Jackson (A Steele Riders MC Novel Book 3)

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Jackson (A Steele Riders MC Novel Book 3) Page 3

by C. M. Steele

  “Fine.” I storm out of the shop, then jump into my truck. I need to cool my heels before I call my brother.

  I can’t control my anger. I get out of the truck, then march back into her shop to give her a piece of my mind. I walk up to the counter where she has her notebook, writing something. She looks up at me with a flash of something I don’t know followed by anger.

  “Ready to give me those designs? Can’t pass up on my daddy’s money?” she scoffs, with her hand on her hip.

  “Unlike you, I don’t need his money, princess. And by the way, Missy. You need to keep this fucker locked.”

  “I saw you get out of the truck, you jerk. I’m not an idiot. Now, if you would leave that would be great. You’ve already wasted more of my time for nothing” I walk out of there and call up my brother immediately.

  “What’s up, Jackson?” he asks while I hear a lot of noise in the background. On top of owning most of this town, the President of the Steele Riders, Boomer owns his own demolition company.

  I know he’s busy, so I’ll be quick about it. “The woman you sold the building for the bakery is a total pain in the ass. I’m not working with her anymore. She can hire a basic architect.”

  “What the fuck? I’ll deal with this,” he barks out. I can tell he’s pissed, but it’s not his problem. I should have listened to my gut and stayed back home.

  “No, you leave it alone; let her do her thing. I’ve got a shit fucking ton of clients. I’m just sorry I agreed.”

  “Yeah, sorry I asked you to do it. She’ll have to find someone else.” I can tell he’s upset about it. Boomer has great taste in people and thought she would be an awesome addition to the town.

  “I’ll be back in Dallas.”

  “We’re having a party on Sunday. Are you still coming?” Boomer asks, wondering if I have too much of an attitude to be around people. He knows that I can’t say no, but I better get my act together. His wife will be apoplectic if I don’t come. She’s had him by the short hairs since they met a few months back.

  “I know. Don’t worry. I’ll be there.” He hangs up, and start my engine, pulling out without looking at the damn bakery. I drive back to Dallas to get some damn rest. I have to be back by Sunday for Mick’s barbeque. Fucking hell, I wanted a week of rest, and I got a week of hell instead.

  Chapter 6


  Why oh, why?

  I can’t keep this façade up. Thank goodness, I pushed him out of here. I can’t take another moment alone with him. How can a man be that handsome and that much of an ass? I suppose it’s easy when I do my best to make him seem replaceable. I couldn’t stop myself. As I tried to focus on my work, I couldn’t read half the words. It crushes me to have these setbacks, and he makes it worse. If he found out, he would think even less of me and probably tell Boomer who would cancel the lease on me, believing I’d fail. I may not read correctly, but all my baking skills are ingrained in me. I’ve created my own recipes for the classics, and a bunch of specialty items like my strawberry lemonade cupcakes.

  When he came back in, I almost lost my nerve. It’s hard to push him away when I want him on me. It’s a new and scary feeling. One I’m not prepared to deal with. Jackson Steele is as sexy as his name. I feel the damn heat pouring off him as his eyes narrowed and aimed at me. I started a fight I know I can’t win. My father did a lot to get me this shop, and I promised that I wouldn’t let him down.

  And I’ve just done that. Sending the best architect in the state away because I have a hard time holding back the lust and desire for him is stupid and immature.

  I open up my laptop and start searching for architects. About two hours later, the search comes up a dozen decent firms, but they’re booked out for the next six months. Seriously, who takes that long to do the job?

  I hear the door open, reminding me that I didn’t lock it after Jackson left. In all honesty, I left it unlocked just in case he came around for a third time. I’m a glutton for punishment, it seems. I step out from the backroom. The place isn’t what I wanted, so I asked for an architect, and my dad worked it out so I could have Jackson. I hope my dad doesn’t find out that I pushed Jackson away. He’s going to be disappointed in me.

  When I look at the front door, there’s a beautiful woman standing with her hands folded over across her chest as she looks around the bare room. I arch my brow. “Um…how can I help you?”

  “Hi, I’m Morgan McCann. You’re Penny Banks, right?” She steps forward quickly, reaches out, and shakes my hand.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Well, I know the bakery isn’t open yet, but I thought…maybe you could make some treats for my party this weekend. We’re having a special homecoming for my husband.” What do I say? Of course, this is a great opportunity, but it’s hardly any notice. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot, but I figured it would make for a good business opportunity. I wouldn’t ask, but my baker in Dallas is down with the flu. I promise I’ll pay well for them.”

  “Okay, I suppose. How many are you serving?”

  “I’d say about forty people to be on the safe side.”

  “Anything in particular? A cake, cupcakes?”

  “No, I’ll leave that to you. I can’t thank you enough. Here’s the address. The party is at three on Sunday. If you need help getting there, I can have someone help you.”

  “No, I can manage just fine.”

  “Here’s a down payment.” She drops two hundred dollars in my hand. Then with a giant smile, she gives me a squeeze and hurries out of the shop before I can ask her any other questions. This time I lock the door, then head to the back. I only came here to meet with Jackson, but the man drives me insane. That I can’t concentrate enough to get done what I need, and now I’ve taken on an impromptu order.

  I plan out the kinds of cupcakes I want to introduce for the people in town, then hop in my SUV and drive back home to hit the grocery store. After an hour of shopping, I have everything I need to whip up at least a hundred treats.

  “Hey, sweetie, let me give you a hand,” my mom says, coming out to take some of my bags. “What’s all of this for?”

  I smile weakly, then confess. “I just took a last-minute order in Steeleville for a party on Sunday.”

  “Ooh. All day baking! I’m here if you need me.”

  “Where’s Dad?”

  “The guys are going to the gun range to play, and Enid will be coming by with Bobby soon.”

  “Good, I’ll make some baby treats. Okay, some things I have to make today, but the rest can wait until tomorrow.”

  “Wonderful. It’s been a while since we’ve baked together.” We both unload the massive flour and sugar bags, four dozen eggs, and the other odds and ends. I have enough to make two hundred, but I can’t help myself when I buy the ingredients. That’s something I’ll need to be accurate about when it comes to the bakery. I can’t be missing crucial ingredients.

  “I know. It’s been like six months at least,” I say, looking for the aprons under the cabinet.

  “This is going to be so fun. Yay, I’m going to get the bowls,” she cheers.

  I stand up, slipping the apron over my head and tying it around my waist. “Speaking of fun, what are you planning for your anniversary?”

  She sets the mixing bowls on the counter, then takes the other apron, and looks away thinking before she says, “I don’t know; the man hasn’t decided. I need you to whisper in his ear that I want to go antiquing.”

  “Antiquing? Interesting.” That’s definitely something different, and maybe they can find something they haven’t seen before or at least she doesn’t own. The more I think about it, the more it sounds like fun.

  “I’ve been watching American Pickers and Pawn Stars. I love the history in it.”

  “Well, I think antiquing in Europe would be pretty cool.”

  “Ooh, that’s even better,” she exclaims, plugging in our Kitchen Aid mixer while giving me an almost pleading toothy grin.
  “I’ll be the little birdy.” I roll my eyes and smile, taking out my measuring cups and add the flour for the first cupcake.

  Chapter 7


  It’s been two days since I’ve seen the bratty woman who messes with my head, but today isn’t about her; today is for Mick. Yet, still, she’s in my mind. She’s been there for days. I’ve been hoping that somehow, she’ll call me and ask for my help again.

  I pull into the clubhouse on my Harley for the party. It’s just getting started with people all around. The prospects are acting as security for the get-together. We have security taking turns in the security office.

  I walk over to my sister who is being held tightly around the waist by Mick. Now that their relationship is out in the open, I doubt he’ll ever hide his desire to have her at his side. He’s good for her. I’ve known about their relationship for a long time, and there’s no one better than him. “Jackson, you made it.” She rushes into my arms, Mick letting her go reluctantly. She loosens her tight grip, and that’s when I notice the eyes I can’t forget. She’s staring at me over my sister’s shoulder. A look of shock and upset is written on my face.

  She’s carrying a tray of treats out of a white Lexus SUV. Rico comes up out of nowhere and takes them from her. “Excuse me,” I tell my sister. A new dangerous feeling pours through me. I push through the crowd and snatch the tray out of his hands. “Get away from her.” I set the tray on the table. Then I turn to my blonde tormentor. “What are you doing here?”

  “What does it look like?” she says, pointing to the tray I just set down, thrusting her chest out at me.

  “Trying to flirt with my crew?” I throw out. I’m being a dick, and I know it.

  “What? You are ridiculous. I’ve been invited by Morgan.”

  “My sister invited you?” I growl out, glancing back in my sister’s direction. Fuck, she has no idea what she’s doing to me, and my sister is an accomplice. I know I’m tripping about this, but I can’t shake the feeling of claiming her. I don’t know why because I want to choke her at the same time.

  “Your sister?” she questions, looking back and forth between us.

  “You didn’t know that?” I cock my chin up, questioning her motives.

  “No, I didn’t make the connection.” She’s nervous. I can see it clear as day. Has she always been this way? I run my eyes down her body, taking in her stance. It’s defensive, but I can’t get past how fucking sexy she looks. Her itty-bitty shorts show off her perfectly shaped legs that I want wrapped around my head.

  “Well, she is. What are you wearing?” I look her up and down, hating that nagging feeling that this is more than a physical attraction.

  “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing? What does that have to do with me dropping off treats?” She puts her finger in my chest. “You don’t work for me anymore. I don’t need to tell you anything, anyways.”

  “Yeah, you do,” I inform her sexy ass.

  She tilts her head to the left and glares at me before snapping out, “Are you crazy?”

  “I might be getting there.” I feel like I’m losing my damn mind. The more I see her, the easier it is to look past the bad attitude. Every second that I’m around her, I want to kiss her and steal her away from everyone else. Fuck, I don’t even want to share her treats with the crew here even though she brought boxes and boxes of them. Yep, I’m crazy.

  “What’s going on here?” Boomer asks, turning directly to my woman and adding, “Miss Banks, I need to have a word with you.”

  “Not right now, Garrett,” I snarl out at my brother. “Penny and I need to have a talk.”

  “No, we don’t. Mr. Steele, what is it that you needed?”

  “If you’ll follow me, I’ll tell you.” He turns to me and adds, “Jackson stay by Crystal. I don’t want anyone thinking she’s unprotected.” I nod and go despite wanting to listen to what he has to say to her.

  Chapter 8


  “Ms. Banks, please have a seat.” I do so without hesitation while he goes around and sits behind the large desk. I feel dwarfed in the chair.

  I’m waiting for the anger, but instead, I get a soft question. “So, what’s wrong?”

  “Um, nothing’s wrong,” I stammer, playing with my hands while I stare at them. I hear a soft chuckle which gets my attention. Boomer is intimidating in a way that Jackson isn’t. As much as I’m uncomfortably attracted to Jackson, I’m not scared of him. Boomer is the opposite. Maybe it’s because he runs a well-known and growing biker gang or that he holds my business in the palm of his large hand and can crush my dreams easily. Either way, I’m definitely out of my element.

  He leans forward on his elbows and says, “Don’t lie to me. My brother isn’t a short-tempered man. You managed to piss him off enough to drop you as a client.”

  “He’s the one who called me Ms. Piggy,” I throw out there. Granted, I deserved it, but he still gave me a shitty nickname.

  Boomer jerks his head back. Then in a disbelieving voice, he asks, “Really? Why would he do that?”

  With the twist of my lips, I admit, “Because I was rude to him.”

  “Again, Ms. Banks, why? My brother is normally a professional, and I asked him if he could take you on as a favor to me, and you ruin that good opportunity. Is it that you don’t want the business, and this is your way of getting out of it or is there some other reason?”

  “No, it’s not that. It’s just…”

  He crosses his arms as he waits for me to respond, but I don’t know how to tell him that just thinking about his brother has turned me into a woman I don’t even know. I’ve been ridiculed and laughed at for my problems, but I’m not intentionally trying to sabotage a good thing. I had no idea that I would be rattled by Jackson. I hadn’t been rattled by the opposite sex since I was twelve. And it was nothing in comparison. A schoolgirl crush on a boy in my class that lasted until he cut my hair to be a jerk.

  “Ms. Banks…” he implores. I can see that he’s truly concerned about this whole thing. The intimidation factor seems to fall out the window.

  I look into his eyes and confess, “He makes me uneasy.”

  “I noticed. Do you find his attraction to you, unsettling?”

  “Attraction?” I question? What is he talking about? The man thinks I’m a total bitch, and I can’t fault the guy for that. It’s all I’ve ever been to him.

  “Yes, attraction,” he reiterates, nodding his head at me.

  “He’s not interested in me,” I inform him.

  He rolls his eyes like he doesn’t buy that, but he’s only seen Jackson with me this time. The other times I was beastly to him. “Okay, so then your attitude has to do with your dyslexia, isn’t it?”

  I gasp, clapping hands to my mouth. “How did you know?” I squeak out past them.

  “I don’t go in working with people without running a couple of checks. I didn’t go into your medical records, but you and your father have a lot to do with associations for dyslexia. It’s something I picked up on when we were going over the paperwork. Your father kept repeating things in the documents when you gave him a signal. The light taps of your pen on the spots you were confused about. I didn’t correlate it right away, but after the third page, I realized you were the one who has it. I hope I’m not offending you.”

  “No…you’re not. It’s something I don’t like people knowing, but…” Damn, I feel the need to cry, and I don’t want to embarrass myself with Jackson outside.

  “It’s a part of who you are. Everyone’s got their flaws, but that makes us who we are. What I don’t get is why would you push Jackson away because of it.”

  “Well, of course, I’m embarrassed by it. Everyone that I went to school with mocked me for it, saying my daddy’s money was the only reason I had friends and that he paid for me to pass my classes. And well…now I don’t like getting close to people.” I don’t go into the fact that I want Jackson to hate me. If he hates me, then I can’t
hope that he’ll ever want me. Boomer stands up and walks around to his desk, pulling me into his arms for a hug. I’m shocked, but I don’t pull away.

  “It’s okay, but you like him, don’t you?” he whispers.

  I hiss and practically screech it out, “I do, but I’m not the kind of girl that’s looking for a fling.”

  Just then Jackson bursts through the door with Crystal. Both of them looking at us with wild eyes. We instantly pull apart, and I wipe my eyes. I thought Crystal was going to kill me when she came toward. I know I’d be ready to fight if I was pregnant and saw my man hugging another woman. It dawns on me that if she heard that last part, I was going to get my ass kicked, but instead, she wrapped her arms around me. “Were you being mean to her?” she asks, turning her head to Boomer and scowling at him.

  “No, I wasn’t.”

  “She’s fucking crying, asshole,” Jackson snaps getting in his brother’s face.

  “No, he didn’t do anything,” I sob as Crystal, and I try to stop him from punching Boomer.

  “Then tell me what the fuck is going on,” Jackson asks. I can see the tension all over him, but I just can’t handle it right now.

  “I can’t.” I run out of the room, and out of the building to my truck. I have to go home. I can’t do this. No one stops me because I act normal the second I step outside. Once I’m out of their secured lot, I pull over and have a good cry. I don’t know what I’m going to do. Jackson has messed up my world and doesn’t even know why. I can’t let him know. Wiping away the tears, I head back home.

  Chapter 9


  I whip my body around to stare down my brother. “What the hell, Boomer? Tell me what the fuck that was about,” I snap off. I would run after her, but I don’t know what the fuck to do. She’s crying and in my brother’s arms, seeing red, full of jealousy and anger.


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