Out of Centerfield (Washington Warriors Novel Book 1)

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Out of Centerfield (Washington Warriors Novel Book 1) Page 11

by Mertz, L.

  “No. I don’t know. It just seems like too much after what happened tonight. I don’t know. I don’t want to break up or anything, but I don’t know what else to do to not only protect you but to protect my family. They are important to me.”

  I put my hand up to stop him. “I get it, I really do. Family is first. That’s fine.” I turn to grab my purse and shoes and go to the door. “I’m leaving tonight, Johnathan, and I don’t know when I’ll be back. I need some time to think about what you just said, and what I said and what I need. Goodnight.”

  I walk out the door and make it to the elevator before my whole body crumbles to the floor and I sob. By the time I’m on the ground floor, I see Mr. Jones at the doors holding them open.

  “Are you okay, Ms. Kelsey?” he asks me. I must look a hot mess with my make up running down my face.

  “I will be, thank you.” I start to get up from the elevator floor and hear a banging of a door. It’s Johnathan. He looks scared.

  “Mr. Johnathan. She’s in here, Sir.” Mr. Jones motions over to Johnathan to come to me.

  I’m immediately crushed to his chest and now I’m crying even harder. He came for me and I now know that I do really love him.

  “We’re going back up, Mr. Jones. Thank you.”

  I hear the doors shut and Johnathan moves to hit the button for his floor, never letting go of me. I feel us get off the elevator; Johnathan has me in his arms carrying me into this room. He drops me onto his bed. He traps me between the bed and his body.


  I don’t know what the hell I was thinking just letting her walk out of the door like that. I didn’t think that she would do that. In that instant my heart stopped. Literally, it stopped. I couldn’t breathe and I knew it was because she was gone. I couldn’t wait for the elevator so I just ran down the stairs. Thank goodness Mr. Jones was there or I would have probably lost her tonight. She looked just as bad as I felt. I thanked Mr. Jones for watching over her even if it was only for a few minutes.

  I get her back to my bedroom and just look at her. Even with her eyes all red and puffy I want her. She is beautiful and no matter what, I am not letting her go again. I don’t care if people start talking about us. I play for her grandfather’s organization not for her. It shouldn’t matter. Annabelle, well, that’s just something that I’m going to have to worry about later. Right now, the only person that I need to care about is underneath me.

  “Kelsey, I’m sorry. I don’t want you to go and we will deal with the public and how they interpret the pictures when that time comes, but right now I want to finish what we started earlier in the club. I want to love you and feel you writhing underneath me from the pleasure that I intend to give you.” I pull her arms around my neck and lift her up so that I can undo her dress. I grab the clasp, release it and then drop her back down onto the bed. Pulling the straps off her from around her neck I keep pulling the top of her dress down and see that she isn’t wearing a bra and her nipples are red and taught waiting for me. I lean down and suck on one of her nipples and using my hand to cup her breast. She begins to sigh and make those noises that I have come to love. I move my head to the other breast and give it the same attention as the first. I lean back on my knees and pull my shirt off, throwing it on the floor. I then grab her dress at her hips and start to pull it down her body. I can see the white lacey panties that she wore tonight. I stand up, pull my jeans and boxers off, and let them fall to the floor. She’s watching me.

  “What are you thinking right now?”

  “Just how beautiful you look. I want you, Johnathan, and nothing else, just you.”

  I lie back down on the bed on top of her and place my leg between hers. I begin to kiss her face, her eyes, cheeks, and then her lips. I feel her match me motion for motion in the kiss and then I start my decent down her body. I stop at her breast again and then go to her belly button where I lick and kiss her stomach. I want to make love to this woman and I don’t want to ever stop. I have to tell her tonight. I have to show her tonight that I love her.


  He came for me. I didn’t even get out of the elevator and he came for me. After talking to my mother tonight on the phone, I knew what I had to do. I wasn’t going to be able to stay with him anymore. It would be bad for the organization. I couldn’t do that to my family and Annabelle. I had to think about her. If I removed myself from Johnathan they wouldn’t go digging in his past just to be cruel to him.

  But there he was in the lobby after busting through the door chasing after me. Now I know that he feels exactly what I feel for him. Right now we are about to show that to each other. He gets up off the bed to remove the rest of his clothing and all I can do is stare at him. He is beautiful and I tell him so. He has broad shoulders that I just love and that tattoo that fits him perfectly and the perfect chest going down to his abs—six or eight, I’m not too sure—but I want to lick every one. And that V that makes every woman go stupid right before you get to his cock. I felt it before, so I knew he was huge, but I’d not seen it before. Before I know it he is lying on top of me kissing me and I am matching his passion with my own. He leaves my mouth and trails down my body, but he stops at my stomach and starts to pull my lacey panties off. It feels incredible what he does to me and I want more. I will always want more.

  I feel him reach my feet as he takes my panties off my body. He starts his way back up my body, kissing my legs as he moves forward. It is incredible; my body hums with sensations that I never knew I had. He has his hand up on my stomach holding me down. He comes to my center and blows ever so slightly and I sigh, amazing. He brings his hands easily to my butt and holds my body to his mouth and then he licks ever so slowly. I start to wiggle to get him to move faster but he doesn’t.

  “Relax, baby. I’ll take care of you, don’t worry.” He begins his descent again but this time he picks up his pace. Moving one hand from my butt to my clit he starts rubbing and licking me. I can feel the orgasm approaching and I hope he doesn’t stop this time. I bring my hands to his head and hold him there until I feel the sensations wash over me. I buck up off the bed and I am seeing stars behind my eyes. I don’t even feel him release me to come up over me. He is kissing me and I can taste myself on his lips. I’ve never done that before. My heart is slowing down now and so are his kisses.

  Pulling back, I say, “Johnathan, I have to tell you something. I love you. I’m sorry that I ran away tonight, but I thought that it would be better for you if I did. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stay away, but I just wanted you to know that I do love you and I will stay.”

  “I love you too, Kelsey. I have for a while now. I won’t let you leave me again. I love you.”

  “Johnathan, I need to feel you in me. Now.” He starts to reach into his nightstand for a condom, but I grab his arm and shake my head. “I’m on birth control. Now, please. I need to feel you. Please.”

  We start kissing again and then I feel him enter me and it’s so much better than it was before. Is it because we are flesh on flesh? No, it’s because we now love each other and this is what it’s supposed to feel like. He is rocking into me and I wrap my legs around his waist to get him to move deeper inside of me. I feel another orgasm coming. I tighten myself around him, then I feel him stiffen, and then he releases into me. I hold on to him as we both come down from our joined orgasm. He has his head in the crook of my neck and his placing little kisses there. Slowly he gets up and releases himself from my body and he goes into the bathroom. I feel myself fall asleep but then I feel him cleaning me up with a warm towel.

  He lifts the covers up and I crawl underneath with him crawling in behind me. He grabs me and pulls me to him, chest to chest. I listen to his heartbeat and slowly fall asleep. I don’t even think about what tomorrow is going to be like, I just enjoy right here and right now.

  Game 116


  I’m trying to stretch out from last night’s activities, but there is a warm body and arm that have
me trapped to the mattress. As I wiggle to get free, the arm tightens. Now I know how a rabbit must feel once wrapped up in a python’s body.

  “Hey,” I say, poking him in the arm. I am awarded with grumbles. “I need to use the bathroom. You need to let me go.” Grumbling some more and rolling over, I am finally free. I get up and rush to the bathroom. I take care of business, brush my hair and teeth, and make my way back to Johnathan’s bed. As soon as I lie down, he is on top of me kissing my face and making his way down my neck, to my breast, and my stomach. I arch into his kisses and I hear myself moan in pleasure.

  He stops at my stomach and looks up at me and smiles.

  “Why’d you stop?” I say breathlessly.

  Kissing my stomach one more time, he smiles. “I like watching you come undone and I’m going to take my time with you this morning.” He winks at me and starts his journey down my body again.


  We are both running late today, he for practice and me for work in the office. We decided to ride into work together today. What we didn’t expect was the mass amount of press waiting for either one of us at the back entrance. We are both asked many questions regarding the pictures that ended up all over the internet last night. We both just keep answering with “no comment” and head in. He gives me a quick kiss on top of my head and runs to the locker room while I head up to the office.

  My mother is waiting for me at my desk when I walk in. “Thanks for the warning,” I tell her after I get myself situated behind the desk.

  “Hey, I tried your phone, but it kept going to voicemail.” I look at my phone and see that the battery is dead.

  “Sorry. I don’t know what to do, Mom, you’re the PR person. What should we do about this? We tried to keep it under wraps.”

  “So how long have you two been dating exactly?” she asks.

  “I don’t know about a month and a half, maybe more? It became official right before he got hurt. Only Lauren and his best friend Kevin knew. No one else knew. That’s who we were with last night.”

  Lying my head down on the desk, I realize I’m starting to get a headache. “I don’t know what to do. This is going to bring a lot of unwanted attention to the club. It’s going to be about us and not the team anymore. I can’t have that. This team is my life. You know that.”

  “I’ll take care of things. If anyone asks just say no comment and keep on moving.” She pats my head and walks out of the office.

  I answer the phone, “Butch Smyth’s office. How can I help you?”

  “Is this Kelsey Smyth?” It’s a male voice on the other end.

  “Yes, may I ask whose calling?”

  “Oh, sorry, this is Dale from the Post. I was wondering if you’d care to comment on your relationship with center fielder Johnathan Myers.”

  Oh crap, it’s ten in the morning and it’s already starting, “Yeah, my comment is no comment. Have a good day.” I hang up the phone. I look and find a bottle of aspirin and pop two pills with a glass of water. This is going to be a long day.


  Waking up with Kelsey was a dream come true. I had to have her again this morning. I don’t care that we were late either. I know that Coach will have my ass, but I can take anything he will throw at me. Trying to get into the clubhouse this morning was nuts. I tried to keep Kelsey next to me and our heads down. But the reporters were in our faces and asking questions. We didn’t give them any answers except for “no comment”. I’m sure her mother will come find me and talk to me today. I walk into the locker room and the cat calls and whistles start.

  “Hey, man, hooking up with the owner’s granddaughter. That’s smart, wish I would’ve thought of that. No way are you getting traded ever,” someone says to me.

  “Yeah, she’s a hot little thing, isn’t she? I’m sure she’s wild in bed.”

  “Have you tapped that yet, Myers?” That comment comes from Shep and I’m not happy about any of it, so I just keep walking and throw my middle finger in the air.

  Once I get settled, I feel a hand on my back and look up to see Daniel. “Hey, man, I don’t know what exactly is going on, but be careful. You don’t want to ruin your career over some fling.”

  “It’s not a fling,” I bite back. I grab my glove, hat and walk out the doors to the field and start stretching.

  It’s not a fling. I think to myself. I know what a fling feels like and this is not a wham bam kind of relationship. I introduced her to my daughter. That’s a big deal. Annabelle hasn’t seen me with anyone ever. I did that to protect her. I didn’t want the wrong person to get involved.

  As I’m stretching my hamstrings I see Evie walking out onto the field. The whole team stops and looks at her. For an older woman, she is very good looking. I don’t know how she is walking on the field in those shoes, but she is coming straight for me.

  I walk over and meet her halfway. “Ms. Smyth.” I nod my hello.

  “Mr. Myers. It has come to my attention that you are seeing my daughter. I want you to know right now that I don’t like it and I want you to stop, immediately. You do not want me on your bad side.”

  “Are you threatening me, Ms. Smyth?”

  “No. I’m warning you. Do it soon or I will end you before you’ve even started.” With that comment she turns around and walks away.

  Letting out a low whistle, Shep just shakes his head as we walk back to the outfield. I didn’t even know he was standing next to me while she was here. “That’s one hell of a lady. What I would give for one night with her.”

  I look at him and raise my eyebrow. I wasn’t thinking anything like that. We finish up or practice and everyone heads into the playroom to relax, but I head up to Butch’s office. I need to talk to Kelsey and Butch about this crap with her mother.

  I see Kelsey at her desk with her head down. “Hey. Are you feeling okay?” She jumps up and I know that I have scared her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Why is the phone off the hook?”

  She groans. “It wouldn’t stop ringing and I need a few minutes. I have this killer headache going on and I just can’t deal with all the reporters right now. I forward them to Mom, but they keep calling and want to talk to me. It’s stressful.” She slams her head back down on the desk.

  I walk around and stand behind her and start rubbing her neck; it’s super tight. No wonder she has a headache. She starts moaning. “That feels great.”

  I laugh. “You really need to stop making those noises or I may have to take you into the closet and have my way with you.”

  She lifts her head and tilts it all the way back, smiling. “You’d like that way too much wouldn’t you?”

  I bend down and kiss her forehead. “Yeah, I would.”

  We are just staring at each other when someone clears their throat. Looking up we see Butch, Brandon, Brent, and Evie. Crap. I step away from Kelsey and walk over to the group.

  “Hey, Brandon. Brent.” I shake their hands. I ignore Evie and say hi to Butch also.

  “Johnathan could you join us in my office please? It seems that something has come up and it involves you,” Butch says to me trying to sound upset, but I can tell in his eyes that he is happy.

  “Sure thing, Sir.” We all walk into the office. Kelsey and I sit on the couch, Evie and Brent in the two chairs by the desk and Brandon stands leaning on the book shelf. Butch walks around his desk and sits in his chair. Leaning back he puts his hands together in front of him. “It has come to my attention that the two of you are in a relationship and that it was hidden from the organization until last night when the two of you were seen together coming out of a local night club. Am I correct?”

  I speak. “Yes, Sir. We are in a relationship and excuse me for saying this but it wasn’t anyone’s business but our own. We are two adults and we don’t need the entire world in our business.”

  “Grandfather, come on. Who cares if we are in a relationship or not?” Kelsey chimes in.

  “We have an image to uphold here,” Kelsey’
s Mom says. “We cannot condone these kind of actions and we won’t. You can’t see each other so you have to break up immediately.”

  “Now, Evie, please. Let’s be reasonable here. They are grown and living on their own. It’s not like they are teenagers,” Butch says, looking at her.

  “Dad. Think about this. What happens if they break up? What happens to the team and the fans? If things go bad, they will turn on us and the organization.”

  “Evie, you are blowing things way out of proportion here. We can deal with that when the times comes, if it comes,” Brandon says. Everyone looks to Brent.

  He shrugs. “I agree with Brandon. Nothing we can do right now will change anything.” He stands. “Good luck to you both and I guess when he’s in town Johnathan will be joining us for our weekly family dinners?”

  “Yes, Johnathan, you must come. Evelyn would love that,” Butch says.

  “So are we done here? I have things to do,” Brent says.

  “Yes, yes you three may leave. I want to talk with Kelsey and Johnathan alone.”

  They all walk out, but before the door is shut, Evie looks at us with narrowed eyes. I don’t understand what her problem is with me. Is it because I’m a baseball player? I don’t think so, since she was so nice when we were doing all the promotion stuff earlier this year. It must be because I’m dating Kelsey. Well, she’s going to have to get over that.


  It seems that my plan to get these two together worked. I can’t believe it. Evelyn is going to be so happy. I have to act like I’m upset until my children leave. I can’t let them know that this was all my doing.

  “So, baby girl, do you want to explain to me how this happened?”

  Kelsey fidgets, “Well, we’ve hung out a few times and while Johnathan was on the road we would talk and text on the phone, and well, it just kind of happened one night. I don’t know what you want me to say.” Turning and looking at Johnathan, she continues, “I fell in love with him, Grandfather, and I know that he feels the same way.”


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