Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Angelique [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Angelique [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I’m okay,” she insisted, feeling her belly quiver and other parts begin to burn inside from the sight of this sexy creature. How come she had never seen him before? He had dark-brown hair pulled back in a low pony, very tan skin, and sparkling green eyes. He was gorgeous, and boy, did her body know it.

  “Angelique, are you okay?” Millie asked as she passed the first-aid kit over to the man she called Armand.

  “I’m just a little shaken up, Maw Maw. Really I’m fine, so if you just let me down,” she began to say when the man called Armand gently but firmly placed his hand on her thigh to hold her in place.

  “You’re injured. Let me take care of this cut,” he stated firmly as he pointed to her thigh and the blood that now dripped down her calf. She immediately noticed the blood along her beige skort, and she cursed the drunks. Armand made her nervous, and the fact that his warm, large fingers caressed her skin as he whispered to her made her fidgety. She wiggled a little, trying to break his hold. Did he even know that he was caressing her skin? She avoided his dark, sexy eyes and focused on trying to comprehend the instant attraction to the stranger.

  “Oh crap! How am I going to get this off?” she stated as she looked at the material.

  “That the least of your problems,” someone else stated in a thick, rich Cajun accent. The sound instantly made her jump as if someone of authority and strength had spoken. She swallowed hard. When she looked up, she saw that the words came from the sheriff. Damn, he was just as dangerous looking as Armand, except this guy was taller than Armand by an inch or so and angry looking. He was thick around the waist and muscular. He kind of reminded her of a football player, except his facial expression and stance were like one of those mean, strict lawmen. He didn’t look over forty nor like some old timer, but he didn’t look approachable either. As his dark, black eyes looked her over, she could see them sparkling with mischief. Damn, that man could eat her alive with his eyes. She self-consciously wiggled again and looked for Maw Maw. Who were these guys anyway? Maw Maw, having earned the nickname meaning grandmother despite the fact that she wasn’t even a grandmother, must have sensed Angelique’s uneasiness as she spoke.

  “These two take good care of you. They’re my boys, and no one can take care of you better than them.”

  Her sons? That’s right. Maw Maw told her one day that she had four sons. Damn, they were mighty fine looking. Angelique wondered if the others were just as good looking as these two. She looked up toward the sheriff again, and he had moved closer as his eyes appeared angrier, and he stared at her leg.

  She looked down at her thigh then up again at the sheriff as Armand began to tend to her wound.

  “How bad is it?” the sheriff asked.

  “Just a cut. I’m fixing this up good,” Armand stated then rubbed his thumb against Angelique’s knee as he applied ointment to the cut.

  “I’m fine really. I can do this myself,” she began to say when the sheriff spoke.

  “You best stay sitting right there and Armand fix that better than new. I’m going to need you to sign a statement to press charges.” He was firm as he spoke, intimidating her into silence. She could smell his cologne and sensed his authoritative nature and large build. For a moment she was mesmerized by him and by Armand. She compared their features and noticed the similarities they shared as kin. Then the sheriff took out a notepad and started asking her questions like her name, address, and other contact information.

  “I don’t want to press charges, Sheriff. They were just drunk and probably from moonshine,” she replied but wouldn’t look at him. He was powerful, and any fool could see that. As a matter of fact, she felt compelled to obey him and listen when he spoke. It was so odd. There were lawmen back in Orchidea that she respected, but this guy was scary. Messing with him would probably be an unwise thing to do.

  She really needed to place some space between herself and these men. Her body was heating up, and her nipples pebbled beneath the tank she wore. Her sisters told her that she was a bad judge of character when it came to men. If her body was any indication of her response to these men, then her sisters were probably right. She crossed her arms in front of her chest, trying to hide her body’s reaction to the two men as well as appear confident. She didn’t need any trouble, and she didn’t need her sisters finding out about this incident.

  Suddenly she felt the fingers under her chin as Armand tilted her face up toward him. She locked gazes with his green eyes and tried to maintain an even breathing.

  “Those boys are nothing but bad news, aimé. They could have hurt you,” he told her as he caressed her chin. His expression and tone held true concern.

  “I’m fine really. Merci beaucoup,” she replied and turned her chin slowly from his fingers then began to get up from the bench in order to place some much-needed distance between them. The man was too hot to handle, and the sheriff was just plain scary. He was watching her, and although she wasn’t guilty of any crime, she felt his gaze upon her, which caused tiny sensations of anxiety and concerns fill her.

  “Where do you live?” the sheriff asked as she walked closer to the counter where Maw Maw was pulling supplies together, including a package decorated in the traditional “Secret Pleasures” trademark purple orchid and purple ribbon.

  “By any chance have you gotten any new beads in?” Angelique asked as she began to look through the bins to ignore the sheriff and his brother. Maybe if she pretended that they weren’t there, then they would get the hint and disappear. Her fingers nimbly flipped through the various beads in the one bin containing her favorite color, purple.

  “I got that package you ordered last week right here. I should be getting my own order any day now. That might have some beads that will interest you,” Maw Maw stated then plopped the package onto the counter.

  “Oh great! I think I’ll take some of these here and these ones in this here bin, too,” Angelique told Maw Maw as she pointed to the second bin. Maw Maw walked over with two empty boxes and began to add the beads.

  “What are you making, sugar?” the sheriff asked, eyeing her and looking like he was suspicious. The way he rested his hand on his holster and kept his hat down low over his eyes made her fearful. She was stuck in a bad situation and needed to get moving. She wouldn’t make eye contact with him. He was just too intimidating, and his brother was too damn sexy for words. Her age and inexperience with men was making her act rather sophomoric, yet she couldn’t get herself to pretend to be anything other than herself. Her sister Mikayla would probably bat her long, thick eyelashes and even lick her lips as she eyed the candy, but that just wasn’t Angelique.

  “Just some stuff. Nothing exciting,” she replied then placed the beads on the counter alongside the box of ordered items.

  * * * *

  Armand thought the young woman was a skittish little thing. She had amazing emerald-green eyes when she wasn’t avoiding his gaze. They were almost translucent in color. It was difficult to describe them, but it was unique and intriguing. She smelled real good, too, and that wasn’t just because he had been working around a bunch of smelly, sweating men all morning either. He was struck by her beauty once he saved her from those dumb-ass swamp rats. He was grateful he had been visiting his mama and headed out for lunch when he did. As soon as he set his eyes on the young woman, he was interested. His senses went into overdrive as he sprung into action. His cock had been hard and just as intrigued as the rest of him once he picked her up and carried her into the store. Sure, she could have walked, but then he wouldn’t have gotten the chance to get a closer look or a feel. Her thighs felt firm and muscular. Her breasts were big, just the way he liked them, and her ass was full and round. She wasn’t skin and bones or fake. He knew breasts, and hers were real. She also was acting pretty shy. Usually women threw themselves at him and his brothers, but not this one, she was different. This one was special and young, too. He had a feeling of protectiveness that was instant. By the look on Eloi’s face, it appeared that his broth
er was just as attracted to the woman as he was. Interesting.

  “This one is real pretty,” Armand whispered to Eloi. His brother, being serious all the time, shot his head to look at him because he had been staring at the woman.

  “Prettier than most…But why doesn’t she want to tell me where she’s from, and why doesn’t she want to press charges either?”

  “Scared, that’s why. She’s just a tiny thing, look at her?”

  Armand tilted his head toward the young woman and watched his brother Eloi. Oh yeah, his brother was definitely interested. He wondered what Marcel and Remy would think about her. He was mighty glad he decided to visit his mom at her shop this morning. Mighty glad.

  “That looks beautiful, Maw Maw,” Armand heard the woman say as she looked at the package with the fancy orchid and purple ribbon. That package sure did look pretty.

  “She won’t tell you what it is, you know. Been a secret for the past six months, all those packages all pretty like that,” Armand stated as he moved closer to the woman. She took a step away from him and nearly stepped into Eloi.

  “What’s your name, sugar?” Eloi asked as he placed his hand on his holster and one on the counter behind her back. The poor little thing looked like she seen a bayou ghost, her eyes widened so big. Armand hid his chuckle.

  She grabbed her things off the counter after she paid Maw Maw.

  “Listen, I don’t want any trouble. I’m fine and it’s all over. I need to get moving or I’ll be late for a date,” she stated, and Armand immediately felt the shock hit his gut. A date. Son of a bitch, she was taken. Go figure. One look at Eloi and he could tell that his brother was jealous and mad.

  “Who’s the lucky one, and why did he leave you alone on the streets, this side a town?” the sheriff asked, and Armand noticed the look she gave Maw Maw.

  “You boys leave Angelique alone. She’s one of my best customers. Walk her out and then get me my lunch, I’m starving,” Maw Maw stated, and Armand smiled.

  “Let me get that for you, Angelique.” Armand took the box and carried it toward the door.

  “Are you coming, Sheriff?” he called over his shoulder as his brother followed real close behind Angelique. Damn, he wanted her number and to get to know her.

  * * * *

  Angelique felt her heart pounding in her chest. These men were relentless. Just as she got to her beat-up car and opened the passenger door for Armand to place the box in, she felt the sheriff take her hand. She turned toward him, surprised that he touched her as if he had every right to do so, and she nearly collided with his chest. The two men towered over her, and the sheriff was big and rugged looking.

  “Why don’t you stay and have some lunch with us? Donny’s got the best po’boy sandwiches around.”

  She tried to pull her hand away, but he gave it a little squeeze and her whole body warmed. After surviving a bit of a dangerous relationship with an abusive man, she didn’t care for being restrained and especially by someone as intimidating as the sheriff. It didn’t help that his brother stood very close behind her. She could feel his breath against her neck.

  “I really need to get going.”

  “Really?” he asked. She swallowed hard. The sheriff was quite persistent, and it appeared he saw through her little lie about a date. His dark whiskers and deep gray eyes gave him an appearance of mystery. He seemed like the bad-boy type, and dressed in all black would suit him better than the law enforcement uniform. They each had their sex appeal, and each was attractive and scary in their own way. The sheriff looked down at her and appeared to be grinding his teeth as he waited for her acceptance to lunch. The other one, Armand, was standing pretty close to her as well. She could feel his arm across her back as he leaned it against the car door. The vibes between the three of them were intense. As sexy as these two men were, she wouldn’t be able to choose between them. It just wasn’t fair. Besides, if she stayed, then they would ask more questions, and she had a secret to keep.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t. If you two would please let me go now, I would appreciate it. I’m going to be so late.” She smiled and noticed a small twitch in the sheriff’s jaw. Something told her he was getting angry.

  “Who is the lucky guy, sugar?” Armand asked from over her shoulder.

  She exhaled in annoyance but felt the goose bumps and the chills run through her body as the sheriff remained holding her hand. As she looked up toward Armand to answer him, she felt the sheriff begin to caress her hand, her wrist, and then her forearm. Man, did it feel good. It was a powerful connection. It was the kind of connection and power to make a woman do naughty things like engage in some of the sexual thoughts going through her head right now. How would their lips feel pressed against her mouth? Or perhaps the rough manliness of their hands as they cupped her breasts or held her in their muscular arms? Have mercy.

  “You know you’re interested. I can hear your unsteady breath, sugar,” Armand whispered, moving his lips against her hair.

  “I really can’t. I’m sorry, but I have plans already. Maybe next time,” she added, turning away from him and toward the sheriff, who then released her arm and crossed his arms in front of his massive chest. The man looked like he wrestled gators for fun.

  Son of a bitch, her panties were wet, and she had the urge to throw inhibition to the wind and play a little wrestling with the sheriff and his brother for kicks.

  “That’s too bad. Why don’t you give me your number so we make a date for the next time, sugar?” Armand suggested, and she began to panic. Damn, she had to get the heck out of here.

  “I’ll be back, don’t you worry. I love your mama’s stuff and I’ll be coming every week. Bye now,” she stated and hurried around to the driver side of her car as her own words sunk in. I’ll be coming every week, all right. I’ll be coming every time I lay eyes on these two men. As she started the car and revved the engine, she saw the sexy sheriff and his very handsome brother watching her. Oh yeah, they are mighty fine. She adjusted her rear in the driver’s seat to ease the effects the men had on certain body parts.

  * * * *

  “What do you think about that?” Armand asked.

  “I think I scared her. She is just a little thing. I’m way bigger than she is, and she looked scared out her mind. Maybe even a bit guilty of something.”

  “Eloi, she’s perfect. If we see her again, then we make a move.”

  “You think Remy and Marcel would like her?”

  “Eloi, what’s there not to like? She’s perfect, and if it is meant to be, then we see her again.”

  “That’s true.”

  Armand watched as his brother walked back to his patrol car. Armand headed into the small restaurant to grab lunch and prepare to question his mama about Angelique.

  Chapter 2

  “What are you arresting us for?” Chester Rousse, the largest and meanest brother of the Rousse family, asked Sheriff Eloi Lafont.

  Eloi eyed the three men from head to toe, giving his meanest look as he and his deputy uncuffed the three men and brought them to a nearby desk for processing. He tried not to think about what could have happened if they had gotten away with taking the young woman to the alleyway.

  “How about we start with public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and attempted assault?”

  “Attempted assault, my ass. That there fille was asking for loving. You seen her top? Titties showing and all,” Chester Rousse stated as he crossed his arms in front of his chest and licked his lips.

  “She’s not here now because she isn’t pressing any charges. She’s a whore,” his brother Willie added then made some suggestive movements with his hands and his tongue. Eloi wanted to tear them apart for talking about Angelique that way. That woman was not a whore. These three morons were losers.

  “Don’t matter anyways. The three of you are staying put until morning,” Eloi replied as the deputy helped get the men to sign papers and then take their fingerprints. Although their fingerprints were already on fi
le, Eloi wanted to be sure and follow all the rules. He didn’t trust these three men and knew they were troublemakers.

  “Saw you talking to our woman, Sheriff. She is really pretty, isn’t she? That a nice ass she got. Real big up here, too,” Benson Dufrene added as he smirked and pretended he had breasts as he fondled himself. He was the third idiot and had a record to boot just like Chester and Willie.

  Eloi was losing his temper. He didn’t like the way they went after Angelique, and he didn’t like the way they talked about her. Eloi looked at the deputy just as another two deputies walked closer. Eloi nodded then raised his chin toward the three thugs.

  “You listen here. I’m going to tell you three this once only. You stay away from her. If you know what’s good for you, then you leave New Orleans and you leave my town. You got it.”

  He felt his blood burning hotter by the second. In the old days, these three would be dragged out the back and over to the nearest swamp for a little game of gator.

  He reined his anger in and let his deputies handle the rest. This situation had potential for violence. He had an overwhelming feeling of protectiveness for Angelique, and he wished she told him where she lived. It would give him peace of mind, and he could patrol near her house for a bit to ensure her safety.

  That thought stirred other emotions as he headed to his office.

  His cock hardened against the zipper of his pants, causing each stride to be uncomfortable until he was finally in the privacy of his office. He closed the door and slammed his fist down on the desk, causing numerous small items to jump from their position. He clenched his teeth. This wasn’t like him at all. He was a man that kept to himself and didn’t show emotions. People knew to get out of his way when he came around, and no one ever questioned his authority. He had a mean streak in him, and those who knew him well knew what he was capable of. His own family thought he had a touch of the voodoo. He nearly killed a man with his bare hands when he was twenty. He could have spent his life behind bars if it weren’t for his brother Remy. Remy had calmed him down and helped him to release the guy he nearly killed. Eloi shook his head then ran a hand through his hair. Where the fuck did that thought come from? He adjusted his crotch before he sat in his chair. Thoughts of Angelique filled his mind. She was a petite little thing, and Dufrene and the Rousse brothers were big men with no respect for women or for the law. He didn’t want to think about what could have happened if they got Angelique into the alleyway. Their van was parked around the corner and across from where the hookers hung out. It didn’t take a lawman to figure out what they wanted after their intense two-hour drinking at Helena’s Bar and Grill. His deputy, Leon Rue, said that Helena informed him that the men had come in feeling pretty good already. They must have started out with moonshine at home first.


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