Aydan (The Azziarin Series Book 6)

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Aydan (The Azziarin Series Book 6) Page 6

by Hannah Davenport

  His panting filled her ears as he nibbled her ear and down her neck. His large hands caressed her ass as he started his own rhythm, rocking his hips as though they were naked and he was thrusting inside her.

  Her fingers threaded through his soft, feathery hair. She was close! So close! “Oh god!” Her voice was a hoarse rasp as she threw her head back and let her orgasm roll through and crash in unending waves. Her body jerked as she tried to prolong the sensations while he continued thrusting. With one final thrust, Aydan grabbed her hair and yanked. Her head tilted at just the right angle, and he sank his teeth deep into her neck without hesitation. Another orgasm exploded inside her.

  With their arms wrapped around each other, hers around his neck, his around her waist, they both tried to slow their breathing. Her chin rested on his shoulder. What had just happened?

  “Did you bite me?” Her voice a whisper in his ear.

  “I did.” His face wrinkled in confusion. “But I don’t know why. It just felt right.”

  “Hmm… I guess that’s what the fangs are for. Did you suck my blood or something?” Right then, Riley didn’t care if he had or hadn’t. She needed that. Her body already felt more relaxed.

  “No. I don’t know why I did it, it just felt right.” He answered the one-sided conversation, knowing she didn’t understand.

  Riley finally let go of his neck and climbed off his lap. She grabbed the glasses and quilt. “I need to go to bed.” Her eyes softened, and a little smile danced on her lips. “Thank you for that.” She took a satisfied, deep breath while holding his gaze. “I’m sorry, you’ll have to sleep on the couch. I can’t have my sisters waking up and finding us in bed together.”

  Aydan nodded as a smile lifted his lips. “Goodnight, Riley.”

  Chapter Ten


  Aydan watched as Riley headed back toward the dwelling. When she grabbed the door handle, she looked back at him and grinned and then disappeared inside.

  He raked a shaky hand through his hair. It took every ounce of strength he possessed to hold himself at bay. Riley couldn’t know the fire she ignited inside him. Even after he found release, he wanted to rip her clothes from her soft body, bend her over, and thrust deep inside her channel. His cock twitched just thinking about it.

  With just a touch of her delicate hand, she could rip his willpower away instantly, bend him to her will and do as she pleased. But still, something niggled at him. What if? What if someone waited for him? What if Riley was meant for him? What if he had duties that would take him away from her forever? NEVER! He ground his teeth together and snarled. He would never let that happen!

  “Agh!” The agonized groan slipped out as he pulled his hand down his face. Glancing at the stars above, he asked, “Why can’t I remember more?”

  The cold air cut through his bronzed skin, causing an uncontrollable shiver. Riley said it would snow soon, whatever that meant.

  Aydan entered the dark house and headed to the couch. It was uncomfortable and small; he tried to adjust his large frame as he thought about what they’d just shared, the sticky evidence still on his skin. Another shower tomorrow. He smiled as his eyes closed in sleep.

  “Aydan, sit down. I need to tell you something important.” The sadness was evident in his mother’s glossy eyes.

  “What is it, Mother?” He’d rarely seen her like this. “What’s wrong?”

  She swallowed hard, and tried to smile. But he knew she forced it. She grabbed his hand and held it between both of hers. “It’s about your father.”

  Aydan slowly pulled his hand back, his body poised to bolt at a moment’s notice. He didn’t like the look in her eye, the tone of her voice. His mouth became suddenly dry as the churning in his stomach made his insides quiver. He couldn’t take the waiting any longer. “Just say it.”

  “Your father,” she swallowed hard, “he di—”

  “NO!” Aydan’s breathing became labored; his heartbeat pounded in his own ears.

  “Aydan.” The sound of her broken heart told him everything he feared.

  “What happened?” He set his jaw to keep it from quivering and laced his fingers together to hide the shakiness of his hands.

  “The council didn’t tell me much. Just that his shuttlecraft exploded.” She sniffed and wiped her eyes with a white cloth. “He didn’t survive.”

  “Are they sure?” He hated that his voice cracked as he asked. He needed to be strong for his mother.


  He bolted upright from the small couch. The pounding of his heart was loud as he felt the beat in his fingertips. The look on his mother’s face caused a crack inside his chest. He remembered the dream, his mother, his father’s death.

  Azziar was his home planet. What was he doing here? A humorless noise escaped his lips. He didn’t even know where here was, what planet he was on.

  So many questions. Did his mother still live? Did she know where he was? “Agh!” He grabbed his hair with both hands. “Why can’t I remember?”

  “Wou otay?” Aydan glanced down at sleepy blue eyes as the youngling carried a blanket and sucked her thumb.

  “No.” She blinked slowly. “Why are you up, little female?”

  She spoke around her thumb and asked, “Me sleep wou?”

  He stretched his arms out, and she came forward, letting him pick her up. With him on his back, the little female asleep on his chest, he slept peacefully the rest of the night.

  The sound of excitement startled him awake. His arms wrapped around the little female who slept on his chest.

  “Mammaaa…” the other one called out. Riley came rushing through the house wearing a tee shirt and a pair of lace panties.

  Aydan’s eyes zeroed in on the curve of her bare thigh. The shirt covered her ass, but that made it worse. She was a temptress and didn’t know it. His cocked twitched, and he looked away. This was not the time or place.

  “What is it, Kaley?” Riley placed a hand on her chest.

  “Snow!” Kaley grinned as she jumped up and down. “It snowed!”

  Haley rose up from Aydan’s chest and climbed off the couch. “It snowed?”

  “Yessss!” Kaley clapped her hands together as her wide eyes sparkled.

  Aydan’s curiosity had him getting to his feet. Everything was covered in bright white. It even outlined the trees. What could have caused this phenomenon?

  “Can we pleeeease?” The two little females begging for something.

  “After breakfast.”

  “Go out now!” Kaley stomped her foot.

  “I said,” Riley placed her hands on her hips, “after breakfast.”

  Aydan watched in fascination as the little female crossed her arms and huffed, making sure to leave her lower lip sticking out. He wanted to laugh at her display. The other one, Haley, just stood staring out the window.

  That was when he noticed it. Kaley was more talkative, more daring than her identical counterpart.

  “Let me get some clothes on.” Riley’s eyes caught his as she spoke. He watched with fascination as heat ran up to her cheeks. “And then we’ll go to the kitchen.”

  Aydan chuckled as they left him standing in the living area. As he looked back outside, he couldn’t take it any longer. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure the twins were out of sight and then headed out the front door.

  The cold air rushed at him full force, causing an involuntary shiver. Last night was cold, but this was freezing. He descended to the bottom step and raked his hand through the snow, catching a handful. It felt like cold nothingness. As he stared in awe of the white fluffy stuff, he watched in fascination as it melted and dripped from his hand. “It’s water!” How could water turn to snow and then back to water? He didn’t understand, and he shook his head in amazement.

  Chapter Eleven


  Several standard days passed with no more dreams. He still didn’t know where he was or how he got there, although he had learned some of the language.
Some things they taught him, other things he noticed just by listening to the conversations.

  The snow left not long after making an appearance, and Riley said she needed to go hunting again. This time he would accompany her instead of hiding in the shadows. She slung her quiver full of arrows across her back and grabbed the bow. Aydan carried the backpack cooler this time.

  “We’ll be back soon.” Riley smiled at Belle. “You’re in charge.”

  “I know, I know.”

  “Bye, Aydan.” Haley threw her little arms around his leg while Kaley hugged Riley.

  He bent down and hugged her properly. With a smile, he kissed her forehead. “Be good.”

  “Otay.” He beamed. She understood his words and answered back.

  Kaley was next to give him a goodbye hug. He repeated his actions, giving her a hug. “Be good.” She just grinned, not promising anything.

  They walked for standard hours, winding through trees, trekking across grassy areas, back to woods again. The clear blue sky peeked through the canopy.

  “Our weather is strange this time of year; it can be cold one day and very warm the next. The trees think spring is already here. I just hope the last snow doesn’t kill them.”

  He noticed how everything looked alive as he followed Riley.


  Ever since that night on the swing, Aydan had kept his distance. If she needed a drink, he left her alone outside. Maybe she was too bold before? Maybe he had someone waiting for him at home? She didn’t know, didn’t understand, and right now she didn’t give a damn.

  The hell with him! If he didn’t want to be alone with her, she didn’t need him. So what if he was the only man around… and sexy as hell. Her eyes slid in his direction and ran the length of his body. It didn’t help her mood.

  Over the past week, Riley had never showed her true feelings. Once she realized he didn’t want to be alone with her, she acted normal. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing she wanted him, loved being around him. She’d lived without him her entire life; she didn’t need him now. She didn’t need anyone.

  When she’d first left home on her journey to see the world, she met boys whom she thought were men at the time. Jacob, the first boy she’d ever dated, taught her a huge lesson. At the age of eighteen, she thought he’d hung the moon. They were inseparable for the first month. Sure that he’d be the one she married, she gave herself to him. It had hurt, and she’d found no pleasure in the act, but still, she loved him. For the next two weeks, she looked at him through rose-colored glasses. And then one day, he left. No explanation, nothing. He was just gone.

  She cried for weeks after that. Her self-esteem took a huge hit. She knew it was her fault and analyzed the entire relationship.

  Next was Caleb. That relationship started the same way, and after six months he left her behind. Every time that happened, she moved to another town, determined to start over.

  It took a long time for her to realize that there was nothing wrong with her. She just lusted after assholes. Talk about bad taste in men!

  Riley glanced up and noticed her surroundings. Her eyes widened in horror. “Oh, shit!” She should have been paying attention. Instead she was obsessed about the guy walking next to her.

  Aydan grabbed her arm. “What?” Worry was evident on his handsome face.

  He’d been around them for a week, maybe a week and a half, and he already knew some English.

  With her eyebrows drawn close together, she slid her worried eyes in his direction and pulled her arm from his grasp. “I wasn’t paying attention, and now we’ve ventured close to town.”

  Riley turned on her heels and marched back in the direction they’d come. She only made it six steps when she heard a twig break. Looking over her shoulder, she spotted four scary creatures racing after them.

  “Run!” She tore out there as fast as her heels would take her. Dodging trees, jumping over shrubs, she panted… Shit! Why didn’t I get into better shape? As she rounded another tree, she bounced off a hard chest. The hostile alien stood as still as a statue. She stared in horror at him; her mouth formed an ‘O’ but no sound came out. Her heart beat wildly as if it, too, wanted to run away. Chills ran down her arms, leaving her fingers icy cold. His cold amber eyes flared with delight and menace, a stark contrast with his red hair and pasty gray skin.

  The scary alien roughly grabbed her arm, yanking her off the ground. Off in the distance she watched as another alien fired at Aydan, striking him in the arm as he fled.

  Realization hit her hard, making her double over in pain. He’d left her there. He fucking left me here. Asshole.


  When the Tureis appeared, Aydan stumbled backward as his memories flooded back. Instead of a gentle wave, they hit him full force. A tidal wave, dumping all his memories at once.

  The war, his ship, the horrible crash. He remembered everything. The memories overwhelmed him, crippled him, making it impossible to concentrate on the here and now.

  Phaser-fire struck his shoulder as the past mingled with the present, confusing him. Aydan stumbled behind a tree, trying to get away from the vile enemy. The Azziarins had come here to destroy the Tureis, rid Earth of them. Earth… he had crashed on Earth and lived with a human family.

  Just before his shuttlecraft crashed, he worried for his now grieving mother. Sish! What she must be living through, thinking he died in the crash.

  Scooting down the tree only to land on his ass, Aydan grabbed his hair with both hands and pulled. The memories wouldn’t stop.

  He, Jakke, and Kavvan playing as younglings. Sparring together when they were older. Kavvan, who was now his commander. What must he think? Did he presume he’d died in the crash? What happened to the others? Was Kavvan searching for him, or had he given up?

  With a pounding head, Aydan glanced around the tree. The Tureis stepped out of sight, dragging Riley behind them. His head throbbed with pain while his heart broke. He grabbed his head again and willed the pain to lessen from excruciating to bearable. It literally assaulted his mind. His shoulder burned with pain, and then everything went dark.

  Aydan’s eyes popped open. The sun was sinking as the air grew chilly. How long had he been out?

  The assault ended and left his memories intact. He grabbed his chest as the ache grew. They took Riley.

  His mind flashed to their time on the swing. He’d sunk his teeth deep within her fleshy tissue, making her his mate.

  With unsteady feet, he pushed up from the ground and leaned against the tree. He needed to find Riley. Another realization hit hard and fast—he needed to take care of the younglings. He glanced at the last place he’d seen his mate and then back the way they’d come. What to do? He rubbed his forehead and grimaced.

  He wanted to go after Riley, but he felt positive she wasn’t on Earth any longer. He needed to protect the younglings… His head swiveled back to where the Tureis had taken his mate. Mate. I have a mate!

  “Think!” He closed his eyes and tightened his lips. He needed a plan and fast. “You are second in command of a war ship. Make a fauk’n decision!”

  Just saying the words aloud brought clarity to his somewhat fuzzy thoughts. He needed help. He needed his soldiers.

  Chapter Twelve


  Riley’s arm ached as bruises marred her ivory skin. Each long finger left its mark. The small craft smelled of stale air and body odor. It took everything in her not to vomit.

  One of the seven monsters on board the craft opened a cage door and forced her inside. She lay with her head tucked to her knees. The cage was only large enough for a good-sized dog.

  The ride to—somewhere—felt jerky, with abrupt turns. Her stomach churned until she finally heaved in the cage. With an empty stomach, nothing came out, but she continued to dry heave until they finally landed.

  As they pulled her down a long dark hallway, they passed many other monsters who leered at her. She shivered as fear encased her, terrified he
r. She almost peed her pants. The gray monster opened a door, and Riley got her first look at her new home.

  Several cells lined the wall. He pulled her over to a barred door and shoved her inside. She fell to the metal floor, barely catching herself with her hands, and pain vibrated up her arms. She looked over her shoulder and watched him slam the door, the loud noise making her jump with the finality of the protesting hinges. This was her new home, her new reality.

  Riley crawled over to the nearby wall. With her knees pulled to her chest, she rested her head on them. She worried about her sisters. At least Belle could take care of them. Even if she couldn’t hunt, she knew how to fish.

  Tears filled her eyes with the thought of not seeing them again, but she angrily swiped them away. How could she let some… some man hurt her again? It was her own damn fault she sat locked in a cell. If she’d been paying attention instead of obsessing over Aydan, this would never have happened. Oh, and she hadn’t forgotten the way he left her to fend for herself as he ran away. So maybe it was his damn fault, too. She balled her hands into fists as she stared at the stark gray wall just outside her cell.

  Didn’t these aliens like any color besides gray? I mean, if she were gray, she wouldn’t paint the rest of the ship the same color. Unless that was the normal color of the metal. Her eyes squinted in concentration as she tried to figure out if it was indeed paint or the color of the metal.


  Riley jumped at the sound of a female voice. She’d thought she was alone. Apparently not.

  “Who’s there?” Riley squinted into the darkness at the other cells. There, in the back corner she could see blonde hair in the shadows.

  “My name is Karen.”

  “I’m Riley.” She could hear Karen sniff. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” she sniffed again. “I’m just happy to talk to someone.”


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