achieved more easily from that location, but it was quieter away from shore without a lot of foot traffic on the small ramps that connected the boats to land.

  They would have some cover until they got near the end of the arm of floating planking to which the yacht was moored. The last few yards would leave them out in the open and very vulnerable. Still they had little choice. They’d have to approach cautiously and keep to cover as much as they could until that final stretch. That would be the most dangerous part of this plan. If any surprises had been set for them that would be the place.


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