It Takes a Tribe

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It Takes a Tribe Page 23

by Will Dean

  I want to thank my cofounder, Guy Livingstone. Those early years were very tough but Guy’s stoicism, work ethic, and support got us through. Without him, I am not sure there would be a Tough Mudder Incorporated today. I am also hugely appreciative of all the early joiners at TMHQ, particularly Alex Patterson, Sheetal Aiyer, Paul Simcox, Jesse Bull, Nolan Kombol, and Kelley Kantarian. You joined me when the world was still asking us how we planned to spell “Mudder.” I hope I have been able to repay the enormous faith you placed in me. Similarly, I am grateful to my Harvard business plan competition teammates Sean Eldridge and Ben Mayson. I will always remember those carefree evenings brainstorming potential business names in the bars of Cambridge, Massachusetts.

  Many thanks to my executive team of Adam Slutsky, Don Baxter, Jerome Hiquet, Donna Goldsmith, and Marc Ackerman as well as the Bootcamp team of Cathrin Bowtell, David Spindler, and Eric Botsford for making time to be interviewed. Sean Corvelle, Clinton Jackson, Kyle Railton (Coach), and Gil Kolirin deserve special credit for their brilliant and unique insights into the Mudder tribe. Other interviewees I would like to thank include Matt Siben, Joe De Sena, Duane Policelli, Jenn Hyman, Sarah Robb O’Hagan, Jake Wood, and Jon Brown. I hope you are able to see the color and humor you contributed to the book. I am also grateful to everyone at TMHQ who has supported me through this project despite having so many other priorities to juggle, particularly Angela Alfano, Jodi Kovacs, Anthony Key, Bobby Donovan, and Rob Zimmerman. Special thanks to my friend Dmitry Gudkov for supplying so many of the images from our events over the years.

  I am deeply indebted to all the Mudder Legends for taking the time to tell your stories so bravely and with such patience and dignity. I hope we did you justice. James Brown, Louise Clifford, Aidan Harrison, Will Cattermole, Chelsea Campbell, Joe Perry, Amelia Boone, Stef Bishop, Mark Holloway, Ken Jacobus, Erik Jenkins, Melissa Dugan, and Miranda and Guy Richardson also deserve special credit. You embody the very best of the Tough Mudder tribe and are a credit to the community.

  Thanks to everyone who gave me the confidence to write a book in the first place, particularly Philip Delves Broughton, Eric Ries, Adam Grant, Brad Feld, Dave Kidder, Rachel Botsman, Mark Smith, and Strauss Zelnick. I am exceptionally grateful for the faith shown in me by agent Toby Mundy and the entire team at Penguin Books. Special thanks to Joel Rickett, Stephanie Frerich, David Over, Merry Sun, Natalie Horbachevsky, Adrian Zackheim, Will Weisser, and Tara Gilbride. You have all been a joy to work with and have taught me much.

  Most important, I want to thank my cowriter, Tim Adams. While this may be my story, Tim deserves all the credit for bringing it to life and capturing my voice so perfectly. Unassuming, perceptive, witty, and unfailingly patient, I could not have hoped for a better partner. I hope we get to work together again one day. There is no way I could have done it without him.

  Finally, thank you to everyone who has ever worked at TMHQ, every volunteer who has ever helped out at one of our events, and every one of the three-million-plus participants at our events. It takes a tribe. We are not curing cancer but I like to think in some small way we are making a positive difference in the world.


  The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding reference on your e-reader.

  Aab, Tiffany, 229

  Ackerman, Marc, 112n, 180–82

  adversity, overcoming, 64–77

  liquor license loss at Cedartown event and, 65–66

  Superstorm Sandy damage and, 65

  Wilson lawsuit and, 66–76

  AFI rule, 190

  Aiyer, Sheetal, 95–96

  Albon, Jon, 240

  All Blacks rugby team, 89, 162

  Allen, Woody, 190

  alpha testing, 129

  “anthropologist” personality type, 126

  AOL, 211

  Apple, 123, 202

  Apple Store model, 134

  Arctic Enema, 64, 73, 117

  Atkins, Ryan, 240–41

  attachment/allegiance, building, 97–101

  Augustus Gloop, 227

  authenticity, 87–88, 97

  Avielle Foundation, 105–6, 107

  Avis, 14–15

  Ball Shrinker, 16

  bandwagon effect, 31

  Baxter, Don, 126, 212

  BBC, 75

  belief about viability of your idea, 149, 154–56

  Bell, Mat, 228, 239

  Berlin Walls, 82, 109, 184

  Bishop, Stephanie, 241–42

  Blegg, Deanna, 53–57, 63, 241

  Block Ness Monster (Twinkle Toes), 132–33

  Blumenthal, Neil, 146–47, 149, 154

  Bly, Robert, 232

  Boa Constrictor, 16

  boarding schools, 32–37

  Bolt, Usain, 172

  Bonaparte, Napoleon, 1

  Boone, Amelia, 103, 185–86, 241

  Botsford, Eric, 229

  Boyar, Ilene, 221–24

  Branson, Richard, 204

  Braveheart (movie), 18

  Bristol University, 40, 137, 141–42

  British Foreign Office, 2, 37–39, 45, 87, 92, 144–45

  Brooks, David, 179

  Broughton, Philip Delves, 44

  Brown, Brené, 63, 76

  building personas, 126

  build-measure-learn feedback loop, of continuous innovation, 117–18

  Bull, Jesse, 86–87, 99

  Buy a Pair, Give a Pair program, 147

  Cambridge, 40

  Camm, Rob, 137–40

  Campbell, Jim, 208, 245–48

  Cash, Johnny, 17

  CBS, 213, 227, 238

  Cedartown, Georgia Mudder event, 65–66

  Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 137

  character and grit, 27–51

  Blegg as example of, 53–57

  boarding school experiences and, 32–37

  British Foreign Service counterterrorism work and, 37–39

  culture and philosophy of Tough Mudder and, 47–48

  Harvard culture and, 39–48

  infectious nature of, 53

  lack of challenges in everyday life, effect of, 28–29

  meeting of opposites and, 48–51

  nostalgia for grit and camaraderie and, 31–32

  overcoming difficult challenges and, 28, 35, 37

  risk taking and, 27–28

  value in communal spirit and, 48

  Worksop experiences and, 29–32

  Charlemagne, 79

  Churchill, Winston, 218

  Citibank, 3, 21

  Cliff Jump, 55–56

  coal miners’ strike of 1984, Great Britain, 29–31

  commercial partnerships, 217–18

  commonwealth strategy, 134

  communication, of experience, 94–95

  competition, 172

  compromise, 159–60

  continuous improvement (kaizen), 87, 91–92

  contract negotiations, 157–58

  cooperation, 172

  Corvelle, Sean, 61–62, 63, 230, 242

  Cosmopolitan, 148–49

  courage, 59, 63–64

  course distance, 19

  creative thinking, 118–22

  credo, of Tough Mudder, 87

  CrossFit, 180

  Cry Baby, 128

  cultural interview, 88

  CW network, 213

  D’Agostino, Abbey, 172–73

  Dancing with the Stars (TV show), 166

  Daring Greatly (Brown), 63

  Dean, Isobel, 230

  Death March, 16

nbsp; death of Mudder participant, 198–99

  defensiveness, 76–77

  Delivering Happiness (Hsieh), 88

  De Sena, Joe, 48–51, 175

  developing a tribal culture. See tribal culture, growing and developing

  Disney, Walt, 125

  Disneyland, 125

  Dogfish Head, 20

  Double Rainbow, 227

  Drucker, Peter, 112

  Dubai Mudder event, 234–35

  Duckworth, Angela, 28

  Dunbar, Robin, 60

  Dunbar’s number, 60

  Edison, Thomas, 130

  Edwardes, John, 24–25

  Einstein, Albert, 122

  Electroshock Therapy, 60, 109, 113–17

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 177

  “End of History Fallacy,” 136

  Enron scandal, 69

  entrepreneurial leadership, 141–63

  belief about viability of your idea and, 149, 154–56

  compromise and, 159–60

  contract negotiations and, 157–58

  Dean’s rules for, 162–63

  early commercial efforts of Dean and, 149–52

  examples of, 146–49

  following your passion and, 149

  Foreign Service experiences and, 144–45

  heretical habit of mind and, 146–49, 155

  as mission, 155–57

  as psychological necessity, 145–46

  qualities of, 143

  values-oriented, 160–62

  veterans and, 165–69


  courage to get started and, 64

  creating culture of innovation and, 131–34

  culture and philosophy of Tough Mudders, 47–48

  leadership and, 141–63

  qualities of, 6

  science of, 8–9

  Everest, 59–60, 109, 117, 183, 184, 185

  Extreme You, 177–78

  Facebook, 95, 123

  fads, 210–11

  failure, learning from, 197–219

  corporate values and culture, deviating from, 204–10

  death of Mudder participant, effect of, 198–99

  growth, challenges of, 200–204

  headband initiative and, 214–17

  hiring mistakes and, 204–7, 212–13

  reaction to initial growth spike and, 210–19

  repeat business, falloff in, 201, 213–17

  shifting revenue from ticket sales to commercial partnerships and, 217–18

  start-up purpose and intensity, loss of, 207–10

  work-life balance and, 197–200

  Falling Down (movie), 15

  Farah, Mo, 172

  fear, owning your

  adversity, coping with, 64–77

  atmosphere of Mudder events and, 60

  courage and, 59, 63–64

  group size and, 60–61

  Pierce as example of, 79–83

  starting line ritual and, 59–60, 61–62

  fear of failure, 125

  Field of Dreams (movie), 9

  Fight Club (movie), 66–67

  financial crash of 2008, 174

  Financial Times, 85

  first Mudder event, at Bear Creek, Allentown, 1–21

  costumes and, 18

  course distance for, 19

  dramatic starting line designed for, 18–19

  first sign-ups for, 12–13

  headbands for, 17–18

  insurance for, 13–14

  location for, finding, 6–8

  logistical problems at, 19–20

  obstacles for, 16–17

  props and gear for, 14–15

  purpose of, 1–4

  ring of fire climax for, 17

  storage of gear, post-event, 20–21

  target audience for, 5–6

  Team 8819 and, 12–13, 23–26

  Fisherman’s Friend, 67–68

  fitness trends, 174–75, 191–92

  5 Whys principle, 91–92

  focus groups, 131–32

  Ford, Henry, 132, 141

  Foreign Service. See British Foreign Office

  Funky Monkey, 109, 113

  Galloway, Noah, 165–66, 222

  Gandhi, Mahatma, 218, 225

  Gates, Bill, 123

  General Motors, 123–24

  Gerber, Lou, 25, 26

  Giant Wedgie, 227

  Give and Take (Grant), 175

  Givers, 176–77

  Godin, Seth, 146, 154

  Goldman Sachs, 148

  Google, 89, 123

  Grant, Adam, 175, 176, 177

  Greased Lightning, 16–17

  grit. See character and grit

  Grit (Duckworth), 28

  Grit (TV show), 166

  group size, for Mudder events, 60–61

  Grove, Andrew, 201

  growing a tribal culture. See tribal culture, growing and developing

  Guardian, 189–90

  gyms. See Tough Mudder Bootcamp

  Hamblin, Nikki, 172–73

  Harley-Davidson, 100, 237

  Harvard, 39–48, 125, 187–88

  Harvard Business School Conduct Review Board, 69–71

  headbands, 17–18

  for repeat Mudders, 214–17

  Help for Heroes, 167

  heretical habit of mind, 146–49, 155

  Hiquet, Jerome, 212–13, 239

  hiring process, 85–90

  learning from mistakes made in, 204–7, 212–13

  holiday policy, 93

  Holloway, Mark, 166–69, 229

  homophobia, 41–42

  HOO-RAH! tribal shout, 61–62, 63

  How to Win Friends & Influence People (Carnegie), 51

  How We Gather project, 179–80

  Hsieh, Tony, 88

  Huber, Chet, 124

  “hurdler” personality type, 126

  Hyman, Jennifer, 148–49, 153, 154–55

  ideation, 128–29

  IDEO, 121–22, 127

  IMG, 217

  innovation, 111–136

  balancing optimization with, 125–26

  build-measure-learn feedback loop of, 117–18

  Camm as example of, 137–40

  CEO’s role in fostering, 124

  chance and spontaneity in, 118

  creative thinking and, 118–22

  expanding ways Mudder challenge can be experienced, 135–36

  fear of failure, effects of, 125

  focus group and, 131–32

  in General Motor’s OnStar technology development, 123–24

  headband initiative for repeat Mudders and, 214–17

  Microsoft’s lost decade, lessons of, 123

  mistakes and, 131

  in obstacle creation and modification, 111–21, 128–33

  personal change and, 136

  personality types and, 126–27

  pessimism, effects of, 121

  testing ideas against Mudder values and, 132–33

  Innovation Lab, 127–28, 133

  insurance, 13–14

  Iron John (Bly), 232

  Jackson, Clinton, 230, 242

  Jacuzzi full of ice, 64

  James, Chris, 182–84, 185

  Jobs, Steve, 64, 85, 131, 202, 218

  Junger, Sebastian, 239–40

  Just William books (Crompton), 29

  kabaddi, 152–54

  kaizen (continuous improvement), 87, 91–92

  Kaizen Ninjas, 91

  Keller, Helen, 27

  Kelley, To
m, 121–22, 126, 127

  Kerr, James, 89, 162

  King of the Night, 227

  King of the Swingers, 79, 80, 82, 118

  kite surfing, 173

  Knight, Phil, 202

  Kombol, Nolan, 114–15, 117, 120, 121, 127, 129, 130–31, 213

  leadership. See entrepreneurial leadership

  learning personas, 126

  Legacy (Kerr), 89

  Lehman Brothers, 44

  live streaming, of Mudder events, 213

  Livingstone, Guy, 4, 10–11, 15, 20, 74, 75, 158, 209–10

  log-carrying challenge, 16

  logo, 10, 17

  London Daily Mail, 232

  Magic Kingdom, 125

  Mandela, Nelson, 59

  Marshmallow Challenge, 119–20

  Martinez, Gaby, 191–95

  Marvel Comics, 134–35

  Matchers, 176

  Maxim, 232–33

  McCartney, Paul, 122

  meeting of opposites, 48–51

  Microsoft, 123

  Miller, Angie, 26

  Miller, Josh, 12, 24–26

  Miller, Scott, 18, 211

  Mini Mudder, 135

  mission, entrepreneurship as, 155–57

  mission statement, 23

  mistakes, 131

  mock-ups, of potential obstacles, 129

  motivational speech, 61–62

  Moviefone, 211

  Mr. Mouse (Billy Wilson), 66–67, 68–76

  Mudderella, 135

  Mudder Half, 135

  Mudder MVPs, 101–2

  Mudder pledge, 4–5

  Mud for Brains, 107–8

  Mud for Brains (film), 105

  Musk, Elon, 202–3

  New Yorker, 75, 232

  New York Times, 75, 148

  Nigeria question, 156–57

  Nike, 202

  “No Dickheads” hiring criteria, 89

  obstacles (Mudder course). See also specific obstacle


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