Aydan (The Azziarin Series Book 6)

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Aydan (The Azziarin Series Book 6) Page 11

by Hannah Davenport

  “Can you bring them here? I wasn’t kidding about getting on a shuttle.”

  The shadow that crossed his face told her so much. “I can’t stay here. As much as I would do anything to make you happy, I must make sure my mother is all right. I’m all she has left.”

  How could Riley argue with that logic? A man or male who loves his mother that much is definitely a keeper. The problem? Stepping foot on another shuttlecraft terrified her. She said as much. “I’m afraid.”

  “What are you afraid of?” He kissed her forehead and squeezed her hand.

  “Dying.” She didn’t hesitate at all. “You almost died, and Zi’an crashed when we landed. Those things are not very safe.”

  She swiftly turned when Aydan chuckled. “Someone shot at us, causing us to crash, and I suspect the Tureis boy doesn’t have much experience.”

  “His name is Zi’an. Use it.”

  His deep chuckle relaxed her. “Mate, you are trying to undo eighty-seven years of tradition.”

  “What are you talking about?” Eighty-seven? He didn’t look much older than her so he must be talking about something else.

  “I am eighty-seven cycles old.” He drew his eyebrows close together. “How old are you?”

  “I’m twenty-three.”

  Aydan’s face paled as his eyes widened in surprise. “You are a youngling.”

  “I am not!” she shot back. “I’m considered an adult here.”

  “If that’s so, your yearly cycles are different than ours.”

  “Hopefully. Most people here die at eighty-seven.” She didn’t want to be an old lady while he remained a young man. Life couldn’t be so cruel.

  “When we are on Azziar, your body deterioration will slow to match mine. It will be fine.”

  “I hope so.”

  “About your sisters. Haley and Kaley really need you. Even Cassidy is not herself. Belle is trying to fill your shoes and failing.”

  “I really am afraid of getting on another shuttle.” She shivered at the thought.

  “Come with me to Azziar. I promise, if you ride a shuttlecraft, you will be safe.”

  Could she just move to another planet? She loved exploring Earth, but this was different. Could she just leave? What about Betsy and the other animals? What about her family home? Before she made any decision, she needed to talk to Belle. Find out how she felt.

  “What about Karen and Zi’an? I told them they are my family now. I can’t just abandon them.”

  “As much as I hate it, we need to get dressed and talk to them.”

  “Can you be nice to Zi’an?” Riley felt such affection toward the boy; she didn’t know what she would do if Aydan confronted him again. Without his help, who knows what would’ve happened to her.

  “I will try… for you.”

  They hopped out of bed and quickly dressed. Aydan put his black jumpsuit back on while Riley put on a pair of jeans and a pink sweatshirt. “Are you sure you don’t want another one of Dad’s warmup suits?”

  “No, thank you.”

  Riley answered with a throaty laugh while she straightened out her sweatshirt. She flipped her hair and then grinned. “Ready.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Hand in hand, they left Riley’s bedroom. Toran waited with the other female in the living room while Aydan’s fellow soldiers waited on the porch.

  As soon as Karen spotted Riley, she jumped up from the recliner and rushed over. Her eyes rounded with concern. “Are you okay?”

  Riley smiled contentedly. “I’m good.” She looked around and with a puzzled look she asked, “Where’s Zi’an?”

  Karen’s eyes quickly flashed to Aydan. “His goons have him on the porch.”

  Of course his males would keep a sharp eye on the enemy. It wouldn’t surprise him if Nikkul held a knife to his throat as he awaited orders.

  Riley sighed, smacked him on the arm, and headed for the front door. If she’d meant to hurt him, she failed at the task.

  Riley stormed out the door. “Let him go!” Nikkul’s eyes swept past Riley and focused on Aydan, who stood right behind her.

  Aydan stood with wide legs and crossed arms. With one subtle nod, Nikkul released the… released Zi’an.

  Riley grabbed Zi’an’s hand and pulled him to her. “Riley.” Aydan voiced a warning tone, deep and low. When she glanced at Aydan, he said with artic eyes, “Unhand him.”

  Riley narrowed her eyes, pursed her lips, and in defiance, she gripped Zi’an’s hand harder, even as he tried to pull away. “Look at him, Aydan. Look at him!” Aydan glanced at Zi’an then back to Riley. “He is barely older than Cassidy. He is not like the others!”

  Karen flew out the front door, and the two females separated Zi’an from the others. Silence reigned as Curazins and Azziarins surrounded the three, Zi’an in the center, protected by the females.

  “Riley.” Aydan issued a warning with authority, a leader among his people.

  “Call them off!” she demanded.

  “He cannot live on Azziar. My people will not tolerate it.”

  “I stay where he stays!” Karen said from behind Zi’an. She clasped his hand. It reminded Aydan of Riley and her sisters. Did this Karen think of Zi’an as her young?

  “We will take him.”

  Everyone turned toward Toran, who stood with his arms crossed, also a leader among his people. His eyes fixated on Karen.

  The sun hid behind the trees as everyone stood in the yard. Uneasy tension, everyone alert as fingers twitched, eyes constantly shifting. Aydan wanted to whisk Riley to his ship, to forget about everything else.

  “How about everyone calm down? It’s almost dark, and I’m famished.” Riley tried to defuse the situation. “How about I fix us something to eat? It’s not like I’m getting on a shuttlecraft after dark.” She pointed a look at Aydan, who then whispered to Nikkul to alert Kavvan to the situation. They would not be returning without Riley.

  Aydan glanced at the others, noticed the tension in their shoulders. Everyone remained on high alert. Volatile. He needed to talk to Toran. He tried to help Riley just a little while he assessed the situation further. “That sounds great. I love your cooking, and I’m starved.”

  He shot her a tight smile, hoping she understood. One nod and a half-smile later, Riley pulled Karen and Zi’an into the house with her, leaving the rest of them to figure things out.

  Aydan faced Toran. “Did you mean what you said? Will you take the Tureis half-breed?”

  Toran inhaled deeply, chose his words wisely. “Yes. He is important to the other female. If we take the half-breed, she will come with us.”

  Understanding dawned on Aydan’s face. “You wish to take Karen to your planet.”

  Toran answered with a curt nod. Aydan had seen the way he stared at Karen, followed her every move with his dark eyes. He only had to convince Riley to let them go, to convince her of their safety with the Curazins.

  Toran was a male of few words. The ways of the Curazins remained a mystery, but they were honest. Trustworthy.

  “That would be best. He would not last long on Azziar.” Aydan had calmed enough to see the truth of Riley’s words. Zi’an looked different, his actions honorable. But he doubted Kavvan would let him on the Victory, and even if he did, Zi’an wouldn’t last the trip to Azziar. It wasn’t fair to Zi’an, but the hatred of the Tureis ran long and deep on Azziar.

  Aydan’s eyes drifted to the front door. He needed to see Riley, to make sure she was all right. Everything in his body screamed not to leave her alone with the Tureis, even though he knew deep down he would not harm her. He glanced at Nikkul. “I will be right back.”

  Aydan quietly entered the living area and froze when he heard her distressed words.


  “What was I thinking? I don’t have enough food to feed all these people. I haven’t gone hunting, so all I have is vegetables.” Riley raked a shaky hand through her long brown hair as her lower lip quivered.
r />   “Hey,” Karen gathered her into her arms. “It’s okay. There is nothing wrong with vegetables.”

  Riley stepped back and smiled, even though tears glistened on her eyelashes. “These aliens need meat. Have you seen the size of them?”

  “Tell me what’s really bothering you.” Karen led Riley to the kitchen table where they both took a seat.

  “Where’s Zi’an?” Riley quickly stood, but Karen grabbed her hand, giving it a gentle tug. Riley eased herself back down.

  “He’s in the room I sleep in. He was very upset, almost withdrawn, so I told him to lock the door and rest.”

  “Would you go with the blue aliens for him?” Riley was battling her own demons about heading to Azziar with Aydan. Everything about it terrified her. The shuttlecraft, the space ship, the new planet.

  “I’ll admit, I’m scared. That big one constantly watches me.” Karen’s eyes drifted out of focus.

  “But?” Riley squeezed her hand, bringing her back to the here and now.

  Karen smiled sadly. “I had a brother. He’d just turned thirteen when he died. I should’ve taken better care of him… it’s my fault.” Tears streamed down Karen’s face.

  “I’m sure it wasn’t your fault.”

  “It was. I was supposed to take care of him after school. Watch him. Keep him out of trouble. I was so busy hanging out with my friends, I didn’t pay much attention. He fell in with the wrong crowd, a local gang. When he broke into a house, the owner shot and killed him.”

  “Oh my god!” She squeezed Karen’s hand. “That wasn’t your fault. He made his own decisions.”

  “No, I was seventeen, and it was my responsibility. Mom worked late trying to provide for us, and watching out for Daniel was my only job.”

  “And now you feel you have to take care of Zi’an?”

  Karen shrugged. “He’s about the same age and doesn’t have anybody. It feels like a second chance to do things right.” Riley nodded. It made sense. Karen had been very protective of Zi’an. If helping him made her happy… “Now it’s your turn. What is really going on?” Karen asked.

  Riley took a deep breath, collected her thoughts, and tried to put them into words. “When I left home, I dated a boy who I thought hung the moon. One day, he just up and left. This happened two or three times before I moved back home. Everyone left. Mom died, although I suspect she just gave up, quit fighting.” She blew out a huge breath. “Then Aydan showed up.” She smiled. “My body reacted to his presence. I knew when he was near without looking.”

  “And then he left you in the woods.”

  Riley nodded her head. “He explained everything, and now I know he didn’t really leave me. But part of me believes that one day he will. Just like all the others.”

  “Riley.” That one word, spoken with so much tenderness, affection. She turned to see Aydan standing in the kitchen doorway.

  How long had he been standing there? He slowly walked over, holding her gaze before lowering himself down on one knee. He took her hand in his, and with their gazes still locked, he spoke from the heart. “I am not like the others. I will never leave you. Never. I’ll defend you till my last breath if you’ll let me.”

  Riley’s eyes softened with his heartfelt words. Love shone in his eyes as he spoke. Her heavy heart felt lighter, free. She smiled a true smile. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  He looked momentarily confused until he glanced down, noticed he was kneeling on one knee, and grinned. “I guess there is a reason to talk on bended knee.” Riley laughed. “Will you be my mate?”

  A mischievous laugh escaped. “I thought I already was.”

  “Female, you try my patience.” She threw her arms around his neck. He stood, lifting her feet from the floor. With a kiss to her cheek, his deep, sexy voice said, “Let’s go home.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “I don’t know if I can do it.” Riley stood just outside the shuttlecraft. She’d said her goodbyes to Karen and Zi’an and packed some of their things.

  Zi’an took Buster with him, the Curazins wanted Betsy (she didn’t ask why) and Aydan stood holding Whiskers.

  “Trust me, Riley.” Aydan held out his hand. After a slight hesitation, she took it and walked through the hatch door of the shuttlecraft.

  The smooth ride up eased her worry, and she began to enjoy the view outside. Nikkul landed with expertise. “Thank you, Nikkul.”

  “You are welcome, mate of Aydan.”

  “My name is Riley.” He just grinned and strode off the shuttlecraft.

  As soon as she stepped off, she heard them. “Mama! Riley! Mama!” She turned toward the sound and spotted three of her sisters racing toward her. Belle followed quickly behind.

  Cassidy reached her first and threw her arms around her waist. She sobbed uncontrollably. “I thought you were dead, just like Mom.”

  “Oh, Cassidy. I promise, I’m fine. I’m so sorry I left you alone.”

  “Mama!” One little set of arms wrapped around her leg, while Haley wrapped her arms around the other one.

  Belle stopped right in front of her, happy tears glistening her eyes. “Thank God you’re finally back. Enjoy your vacation?” Riley laughed. Belle had always used humor to make light of an intense situation.

  Riley looked around for the first time and noticed the hanger filled with fierce-looking aliens taking in the scene. She could tell the display of affection touched them by the emotions displayed on their faces.

  Riley picked the twins up, one in each arm, and kissed them both. “I have missed you two. Have you been good?”

  They both nodded, and then Kaley spotted Whiskers in Aydan’s arm. “Kiddy!” She wriggled until Riley sat her down. “Me, Kiddy.” She held her little arms up, wanting to hold Whiskers.

  “Don’t give her…” It was too late. Aydan handed the cat to Kaley. Whiskers jumped and ran, Azziarins scattered—some moved out of the way, others tried to catch him. Whiskers jumped onto crates and headed for the rafters. “Well, he’s gone,” Riley said, staring up at the ceiling.

  “Come, let me show you to our quarters.” Aydan carried Kaley, Riley carried Haley, and Cassidy held Riley’s hand as they left the hangar. Nikkul and two others followed, carrying their belongings.

  Once Aydan showed her to the room, he kissed her cheek and said, “I have to brief the commander.” He grabbed two clear jars. “I’ll give them your gift for the hospitality, as you called it, and will return soon.” They grinned at each other.

  The door closed, and Riley turned to face her sisters. “I’ve missed you guys.” They all piled around her when she took a seat on the couch.

  “What happened?” Belle’s solemn voice was packed full of emotion. With Riley’s absence, she’d had to deal with grieving sisters and taking over the role as mother. Sixteen was too young for that responsibility, although many had done it on Earth.

  Riley’s eyes told her she’d explain later. Belle nodded. This was not a conversation to have in front of Cassidy. Unlike the twins, she understood and worried about too much.

  “How would you all like to live on Azziar?”

  “Forever?” Cassidy’s voice sounded worried. Riley could see the stress from the last few days shining in her tired eyes.

  “Yes. Forever. How about if Aydan and I got married and lived on Azziar? His mother is there, so you would have a grandmother.”

  “What about us?” Cassidy’s voice cracked. Riley glanced at Belle and saw her worry also.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Where would we live if you got married?”

  “Oh, Cassidy.” Riley gathered her sister into her arms. “We will always be together. We’re a package deal. The only thing that would change is that Aydan would live with us. We would have family to visit.”

  Riley felt the worry drain from Cassidy’s body; she saw relief cross Belle’s face. How could they ever think she’d leave them?

  Sleepy eyes and lots of yawns made Riley
say, “Okay, time for bed.” They didn’t complain. “Where does everyone sleep?”

  “Aydan said this was the biggest room on the ship. A VIP room. It has two bedrooms.”

  Riley followed Belle into a room with a huge bed, bigger than a king. It put her tiny bed to shame. “Everyone sleep there together?”

  “Yes. Although sometimes I sleep on the couch after they all fall asleep.” Belle grinned. “The twins kick a lot.”

  Riley helped the twins get ready for bed. She dug out their favorite blankets and pj’s, tucked them into bed, and kissed their cheeks. “I love you guys, and I’m not leaving again.” Cassidy smiled.

  “Story, Mama.” Riley had missed this so much. There were times she hated the responsibility, but that was before she knew what it was like without them. The thought of never seeing them again, telling them a bedtime story… She wouldn’t trade being a mother for anything in the world.

  When Cassidy and the twins fell asleep, she headed to the living room to talk with Belle. She owed her the truth about everything.


  He neared Kavvan’s ready room with a grin on his face and two mason jars in his hands. Everything finally felt right in his world. Riley was safe and onboard the Victory. Cassidy and the twins looked happy, Belle looked not only happy but relieved. Everything was how it should be.

  “Enter.” Kavvan’s deep voice rang out.

  The door slid open and revealed not only Kavvan but Padda and Nikkul sitting around, having mugs of Fire’s Breath.

  Kavvan lifted his mug, “Want one?”

  Aydan kept his face stoic as he held up the mason jars. “Riley sent her version of Fire’s Breath as a thank-you gift.”

  The three of them chuckled in disbelief. With a grin on his face, Kavvan eyed one of the jars. “It looks like water.”

  “Have you tried it?” Nikkul asked as he drained the last drop from his mug. The others did the same.

  “I have. She makes it herself.”

  They mockingly laughed and held their mugs up. “I’ll give it a try.” Padda nodded to his mug.


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