The Vartik King Chronicles: The Complete Series: (An Alpha Alien Romance Serial) (The Vartik Chronicles Book 1)

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The Vartik King Chronicles: The Complete Series: (An Alpha Alien Romance Serial) (The Vartik Chronicles Book 1) Page 17

by Liza Probz

  No one was there. She let out a soft sigh and pushed the staircase toward the shelf before moving to the top. She pulled at one of the book as her stomach fluttered. The need to talk to the life inside of her almost left her filled with panic. Surely it was nerves, right?

  The only life inside of her was her own, or was it?


  Marek glanced back at Jazmine as he moved from the library, a soft smile lifting his mouth. She was gorgeous and it almost scared him to consider having her for forever. Had he really talked to her about them being together or simply made the assumption that they would be? The latter of the two seemed more likely. The night they made love on the ship she had begged him to never leave her… or so that was the way he remembered it.

  Nojan turned the corner in front of him and Marek jerked forward as if he were going to take off running after his little brother again. Nojan flinched and Marek laughed loudly, the joy that rushed over him something he wanted to hold tightly to. Times would get more difficult before all was made well, but his relationships would pull him through. They always did.

  “Father has been looking for you. Go visit with them and find me later. We’ll round everyone up and make sure we start planning the trip.” His brother ran his fingers through his short brown hair and let out a long sigh. “I didn’t get her naked you know...”

  “I know that, you idiot. It’s just fun to watch you squirm.” Marek chuckled and walked past his brother, taking the first elevator he came to. Surely his parents wanted to discuss their time with Jazmine. He needed to dig into the conversation they had and start to plant seeds that might sway them in the girl’s favor.

  Nojan made a cheeky comment as Marek got on the elevator. The last thing he witnessed was his sister, Kara, walking around the corner and stopping to wave at him. She was a younger version of his mother, but youth gave her a more innocent appearance. His mother was intimidating without needing her looks to back it up. Too bad they did just that.

  He knocked at the door before entering at the sound of his father’s voice. His mother glanced up from a book she appeared to be reading, his father turning from the open window.

  “Marek, come in, son.” His father beckoned him over.

  “Are the two of you going to stay holed up in here all day? Is the throne room under construction?” A smirk lifted Marek’s mouth as his mother’s eyebrow raised. Nothing pleased him more as a boy than getting his folks worked up over nothing. Some part of that desire still lived inside of him and most likely would forever.

  “Hush and sit down. We are heading to the festival soon and you should be too.” His mother removed her reading glasses and pressed her forearms to the table in front of her. “Are you not taking Jazmine downtown?”

  “She hasn’t been feeling well. I just want to make sure she’s better before introducing her to the whole town. It’s a little overwhelming no matter who you are.” He took a seat beside his mother and glanced toward his dad, who seemed far too quiet.

  “She’s ill because she’s pregnant.” The king turned from the window, his expression much more calm than Marek expected. “Is it yours?”

  It took him a moment to answer, his breath being jerked from his lungs violently. Did Jaz know she was pregnant? Had she told his parents? They had a way of making someone want to let down their guard and spill all their secrets.

  “It’s twins and yes, they are mine.” Marek straightened his shoulders, preparing for a fight.

  “Why does the girl not know this?” His mother reached over and pressed her fingers into his arm, her glare less than welcoming.

  “Because I just found out an hour ago. She was with the two of you, and honestly, I didn’t want to blurt it out in the middle of the dining hall. I want to tell her in privacy. I’m not sure how she’ll react, mother. I love her, but I’m not entirely sure of her feelings for me.” He put his hand on top of his mother’s. “I’m sorry I didn’t mention it earlier. I didn’t know.”

  “Yes, but your mother said that you told her that you didn’t have feelings for the girl.” His father walked toward the table, pausing beside it. “Do you?”

  Sweat broke out on his forehead as his heart worked to push from the center of his chest. Surely he was moving toward cardiac arrest. It was no time to be timid though. This was a test. Everything had been a test for the last few years of his life. His father was preparing him for the moment he took over as king. Kings didn’t cower beneath the weight of decision, even if it was the wrong one. They owned it – owned everything and everyone.

  “I lied. I was scared and mom caught me off guard. I love Jazmine and want her to remain with me here to be my wife, to sire my children and rule beside me. I can’t explain it, but she just fits into my world beautifully, at least the one in my mind.” He turned to stare his father in the eye, wanting so badly to know what the older man was thinking. “I know you expect something different of me, but I’m not sure I can deliver it in the conventional sense you demand. I will rule our planet with the same benevolence and strength as you and mother have, but I want love to be a part of my future as it has been in my past.”

  “Tell him, Zuch. Don’t make the boy tarry.” His mother pulled her hand back, her voice soft.

  “Yes, of course.” His father smiled and reached over, patting Marek’s back before taking the seat next to him. “The bloodline will not be lost with Jazmine. Her mother was gifted to grant her offspring the gift of her abilities, but the children maintain the bloodline of their father. I do believe Jazmine’s composition will allow for the same thing.”

  “The twins will be fully Vartik by blood?” Marek leaned back and pressed his hand to his chest as the room seemed to grow fuzzy. Could it be possible? His only fear was that the children would be looked down upon because of their blood being tainted.

  “Yes, son. We need to consult the oracle, but I’m almost positive this is the case.” His father glanced at his mother. “Better, dear?”

  “Much.” She looked toward Marek, her face softening as his eyes filled with tears. “We will work to cancel our plans for your wedding. No one knew but those of us involved in coordinating it. If you wish to take Jazmine as your bride, your father and I will support you. It seems the gods have granted us confirmation seeing that she’s with child.”

  “Twins!” His father clapped his hands and let out a short laugh. “Can you imagine? I’m so beyond thrilled. I bet they will inherit her powers. Do you think it’s possible?”

  Marek pulled the small film from his back pocket and handed it to his father as his mother went on and on, making plans about the future. Numbness settled over him, the blessing of having the gods go before him and prepare his parents for the conversation more than he could ever ask for.

  “Silvia, look at this dear! They already have the ring of the light goddess.” The king passed the film across the table. “Marek, what are you waiting for? Go find her and tell her of the life that lay inside of her. She will be thrilled.”

  Marek came to and nodded toward his father as his mother began to cry softly. “I’m not sure how she’ll take it, Dad. We haven’t been too forthcoming of our feelings toward one another simply because it feels too premature. We just met a week ago. Things have happened so damn fast.”

  “But you love her?” his father asked.

  “Completely. It’s not my feelings that are in question. I’m not sure of how she truly feels about me. She’s trained herself to become callous and numb so that she might survive the reality that her brother is being held captive and most likely tortured. I can’t blame her, but it does leave me wondering where she stands in her feelings for me.”

  “We should let her tell you, but she told us that she loves you.” His mother smiled and reached over, brushing her hand down the side of his face.

  “She did?” Marek took a sharp breath, his chest constricting painfully. Jazmine had the courage to tell his parents that she was in love with him? Incredible. She had to
know that the chances of them rejecting that love or shunning her were high, simply because of their rules.

  “Yes, but she was quick to let us know that because she loved you, she would support you doing whatever you needed to do to rule this country, with or without her. She’s a jewel, son. Let’s keep her with us forever?” His mother’s smile widened as a few more tears rolled down her cheek.

  “Speaking of jewels… what are we going to do about her search? She cannot know of the bronze jewel, Marek. We need to circumvent that at all costs.” His father’s voice changed from warm and welcoming to strict and unyielding.

  “I agree. It’s already causing her to feel stronger, which is great. I just pray it doesn’t beckon her to come to it. That’s not possible, right?” Marek leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “I don’t know. Let’s pray not.”


  Jazmine sat at the largest table in the library, the enormous room empty around her. She fingered through the various myths of different gods and goddesses, seeming to get stuck from time to time on another story that captivated her attention.

  “You must be Jazmine.” A pretty young girl stopped in front of the table, a kind smile on her thin lips.

  “I am.” Jazmine stood and extended her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you too. I’m Marek’s sister, Kara.”

  “Oh yes. He told me about you.” Jazmine shook the girl’s hand, her skin soft like silk. She glanced down at the book in front of her. “I was just researching some of the myths that seem to be part of my past. So weird not remembering much more than glimpses of the last twenty years.”

  “It will come back to you.” Kara’s expression softened more, as if she were feeling Jazmine’s struggle. “I won’t keep you. I just wanted to introduce myself.”

  “Well, I’m glad you did.” The fluttering in Jazmine’s stomach got worse. She brushed her hand over her tummy and gave a weak smile. “Can you show me to the restroom? I’m sure I would end up lost in this beautiful place if I tried on my own.”

  Kara laughed and moved back. “Of course. Come on, I’ll walk you there myself.”

  Jazmine closed the book and walked with Marek’s sister out in the hall, the other girl talking about the festival going on in the center of town. Jazmine nodded and made a few sounds of appreciation as they walked toward the restroom, worry threatening to drown her. She needed to talk with Nojan and soon. Her mind had concocted the worst possible scenario for what lay deep inside of her. Obviously it wasn’t nerves, but a parasite of sorts.

  “Here we are.” Kara pointed toward one of the many doors in front of them. “I’ll wait for you and walk you back. It’s a maze around here.”

  Jazmine laughed softly and nodded. “Thank you. I’ll be right out.”

  Walking in the bathroom, another wave of nausea rolled over her, her stomach contracting and sending her running to the toilet. She barely made it before she lost her lunch. Something was wrong.

  Sweat broke out on her face as she wiped at her mouth. It was almost embarrassing to be so ill with no real cause, but there had to be something going on. Marek had said differently, but surely he wouldn’t deceive her. He loved her, or maybe it was a trap.

  “That’s fucking ridiculous,” she growled at herself and moved to the sink, splashing cold water on her face and trying to calm her nerves.

  Warmth filled her chest and rushed down her limbs, the glow around her growing bright. She glanced up and brushed her long blond hair back, staring at herself in the mirror.

  “You’re fine. Just let it go.” She groaned as the warmth pulsed through her again, the brilliance of it calming her stomach, but eerily so.

  Her eyes darkened to black, a red ring pulsing around the iris as she watched. A soft scream left her and she clamped her hand over her mouth. Blinking furiously, she tried to clear her vision. Surely she was seeing things. She wasn’t Vartik and shouldn’t be able to mimic them.

  The door opened a little. “Jazmine. Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I’m coming out now.” She blinked a few more times, her eye color fading back. “Thank God.”

  She walked out into the hall as Kara reached out and touched her arm. “You sure? I feel a lot of stress coming off of you.”

  “I’m just feeling ill again all of a sudden.” Jazmine leaned against the wall behind her, her eyes moving toward a large golden door near the end of the hall. “What’s down there? The door is beautiful.”

  “It’s the entrance to our southern tunnels. We are the guardians over several rare jewels and various creatures.” Kara smiled and rubbed her arm softly. “Do you want me to get Marek?”

  “Yes. That would be good.” Jazmine reached up and wiped at the sweat on her brow. “Tell him I’m okay, just a little weak.”

  “Of course. Don’t move. I’ll be right back.” Kara smiled sweetly and turned to go, Jazmine stopping her. She had to know the answer to the burning question that sat heavy on her all of a sudden.

  “Kara… what jewels are you guys guarding?”

  Kara turned around, pausing briefly. “Several, but the one we’ve pledged our lives to protect at all cost is the bronze jewel of Gillum. It’s a stone from the original Garden of Eden. Keep the info to yourself though. Everyone around here gets crazy about it.”

  Jazmine nodded as her heart fell into her stomach. Marek had lied, Nojan as well. They knew very well that the one thing she needed to get her brother back sat within their reach. She moved from the wall and walked toward the door as tears filled her gaze.

  He didn’t love her. If he did, he wouldn’t have kept the information from her. Had she not proven herself trustworthy when she left his jewel and all of hers on his ship? Her brother was most likely being tortured to death and the one man who could do something about it wasn’t willing? The jewel meant more than her. It had to.

  “You just met, you idiot,” she chided herself as tears spilt over onto her cheeks.

  Was she willing to steal the jewel?

  Pressing her head to the golden door, warmth ran down her chest and spilled out of her mouth in a long groan as she pushed. Two years of non-stop searching and she was right here. If Marek cared at all for her, he would have mentioned the stone and left her with hope.

  Without it… Caleb would die.

  She had been deceived, but time was of the essence.

  She pushed harder, putting every bit of strength she had behind it. The door groaned loudly as it moved with all her effort. Sucking in, she slipped through the tiny crack, her face scraping along the frame and cutting her. Blood ran down the side of her face as she moved into the darkness, wishing like hell she had a light.

  “I do.” She thought of her love for Marek and how this moment would seal the dissolution of it. She was a thief and he would never forgive her for taking something so precious, but she had no choice.

  Her emotion fed the blue light around her, the room illuminating and filling her with fear. Large creatures moved toward her with speed and agility, their fangs long and eyes black as night. What had she done?

  Of course they protected the jewel.

  “From thieves like me.” She closed her eyes and let out a soft cry, preparing for the pain of death. There were too many of them and she was too tired to fight. “Forgive me.”

  Who she whispered her plea to, she knew not. Too many people needed to hear it, but none would.

  Claimed by the Vartik King

  Liza Probz

  Part 8


  Marek spent a few more minutes talking with his parents before making an excuse to slip out. The fact that they had agreed to allow him to move forward with Jazmine left him wanting to find her and divulge everything. She needed to know how much he was in love with her, that she was carrying his twins, that he would do anything to help her find Caleb.

  He let out a shaky breath and took the elevator to the first floor, half running, half walk
ing to the library. Nojan called from behind him and he paused, turning to see what his brother wanted.

  “I have everyone together. Where is Jaz?” Nojan asked.

  “It’s Jazmine and I have no clue. I was going to see if she was in the library.” Marek turned and walked into the large room to his left, the smell reminding him of all of the hours he spent poring over the history books of his people. The stories were vast and most of them rather entertaining, but study was still study.

  “I don’t see her.” Nojan moved into the library behind Marek.

  “I guess she might have gone with one of the servants or maybe Kara down to the festival.” Marek let out a long breath and walked back to the large open center of the library. “Let’s meet with everyone and then I’ll go find her.”

  “All right. It shouldn’t take long. We’re really at an impasse without knowing where we’re headed.” Nojan walked into the hall as Marek took long strides to catch up with him. He pushed the excitement of all he had to share with Jazmine back down and tried to focus on the topic at hand.

  “I thought the first stop was going to be on Vanfia? Seems like that would be our best bet seeing that the king is out for blood on Jazmine and most likely has figured out who she is. If he realizes who Jaz is, then he will be looking for Caleb too. He’s a wise old man from what I hear.”

  “He has saggy tits from what I hear.” Nojan laughed and Marek smirked, unable to help himself.

  “Yes, well, you’ll have to ask Jaz. Tease her mercilessly about it. She had to almost seduce him to lift the bag of jewels off of him that she took.” Marek shook his head, his smile so wide it almost hurt.

  “How was the conversation with mom and dad?”

  “Great actually. They already knew that she was pregnant.” Marek shrugged as they walked into the large conference room, his brothers Calabez and Zelup sitting at the far end. He glanced to Nojan. “Not a word on any of this.”


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