Rules of Desire: Protecting Erin [More Desire, Oklahoma 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Rules of Desire: Protecting Erin [More Desire, Oklahoma 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Leah Brooke

  “Just. An. Oh God! Old. Colleague.” Writhing on the table, she moaned hoarsely, her juices coating his fingers more with each passing minute. “Please, Duncan.”

  Jared brought her hand to his lips. “Male or female?”

  Squeezing her eyes closed, Erin pressed her thighs against Duncan’s shoulders, lifting herself into his ministrations. “Male. Oh God. I’m gonna come.”

  “Not yet you’re not. Why did he call you?” The sight and sounds of his wife writhing in pleasure had Duncan’s cock throbbing, but he wouldn’t take her until he got the answers he needed.

  “I can’t think! Oh God. Please!” Pumping her hips in demand, Erin kicked at him again, her blue eyes shooting sparks.

  Withdrawing his finger, Duncan rose, pulling a condom from his shirt pocket and tossing it onto the table. “No. Why did the phone call upset you so much?”

  Jared straightened, still holding her hand in his. “You’re scaring me, Erin. What the hell’s going on?”

  * * * *

  “I’ll tell you, damn it!” Her clit throbbed unbearably, need clawing at her.

  Naked, spread, aroused, and with all three of her fierce-looking husbands leaning over her, Erin knew she had to tell them everything. Struggling to concentrate, she blew out a breath. “Wes Cramer called me. He’s an attorney who works with the oil company I used to work for.”

  Reese’s hand clenched on hers. “What did he want?”

  “He wanted me to know that Nelson Stark is out of prison.” Her words came out in a rush, almost breathless.

  With a hand braced on the tabletop on either side of her waist, Duncan bent low, getting in her face. “Who the fuck is Nelson Stark?”

  Knowing her husbands well, Erin shook her head and bit back a groan as she rocked her hips. “Take me first. Then I’ll tell you.”

  Duncan’s smile, filled with erotic intent, sent a warm rush of delight through her. “My pleasure.” He shoved his pants down and rolled on a condom with a speed that thrilled her before gripping her by the waist. Dropping into his chair, he gripped her waist and held her poised over his cock.

  With a moan, she gripped his shoulders as he slowly lowered her, filling her inch by hot, thick inch. “Oh God.”

  Reese chuckled. “I’ll go get her bath ready. Our wife has some explaining to do.”

  Her toes curled when Duncan began to move, and throwing her head back, she let her eyes flutter closed. “In a minute.”

  Duncan’s grip changed, and with a hard arm supporting her, he leaned her back and smiled as he pressed his palm against her thigh and used his thumb to stroke her clit. “Oh, I think I can do better than that.”

  Dimly aware that both Jared and Reese had left the room, Erin reached for Duncan, pressing her other hand to her mouth to muffle her cries.

  Grinning, Duncan lifted her to the table again. “You gonna try to stay quiet? You know damned well that I can’t refuse a challenge like that.”

  The friction of his callused thumb against her clit threatened to send her over at any second. “The baby.”

  He began to thrust harder and faster, his golden hazel eyes flaring with heat. “Jared’s dealing with the baby. You, my stubborn, sexy wife, are dealing with me.”

  Moving his thumb faster, he continued to thrust into her, his mouth covering hers each time she cried out.

  Her clit throbbed harder.


  The friction against her inner walls drove her wild, his thick cock filling her, hotter and harder with every stroke.

  Wrapping her legs around him, she took him deeper, her hands fisted in his hair to keep him from lifting his head again.

  Muffling her moans, he groaned against her mouth, the passion and possessiveness in his kiss feeding her own hunger.

  Suddenly, his kiss changed in a way that never failed to excite her.

  It became slower.



  He kissed her with a control and possessiveness that rendered her helpless in a way that always disconcerted her.

  Thrilled her.

  He thrust into her with the same possessiveness and control, moving his thumb over her clit with the sureness of a man who knows his woman’s body well.

  His decadent kiss made her dizzy—made her insides flutter with hunger and excitement.

  Feeling delightfully feminine, she arched into him, craving more.

  And Duncan gave it to her, kissing her deeply as he continued to thrust into her, a hand in her hair holding her to him while the other held her hip, his thumb still moving on her clit.

  His deep grunts heightened her senses, his uninhibited lovemaking driving her to greater heights.

  Lost in the feel of him, Erin came in a rush, her body stiffening against his as the pleasure consumed her.

  With a groan, Duncan thrust again, and sliding his thumb from her clit, wrapped both arms around her. Breaking off his kiss, he buried his face against her neck. “Damn.”

  Taking a deep breath, he lifted his head to smile down at her, his eyes twinkling with pure male satisfaction. “Now that we’ve got the issue of how much I want you out of the way, let’s deal with the other.”

  “Good idea.” Reese moved to her side, his hazel-green eyes indulgent as he waited for his brother to straighten and withdraw before lifting Erin into his arms. “Her bath is ready, and Jared brought the baby to the bedroom. It’s time for you to tell us what the hell’s going on.”

  Minutes later, Erin leaned back against her bath pillow, her hair clipped out of the way, and up to her neck in bubbles. “I didn’t mean to keep anything from you.”

  Jared, who sat on the edge of the large tub, crossed his arms over his chest and lifted a brow. “No?”

  Glancing at Reese, who leaned against the doorjamb, Erin sighed, bristling at his tone. “No. I was going to tell you all tonight.”

  Jared’s smile held a hint of anger. “It’s tonight. Talk. Who’s Nelson Stark, and why the hell is some attorney calling you about him?”

  Erin smiled, hoping that none of them would overreact. “Nelson Stark used to be one of my bosses. I worked closely enough with him to realize he was embezzling from the company. I went to the president of the company and reported him. Wes Cramer is the attorney who handled the case. I worked with Wes to gather enough evidence to get Nelson convicted.”

  Not liking their frowns, Erin smiled. “Afterward, I got promoted and ended up as the administrative assistant to the president, John Ritten.”

  Reese’s eyes narrowed. “That doesn’t explain why Wes Cramer called you today.”

  Erin shrugged, averting her gaze in the hope that they wouldn’t see her unease. “He just called to tell me that Nelson was released today. He got out early for good behavior.”

  When the silence became uncomfortable, she looked up again to find that Jared’s frown had deepened.

  “There’s more to this. You’re leaving something out.”

  How the hell did he know?

  Duncan stopped pacing to glare at her. “What’s the rest?”

  Reese blew out a breath and stepped closer. “Don’t you think you’ve been evasive enough for one day?”

  Jared rose and stood over her, bracing his hands on the tub and bending close. “Don’t you think we know you well enough to know when you’re lying to us? It just pisses us off, Erin.”

  Duncan moved closer, his hands on his hips. “You’re real close to getting yanked out of that tub and hauled over my lap.”

  Well aware that Duncan would carry out his threat if she didn’t appease them in a hurry, Erin eyed each of them in turn. “You’re too protective. You overreact.”

  Jared’s eyes narrowed, his body tensing. “That’s our right. Spill it.”

  Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Erin resigned herself to living under a microscope for the foreseeable future. “Nelson vowed to get even with me for my part in getting him convicted.”

  Jared straightened,
his eyes glittering. “Where is he?”

  Sitting up, Erin reached for a towel. “Wes said he disappeared as soon as he was released. He didn’t even go home to his family. I also called John Ritten. He told me the same thing. The FBI is looking for him.”

  Jared stilled. “The FBI? They wouldn’t be looking for him unless he was dangerous.”

  Shaking her head, Erin stood. “They don’t think he’s dangerous. He’s an embezzler for God’s sake. An accountant.”

  Duncan wrapped the towel around her and lifted her from the tub, his eyes wild. “And an ex-con who vowed to get even with you for helping to send him to prison.”

  Chapter Three

  Erin waited until Jared, Duncan, and Reese went out to the large shed where they worked on special pieces of furniture at home before calling her ex-boss again.

  John Ritten answered his cell phone almost immediately. “Erin, is something wrong?”

  “No. I just wanted to make sure the FBI was still looking for Nelson.”

  “Yes. They think he’s on his way to where he hid the rest of the money, and when he finds out it’s gone, it won’t take long for him to figure out who took it. Erin, Cramer also left town.”

  Erin got a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach and found herself back in the living room, standing over William’s bassinette. “Shit. My husbands aren’t going to like that I’m keeping this from them.”

  John chuckled softly. “I still can’t believe you have three of them.”

  Adjusting the light blanket over William, Erin blew out a breath, knowing damned well what her husbands would do if she told them everything. “Yeah, well, sometimes I can’t, either.”

  “I can imagine. Listen, tell them the truth, Erin. They need to know in order to keep you safe.”

  Amused despite her nerves, Erin sighed. “Christ, you’re almost as bad as they are. There’s no reason for them to know what you suspect. I have a hard time believing it myself. Just do me a favor and keep me posted.”

  “I will.”

  Erin blew out a breath and made her way back to the baby, unable to stand still. “Do you really think Cramer’s involved?”

  “Yes. I watched the videotape of him when he got the call that Stark had been released. He panicked.”

  “I have to admit I’m surprised. Wes was always a little off, but I have trouble believing he stole the money from Nelson.”

  “Tell your husbands, Erin.”

  “Not yet.”

  She was too restless and edgy, and they would make a bigger deal out of it than it needed to be.

  The phone beeped, signaling another caller. “Later. Keep me posted. I have another call coming in.”

  * * * *

  Sipping his coffee, Reese stood leaning against the kitchen counter, half listening to Erin’s phone conversation with her sister, Rachel.

  Erin paced back and forth in the living room, stopping occasionally to check on William. “I was going to tell them, Rachel, but not until we were all together sitting around. I didn’t feel like telling the story over and over again.”

  Her voice lowered, compelling him to step closer to the doorway. “Okay. Fine. Yes. I was putting it off. … No. I knew I couldn’t get away with keeping it from them, but you know how the men who live in this town overreact. If overprotectiveness was a contest at the Fourth of July fair, my husbands would win first prize.”

  Reese raised a brow at that, glancing at his phone as a text message from Jared came in.

  Ace checking. Erin didn’t tell everything. Stark’s wife divorced him. Lost wife, kids, career. Threatening letters from jail.

  “Nelson wasn’t much more than a pencil pusher, Rachel. He made a lot of empty threats. Hell, he was scared of me. … Yes, I told them, but they don’t believe me.” Blowing out a breath, Erin kept pacing, nearing the doorway again. “I’m sorry. I know Boone and Chase want to protect you. … No. If anything happened to you or Theresa, I’d be devastated. Just tell them I said to stay close to you. If John’s right, there might be trouble, but I can’t imagine them bringing it here.”

  Clenching his jaw, Reese went to the counter to pour himself another cup of coffee, unsurprised at the sharp feminine gasp from behind him.

  “Hold on.” Erin lowered the phone, swallowing heavily. “When did you come back in?”

  Reese held up his fresh cup of coffee. “Just now. I heard you mention Theresa’s name. Is everything okay with our niece?”

  Lifting the phone to her ear again, Erin frowned. “Rachel, I’ll call you back.” After disconnecting, she set the phone aside. “Theresa’s fine. Jared called Boone to tell him about Nelson Stark, and he and Chase freaked out. It seems my sister’s husbands are just as protective as mine are.”

  Sipping his coffee, Reese leaned back against the counter, closely watching his wife’s expressive eyes. “That’s our job and something we take very seriously. The men in Desire protect all women, especially our own. You knew that before you married us, Erin. As a matter of fact, their protective natures are what made you accept them for your sister.”

  Erin shrugged and dropped into a chair. “They love her. I didn’t expect that. When I realized that the men in this town liked to share women, I thought they were playing some sort of game.”

  Reese smiled at that, remembering how hard and cold she’d appeared when she’d first come to town with the intention of taking her sister back to Texas with her. “And now you know differently. It’s not a game to us, Erin. It’s a way of life, and knowing that there are three of us to take care of you makes each of us feel a lot better.”

  Erin grinned. “You afraid you couldn’t handle me on your own?”

  Reese’s smile made her stomach flutter. “Oh, I can handle you.” With a sigh, he joined her at the table. “But knowing that if something happened to me, you would be taken care of means a great deal to me.” Taking her hand in his, he lifted it to his lips, sending little ribbons of pleasure up her arm. “And none of us have to worry that you’re not getting enough attention. The same goes for our children. It worked for our parents, and it makes everything a lot less stressful for everyone.”

  Pulling her closer, he bent to touch his lips to hers, his hand sliding to her waist. “There was always a lot of love in our home. We want that for you, for William, and for the rest of our children.”

  Lifting her to his lap, Reese cupped her cheek, lifting her face to his. “You seem happy enough to have three men doting on you.”

  Lifting a hand to his hair, Erin smiled and arched to press her breast against his palm. “Oh, I muddle through. I have to admit that it’s kind of nice to have three husbands fussing over me, but it also means that I have three husbands to nag me.”

  Sliding a hand under the hem of her shirt, Reese cupped her breast, his thumb moving gently over her nipple. With a smile, he brushed his lips over hers. “Yeah, but we always make up for it, don’t we?”

  Erin giggled, a sound she couldn’t remember making before she met them. “I have to admit the three of you are pretty good lovers.”

  Her three husbands gave her the kind of pleasure she hadn’t known existed, and to her amazement, each in a different way.

  Duncan’s erotic deviousness never failed to surprise her and brought out a naughty side to her that she’d known existed but didn’t expect to ever explore.

  Jared had a forceful streak, his overwhelming masculinity drawing a femininity from her that made her feel not only loved but adored. He gave her an intense sense of security and intimacy that still had the ability to bring tears to her eyes.

  Reese, on the other hand, made love to her with a gentle intensity that built so slowly she didn’t realize that she’d been sucked under until it was too late. He drew her into his seductive web with each slow caress, playing her body and senses like an instrument that he’d long ago mastered.

  His mastery of her body and tender masculinity sent her senses reeling and always left her trembling with pleasure.

/>   Sipping at her lips, Reese slid his hand lower, unfastening her jeans with nimble fingers and slipping his hand inside. “Pretty good, huh? I guess I’ll have to try to do better.”

  Erin clung to him, her clit already tingling with need as he parted her folds. “Reese!” She tried to part her legs, but her jeans kept them in place but in no way thwarted his efforts.

  Keeping her folds parted, he stroked her clit, his big hand at the back of her head holding her firmly for his kiss.

  Sliding his tongue against hers, he deepened his kiss, his strokes to her clit slow and even, no matter how desperately she writhed against him.

  Her clit burned, and unable to escape the pleasure he forced on her, she gripped him tighter.

  Lifting his head, he stared down at her, a half-smile playing at his lips. “Ready to come already, love?” He shifted the angle and pressure of his finger, stroking once—twice—as he stared into her eyes. “Yes, I guess I am pretty good at giving you pleasure.”

  Erin squeezed her eyes closed when Reese moved his finger faster. “God, yes!” Fire licked at her, and far sooner than she’d expected, she went over in a rush of heat, her cry of pleasure muffled by his passionate kiss.

  Slowing his strokes, he drew out the pleasure, breaking off his kiss as he slid his hand free. He nuzzled her lips with his own before straightening, pushing a loose tendril of her hair back as he stared into her eyes. “You are so damned beautiful. Do you feel all right?”

  Rubbing her thighs together against the lingering heat, Erin smiled with a moan. “I feel wonderful.” Slumping against him, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “How about you?” She wiggled, smiling at the feel of his cock pressing against her hip. “Why don’t we take this to the bedroom?”

  A knock at the front door startled her, and stiffening, she jumped from Reese’s lap, scrambling to fasten her jeans again. “Damn it.” The pounding came again. “Whoever it is will wake the baby.”

  Reese patted her bottom, his eyes going flat and cold when their visitor pounded again. “I’ll get it. Stay here.”


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