Out of Centerfield (Washington Warriors Novel Book 1)

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Out of Centerfield (Washington Warriors Novel Book 1) Page 4

by Mertz, L.

  “Nooo…I go with my grandfather when he scouts sometimes and he asks my opinion.”

  “Wait, you helped him scout me?”

  “Oh, no, I didn’t go to Texas University, but I’ve seen you play in Pennsylvania.” I’m embarrassed now and I can feel my cheeks reddening so I look down at my hands in my lap.

  Reaching across the table, he grabs my chin so that I have to look at him. “No need to be embarrassed, Kelsey. I like that you saw me before I became famous.”

  “You’re not famous,” I say quickly.

  Laughing he says, “I know but my Mom and my best friend, Kevin, beg to differ. They call me superstar all the time.”


  “So, when can you be my tour guide? I know that we go for seven away games. So maybe when I get back? We have two days off when we get back.”

  “Okay, sure. I have class during the day so after class? I normally get out by two or so—”

  Cutting me off, he starts, “We could do a late lunch and then go and walk around The Mall. It’s not really a mall though, is it?

  “No, it’s not a shopping mall. It’s the National Mall. But, that sounds great.” Looking at my watch, I know that Lauren will be looking for me eventually. “I have to go, but thanks for this,” I point to the coffee. “I had a good time.”

  “No problem, Kelsey, thanks for meeting me. I’ll see you tonight at the game.”

  We both walk to the door and he holds it open for me to walk through first. A perfect gentleman. I head back to the apartment and get myself ready to face Lauren. When I walk in, I don’t see her or hear her so I breathe a sigh of relief and head for my room. I’m ready to crash out for a few before the game tonight. Grandfather is going to be there tonight and I want to see him.


  Well the game was interesting to say the least. Lauren did not come with me since she had a modeling gig, which was okay with me. I got to sit with my Grandfather and watch the game.

  “So, Kelsey, how has school been going?”

  “Great, Grandfather. I have an exam tomorrow but I know I’ll do great on it. So, no need to worry.”

  “That’s great, baby girl.” He clears his throat. “What do you think of our new center fielder this year?”

  “He’s a great player. But you know that, so what are you getting at?” I ask him, raising my eyebrow.

  He laughs to himself, “I just thought that maybe you could show him around the city. I mean, he’s from a small farming town in Texas and living in the city is probably a big change for him.”

  “Well, if you must know, we already have plans to do that when he gets back from the away series in the next week.” I look at Grandfather straight in his eyes as I tell him. I know he is up to something and if he’s playing matchmaker I’m going to call him out on it.

  “Oh, that’s great, baby girl. Your grandmother was worried he would just stay holed up in either his condo or the gym while home.” He pats my leg and turns to watch the game. “Don’t let a good thing pass you by. That good thing is probably closer than you think and you need to be happy.”

  He winks at me. Seriously? I’ve never had him wink at me like that. I think he’s losing it. We watch the rest of the game and I can’t stop thinking about what he said to me. I mean, I am happy. I think. There must be something else going on that I don’t understand. When he and I are shown up on the Jumbo Tron during the kiss cam he places a kiss on my cheek and waves to the crowd. I think it’s great how much the city loves him.

  Game 46


  Well, that’s it, I’m done. Graduation has come and gone and I’m officially a college graduate. Since Johnathan has been traveling with the team and has only had one day off in-between series’, he spends that time either training or traveling so we haven’t been able to get together. We text on and off throughout most days, but it’s just normal “Hey how’s the weather?” stuff. It’s nothing too personal, which is okay with me. I’m on my way to have lunch with my mother and grandmother. We try to have a girl day at least once a month.

  We are meeting at a little bistro place by the Capitol building. I get to the bistro first and grab a table for the three of us and I let the hostess know that I’m waiting for two more. The waiter walks over, introducing himself while placing a basket of freshly baked bread on the table. I give him my drink order and wait for my mother and grandmother. I don’t have to wait long and I see them walking through the front door. Grandmother has her arm through my mother’s and they stop at the hostess’ stand. I see the hostess walking back to the table.

  “Hello, Mom.” I smile. “Hello, Grandmother.” She goes to sit next to me and grabs my hand for a quick squeeze as she sits in the chair.

  “Hello, dear. How are things going? Have you found a job yet?” my mother asks me. It’s always the same thing. She wants me to get a job and be able to take care of myself and I will. I just want to relax for a bit. I think that I deserve a break after finishing school if I can.

  “Oh, leave her alone, Evie. She needs to breathe. She’s been in school for far too long without a break.” Just like Grandmother, always coming to my rescue when it comes to Mom.

  The waiter comes back to the table and gets their drink orders and he gives us a few more minutes to look over the menu. When he brings back the drinks, we order. I get a Cobb Salad, per Mom with dressing on the side. “You have to watch your figure, dear.” I just roll my eyes at her. Grandmother gets a basil, tomato, and mozzarella Panini. Mom gets the bistro’s house salad and a light dressing. I reach to grab a piece of bread and Mom stops me by slapping my hand away.

  “What did I just tell you about your body?” she almost snarls at me.

  “Um…I think that I can have one piece of bread it won’t kill me.”

  “How do you expect to catch a man and keep him if you can’t control yourself?”

  “Excuse me? I thought that you wanted me to be able to provide for myself and not to rely on a man?” What the hell, I think to myself. She needs to get herself together.

  “Evie, leave the poor girl alone. She is beautiful and she can eat whatever she wants.” Grandmother is coming to my rescue again. I think that Mom is jealous of my relationship with her. Grandmother and I are extremely close. I have told Grandmother things that I have never told my mother. Like once, while in high school Lauren and I snuck out to smoke and get drunk on the railroad tracks behind my house and we were trying to get back in the house without anyone knowing, but Grandmother knew. I know she didn’t tell my Mom or Lauren’s parents, especially since she had a perfect punishment for us. We had to drink whatever she made us. Plus she made us chain smoke an entire pack of cigarettes. We played it off by saying we had a twenty-four hour stomach bug.

  “Hmpf, when I was her age I was beautiful and smart. Now? I’m just old.”

  “Mom, please you are still beautiful, and yes, you aren’t a size two anymore, but you are still just as beautiful,” I tell her. I don’t know why she is like this; she has been full of self-doubt since I can remember.

  “Evie, you know you are beautiful. You have a beautiful daughter here too. Please stop being so hard on her and yourself. She needs to learn and grow into the beautiful young lady that I know she already is and will be.” Grandmother stops and takes a drink of her sweet tea. The discussion is closed.

  Our meals arrive and we eat and make small talk. My phone vibrates inside my small clutch. I pull out my phone and see that it’s Johnathan.

  Johnathan: Im in Milwaukee. Can’t even go get a good beer here. Stuck at ballpark and the hotel bed sux :(

  I shake my head and laugh a little at the text.

  Kelsey: sry I thought that Wisconsin was supposed to have good beer?? im @ lunch w/ Mom n gma ttyl sux it up ;)

  “Who’s that, dear?” Grandmother asks.

  “Oh, it’s just Johnathan. The team is in Milwaukee for a three game series and then they are going to San Diego and San Francisco for another th
ree game series each.” I know the schedule like the back of my hand.

  “Are you two dating or something?” my mom asks me.

  Looking at her like she’s crazy I answer, “No. Why would you think that?”

  “It’s just a question. But a little warning—don’t trust ball players. They are like sailors with a different girl in every port, or in his case a different girl in every ballpark. They can’t be trusted. Except for Daddy, he’s different.” Mom lays this on me and then continues to eat her salad.

  I don’t understand what her problem is with baseball players. I’m thinking that it has something to do with my dad, or donor, as she refers to him. I don’t know who he is but I do know that Mom was in love with him. She got pregnant with me and shortly after she told him, he took off. My grandparents helped Mom raise me. She was only twenty when she had me and she was still in college. She eventually went back and got her Bachelor’s Degree in Public Relations and she has been running the Public Relations office for the Warriors.

  Taking a deep breath I continue to finish my salad. I look at my grandmother and see that she is sad at what my mother has said to me. I will call Grandmother later and ask her what is wrong with Mom; she has never been like this before and I don’t understand it at all. We finish up and settle the bill.

  I help Grandmother up from her seat. “Don’t worry about your mother, dear, she will be happy if you’re happy,” Grandmother says to me and kisses my cheek. She walks over to Mom and grabs her arm and they walk out together as a follow behind.

  Walking outside, I feel the warmer air on my skin. I love the summer and I can’t wait for it to be really hot. Lauren is out of town and so is Johnathan. I think it’s time for me to grab a blanket and my Kindle and head out and get some sun on my pale skin. I head back to the condo with that thought and a smile on my face.


  Well, here we are in Milwaukee, the land of beer and sausage, and I can’t even get a beer today. No time; Coach is having us practice even harder and we aren’t even halfway through the season. Why? I don’t know. I think he’s just trying to keep us all out of trouble or something. We have a three game series here and then two more series in California. I’m not used to all this traveling, and of course I get stuck with the snorer of the group, Daniel. I’m not getting any sleep with him as a roommate.

  “Hey, you’re looking a little tired there, buddy,” Daniel says to me. Speak of the devil.

  “Nah, I’m good, man. Nothing a little nap and some caffeine won’t fix.”

  Laughing he says, “Yeah, okay, man. See ya later.”

  I put the rest of my gear in the locker and head out back to the hotel. I really need a nap or something and hopefully Daniel won’t be there to bother me. I text Kelsey telling her of my dilemma. We text on and off throughout the day. Nothing too personal, but still it’s nice to have someone to talk to other than my family. Speaking of which, I guess I should call my Mom. I dial her number and she answers on the first ring.

  “Hello, honey. How are things on the road?”

  “Great, Ma, nothing to complain about.”

  “That’s good. Did you want to talk to Annabelle?”

  “Sure,” I tell her. I hear her call out for Annabelle.


  “Hey, baby. How are you doing?”

  “I’m not a baby, geesh.”

  “Sorry. Have you been good for Mom?”

  “Yeah. Uncle Kevin gots me a new dolly. She is sooo pwetty. She has brown hair like me.”

  “That’s good. What’s her name?” Annabelle has like twenty different dolls and they all have names. Even when they already came with a name, she changes it.

  “Her name is Julie. She has a pwetty pink dress and everything. I love her, she’s my favorite.”

  “Hey, I thought that I was your favorite?” I try to sound upset.

  “You’re my favorite. Always.” She starts giggling. I miss her so much it hurts sometimes.

  “Well, you’re my favorite too. I love you, baby. But can I talk to Mom now?”

  “I wuv you too, bye.”

  I hear her give Mom the phone. “Hey, I just wanted to call you before my game tonight and check in. I’m going to go take a quick nap before the game. I’ll call you in a few days after we get to California.”

  “Sure, honey. We will be watching the game tonight since you’re in the same time zone.”

  Laughing a bit I say, “Yeah, Mom, okay, you do that. I’ll talk to you in a few days.” Hanging up, I look and see that I’m back at the hotel. As I walk through the lobby, all I can think about is going to sleep. I’m hoping that my teammate Daniel isn’t in there so I can have some peace and quiet. It’s a quick elevator ride to my floor and opening the room door I see that Daniel isn’t around. Taking a quick shower I grab my headphones from my bag and hook up my mp3 player falling asleep before the second song starts.

  Game 54


  Well, I haven’t found a job yet, but I’m working with my grandfather in the offices. He offered me a job being his personal assistant since Shelly is out on maternity leave for the rest of the season. She had twin girls a week ago. I’m answering phone calls, making coffee, and running miscellaneous errands for my grandfather and my uncles sometimes. My uncle Brandon runs the field maintenance division of the ballpark and my uncle Brent is the General Manager.. We are a family run business here. It’s fun some days, and not so fun others. Especially when my uncles start fighting with each other and then Mom and Grandfather gets involved and things get crazy in the office.

  “Hey, baby girl, can you grab the file on Mr. Monroe for me,” my grandfather asks me.

  “Sure, I’ll be right back.” Monroe is one of the older players on the team. There have been underground rumblings that we are either going to trade him or send him back down to the farm teams to finish out his career. He’s past his prime from what I understand of the situation.

  I walk into Grandfather’s office and he’s talking on the phone with someone, so I just drop the file in front of him on the desk and walk out. My phone is ringing.

  “Thank you for calling the Washington Warriors main office. How can I help you?”



  “Hey, it’s Johnathan. What are you doing answering the phone?”

  “Oh, I’m helping out while Shelly is out on her maternity leave. What can I help you with?”

  “I just wanted to talk to your grandfather, I mean Butch, for a few minutes if he’s available,” he says.

  “Oh, he’s on his line right now I can have him call you back if you want.” He sounds different. Tired maybe? “Is everything okay?”

  “Huh? Oh, yeah, things are fine. I just need to ask him something.”

  “Oh, okay, yeah I’ll have him call you once he’s off the phone. Okay?”

  “Sure, thanks, well I’ll let you go. And you still owe me a tour.”

  Smiling I say, “I know. Maybe once things slow down a bit?”

  “That will be when the season is over and you know it.” He is laughing now.

  “Yeah, yeah. Okay my other line is ringing, I’ll have him call you. Bye.” Hanging up I take a message and answer the other line. The phones keep ringing for the next twenty minutes and then I can finally give Grandfather his messages. He tells me that I can leave for the rest of the day—which is only two more hours— but the weather is so nice I take him up on his offer to leave early and head out.


  I’ve been playing my ass off the past month. Conditioning more and eating better. I’ve been calling home more too. Mom says things are going good and Annabelle is doing okay. I’ve been trying to get Kevin to come out to the city, but with my travel schedule and him trying to get the organic farming stuff together, our schedules just haven’t been happening. I’m glad that he got the funding to turn the family farm into an organic farm. The community will benefit from it and so will the family.
I have given him some money for the project. I’m a silent partner in the whole situation and I want to keep it that way. I don’t need the public coming in and ruining everything for Kevin because of me. Plus, it will keep them from finding out about Annabelle a little bit longer too. I haven’t told anyone on the team about her. Butch knows, but no one else. I know that I will have to tell Kelsey, and soon.

  I can’t keep that from her. I’m hoping that we can get together in the next few weeks to go on that tour she is going to give me. I’ve been reading up on some facts about Washington because I don’t want to look like an ignorant hick when we go out. I still want her to tell me the important stuff, but I also want to be prepared. I can’t wait for the All Star break in a few weeks, because that’s exactly what I’m going to do; take a break.

  Butch calls me back.

  “Hey, Butch, what’s up?”

  “Johnathan, hello. So, I’m just going to cut to the chase here. I need you to woo Kelsey.

  What? Did I just hear him correctly? “Woo, Sir? What exactly does that mean?”

  “I know that you can do it. I trust you and I think that the two of you are perfect together.”

  “Sir, I don’t know if I understand. You want me to date your granddaughter? I don’t know when I will have time with the schedule and everything,” I say to him.

  “I knew it the second you met her in the suite. I will give you extra days off when you are playing in town. I need this to happen. She needs to have someone she can trust in her life that isn’t family and you are that guy.”

  Okay, now I know that he was up to something, and I like Kelsey. There is something there. I would love to get to know her more.

  “Okay, I’ll do it, but she can’t know that you called me.”

  “I got it. We never spoke.”

  He chats for a bit longer but it’s about the team and how well the season is going so far. The All Star Break is in a few weeks. I’m ready for the break. I was planning to go home for a few days. I miss my girls, and Kevin. We say goodbye and hang up. I sit in my hotel room and just stare at the phone. What the hell have I gotten myself into?


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