The Rebel Bride

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The Rebel Bride Page 18

by Piper Davenport

  For some reason, and she couldn’t pinpoint why, this man gave her the willies. Luckily, she didn’t need to say anything further, as Charity asked her a question.

  EMMA BOWED OUT of their shopping trip, so Sophie took Victoria to Madame’s the next day as promised to have a few dresses and undergarments made.

  Victoria slumped against the carriage bench. “Okay, Sophie. Tell me why I’m here.”

  “I don’t know the full story, to be honest. But Madame can fill you in.” Sophie chewed her bottom lip.

  “Great,” Victoria grumbled. She tried to push her panic down but couldn’t stop her groan when the carriage pulled up next to the tiny shop.

  The groom opened the door and assisted them from the buggy and then Sophie led her inside. The tiny bell on the door tingled as they opened the door, and as she walked into the storefront, the scent of lavender and new fabric surrounded her. Victoria was amazed at the options she had available to her.

  Madame met them quickly and Victoria was slightly taken aback. A tall woman, with deep red hair and heavy French accent, Madame Desmarais welcomed them both with a warm hug and then led them to a room in the back of the store. “Welcome, Victoria. You have come at just the right time.”

  Victoria gave a nod, sudden dread overtaking her voice.

  “Would you like to know why you’re here?” Madame asked.

  Victoria shrugged. “Sure.”

  Madame shooed her assistants from the small room and closed the door. “You were brought back to save Quincy Butler.”

  Victoria’s head whipped up. “What?”

  Madame nodded and smiled. “Oui. He would have been killed had you not landed on that battlefield.”

  Victoria flattened her hand over her heart. She sat quickly in one of the chairs and tried to calm her breathing.

  Sophie laid a hand on her shoulder. “Victoria? Are you okay?”

  Victoria wrapped her arms around her middle and rocked back and forth. Her world was shattering, and she didn’t know how to stop it.

  With a swish of her skirts, Sophie knelt in front of her and grabbed her hands. “Victoria, honey, what’s the matter? Tell me.”

  Victoria gulped in huge amounts of air as she waved her hands in front of her face. “I can’t... I can’t do this.”

  Madame touched her shoulder. “Can’t do what, cherie?”

  Victoria shook her head and stood. Sophie rose to her feet and handed her a handkerchief. “Victoria, please. Tell us what has you so upset.”

  Victoria covered her face with her hands and tried to calm her panic. “I can’t go back. I can’t, Sophie. He’s my world.”

  Sophie wrapped her arms around her and gathered her into a sisterly hug. “Oh, Victoria, you don’t have to go back.”

  Victoria took a deep, shaky breath. “I don’t?”

  Madame shook her head. “Non. You can stay forever, cherie.”

  Victoria couldn’t stop the sob of relief that came out of her like a snort. “Oh... oh, I was so sure you were going to tell me that since I saved his life, I was done, and that I had to go back.”

  She started to cry again, and Sophie chuckled quietly. “You can go back if you want to, but it’s your choice.”

  Victoria nodded and then blew her nose. “I have to stay. I can’t live without him.”

  “Then you may stay, cherie,” Madame said gently. “I’ll give you some time to comport yourself, and then we’ll take your measurements.”

  Madame left the room and Victoria took comfort in Sophie’s attention. After several minutes more of crying, Victoria was able to calm herself enough to force a smile. “Thanks, Sophie.”

  Sophie smiled. “Did you really think you’d have to go back?”

  Victoria blew her nose again. “I didn’t know what to think. As soon as I walked back here, I panicked. It was really eerie... I just felt swamped with doom.”

  “Well, I for one am glad you’re staying.”

  Victoria smiled. “Before Hannah, I never had anyone close to me to share things with. Then I find myself here, in a place that should have been impossible to reach, and I feel as though I’ve found a family. Not just the man I love, but sisters to share my life with.”

  Sophie wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “You have. We have all fallen in love with you.”


  “Are you ready to build your wardrobe?”

  Victoria nodded. “Yes. I really just need a few things.”

  Sophie waved her hand dismissively. “Madame said Quincy left credit for you, so you can buy more than a few things.”

  Victoria’s head whipped up. “He left credit? I thought he was a poor soldier.”

  Sophie shook her head. “He is, but apparently, he owns part of his father’s farm, which is quite lucrative.”

  “He told you that?”

  Sophie chuckled. “No. Hannah did. The siblings all own part of it. Their father set it up that way when they were born.”

  “Nice dad.”

  Sophie grinned. “He’s wonderful. I can’t wait for you to get to know him better.”

  “I definitely need something I can wear to do some form of work. The thought of spending all day twiddling my thumbs makes me a little crazy.”

  Sophie nodded. “No problem. Let’s get started.”

  Sophie retrieved Madame, and Victoria was pulled into the fitting room. As Madame’s assistants bustled around her, sampling fabric and ribbons, Victoria was pleasantly surprised to see there didn’t seem to be anything Madame couldn’t do. She was efficient in her measuring and ushered the girls out less than an hour after they arrived, promising an entire wardrobe in two weeks.

  Victoria was even more pleased when the first delivery arrived within two days.

  Millicent Atwood still lingered, and Victoria couldn’t understand why. Quincy had filled her in on the conversation between the two of them, so she assumed Millicent would head home with her tail between her legs.

  She didn’t, however, and took every opportunity to throw nasty glances Victoria’s way and get in everyone’s way. She even tried to get in on the girls’ swimming time, but Victoria didn’t trust her and convinced the rest to keep her away.

  By the second week of Quincy’s absence, Victoria truly thought she might die of loneliness. She spent nearly every waking moment with Rocky, which helped, but didn’t fill the void for her.

  Her experiences at the hospital had been difficult ones, and she was grateful there weren’t any battles close by. As it was, she was only required to be there a couple of times a week. The smell was overwhelming, particularly without air-conditioning, and the heat stifling in her dark and heavy gown.

  Bart attempted a few more times to corner her alone, and although he was very polite, there was something not quite right. He stared a little too long and she would feel him touch her, but just a wisp of his fingers on her lower back or at her elbow. Nothing she could protest to.

  One particularly rough day, she made her way out to see Rocky earlier than normal, hoping Bart wouldn’t seek her out at such an early hour. He was always in the barn at the same time she was in the morning and she wasn’t naïve enough to think it was coincidence.

  “Good morning, Victoria.”

  She glanced up to see Bart standing outside Rocky’s stall, at a safe distance, as the horse was agitated and kicking out.

  “I didn’t give you leave to use my first name,” she said somewhat coldly.

  She hadn’t slept well the night before, and quite frankly, wasn’t in the mood.

  “Forgive me,” he said. “Miss Carrington.”

  She didn’t comment as she made her way inside the stall with Rocky.

  “I don’t think you should be in there alone,” Bart said.

  Dropping her head to Rocky’s neck, she squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. She had to remember where she was, and not retaliate with words the man wouldn’t understand. “I’m unclear why you think this is dangerous for me, Mr
. Grey. I’m here every day. I ride him every day and he stands perfectly still while I brush him down. Outside of the fact that you have seen me do this... countless times... it’s really none of your concern. I must admit, it’s somewhat irritating.”

  “Forgive me, again,” he said. This time he did not appear as patient as in the past.

  Rocky grew agitated again and pushed Victoria aside when Bart moved closer to his stall. The horse put himself between Victoria and the stall door, and then reached his head out in an attempt to bite Bart. But Bart moved out of the way before he could.

  Victoria didn’t try to stop Rocky, glad he was her watchdog. She didn’t like Bart, and without Quincy, she felt she needed some support, even if it was from a horse. Victoria did her best to calm Rocky and then let herself out of the stall. “I must get back.”

  As she moved to leave the barn, Bart took her arm. “Victoria.”

  Victoria tried to take her arm back. “Let go of me.”

  “I feel as though we have something special.”

  “Oh, really?” She dragged her arm from his hold. “Why would you think that, exactly?”

  “I have developed a certain affection for you.”

  “How is that even possible?” Victoria snapped. “You don’t know me!”

  “You’re so beautiful, Victoria.”

  “Let me get something straight.” Crossing her arms, she glared at him. “You find me beautiful, therefore, you have developed an affection for me?”


  She rolled her eyes. “What is with you men?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Never mind.” She took a deep breath. “Look, Mr. Grey. As flattered as I am, the truth is that I am already in a relationship.”

  “With whom?”

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but I have an understanding with Quincy Butler.”

  His hands fisted at his sides. “A foot soldier?”

  “Oh, my...” she stuttered. “You’re an ass.”

  So much for not using modern day language, she thought.

  “I’m not sure what you’ve heard about him, but he’s more man than you’ll ever be! I need to get back. Please excuse me.” Stomping her way to the house, she arrived to find Gwen and Andrew in the dining room.

  “Good morning, Victoria,” Gwen said.

  “Hi,” she said, and sat with a huff.

  Gwen set down her coffee cup. “What’s amiss?”

  Victoria rubbed her temples. “Men.”

  Andrew seemed to take a hidden hint, quietly standing and leaving the room.

  “What happened?” Gwen asked.

  “Nothing.” Victoria poured herself a cup of coffee and then went into a rant, albeit in a whisper. “I just don’t understand the men of this century. They all think we’re here for their entertainment.”

  Gwen giggled. “Who does? Quincy?”

  “No.” Victoria stirred her coffee with more than necessary vigor. “Although, he’s on my list right now for leaving me.”

  “Well then, who?”

  “That Bartholomew Grey.” Victoria dropped her spoon with a clatter. “He’s developed ‘an affection’ for me and feels he can touch me and I’ll just fall at his feet.”

  Gwen lowered her fork and frowned. “He put his hands on you?”

  “Yes,” Victoria said with a frustrated sigh.

  “Quinn won’t like that.”

  Victoria frowned. “You’re missing the point, Gwen.”


  “And it’s so hot today!” Victoria complained.

  “Why don’t we go to the lake early?”

  Victoria nodded. “That might be a good idea. I would appreciate the distraction, I think.”

  “Are you scheduled to volunteer today?”


  Gwen pushed away from the table. “Good. I’ll find Sophie and Emma and we’ll go.”

  Victoria stood and followed Gwen out of the room. “Do you think Andrew would mind saddling Rocky for me? I don’t want to run into the moron.”

  Gwen smiled. “He won’t mind at all.”

  They found Andrew and he walked with them out to the stables to assist with the horses. Victoria followed Andrew, then Sophie, Emma, and Gwen joined them a few minutes later and once the horses were saddled, the girls mounted and took off for the lake. Victoria was relieved not to see Bart again.

  Once they arrived at the lake, Victoria filled Sophie and Emma in on what had happened with Bart.

  “What a jerk,” Emma said.

  “Rocky doesn’t like him either.” Victoria leaned against his shoulder. “I have a feeling my horse is right.”

  “I have a feeling Mr. Grey won’t like life much once Quincy gets done with him,” Sophie added.

  They undressed and walked into the lake. The girls were so used to the temperature now, that no one waded slowly in anymore. Victoria wore a deep blue underwear ensemble that Sophie had made before she got pregnant and never had a chance to wear.

  The girls spent a few minutes in the water, but Victoria wasn’t enjoying herself. Distracted and irritable, she decided to pack it in. “I think I might ride back if that’s okay with you.”

  “We’ve only been in here for ten minutes. Are you all right?” Sophie asked.

  Victoria forced a smile. “Yes, I just got up on the wrong side of the bed, I think.”

  Sophie sighed. “And dealing with the idiot didn’t help, I’m sure.”


  “Perhaps you’re having a ‘blue’ day?” Emma asked.

  “Yes, I think I am. I really miss him and I can’t quite shake it off.”

  Gwen snorted. “I don’t see how my brother could possibly have that affect on someone. It boggles the mind.”

  Victoria giggled, despite her melancholy. “Yes, my mind is also boggled by it. He truly shouldn’t have this kind of power over me.”

  “Ignore Gwen.” Emma splashed her and then turned back to Victoria. “We understand. Go home and wallow with Hannah for a little while. We’ll come and cheer you up later.”


  Victoria waded out of the water and got dressed. She called for Rocky, who trotted over to her. She couldn’t help but smile. He always greeted her with a whinny now and she didn’t think it would ever get old. She mounted and rode back to the barn.

  Dismounting quickly, Victoria led him into the dark, cool interior of the barn, now freezing despite the heat of the day. She shivered.

  “Cold, sweetheart?”

  Victoria squealed, frightening Rocky, who sidestepped suddenly.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” Quincy grabbed Rocky’s lead and helped bring him under control. Once they got him settled and back in his stall, Quincy pulled her into his arms.

  “Gus,” she whispered and linked her arms behind his neck.

  He kissed her quickly. “I have missed you, little rebel.”

  “What are you doing here? I thought you were going to be gone for weeks?”

  He stroked her cheek and smiled. “I was able to conclude my business earlier than expected. Are you not happy to see me?” She burst into tears and Quincy frowned. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”

  Victoria shook her head. “I’ve missed you so much, and today was especially bad... and I’m just really glad you’re here.”

  He chuckled as he leaned down to kiss her. She broke the kiss and rested her forehead on his chest.

  “What happened?” He stroked her back.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why was today so bad?”

  “Oh.” She sighed. “There’s just this person who won’t leave me alone.”

  She felt him stiffen.

  “Who won’t leave you alone, Victoria?” he asked.

  “Bartholomew Grey.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Who is Bartholomew Grey?”

  “He’s some guy Richard hired to work with the horses, but he totally creeps me out,” she whi

  “Why, sweetheart?” She relayed the conversations with Bart and her feelings of frustration when he touched her. Quincy tightened his arms around her waist. “He touched you?”

  “He wasn’t blatant about it, but yes.”

  She almost regretted her decision to tell him, his anger was palpable.

  “I’ll take care of it,” he said, ominously quiet.

  “Don’t kill him, okay?” She realized suddenly that he probably could.

  “I’ll take care of it, Rebel. You don’t need to think about it anymore.”

  “Quincy,” she whispered and then looked up at him. “Thank you for avenging my honor.”

  He chuckled and kissed her palm.

  “Millicent is still here, by the way.” She laughed at his look of horror.

  “Good God! Why?”

  Victoria raised her hands. “Don’t ask me. I’ve been dodging the evil eye for two weeks.”

  Quincy sighed. “I’m sorry about that.”

  “Never mind. Thank you for coming back so quickly.” Victoria laid her hands on his chest. “I don’t know if I could have lasted much longer without you.”

  He smiled and kissed her again. “I was feeling the same way. I fell asleep every night with you on my mind.”

  Victoria giggled. “You do realize you’ve ruined everything right?”

  “What have I ruined, sweetheart?”

  “I must look a sight!” She shook out her skirts. “I had this fantasy that you would come back, and I’d be looking gorgeous and put together. Instead, you arrive home to find me very wet and very disheveled, not to mention smelling of horse. You shattered my evil plan to drive you wild.”

  Quincy kissed her nose. “You do drive me wild, and I happen to think you’re beautiful.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “Now, tell me everything.” Victoria leaned against his chest again. “How’s your friend?”

  “Marcus is doing well. Scarring across his chest, and a few shrapnel wounds, but he’ll heal.”

  “Good. What else?”

  Stroking her cheek gently, he shook his head. “I have something special planned for lunch, so why don’t we wait until then?”

  She furrowed her brow. “What did you do?”

  “Patience is a virtue, little rebel.”


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