The Rebel Bride

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The Rebel Bride Page 30

by Piper Davenport

  “My hand hurts.”

  “Let me see.” She gave him her hand and he let out a deep sigh. Her knuckles were bruised and red, and Victoria groaned as he moved each finger to see if any were broken.

  “Ow,” she whispered.

  “Rebel,” he admonished. “We need to get ice on it immediately.”

  He turned and walked out the door, returning quickly with ice and salve.

  “Thanks,” she said as he bandaged her hand. Quincy swore and Victoria looked up quickly. “Why are you so mad?”

  “You could have broken your hand, Victoria.”

  “So? She deserved it.” At Quincy’s raised eyebrow, Victoria snapped, “What? She did!”

  He took a deep breath. “You’re right, sweetheart. She did deserve it,” he admitted. “To an extent.”

  “To an extent?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You weren’t going to stop, Rebel.”

  “I would have.” She smiled. “Eventually.”

  Quincy grunted. “I want you to rest for a little while.” He led her to the bed. “I’ll wake you when it’s time to dress for dinner.”

  Victoria climbed onto the quilt. “You’re not going to join me?”

  “No, sweetheart. I need to discuss something with Chris.”

  “Are you angry with me?”

  Leaning over, he kissed her deeply. “I am concerned about your hand.”

  Victoria frowned. “Are you sure?”

  Quincy nodded and kissed her palm. “Yes, sweetheart. I’m not angry. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  * * *

  Quincy returned to the bedroom two hours later to find his wife tossing and turning in her sleep. When he leaned over the side of the bed to take her hand, he received a fist to his eye, followed by Victoria’s horrified scream.

  “Rebel. Sweetheart, it’s me,” he whispered.

  “Get off me,” she screamed.

  “Victoria, it’s me. Sweetheart, wake up.”

  Victoria’s eyes fluttered open and she flung herself into his arms. “Gus.”

  “It was a dream, love. I’m here.” Quincy gathered her close and held her. “Let’s have dinner up here.”

  Victoria nodded into his chest.

  * * *

  The next morning, Victoria followed Quincy into the dining room to find Christopher and Gwen sitting at the table alone. Quincy had avoided direct face-to-face contact with Victoria, and he was relieved she hadn’t seemed to notice. She’d delivered a pretty nasty bruise to his eye in the midst of her nightmare, and he knew she’d feel horrible once she saw it.

  “Where is everyone?” Victoria asked as Quincy held her chair for her.

  “Andrew is checking on the horses and Hannah’s still asleep.”

  “We’re not certain where the rest are,” Christopher added. “We know Jamie and Sophie aren’t early risers, but we heard Junior crying earlier, so they must be awake.”

  “How are you feeling, Victoria?” Gwen asked.

  “Much better, actually. I’m hoping I can convince my husband to take me for a ride later.”

  From his place at the buffet, Quincy turned slowly to face her and leaned his hip against the furniture as he stirred sugar into her coffee. “Did you say that in front of my siblings to ensure I would acquiesce?”

  Victoria laughed. “Did it work?”

  He placed the cup in front of her and kissed her cheek. “Yes, it did.”

  Victoria gasped. “What happened to your eye?”

  Quincy touched the bruise. “You can throw a punch.”

  She reached up and stroked his cheek. “I did that?”

  Quincy smiled gently. “You were having a nightmare,” he whispered.

  Victoria blushed. “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It’s nothing.” Quincy kissed her quickly. “It’s barely a scratch.”

  Andrew and Jamie walked in as Quincy sat down with a plate full of food.

  “Good morning, everyone,” Jamie said.

  “Where’s Sophie?” Victoria asked.

  “She’s feeding Junior. They’ll be down soon.” Jamie turned to Andrew. “Did I see Sam?”

  “Sam’s here?” Gwen asked with a grin.

  Andrew scowled at Jamie. “He’s here to handle the enquiry into Bart’s death.” Andrew gave Gwen a quick kiss before sitting next her.

  “I should greet him.” Gwen moved to stand, but Andrew pulled her back down.

  “No, you really shouldn’t.”

  Gwen pursed her lips and frowned at Andrew.

  “You have a gunshot wound,” Andrew said.

  “A wound that is healing perfectly,” she said, and then leaned over to kiss him. “Why don’t you come with me?”

  “Conversing with Samuel Powell is not my idea of entertainment, beautiful.”

  “Oh, well, then you can stay here,” she said, and made her way out of the dining room.

  Andrew nearly knocked his chair over in his haste to catch her. “Gwen!”

  Christopher rubbed his forehead.

  Quincy chuckled. “It’s not as though she was ever a shrinking violet, Chris.”

  “Quincy,” Christopher admonished.

  “Our little sister has developed a backbone,” Quincy said, enjoying his brother’s discomfort.

  “Why is that a problem?” Victoria asked.

  “Because my knight in shining armor thinks women should be seen and not heard,” Hannah said as she walked into the room.

  The men stood as she sat at the table.

  “Hannah,” Christopher admonished.

  “What? It’s true. Yes, you love me and I believe that you would hate it if I were any different, but in the instance of your sister—”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” he asked, interrupting her.

  Hannah raised her cheek for a kiss. “When it comes to your sister, you have a difficult time with her voicing her opinion.”

  “I do not.”

  Hannah laughed and squeezed his hand. “Yes, you do! Look, I get it. She’s your little sister and she has adored and looked up to you and Quincy her whole life. Now, she appears to be standing on her own.”

  Christopher didn’t comment.

  “You’ll be fine, sweetheart,” Hannah said. “In a few months, you’ll have a little boy or girl of your own who will need you forever. He or she will never grow up.”

  Victoria smiled over at Quincy. “Can we go for our ride now?”

  Quincy nodded. “Absolutely.”

  AS THEY STEPPED outside, Victoria noticed Andrew and Gwen standing with Crow and another man she didn’t recognize. He was fair-haired and she deduced he was Samuel, as Andrew scowled at him while he hugged Gwen.

  Quincy held her firmly and smiled down at her. “Victoria, this is Samuel Powell and our good friend, Crow. He’s the one who found you.”

  “I remember.” She shook Sam’s hand and then smiled at Crow, who had clasped his hands behind his back. “Thank you for finding me.”

  Crow nodded.

  “What are you two doing now?” Sam asked.

  “Rocky needs to be ridden,” Quincy said.

  “Ah, the watchdog.” Sam grinned. “Crow informed me of the unusual animal.”

  “Why is he unusual?” Victoria asked.

  “Rocky helped lead us in the right direction,” Quincy said.

  “He did?”

  Quincy nodded. “Yes, he did. We would have gone west, but he wouldn’t allow me to ride him that way.”

  “Well, he’s perfect,” Victoria said with a smile.

  “Mr. Butler!” The group turned to see one of the stable boys running toward them. “He’s crazy, sir. He’s trying to kick the door down.”

  Quincy glanced down at her. “Perfect, you say?”

  “I’ll get him,” Victoria said, and rushed to the barn.

  “Rebel, wait!” She slowed as breathing became difficult and leaned against Quincy, who had caught her gently around her w
aist. “Sweetheart, no sudden movements.”

  “Right... I forgot,” Victoria groaned.

  She moved into the stable, calling Rocky’s name. He whinnied and immediately calmed. She opened the stall door and he followed her outside.

  Quincy took the bridle from the stable hand. “Go ahead and saddle Lightning for me, Robbie. I’ll saddle Rocky.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Quincy frowned as he stood next to Rocky and slipped the reins over his head. “I’m not comfortable with this, sweetheart.”

  Victoria held her palm open and smiled as Rocky gently took the sugar from it. “I’m fine. We’ll go slow.”

  Once the horses were tacked up, they mounted and took off toward the ridge. Quincy led her through the grove of trees, and as the forest cleared they came upon a small lake. The horizon was mirrored off the glistening water, and with the soft breeze, the water had a slight ripple on the surface.

  Victoria gasped. “This doesn’t look real! I feel like I’m staring at a painting.”

  Quincy nodded. “It’s one of our favorite places. I think we have all used this place to escape at some point.”

  “How many of your ladies have you shared this with?”

  Quincy rolled his eyes. “Just you, Rebel.”

  She slid off Rocky’s back and waited for Quincy to dismount. Gathering their picnic supplies, they laid the blankets on the ground and stretched out in front of the lake. Quincy pulled her into the curve of his shoulder and Victoria raised her chin to kiss his cheek. “Heaven.”

  Quincy stroked her hair and kissed her temple. “I agree.”

  All of a sudden, Rocky stuck his nose in between the couple. Reaching up to stroke his muzzle, Victoria laughed at the intrusion. “Hi, boy.”

  Quincy chuckled. “I never thought a horse would come between us.”

  Victoria pushed him away. “Okay, boy. Out.”

  Rocky moved away from the couple and Quincy pulled her close again. “Are you ready to go home?”

  “Already?” She slid her hand across his stomach. “We just got here.”

  He paused for a few minutes and then said, “Not back to the farm. To D.C.”


  “Tomorrow.” Victoria sat up and wrapped her arms around her knees. He sat up and stroked her back. “Is it too soon for you, sweetheart?”

  She laid her cheek on her knees. “I don’t know if it’s too soon. The thought of being alone in a house while you’re away at work makes me feel a little nervous.”

  “Would you rather stay here?”

  “Not necessarily,” she said frustrated.

  “What do you want, sweetheart?”

  “I want to feel safe again,” she snapped and jumped to her feet.

  Quincy ran his hands through his hair and watched her pace. She bit her lip and glanced down at him. “I’m sorry,” she said quietly. “I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

  “I know,” he said with a smile. “Clayton and Emma live close by, and Andrew and Gwen live two doors down.”

  “But won’t Gwen and Andrew be leaving?”

  He stood and held his hand out to her. “Not for a few weeks. Gwen and Emma will both be at your disposal.”

  She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I guess that’s something.”

  “We’ll figure this out, Victoria.”

  “I know we will. I trust you. But in the meantime, can we please stay with your parents for an extra day?”

  He kissed the crown of her head. “Of course we can.”


  They lingered at the lake for several hours, although, not much conversation happened. Victoria was quiet and sullen, and grateful Quincy left her to her thoughts.

  Arriving back at the stables, Quincy lifted Victoria from Rocky’s back.

  “I can actually get off a horse, Gus.”

  “But then I wouldn’t have an excuse to wrap my arms around you.”

  Victoria smiled. “You never need an excuse.”

  Rocky let Quincy remove his tack and then Victoria led him back into his stall, spent time rubbing him down, and gave him a few extra sugar cubes.

  Quincy peeked over the stall door. “Don’t overtax yourself, sweetheart.”

  “I need to be busy, Gus, and Rocky deserves some extra attention. He did come to my rescue.”

  “All right. Let me help, then.”

  He entered the stall and Victoria handed him a brush. They spent several minutes brushing Rocky down and Victoria giggled when she saw the horse’s eyes droop. “He’s the most spoiled horse alive.”

  “I believe you are correct. However, it’s now time to go, Rebel.”

  “Okay,” she said, and turned to Rocky. “Be a good boy.”

  Quincy chuckled. “I’m not certain that’s possible, sweetheart.” He held the door for her and then took her hand as they walked back to the house. “I want you to rest, and I’ll wake you for dinner.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Plan our trip home, sweetheart. It’s time.”

  “Okay, fine,” Victoria said with a sigh.

  “Do you want me to come up and help?”

  Victoria shook her head. “Go and relax, Gus. Have a drink and I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  * * *

  Quincy watched Victoria ascend the stairs before searching for his brother. He found Christopher and the rest of the men in his father’s office, so he joined them for a drink and an uninterrupted conversation.

  “You’ll stay with us, of course,” Christopher said. “For as long as you need.”

  “I appreciate that.” Quincy sat heavily in one of the chairs facing the desk. “Although, living with you again might be somewhat of an annoyance.”

  “If you irritate me, I’ll simply put you on the streets,” Christopher said with a laugh.

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  Christopher raised an eyebrow. “And why is that?”

  “You’re afraid of Hannah.”

  “We’re all afraid of Hannah,” Jamie retorted. “I trained her and I know what she’s capable of.”

  “Trained her?”

  Jamie nodded. “Hannah’s trained in a fight style called Mixed Marshal Arts. She can bring a man twice her size to his knees and he won’t know what hit him.

  Jamie gave a more in-depth description of MMA, even showing Quincy a few moves. Quincy relaxed into easy banter and was disappointed when his mother informing them dinner would be served shortly interrupted their conversation. He made his way upstairs to wake Victoria and was surprised to find her already awake and sitting on the bed by the window.

  “Hi,” she said.

  “Did you sleep?” He climbed onto the bed next to her.

  She nodded. “For a little while, I think. I’m just not particularly tired.”

  “Dinner will be served shortly. Are you up to joining everyone?”

  “Yep. I just need help with my corset.”

  Quincy pulled her up from the chair. “I can do that, I think.”

  “Not too tight, though.”

  “Are you in pain?”

  “A little. I pulled something when I jumped on Millicent.” She lowered her eyes. “The ride probably didn’t help either.”

  “Victoria,” Quincy growled.

  “I’m fine, honey. I promise.”

  As he helped her dress, he let her in on the plan for their trip. Once she was ready, they made their way downstairs to enjoy dinner and then another rousing game of Pictionary.

  * * *

  Waking early on the morning of their trip home, Victoria rolled over and kissed Quincy’s chest. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?”

  “Like the dead. You?”

  “The same,” he said, and pulled her close to him.

  She slid her hand under the sheet. “How much time do we have?”

  “Enough,” he said, and kissed her.

His kiss intensified, just as someone knocked on their door.

  “Seriously?” she groaned.

  “Perhaps we don’t quite have enough time,” he complained as he rolled out of bed and pulled his pants on. He went to the door and edged it open. It was Jacob.

  “Sorry to wake you, but Rocky’s giving the hands a rough time of it and he won’t let anyone near him.”

  “All right, Jake, we’ll be down in a minute.” He closed the door and turned back to the bed. “I’m regretting ever buying that animal for you.”

  Victoria giggled as she climbed out of bed. “I’m not. Come on, honey. Let’s go take care of the pet. We’ll pick this up later.”

  She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his chin, then they dressed quickly and made their way down to the stables. She opened the stall door and stepped inside. “You are getting your way entirely too much, Rocky,” she crooned as she handed him a sugar cube.

  “Why don’t you bring him out of there, Victoria. He can roam for a little while before we leave.”

  “Okay,” she said, and didn’t bother with a halter.

  Rocky followed her outside and then the couple went inside to eat breakfast before the trip.

  “What was all the commotion about?” Clayton asked.

  “Rocky didn’t want to be in his stall anymore,” Victoria answered.

  “Bags are loaded,” Jacob said as he walked into the room and interrupted their conversation.

  “I suppose we should go then,” Christopher said.

  The group filed outside and climbed into the carriage after they secured Rocky to the back. They took off for the train station and Victoria gripped Quincy’s hand as though she might lose him. He pulled her hand to his lips and kissed it.

  “Everything’s going to be fine,” he whispered.

  “How are you feeling, Victoria?” Hannah asked Victoria.

  Victoria smiled. “Much better today. How’s the baby?”

  “He’s fine,” she said as she laid her hands on her belly.

  “He?” Christopher asked.

  “Yes, I’ve decided he will be a boy,” Hannah said, and Victoria laughed.

  “What if it’s a girl, Hannah?”

  Hannah snorted. “It won’t be a girl.”

  Victoria raised an eyebrow. “You know, Hannah, there is a fifty-fifty chance it’ll be a girl.”


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